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Halo: Reach |OT5| A Monument to All Our Sins

Tunavi said:
With 5 jetpackers in the air, there's not much you can do. In most situations, your teammates could be dead, pre-occupied with other battles, running away to recharge their shields... I see you've played A LOT of squad, so I'm surprised you don't know what I'm talking about. This doesn't happen every game, but its game breaking when it does happen.

I'm talking about the loadout system. If 5 people can jetpack at the same time, that's how this game is broken. It sounds like you're talking about MLG/pick up system, where only one person is jetpacking at a time. That's balanced and I'm okay with that.

I've never played a team of 5 jetpackers. I think it has do with the jetpack being unfriendly to some controller layouts.


squidhands said:
If this is the case, why wouldn't your team get on their level and use jetpack as well? Surely that would even it out a bit for you awesome Onyx players, no?
I've missed most of this discussion, but my response would be, I don't like using jetpack. I shouldn't have to do something I don't enjoy as a counter to something someone else is doing. (This goes back to Jaime's principle about counters.)


thezerofire said:
I think the counter to that would be to say that why should someone who doesn't know how to use something well be afforded equal say in whether it works or not? I don't think I fully believe that but it seems like an argument to be made.

I think I'd agree, but many here need to work on how they make their arguments. They keep coming out really derogatory and its just getting old

Edit. This is not aimed at you, I think your arguments are just fine.


OuterWorldVoice said:
lol nubscrub play me one on one if u gon bitch like a bitch
Jetpacking and bloom confirmed to not be in Halo 4, what an exciting week for frankie's trademark "read between the lines" announcements!!

squidhands said:
If this is the case, why wouldn't your team get on their level and use jetpack as well? Surely that would even it out a bit for you awesome Onyx players, no?

343 save us
So are you guys proposing that in games with two teams of equal skill, with equal proficiency at both jetpack and sprint, one team using all sprint, and one team using all jetpack, the jetpackers will win a greater percentage of games? That would be evidence of an imbalance. Bitching out of frustration isn't.

Now if you guys want to say that you just don't enjoy playing against jetpackers (a la armorlockers) that's another thing.


^^^ hahah

The Real Napsta said:

Why did you blur the names of the people and gametype?
I do that usually in pictures of game lobbies to respect other people's privacy, when I'm not in a hurry. And the gametype was the same as the name of one of players there. It's just a silly habit of mine, don't look too much into it.


The problem with jetpackers is that 99% of the time they're using ARs. Jetpack+AR+grenade... That's it really. It's so easy for them to aim and get kills. Meanwhile assuming you're not just picking off some jetpacker from afar with a DMR (which is fine) it can be really problematic if you're fighting some jetpack guy in close proximity and let's say you're using the pistol and have to fight bloom along with the awkwardness of having to control your aim really quickly along the y axis. If we could customize the sensitivity along the y axis and perhaps if bloom didn't exist on weapons like the pistol it would make thing easier.

Does jetpacking increase a weapon's bloom? If not it really should by a lot.


Letters said:
I do that usually in pictures of game lobbies to respect other people's privacy, when I'm not in a hurry. And the gametype was the same as the name of one of players there. It's just a silly habit of mine, don't look too much into it.

Should have blurred the emblems too.
HiredN00bs said:
So are you guys proposing that in games with two teams of equal skill, with equal proficiency at both jetpack and sprint, one team using all sprint, and one team using all jetpack, the jetpackers will win a greater percentage of games? That would be evidence of an imbalance. Bitching out of frustration isn't.

Now if you guys want to say that you just don't enjoy playing against jetpackers (a la armorlockers) that's another thing.
On a map like Uncaged yes I think they would.
Banshee bomb bloom, the most you fire it the bigger the explosion radius gets. Keep doing loops the whole match to gain accuracy.


"Some SLICK Waypoint integration is a brewin' for Halo Anniversary!!! Can't wait for it to go live."​

Interesting. Maybe CEA doesn't not boot you to the dashboard like Reach does?

Hypertrooper said:
Damn you DUNCAN! DAMN YOU! You were only able to post it, because I saw one of the best movie scene ever. like tears in rain.
lame excuse
Heh, that tweet was 28 minutes old but we posted it within seconds of each other.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. UNSC ships on fire off the shoulder of Reach. I watched Sentinel beams glitter in the dark near the Flood gate. All those saved films will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die Armor Lock.
Some SLICK Waypoint integration is a brewin' for Halo Anniversary!!! Can't wait for it to go live.

