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Halo: Reach |OT4| This Thread is Not Your Grave, But You Are Welcome In It

Tha Robbertster said:
Very weird. Most of the time I play in TS, I do it alone so that may be a cause but it doesn't seem very lickely to me. I mean, when you're playing with friends who have the map pack, the chances should be bigger. Have we had any word from Bungie on how the matching works exactly?

I've played my fair share alone and with a team of four.

Confirmed: Europeans aren't cheap bastards like us Americans and actually buy the maps haha.
Steelyuhas said:
I've played my fair share alone and with a team of four.

Confirmed: Europeans aren't cheap bastards like us Americans and actually buy the maps haha.

Then you dont know the Dutch people. We are famous with this sentence in most of the world: Kijken, kijken, niet kopen (translated: looing, looking, not buying) :p


Crucio said:
You all this "framerate" stuff is getting annoying. Glacier is one of my favorite maps. I've never experienced lack of success in a game due to "framerate issues".

Sniperfight in glacier is an EASY 150 kill. It helps to be with 2-3 people instead of a full party.
Whether or not you have have success with the awful framerate is not the issue, the issue is that a consistent (read: reproducible 100% of the time) and awful (guess what? low framerate can cause motion sickness for some people, be glad you aren't one of them) graphical problem got through QA and now we're expected to deal with it. No, it's never caused me to perform badly in a game, but that doesn't mean it's not annoying as fuck. This is a legitimate complaint, and not something you can dismiss offhand like that.

And you know, Glacier wouldn't be a good map even if it didn't have the framerate issues. There's a ridiculous amount of unused space and general clutter, and it just goes to show how poorly some of those Campaign spaces were implemented in Firefight.
Striker said:
My biggest gripe (aside from the Drop Shield of course) in there is the heavy amount of Stockpile that shows up.

Second is how Assault mostly appears on Hemorrhage, which should at least feature a DMR/NR start for one. I want to see it more on maps like Countdown, Zealot, Anchor 9, Asylum, and Tempest.

Also would like some FW maps added; why not Foundation (download and see), Midship (from the Classic playlist), Elongation (Classic playlist), and Noble Creek (Classic playlist)? 2 flag and bomb would be great.
This makes a lot of sense, which precludes it from ever existing in Team Objective. Not even just 2 flag/bomb, but neutral and single as well. There's so much emphasis placed on Stockpile and Headhunter when I don't know anyone that prefers them over more timeless objective gametypes, it's just completely baffling when 4 of the 6 voting options are Stockpile and Headhunter (Especially when Stockpile has completely terrible capture placement on almost every map it's on! Whats up, Powerhouse?). Team Objective had better be next up on the list of total revisions, because it's been Bungie's bastard child ever since launch (actually, let's include the entirety of Halo 3, up to and including its deletion), with next to zero attention paid to it, which totally sucks. Those Forge maps would be better than half the maps in the playlist, along with the Tempest Lockout (although Elongation needs some serious framerate work).
xxjuicesxx said:
Heres my ranking of Reach maps:

As long as radar is off, I agree, as far as on-disc, non-Forge World (basically non-Asylum) smaller maps go. Otherwise, it turns into Construct 2.0, which is about the worst insult I could throw at something.
xxjuicesxx said:
FF Maps:

Glacier - can't believe that shit was even released.
High five.
GhaleonEB said:
As for maps, the only BTB map I think is really good is Tempest. It's a touch cramped for BTB, in the same way that Standoff was. But it still works and is very fun.
You just outlined exactly what's wrong with that map (to be clear, I like the map, but it has some issues); its actual playspace seems designed for 6v6, so neither 4v4 or 8v8 work as well as they should on them. Then you also have the problem that plagues the larger Reach maps; the way that huge swaths of the maps are completely unused and serve quite literally no purpose (see: The nearly-unused and completely unnecessary half of Spire, and the same thing on Boneyard, unused parts of Paradiso, the giant areas behind each Tempest base and the riverside cliff space, much of the initial attacker spawn area on Breakpoint...). It just doesn't make any sense to me. I'm not a huge fan of the base structure either, but that's a nitpick that I don't have a solution to, and even with the issues, it's still a pleasure when it pops up in Objective or whatever.


xxjuicesxx said:
Heres my ranking of Reach maps:

Sword Base
Forge World

I agree with all of those except sword base. I don't think I've played a team game on that map that didn't result in people camping the majority of the game. The only playlist I seem to have interesting games on that map is multi team.


