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Halo: Reach |OT5| A Monument to All Our Sins

thezerofire said:
It doesn't matter how quickly they can kill you, you can still get two grenades out and get a couple kills with little to no effort - especially on The Cage/Uncaged where there aren't ways out. And smart users of jetpacks don't just stay in the air, they use it to cross platforms quickly, then get back into cover.
Even when crossing, they're much more vulnerable than a sprint user sprinting from cover to cover.
HiredN00bs said:
Even when crossing, they're much more vulnerable than a sprint user sprinting from cover to cover.
that's what I'm saying, that when using a jetpack it is very easy to be effective despite being exposed in the air


senador said:
Speaking of tea-bagging, I love this team tea-bag fail:

Edit: FyreWulff's pic said something about tea-bagging previously.

I thought the other one fit better but here it is again:



HiredN00bs said:
I would love to play some Halo: CE or Halo 2 on XBC. If we play CE though, we need to Skype.

Doh, XBC won't work on my Mac. I may try it later on a virtual instance of Windows I have.

XLink Kai works on both though.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Zee-V70 said:
I know this is probably just going to remain a fantasy, but I really wish a Halo game's combat escalated into something with potentially ridiculous complexity in terms of physical combat. Similar to how you can already hop onto higher ledges and stuff in Crysis, but more. The basic functions would still be there (jump/reload/strafe/etc), but I see Halo being one of the few places where implausible, Red vs Blue CGI-style action would actually not only be possible, but justified. For example, instead of the normal "clang" effect where two people can kill eachother by meleeing at the same time, you could, say, block their weapon's whack with one hand, disarm them, and then punch them in the face/stab them for a counter-kill. It would basically be a lot of button combos a la Halo 2, but it wouldn't just be for combat--think Mirror's Edge, using parkour and the already elevated jumps Spartans/Elites have to get around maps, stuff like that. It would probably be impossible and make professionals outright unkillable once they had most of the commands down, but I can dream.
I'm not sure how I'd feel about the combat aspect but I'd definitely love to see the parkour implemented.
thezerofire said:
that's what I'm saying, that when using a jetpack it is very easy to be effective despite being exposed in the air
I wouldn't say it's easy (throwing grenades accurately is kinda difficult while jetpacking, in my opinion), but it certainly is powerful when people aren't appropriately attending to you with team fire.

Also, "vulnerable" means more susceptible to damage and death.


FyreWulff said:
Joking aside, I wouldn't use superior DMR skills, or pistol skills. I'd peg you and stuff, but I just want to do it because I can't fathom how you think Jetpacks are balanced on cage.


thezerofire said:
For XBC does your computer and xbox both have to be wired? I usually use wifi for my laptop
No, it should be fine.

Finding games that aren't either MLG settings or lets-mod-happy-fun-time is a little more difficult though.
thezerofire said:
For XBC does your computer and xbox both have to be wired? I usually use wifi for my laptop
The Xbox, yes, the computer, no...at least that's what I recall. It's been more than a year since I last messed with that stuff.

Havok said:
Finding games that aren't either MLG settings or lets-mod-happy-fun-time is a little more difficult though.

Then we make them!


More people should just buy Halo 2 Vista. I'll totally help you boost Rainman and Violent Cartographer, too! And then you can all join me in complaining about how Halo 2 Vista achievements aren't recognized by Halo Waypoint.

I should rent a server

24/7 KotH Rockets on Midship
Havok said:
No, it should be fine.

Finding games that aren't either MLG settings or lets-mod-happy-fun-time is a little more difficult though.
well I'll give it a shot when you guys play then

FyreWulff said:
More people should just buy Halo 2 Vista. I'll totally help you boost Rainman and Violent Cartographer, too! And then you can all join me in complaining about how Halo 2 Vista achievements aren't recognized by Halo Waypoint.

I should rent a server

24/7 KotH Rockets on Midship
I don't really want to play on PC or else I wouldn't be here. I do like my PC shooters but Halo is a console thing for me
FyreWulff said:
More people should just buy Halo 2 Vista. I'll totally help you boost Rainman and Violent Cartographer, too! And then you can all join me in complaining about how Halo 2 Vista achievements aren't recognized by Halo Waypoint.