Damn you DUNCAN! DAMN YOU! You were only able to post it, because I saw one of the best movie scene ever. like tears in rain.
lame excuse

Louis Wu

thezerofire said:
I think what we're saying is that at a high level of play, jetpacks are game-breaking. If that's not your experience, that's fine, but that's mine and many other people's experience here.
Sorry - the jetpacking thing was right at the end of my post; I had mostly replied to Tawpgun's argument that Armor Abilities growing out of Equipment was based on bad decisions on Bungie's part - no jetpacking specifically. And I'd have to say I'd disagree.

I'm not arguing that AAs work everywhere - I'm not even arguing that they work, PERIOD (though I DO think they do) - I'm simply saying that the argument that "we love the game more than scrubs do, so you should listen to us and only us" is a dumb one.
Letters said:
^^^ hahah

I do that usually in pictures of game lobbies to respect other people's privacy, when I'm not in a hurry. And the gametype was the same as the name of one of players there. It's just a silly habit of mine, don't look too much into it.

Haha alright, I would have understood it right away if it was XBL, but these are just local profile names.
ncsuDuncan said:
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. UNSC ships on fire off the shoulder of Reach. I watched Sentinel beams glitter in the dark near the Flood gate. All those saved films will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die Armor Lock.
Haha awesome. Blade Runner <3.

Gabo´s Palace said:
Matrix Reloaded, best of the trilogy.
I don't get it.
ncsuDuncan said:
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. UNSC ships on fire off the shoulder of Reach. I watched Sentinel beams glitter in the dark near the Flood gate. All those saved films will be lost in time... like tears in rain...
Matrix Reloaded, best of the trilogy.


Louis Wu said:
Please - stop that.

I love Halo as much as you do. More, maybe.

I held on to equipment LONG past its optimal sell-by date (or, sometimes, used it way to damned early). I never talked to anyone at Bungie about it - but I can GUARANTEE you they saw other people doing exactly the same thing.

I wish you'd stop suggesting that your skill at the game somehow makes your 'love' more important than mine.

Aren't you guys capable of debating things without denigrating those that disagree with you?

(I'm catching up on the last couple of hundred posts, so I just saw the whole jetpack on (un)caged argument... I know for a fact that I'm not the only jetpacker who regularly falls to their death on that level by misjudging a distance or how much juice is left. :) )

I feel pretty bad posting this, because I'm headed out of town for a couple of days and won't be able to see replies before Sunday night - but I'll forget to come back to if I don't, and this has been bugging me for a while.

I'm not suggesting anyone is more of a fan than anyone else. What pissed me off about that comment is that he said, "They made the changes for brand new players and players that aren't so Halo savvy."

How do you, as a long time Halo fan, not get a little sickened by this line of thinking? I'm not saying that's what they did, but the above statement is a very disgusting one.

Worst case scenario is people are sick of Halo's "outdated" gameplay. They want sprint mandatory. Customized Loadouts. Drop in Drop out. Aim Down Sights because its realistic, automatic guns are beat by single shot thats unrealistic, the game is too hard to kill people, unlock guns, ect ect. New Players expect modern shooter trends.

I want Halo to be made with Halo fans in mind. I want it to be accessible to new players. That's important. But I want new players to learn to love Halo for what makes it different from the competition. Not love it because it's a fresh version of what they are already used to.

If they were to make Halo 4 for people who aren't Halo-savvy then at what point does it start becoming NOT Halo.

I don't like their reasoning for getting rid of equipment. People wouldn't used it when they needed to, they forgot, ect. ect. To me it sounds like they're trying to take the aspect of the "mistake" out of the formula. If you accidentally use it, if you don't use it when you're supposed to, if you forget about it that is a mistake on your part. Learn from your mistakes. Don't make them again.

Equipment had its problems. It respawned too fast. Regen's were too powerful. Powerdrain could have been nerfed a bit. Tripmine could have been more powerful. But I liked where it was going and I thought they would have continued for Reach. It created a risk-reward scenario. Use equipement now, it's gone. Save it for later and you might end up doing something big for it. I like those design choices.

I'm sure you would agree that Halo games should be accesible to all levels of players. If they are willing to learn the mechanics. But Halo games should also reward players who master the mechanics to shine. This is what scares me. The game is turning more into accessible and giving the better players less of a chance to be better by allowing things like an instant save me button, sprint rushing + Melee system, spamming the bloom and hoping for the best.

"We love the game more than the scrubs do" was not my point. My point was "we love the game more than the new players, the casual Halo players (meaning its not their main, favorite game and they don't care too much about it)"

Wouldn't you agree with that? Halo should be made for Halo players. I mean all of them. But treat them equally and don't screw one subset to help another.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
ncsuDuncan said:

"Some SLICK Waypoint integration is a brewin' for Halo Anniversary!!! Can't wait for it to go live."​

Interesting. Maybe CEA doesn't not boot you to the dashboard like Reach does?