Havok said:
You just outlined exactly what's wrong with that map (to be clear, I like the map, but it has some issues); its actual playspace seems designed for 6v6, so neither 4v4 or 8v8 work as well as they should on them. Then you also have the problem that plagues the larger Reach maps; the way that huge swaths of the maps are completely unused and serve quite literally no purpose (see: The nearly-unused and completely unnecessary half of Spire, and the same thing on Boneyard, unused parts of Paradiso, the giant areas behind each Tempest base and the riverside cliff space, much of the initial attacker spawn area on Breakpoint...). It just doesn't make any sense to me. I'm not a huge fan of the base structure either, but that's a nitpick that I don't have a solution to, and even with the issues, it's still a pleasure when it pops up in Objective or whatever.
I almost posted an extended caveat to my praise of Tempest, but this prompts me to add to your comment, which I agree with.

Tempest's main problem is not that it is too small, but that its space is poorly distributed. The infantry gameplay is concentrated around the center, while there are vast, open expanses along the beach and waterfall areas. Were I to take a design pass on Tempest, I would push a lot of the rocky geometry from the central areas of the map out toward the edges, distributing the cover and elevated structures. That would make much more of the map viable to infantry and un-clump the middle for larger team play.
A27 Tawpgun said:
Tempest just needs the caves unblocked. Warthog flow and CTF matches would be improved. Its already a small map as it is. If anything, keep it closed in 4 v 4, but unblock the caves in BTB.
I forgot all about that. I wish they were, that would help a great deal.



I'm surprised at the lack of added content in the new Encyclopedia. Lets call it a re-issue. I will consider buying it after I've seen the differences.. I hope they decided to change certain "mistakes" that were supposedly in Version 1. If there have been enough changes I might get it after all.

I'm curious, whats the difference between the Essentials Guide, released by microsoft.
and Halo: The Great Journey: The Art of Building Worlds, released by Titan Books author Martin Robinson.
It seems "The Great Journey" art book is a collection of artwork from almost every halo facet. I think I'll get the last two and wait on the Encyclopedia.

Havok said:
Whether or not you have have success with the awful framerate is not the issue, the issue is that a consistent (read: reproducible 100% of the time) and awful (guess what? low framerate can cause motion sickness for some people, be glad you aren't one of them) graphical problem got through QA and now we're expected to deal with it. No, it's never caused me to perform badly in a game, but that doesn't mean it's not annoying as fuck. This is a legitimate complaint, and not something you can dismiss offhand like that.

And you know, Glacier wouldn't be a good map even if it didn't have the framerate issues. There's a ridiculous amount of unused space and general clutter, and it just goes to show how poorly some of those Campaign spaces were implemented in Firefight.

Alright I have no intention of dismissing the problem, but I also have no reason to complain about it. I've had many great games on that map.

I didn't know low framerates could cause motion sickness, that's too bad. I'm glad I don't have to deal with motion sickness, I pity yet laugh at those who do, motion sickness is just a strange concept to me.


Ah, BTB maps.

We miss you, prince.



GhaleonEB said:
I almost posted an extended caveat to my praise of Tempest, but this prompts me to add to your comment, which I agree with.

Tempest's main problem is not that it is too small, but that its space is poorly distributed. The infantry gameplay is concentrated around the center, while there are vast, open expanses along the beach and waterfall areas. Were I to take a design pass on Tempest, I would push a lot of the rocky geometry from the central areas of the map out toward the edges, distributing the cover and elevated structures. That would make much more of the map viable to infantry and un-clump the middle for larger team play.
Tempest just needs the caves unblocked. Warthog flow and CTF matches would be improved. Its already a small map as it is. If anything, keep it closed in 4 v 4, but unblock the caves in BTB.


Crucio said:
Alright I have no intention of dismissing the problem, but I also have no reason to complain about it. I've had many great games on that map.

I didn't know low framerates could cause motion sickness, that's too bad. I'm glad I don't have to deal with motion sickness, I pity yet laugh at those who do, motion sickness is just a strange concept to me.
Sure, that's understandable (I don't personally have the motion sickness problem, but it does give me a headache after a while.). I meant to come off more incredulous than as harshly as that post probably did, so my apologies for that.
Striker said:
Ah, BTB maps.

We miss you, prince.

stop rubbing it in!
I've never been much into framerate but when the frame rate drops, the game slows down right? If that is true, then I've never noticed it when I'm playing on Glacier, solo. With more players, the game laggs to much for me so I can't really notice it.