I should rent a server

24/7 KotH Rockets on Midship

It's terrible, but I probably still don't have a box I can run H2V on. The last time I bought a decent computer was a laptop in October '06.

thezerofire said:
I don't really want to play on PC or else I wouldn't be here. I do like my PC shooters but Halo is a console thing for me

I know this much: getting a controller setup for Halo PC that's comparable to CE is a pain in the fucking ass. I have no desire to play Halo with M+KB.


thezerofire said:
well I'll give it a shot when you guys play then

I don't really want to play on PC or else I wouldn't be here. I do like my PC shooters but Halo is a console thing for me

Strangely, Halo 2 Vista plays better with a 360 pad. It can't quite be explained, but KBAM in H2V is .. off?

You can switch at any time too.. put down the pad, grab the mouse and go, then pick up the controller and play. I had trouble clearing campaign on Heroic with KBAM but breezed through it like I remembered being able to with a 360 controller. It's not the autoaim, it's the fact that Halo 2 was extremely optimized to be played with a gamepad, I think.

CQB and managing dual wielding is great on the pad but kind of a clusterfuck on the keyboard.

Amusingly, I can't play a console FPS without Legacy sticks.. but I play H2V (and all other PC FPS) with the default WASD/mouse setup, which Default Sticks emulates.. and in Halo 2 Vista, I switch between the two (KBAM default and Legacy Sticks) instantly. I really can't explain that one, either.
FyreWulff said:
Strangely, Halo 2 Vista plays better with a 360 pad. It can't quite be explained, but KBAM in H2V is .. off?

You can switch at any time too.. put down the pad, grab the mouse and go, then pick up the controller and play. I had trouble clearing campaign on Heroic with KBAM but breezed through it like I remembered being able to with a 360 controller. It's not the autoaim, it's the fact that Halo 2 was extremely optimized to be played with a gamepad, I think.

CQB and managing dual wielding is great on the pad but kind of a clusterfuck on the keyboard.
hm halo 2 working well on PC with a gamepad...I might look into this...


Ah Xbconnect. That brings back memories of my two friends and I playing Halo 1 through it, and hosting a no pistols CTF on Blood Gulch. Most people would leave because, you know, no pistol, can't cheese the shit out of it, and actually have to play a normal game.

The people who would stay though, were terrible. We never lost a fucking game. When you didn't have that overpowered piece of shit, people couldn't even use the other weapons properly. God it was awesome.


thezerofire said:
hm halo 2 working well on PC with a gamepad...I might look into this...

Yeah, I think I've seen one of the A27s (Tawpgun I think?) say the same thing about KBAM being off/crap in Halo 2 Vista.

It supports the 360 wired pad natively and is like playing the Xbox version exactly (complete with proper button prompts) with the controls, except now you can turn up the refresh rate and resolution. 360 pad works at all times, you can switch between KBAM and the pad at will without having to go into menus, and you have text chat available in-game and the pre-game lobby in addition to voice chat.
Kunohara said:
Ah Xbconnect. That brings back memories of my two friends and I playing Halo 1 through it, and hosting a no pistols CTF on Blood Gulch. Most people would leave because, you know, no pistol, can't cheese the shit out of it, and actually have to play a normal game.

The people who would stay though, were terrible. We never lost a fucking game. When you didn't have that overpowered piece of shit, people couldn't even use the other weapons properly. God it was awesome.
Mystery solved.



ncsuDuncan said:
Mystery solved.


Nah, us hosting didn't make a difference, believe me. My friend at the time had shit internet. We were lucky to play a game that did not lag. That was one of the reasons for no pistols, since lag would really fuck you up on it (and the cheese of it of course).


Well hot damn. I'm going to see how reliable XBC will work through a VM. It'd be fun to do GAF games every once in a while.
HiredN00bs said:
The Xbox, yes, the computer, no...at least that's what I recall. It's been more than a year since I last messed with that stuff.

It's the other way around.

Xbox can be wireless, PC needs to be wired to the router. For best results, wire both.


A27 Tawpgun said:
You must be playing against some bad jetpackers.

Fyrewulff, I'm gonna return the favor and dig up some stats about you. You haven't played more than 20 games of Squad Slayer. Your squad K/D is good (1.41), but you probably haven't been matched up with the good players Tawpgun and I have in squad (150 games/200 games played, 1.9 kd, 1.7 kd). Squad slayer puts a bigger emphasis on jetpacks because its only sprint/jetpack/camo in the playlist. Same thing goes for Arena. We are both 90% Onyx in the arena, where jetpack is one of...3 armor abilities I believe. You haven't really played Arena since January/November.

