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Halo: Reach |OT4| This Thread is Not Your Grave, But You Are Welcome In It


GhaleonEB said:
The package the Chief is toting down south is definately a new weapon, though.

I just checked the flights to Boston. The prices are a lot of cheaper than the flight to Seattle. If I get a job till the end of this year, I might fly to PAX East.

Damn your PAXEast talk hyped me again for PAXPrime argh!


Tashi0106 said:
Looks like this will be my new monitor I play Halo on. It's HDMI ready so when I'm ready to get the Black Magic Intensity and a new 360, I'll be good to go. All I need now is the video card and Windows 7 and I'm ready to build.

Out of curiosity why the BMI card and not the shuttle? I've heard a number of people say they notice some lag when running through the card streaming/capping live game play. I have not experience with it myself but would like to run a setup some day.


Risen said:
Out of curiosity why the BMI card and not the shuttle? I've heard a number of people say they notice some lag when running through the card streaming/capping live game play. I have not experience with it myself but would like to run a setup some day.

The Shuttle is only compatible with USB 3.0 x58 Motherboards, and even then a lot of bandwidth errors are common with those that do have a compatible motherboard.

Also, why Tashi, why?


bobs99 ... said:
aw man, those stupid jokes are part of gafs charm, the mods are taking things too seriously. Hope its just a short ban.

Also im so close to Field Marshall I can taste it but 700K CR for the next rank up after than, thats like 10x worse than the Warrant Office grind!
I'm almost to Legend, and the rank I'm on now is the last sub 1 million credit grind.
Highest Halo 3 level and which playlist.
20 in Lone wolves, didn't really enjoyed the ranked experience, I'm a social guy.
AR or BR?
Favorite multiplayer map from Halo 2 and 3 (one of each).
Valhalla, Avalanche and the Pit... I have never played Halo 2 but judging from some vids it looks baaad .
Do you prefer BTB or MLG?
BTB, I love vehicles and explosions.
Competitive multiplayer or Firefight?
Firefight is an excellent addition but I prefer competitive.
Games completed on Legendary.
Halo 3 and Reach
Are you EazyB?
Sadly no
Favorite Campaign missions (all games).
Tsavo Highway, The Covenant, New Alexandria and The Pillar of Autumm.
Favorite Reach playlists.
BTb and Premium Battle, Action Sack is also pretty cool.
Size of frankie erotica folder (in megabytes).
The entire Deep Web
Opinion on reticule bloom.
Kill it
Opinion on Armor Abilities and the one you favor.
They are a nice addition to the series but some abilities seem out of place in some playlists, jetpacks in doubles and the Arena, armor lock in Team Slayer... evade should be Elites only too.
Why are you a Halo fan?
Halo 3 was the first Xbox game I played and I totally loved it, both campaign and multiplayer were awesome.
Favorite Halogaffer, and least favorite. (optional)
All you guys are awesome but it seems like some gaffers just have bad things to say about my Haloz lol
Now feel free to introduce yourself and/or share anything you want so we get to know you better, we'd love to read it. (optional)
Well my GT is gabotron15 and you have probably already played with me, I have been lurking since I discovered the Halo Reach thread with Tom Morello's leaked images.
I'm a 18 years old spanish guy, my english skills are pretty good but things get worse while trying to speak it and understand it so you will not probably hear me as much as I'd like but I'm making some big improvements.
Lastly I will say that the registration system is a damm joke and say hello to Gui and bobs99.
Gabo´s Palace said:
Well my GT is gabotron15 and you have probably already played with me, I have been lurking since I discovered the Halo Reach thread with Tom Morello's leaked images.
I'm a 18 years old spanish guy, my english skills are pretty good but things get worse while trying to speak it and understand it so you will not probably hear me as much as I'd like but I'm making some big improvements.
Lastly I will say that the registration system is a damm joke and say hello to Gui and bobs99.

omg! wow!

I honestly was just skim reading, but I had to do a double take when I saw that! Welcome, its been a VERY long time coming, I remember bumping into you in the Reach beta where you messaged me telling me you were a lurker, its about time your registration went through!


getting on for some arena, post your gt here if you want an invite

forget it, I'm taking a long break from this game, probably until the title update comes out.


Gabotron sounds suuuuper familiar, but I can't quite place it. How do I know of you? Anyway, welcome!

Fake edit: You made that group photo thing on b.net for Bungie Day a few years ago, right? Maybe that's it.


Gabo´s Palace said:
Highest Halo 3 level and which playlist.
20 in Lone wolves, didn't really enjoyed the ranked experience, I'm a social guy.
AR or BR?
Favorite multiplayer map from Halo 2 and 3 (one of each).
Valhalla, Avalanche and the Pit... I have never played Halo 2 but judging from some vids it looks baaad .
Do you prefer BTB or MLG?
BTB, I love vehicles and explosions.
Competitive multiplayer or Firefight?
Firefight is an excellent addition but I prefer competitive.
Games completed on Legendary.
Halo 3 and Reach
Are you EazyB?
Sadly no
Favorite Campaign missions (all games).
Tsavo Highway, The Covenant, New Alexandria and The Pillar of Autumm.
Favorite Reach playlists.
BTb and Premium Battle, Action Sack is also pretty cool.
Size of frankie erotica folder (in megabytes).
The entire Deep Web
Opinion on reticule bloom.
Kill it
Opinion on Armor Abilities and the one you favor.
They are a nice addition to the series but some abilities seem out of place in some playlists, jetpacks in doubles and the Arena, armor lock in Team Slayer... evade should be Elites only too.
Why are you a Halo fan?
Halo 3 was the first Xbox game I played and I totally loved it, both campaign and multiplayer were awesome.
Favorite Halogaffer, and least favorite. (optional)
All you guys are awesome but it seems like some gaffers just have bad things to say about my Haloz lol
Now feel free to introduce yourself and/or share anything you want so we get to know you better, we'd love to read it. (optional)
Well my GT is gabotron15 and you have probably already played with me, I have been lurking since I discovered the Halo Reach thread with Tom Morello's leaked images.
I'm a 18 years old spanish guy, my english skills are pretty good but things get worse while trying to speak it and understand it so you will not probably hear me as much as I'd like but I'm making some big improvements.
Lastly I will say that the registration system is a damm joke and say hello to Gui and bobs99.
Holy shit welcome, finally! I remember you from Halo 3 Gaf customs eons ago.. :lol

Gabo´s Palace said:
This is great.

and Tashizzle :(

Jedeye Sniv

Is something wrong with my game? Whenever I try to play online I get a load failed problem when I try to get matchmaking. Any ideas HaloGAF?