However, Overlook always hurts my eyes when I play it. I don't know why but I can't play the map without blinking every second. Maybe it's a framerate problem (which is unlickely since I haven't heard any complaints about it overhere) or maybe it's just the colours of the map that I can't handle. (what's weird is that I don't have any problems playing Winter Contingency in campaign)
Just been watching some H2 on Tashi's stream. Everything about that game is just fucking smooth. The movement is smooth, the aiming is smooth, the ways to navigate the maps is smooth.

Why did Bungie go away from this in H3 and Reach?

Seriously though, this shit need to be on XBLA
Crucio said:

I'm surprised at the lack of added content in the new Encyclopedia. Lets call it a re-issue. I will consider buying it after I've seen the differences.. I hope they decided to change certain "mistakes" that were supposedly in Version 1. If there have been enough changes I might get it after all.

I'm curious, whats the difference between the Essentials Guide, released by microsoft.
and Halo: The Great Journey: The Art of Building Worlds, released by Titan Books author Martin Robinson.
It seems "The Great Journey" art book is a collection of artwork from almost every halo facet. I think I'll get the last two and wait on the Encyclopedia.
Frankie already confirmed that the Art Of Building Worlds is going to be a Artbook about every Bungie Halo. I guess you can't compare the Essentials Guide with the Art Of Building Worlds. I think the "Essentials Guide" is smiliar to the encyclopedia. It will give the player information about characters and weapons. It is like a encyclopedia lite.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Steelyuhas said:
Just been watching some H2 on Tashi's stream. Everything about that game is just fucking smooth. The movement is smooth, the aiming is smooth, the ways to navigate the maps is smooth.

Why did Bungie go away from this in H3 and Reach?

Seriously though, this shit need to be on XBLA

Everything was smooth except for my gameplay LOL I'm super rusty

Louis Wu

GhaleonEB said:
Framerate was still terrible, but it was a lot more fun that using the base. I find the sight lines there infurtiating. (Those crates...)
Heh - I was just recommending a gametype with infinite ammo; playing down at the bottom of Glacier without it is HARD. :)

(I totally agree with you about the sightlines from the base - not only the crates, but the friggin' ROCKS are keeping you from actually killing stuff at distance.)


343i Lead Esports Producer
The Real Napsta said:
Can everyone that wants to play H2 post their XBC and/or Xlink usernames so I can add you?

Also: Can one of you link me to Tashi's stream?
Xbc: Tashiii

My stream has the same extension at Justin TV but I'm done streaming for the day.


Crucio said:
Alright I have no intention of dismissing the problem, but I also have no reason to complain about it. I've had many great games on that map.

I didn't know low framerates could cause motion sickness, that's too bad. I'm glad I don't have to deal with motion sickness, I pity yet laugh at those who do, motion sickness is just a strange concept to me.

I pity, yet laugh at people who accept sub standard performance in their games they pay 60 bucks for.

The framerate problems are not exclusive to FF, I can't count the times it has completely crippled the MP experience during key times of a match. Mostly on the garbage that is Forge World, seriously, such a stupid decision, never sacrifice gameplay performance for some kind of technical marvel that no one cares about after the first time they see it.
I just want to let you all know I am going to be making a new version of tempest with the caves opened up.

I have been working on this on and off for a week. I hope maybe it will become pretty popular during customs.

Also the human forge world needs to happen with remakes from halo 2: Turf, Headlong, Terminal.

We could call it the big team battle life preserver.


A27_StarWolf said:
I just want to let you all know I am going to be making a new version of tempest with the caves opened up.

I have been working on this on and off for a week. I hope maybe it will become pretty popular during customs.

Also the human forge world needs to happen with remakes from halo 2: Turf, Headlong, Terminal.

We could call it the big team battle life preserver.

What do you mean you're working on it? Just delete the rocks, done. Am I missing something?


I can't wait for E3. I'm sick of all my remake/Halo 4/DLC speculations and wishes, I just wanna know what is happening and what isn't.

Also, my 2 recent goals for Reach have been to master the magnum and get my K/D ratio up to 1.5. I've been getting ratios of around 2 in all my recent games. Overall I'm at a 1.4 KD and I'm starting to really get the hang of the magnum's bloom. I just wish the magnum got a bigger clip like every wanted.


Tunavi said:
I can't wait for E3. I'm sick of all my remake/Halo 4/DLC speculations and wishes, I just wanna know what is happening and what isn't.