That'd be awesome. We could view our detailed Reach (and Halo 4 when the time comes) stats right in-game now. :)


Inception is the worthy sequel to the matrix. Best two movies I've ever seen

I'll be coming out of retirement tonight. Steely, wanna test out that countdown variant later? We can try the other ideas I had as well (tempest with the tunnels, zealot with another power weapon ect)
A27 Tawpgun said:
How do you, as a long time Halo fan, not get a little sickened by this line of thinking? I'm not saying that's what they did, but the above statement is a very disgusting one.
I dunno. I don't find that line of thinking to be a problem at all. Of course Bungie wants to expand their audience and fill those hoppers to the brim. Bringing new players into the fold isn't a bad thing as long as it doesn't involve gimping gameplay.

And for me, the gameplay hasn't been gimped, and in fact its more fun that ever for me and my friends. Reach is a different game and I don't think the intention was ever to make a more polished Halo 3. It was to try something new, and add some more dynamics to the formula.

I'm sure you would agree that Halo games should be accesible to all levels of players. If they are willing to learn the mechanics. But Halo games should also reward players who master the mechanics to shine. This is what scares me. The game is turning more into accessible and giving the better players less of a chance to be better by allowing things like an instant save me button, sprint rushing + Melee system, spamming the bloom and hoping for the best.
Now this is an argument I can better understand. Maybe its broken at high levels of play, maybe it was a design trade off. Only Bungie could say.


If a person is going to suggest a game change, it should be a requirement to give objective reasoning rather than subjective reasoning.

Jet Packs can break maps by rendering map architecture useless. (in general)

Maps are spaces with structures placed such that there are paths generated for movement. Those structures/paths completely control how a game is played and are generally played on one axis or plane.

Jet Packs remove this from the equation... gone are intended site lines and paths for movement, gone are structures placed to obscure vision to the opposite base.

A Jet Pack means that at any given moment one can get above the map and completely negate all that the map has to offer. They create a new plane of game play... at the will of the player.

This stresses the map maker... it's on you to make a space where it works. The more options such as Jet Packs... the harder it is to balance.
Tunavi said:
Inception is the worthy sequel to the matrix. Best two movies I've ever seen

Imagine if Neo woke up up at the end of the matrix and the story suddently took on an Inception theme.

Would have either been awesome, or would have sucked and pissed a LOT of people off, either way it would have been edgy.

I cant believe that this thread has somehow grown 11 pages in the short time its been around, I give up on trying to keep up lol!

Louis Wu

A27 Tawpgun said:
I'm not suggesting anyone is more of a fan than anyone else. What pissed me off about that comment is that he said, "They made the changes for brand new players and players that aren't so Halo savvy."

How do you, as a long time Halo fan, not get a little sickened by this line of thinking? I'm not saying that's what they did, but the above statement is a very disgusting one.
I don't understand your use of the word 'disgusting'. To me, it means eating cockroaches, or watching a baby smear poop on the wall. It doesn't fit at all into my feelings about a statement (from another fan, not even Bungie) concerning why certain changes might have been made.

[yanked out a whole bunch of stuff about how bad it would be to make Halo just like all the other shooters out there - I agree with you, that would be bad. I disagree with you that anyone - Bungie, 343, ANYONE - is even considering it.]

A27 Tawpgun said:
But Halo games should also reward players who master the mechanics to shine.

It does.

JUST LAST NIGHT, someone posted a link to a game of 'Slayer UnLIMITED' - CTF on Tempest.

A team of pretty good gaffers DESTROYED the competition - the WORST player on the GAF team had more than 25 more kills than deaths. (Plus, they outscored the opposition 2-0 on the actual objective.) How is this not letting players who master the mechanics shine?

You were complaining about getting outplayed by teams of 5 jetpackers on Countdown - how many times has this happened to you... and how badly did you lose? Can you point me to a few -10 or -15 games you've had, so I can see this in action? (Because if it makes your team lose, and you go EVEN, or close to it... then you're just being ridiculous. I get the feeling that some of you guys believe you should go hugely positive in every single game - and when you don't, you blame AAs, or other cheap tactics, or whatever. When it might just be that you were teamed up against people who are as good as you are.)

Now I really have to leave. My wife's standing at the door, tapping her foot impatiently. :(

Back Sunday.


Steelyuhas said:
I would have completely missed that, seeing as I don't have access to a wired internet connection for my xbox atm
Louis Wu said:
JUST LAST NIGHT, someone posted a link to a game of 'Slayer UnLIMITED' - CTF on Tempest.
Flattering that you'd use this as an example but that game wasn't indicative of anything. Most of the players were either doing nothing or just plain bad. If anything, it just shows how completely broken the spawns on Tempest are. We literally didn't have to move from the shooting gallery.