Jedeye Sniv said:
Is something wrong with my game? Whenever I try to play online I get a load failed problem when I try to get matchmaking. Any ideas HaloGAF?
Can you load the maps in Custom Games?

If you can't, try to borrow a disc from somenone and install it to your HDD. Then you can just use your disc for the disc check.


Gross so many CT/NY kids. Where are my Boston/NH bros at? Debating whether I want to brave PAX East again to meet up with some of you.


kylej said:
Gross so many CT/NY kids. Where are my Boston/NH bros at? Debating whether I want to brave PAX East again to meet up with some of you.
House in CT. School in Boston. Best be a GAF meetup at PAX East.


kylej said:
Gross so many CT/NY kids. Where are my Boston/NH bros at? Debating whether I want to brave PAX East again to meet up with some of you.
I'm 20 minutes west of Boston, I think I told you that before though.
I was partied up with an Inheritor with the gamertag OU Champions X7. He kept shooting me and finally betrayed me.

I think he might idle, but I only found one idled game in his past 25 games.

Judging from games like this, he gets a kill at the beginning of a match and then proceeds to idle. What a jerk.


Hitmonchan107 said:
I was partied up with an Inheritor with the gamertag OU Champions X7. He kept shooting me and finally betrayed me.

I think he might idle, but I only found one idled game in his past 25 games.

Judging from games like this, he gets a kill at the beginning of a match and then proceeds to idle. What a jerk.

People that do that are getting caught by the new banhammer. I think it only goes in waves though, so it's harder for people to figure it out.


kylej said:
Gross so many CT/NY kids. Where are my Boston/NH bros at? Debating whether I want to brave PAX East again to meet up with some of you.

If it matters I moved to CT from NC, and to NC from CA.


Where did this jr. introduction template come from?

Highest Halo 3 level and which playlist.
20 in Lone wolves or BTB. I don't remember. I never got over the Warrant Officer hump in Reach due to other responsibilities.
AR or BR?
BR. Man... what a weapon.
Favorite multiplayer map from Halo 2 and 3 (one of each).
H1: Blood Gulch, H2: Zanzibar, H3:High Ground, R: I didn't play enough to form an opinion of the competitive maps. Swordbase, I guess.
Do you prefer BTB or MLG?
BTB, I'm not really good enough to be MLG. I'm a team player more than a run-n-gun. I'm the guy that will stay behind in the base when everybody motors off in the hog.
Competitive multiplayer or Firefight?
Firefight all the way. No question. It's one of the best additions to the franchise.
Games completed on Legendary.
H1, H2, H3 and Reach. I'll get around to finishing ODST Legendary one of these days. The highlights are Belly of the Beast, Hanger Bay 2, The Broken Path and Keyes.
Are you EazyB?
Nope. I never could drive the damn Chopper.
Favorite Campaign missions (all games).
This is really hard, because, IMO, there are no bad Halo levels. I even like Library and Cortana even though I think that they are flawed. H1: Silent Cartographer, H2:Quarantine Zone (my meta-game is keeping as many Elites alive so I have a little split-lip army by the end) H3: The Covenant (really the whole game, though, up to Cortana is a masterpiece) ODST: Uplift Reserve R: The Package
Favorite Reach playlists.
Size of frankie erotica folder (in megabytes).
Nothing on Frankie. But his cat-beast? RRRooowwrr.
Opinion on reticule bloom.
Opinion on Armor Abilities and the one you favor.
I didn't play enough to have a first-hand opinion, but I've seen enough videos of full teams of bubbleshields and armor lockers to think that some rebalancing needs to be redone.
Why are you a Halo fan?
I was a Dreamcast fan, and I wasn't understanding the Xbox love. Particularly, I didn't understand the big deal with Halo. I had been playing FPS' since the genre's invention (Ultima Underworld for me). I finally went into a game store that had the full game on demo. I started at the very beginning and by the time I had smacked my first grunt in the head with the AR while attempting to reload, I was completely hooked. I introduced all my friends to it, one by one, and we're all still Halo friends to this day. We hold an annual Daylo (Halo Day) tournament with prizes and handmade trophies.
Favorite Halogaffer, and least favorite. (optional)
This is kind of a creepy question.
Now feel free to introduce yourself and/or share anything you want so we get to know you better, we'd love to read it. (optional)
I'm just a developer that loves Halo. I've been lurking NeoGAF, since it was un-Neo. I just never bothered to register. I can't wait to see the next Universe they create. I've never been as interested in a game's setting as Halo.


Made the mistake of trying Grifball for my last five melee kills for today's Challenge. Ran into a party holding the ball against their wall to farm kills, and I had the worst connection evah (depsite searching for a good connection - I'm convinced that does nothing). I would swing, see the impact, and then die before the other player swings theirs. I don't understand how the gunplay can feel so good and then garbage like that exists along side it.

Left the game after three rounds - we were looking at another 2-3 of melee farming. What a mess.
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