Also, my 2 recent goals for Reach have been to master the magnum and get my K/D ratio up to 1.5. I've been getting ratios of around 2 in all my recent games. Overall I'm at a 1.4 KD and I'm starting to really get the hang of the magnum's bloom. I just wish the magnum got a bigger clip like every wanted.

Are you still online matchmaking right now?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Tunavi said:
I can't wait for E3. I'm sick of all my remake/Halo 4/DLC speculations and wishes, I just wanna know what is happening and what isn't.

Tell me about it.

I still read this thread regularly but have lost the urge to post, mostly because if I post, it'll be about 343 or the next Halo because that's all I'm interested in, but many people here don't seem interested in that yet (at least, from what I'm getting, I could be wrong) and just want to talk about Reach (which is completely understandable given the nature of the thread; I'm not complaining, mind you).


I've given up posting on the Optimatch forum on b.net. I'm convinced Jeremiah doesn't use it as a resource for feedback, because there is a chasm between the feedback there and most of the matchmaking changes. And the users there generally have density to make lead blush.

I really hope the May playlist update is gangbusters. But the fact that yet another Slayer-only playlist is being added on top of the existing ones while playlists like Team Objective are left untouched doesn't give me hope. (Outside of the BTB update, which I'm looking forward to.)


GhaleonEB said:
I've given up posting on the Optimatch forum on b.net. I'm convinced Jeremiah doesn't use it as a resource for feedback, because there is a chasm between the feedback there and most of the matchmaking changes. And the users there generally have density to make lead blush.
I love it when they pretend to actually know how the engine works beyond the surface options :lol
I don't even try to correct them because they'll either not believe me or call me a modder, not understanding that there is a world of difference between modding on the consoles and modding on PC.

Louis Wu


On a day when there's a challenge requiring more than one game on Glacier, TWICE I go through the ENTIRE voting process not seeing Glacier ONCE.

The second time Beachhead came up three times.


Ken said:
Are you still online matchmaking right now?
Nah, I'm at "work" for 2 more hours (I let people into the school gym and sit on my computer).
Domino Theory said:
I still read this thread regularly but have lost the urge to post, mostly because if I post, it'll be about 343 or the next Halo because that's all I'm interested in, but many people here don't seem interested in that yet (at least, from what I'm getting, I could be wrong) and just want to talk about Reach (which is completely understandable given the nature of the thread; I'm not complaining, mind you).
I just hope 343 and MS know what they are doing. Bungie was so innovative, and Microsoft is usually about sticking to norms and following the steps of competition. E3 will be a good indicator of what to expect in the future.
What I do hate about Bungie is that they make you expect HUGE things from their games, but they always end up falling flat.
(The skybox from the VGA 2009 trailer compared to the actual beginning cutscene skybox. You suck Bungie)

With the Defiant Map pack, everything was so over the top. I gave me good vibes for the future. The glassing of Reach like we never saw it in the game was really incredible and should have been in the actual campaign.

Edit: Ghaleon, how long is your analysis of the campaign?


Louis Wu said:

On a day when there's a challenge requiring more than one game on Glacier, TWICE I go through the ENTIRE voting process not seeing Glacier ONCE.

The second time Beachhead came up three times.
It's a strange system, and I wish that we could just choose from a list of maps and a list of gametypes. It's not like anybody's trying to cheat the system, there's just a lot of junk in Score Attack that nobody wants to play (No, I never want to play Waterfront again, game. Please stop asking me.).
GhaleonEB said:
I've given up posting on the Optimatch forum on b.net. I'm convinced Jeremiah doesn't use it as a resource for feedback, because there is a chasm between the feedback there and most of the matchmaking changes. And the users there generally have density to make lead blush.

I really hope the May playlist update is gangbusters. But the fact that yet another Slayer-only playlist is being added on top of the existing ones while playlists like Team Objective are left untouched doesn't give me hope. (Outside of the BTB update, which I'm looking forward to.)
Bnet as a whole has a crazy signal to noise ratio, and while Optimatch is a little better...that's a pretty low bar to meet. From the times I've gone to check out some of those threads, people are suggesting the most ridiculous solutions to the simplest problems (AR starts on everything!). It really sucks that there's no place to actually have your feedback read, but after reading his post on how he fans the flames to get a rise out of the audience...I kinda don't understand how things are going to work. The nature of bungie.net is why I post the stuff I do here in the hopes it gets read. It probably seems like I hate the game, but its quite the opposite; I like the game enough to care about the little fixes that absolutely need to happen and I'll complain as loudly as it takes until it's made right (of course, I try to keep it realistic.).
Domino Theory said:
Tell me about it.