That just scares the hell out of me. What the hell is wrong with her face? Don't even get me started on the body. That's a troll face if I've ever seen one.
PsychoRaven said:
That just scares the hell out of me. What the hell is wrong with her face? Don't even get me started on the body. That's a troll face if I've ever seen one.
Probably because once he finished the fight John just rolled over and went to sleep.


Oh Hai Guys- what's going on in this thread? I like the name of the new OT. Sadly, I Haven't played much Halo lately- or anything for that matter. Recently got myself new pretty lady- She is significantly cutting into my N3rd Time as well as Wallet. Bitches.


PsychoRaven said:

That just scares the hell out of me. What the hell is wrong with her face? Don't even get me started on the body. That's a troll face if I've ever seen one.


I just want the Grunt plushie. Three or four of them, actually.

Swag bag doesn't show as shipped yet, but I'll be darned if it didn't just arrive. Nothing spectacular but considering they oversold, I won't complain. Plus, the whole charity thing.

My wife has the camera in Idaho or I'd post pics. An XL Halo 2 t-shirt (will be a night gown for the wife or kids), two action figures (kids again), a sealed copy of the Halo 2 soundtrack, volume 2 (not sure what to do with that one) and a Pathways into Darkness sticker.

The burlap bag is actually my favorite part. It's a very handy looking bag; it will probably be a beach/pool bag.

Neato, kudos Bungie for pulling it together.


Louis Wu said:
I don't understand your use of the word 'disgusting'. To me, it means eating cockroaches, or watching a baby smear poop on the wall. It doesn't fit at all into my feelings about a statement (from another fan, not even Bungie) concerning why certain changes might have been made.

[yanked out a whole bunch of stuff about how bad it would be to make Halo just like all the other shooters out there - I agree with you, that would be bad. I disagree with you that anyone - Bungie, 343, ANYONE - is even considering it.]
Oh I know they aren't. But that's the worst case scenario of the whole making a game for new players thing. That's all I meant by it.

As for disgusted... I tend to use words in strange ways. Sometimes I feel they best convey how I feel. Hard to explain. Kids these days I guess. Disappointed. Scared? Something like that. Point is, making a Halo game for new players rather than Halo fans is a bad idea and I'll leave it as that.

Just look to my thing about accessible and whatnot for that.

Louis Wu said:
It does.

JUST LAST NIGHT, someone posted a link to a game of 'Slayer UnLIMITED' - CTF on Tempest.

A team of pretty good gaffers DESTROYED the competition - the WORST player on the GAF team had more than 25 more kills than deaths. (Plus, they outscored the opposition 2-0 on the actual objective.) How is this not letting players who master the mechanics shine?

You were complaining about getting outplayed by teams of 5 jetpackers on Countdown - how many times has this happened to you... and how badly did you lose? Can you point me to a few -10 or -15 games you've had, so I can see this in action? (Because if it makes your team lose, and you go EVEN, or close to it... then you're just being ridiculous. I get the feeling that some of you guys believe you should go hugely positive in every single game - and when you don't, you blame AAs, or other cheap tactics, or whatever. When it might just be that you were teamed up against people who are as good as you are.)

Now I really have to leave. My wife's standing at the door, tapping her foot impatiently. :(

Back Sunday.

It still does. I agree with you. But that ceiling of how good a player can get, the skill gap if you will, has gotten considerably smaller.

Exterminations and high multikills are much more rare. 2 on 1's are near impossible to win now, despite you being better than both players. I think anyone who has experienced any kind of high level play from the other Halo's can say the same.

Let's even take MLG for example. They distill their games to the core of Halo's 4 v 4 gameplay. They remove anything that would make player experience inconsistent or imbalanced in ANY way. It's a professional organization. They know their shit.

That being said, let's look at Halo 2 MLG. And what do we see? The same team(s) being consistently successful.

Then comes Halo 3. It's a lot more erratic. But it's still mainly the a group of teams that are in the top.

Come Reach, and we're getting more and more seemingly no-name teams and players being wildly successful or at least giving the top teams a run for their money.

It's much harder to shine in Reach than in another game. The good player will beat a significantly worse one the vast majority of the time, unless the worse player gets a lucky spam in or something. But the level of skill between people more closely lumped together is blurring. One poor example of trueskill at work isn't going to prove that the skill gap is still the same.

I honestly don't mean to sound like an elitist hyper competetive player. I play my fair share of infection and I'd play fun silly customs over MLG customs any time. Assuming the silly customs are fun. (Spotlight, Jump Rope, Rent-a-car come to mind)

But what zerofire said has truth in it. Many of the things you guys don't seem to mind become problems at high levels of play.
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