I still read this thread regularly but have lost the urge to post, mostly because if I post, it'll be about 343 or the next Halo because that's all I'm interested in, but many people here don't seem interested in that yet (at least, from what I'm getting, I could be wrong) and just want to talk about Reach (which is completely understandable given the nature of the thread; I'm not complaining, mind you).

I think it's more that we have no idea when we are going to hear about something from 343 about an actual game project from them, and we really have no idea what it is going to be either.

Once there is some actual concrete information, I think people will be interested in discussing their project some more.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Steelyuhas said:
I think it's more that we have no idea when we are going to hear about something from 343 about an actual game project from them, and we really have no idea what it is going to be either.

Once there is some actual concrete information, I think people will be interested in discussing their project some more.

We had some nice Halo CEmake talk recently. Apparently people want multiplayer, despite me not thinking it will happen. Some folks want new content and gameplay, whilst others want nothing more than a straight port with added online.

I still want Halo Wars 2.
Dani said:
We had some nice Halo CEmake talk recently. Apparently people want multiplayer, despite me not thinking it will happen. Some folks want new content and gameplay, whilst others want nothing more than a straight port with added online.

I still want Halo Wars 2.

Yeah i do recall that. I would fear that Halo CE multiplayer as part of a CE remake just wouldn't be the same. CE was not online, and making a game for online multiplayer changes things significantly. H2 as a multiplayer game is so different from CE largely because they were building a game for Xbox Live instead of just local play. I just don't know how well CE's multiplayer can be replicated online. Another thing that I don't think people have brought up very much is that since Halo 2, Halo has been a primary 4v4 game, with Big Team being popular as well. Halo CE is largely not a 4v4 game. 2v2 was much better for CE. I know some of the biggest Halo CE multiplayer fans that will admit that H2 is a better 4v4 game.

I really want H2 multiplayer is all!
Well since it's back up for discussion, put me in for the CE Make with Multiplayer and online Co-op. Without it, there's just no point imo. You can currently purchase and play the OG Halo Combat Evolved in the marketplace and have the original experience. Doing all that work over again (ok, not all but a lot) just to leave out the multiplayer would be a waste as well as a missed opportunity. With Multi: day one. Without: pass completely, I have it and play it already. That said, would there be matchmaking? I hope not. Custom game search por favor.
EDIT: play all the 2v2 you can handle.
I'm about 2/3 of the way through Halo Legends. It's about to storm, so the rest will have to wait.

I just started "The Babysitter," so I'll leave it off the list until I finish it.

Current favorites list (from most to least favorite):

"Odd One Out"
"Origins I/II"
"The Duel"

And to go off your statement, Domino: Every morning when I wake up, I scour the Internet for a shred of news for the next game. I usually only find stuff like this.

After seeing the passion put into Halo Legends, I really want to know what 343 is doing.


Hitmonchan107 said:
Current favorites list (from most to least favorite):

"Odd One Out"
"Origins I/II"
"The Duel"

You sure you're watching the actual Halo Legends? If so, that list is just completely wrong.
Dani said:
We had some nice Halo CEmake talk recently. Apparently people want multiplayer, despite me not thinking it will happen. Some folks want new content and gameplay, whilst others want nothing more than a straight port with added online.

I still want Halo Wars 2.

Halo CEmake without online MP is completely pointless IMO. You can already play the campaign in HD on 360.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Hitmonchan107 said:
And to go off your statement, Domino: Every morning when I wake up, I scour the Internet for a shred of news for the next game. I usually only find stuff like this.

After seeing the passion put into Halo Legends, I really want to know what 343 is doing.

Microsoft's 343 Industries has released a number of official website advertisement for the new "halo" works to recruit members. Commercial says: "Microsoft Queen" halo "Studio 343 Industries is looking for experienced game designers tasks can be a work for our next level and mission design." Moreover, they also recruit new characters art teacher.

343 Industries will not change the overall mechanism of the game, but still will bring some minor changes and some excellent ideas. 343 Industries in charge of Frank O 'Connor said, "Halo" content also need "more in-depth."

Character art teachers? Microsoft Queen? Need more in-depth? 343 Industries is in charge of Frankie instead of the other way around?

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