You don't have the experience Tawpgun and I with facing opponents with abusing jetpack, and we have seen the jetpack abused badly. There are plenty of games we have lost only because the other team just wouldn't stop abusing jetpack and there was nothing we could do to counter it. Jetpack has no counter. "Oh but they are vulnerable up in the air like that!" Well if an experienced player is taking fire, they drop down behind a wall to cover. Only an idiot would sit up in the air while they get 5-shot. Shooting a jetpacker quickly dropping out of the sky isn't easy either. Not to mention they can pretty much get anywhere on the map. In a game that is built around map control, it doesn't bode too well for balance and gameplay.

tl;dr Jetpack sucks and its overpowered. Play onyx arena/a full party of jetpackers in squad and your opinion of jetpack will drastically change.

Also, that oddball teabagging clip was hilarious.


just like in the old times, couldn't find decent games on xbc but xlink is delivering

lockout ohgosh!! dat BR

even a shotgun+sword ffa game on midship turns out fun



people will die
Tunavi said:

Fyrewulff, I'm gonna return the favor and dig up some stats about you. You haven't played more than 20 games of Squad Slayer. Your squad K/D is good (1.41), but you probably haven't been matched up with the good players Tawpgun and I have in squad (150 games/200 games played, 1.9 kd, 1.7 kd). Squad slayer puts a bigger emphasis on jetpacks because its only sprint/jetpack/camo in the playlist. Same thing goes for Arena. We are both 90% Onyx in the arena, where jetpack is one of...3 armor abilities I believe. You haven't really played Arena since January/November.

You don't have the experience Tawpgun and I with facing opponents with abusing jetpack, and we have seen the jetpack abused badly. There are plenty of games we have lost only because the other team just wouldn't stop abusing jetpack and there was nothing we could do to counter it. Jetpack has no counter. "Oh but they are vulnerable up in the air like that!" Well if an experience player is taking fire, they drop down behind a wall to cover. Only an idiot would sit up in the air while they get 5-shot. Shooting a jetpacker quickly dropping out of the sky isn't easy either.

tl;dr Play onyx arena/a full party of jetpackers in squad and your opinion of jetpack will drastically change.
They shouldn't be getting 5-shot, they should be getting 2-shot. If you can hear a jetpack and you aren't shooting the user or turning to shoot the user, or already engaged, you're doing it wrong.
HiredN00bs said:
They shouldn't be getting 5-shot, they should be getting 2-shot. If you can hear a jetpack and you aren't shooting the user or turning to shoot the user, or already engaged, you're doing it wrong.
you're doing a lot of assuming that players aren't otherwise engaged.


HiredN00bs said:
They shouldn't be getting 5-shot, they should be getting 2-shot. If you can hear a jetpack and you aren't shooting the user or turning to shoot the user, or already engaged, you're doing it wrong.
You still don't get it, the entire other team is using jetpack. Or if it is Asylum, sometimes you get 3 jetpack users and a guy who camps in their sniper hut, sniping all game. It's not, "hey a guy is jetpacking let's teamshoot him." It is more like, "hey there are three guys jetpacking all over, let's try and shoot them, oh, we are getting picked off by the sniper." I have played in a couple of these games that Tunavi is talking about, it was two teams of good players, and the other team just abused Jetpack all game.


With 5 jetpackers in the air, there's not much you can do. In most situations, your teammates could be dead, pre-occupied with other battles, running away to recharge their shields... I see you've played A LOT of squad, so I'm surprised you don't know what I'm talking about. This doesn't happen every game, but its game breaking when it does happen.

I'm talking about the loadout system. If 5 people can jetpack at the same time, that's how this game is broken. It sounds like you're talking about MLG/pick up system, where only one person is jetpacking at a time. That's balanced and I'm okay with that.

Louis Wu

A27 Tawpgun said:
Ugh. Gross.

If you don't make the game for the people who love Halo you aren't making a good Halo game simple as that.

Halo players want changes that benefit the Halo formula and the core principles that make the game great.
Please - stop that.

I love Halo as much as you do. More, maybe.

I held on to equipment LONG past its optimal sell-by date (or, sometimes, used it way to damned early). I never talked to anyone at Bungie about it - but I can GUARANTEE you they saw other people doing exactly the same thing.

I wish you'd stop suggesting that your skill at the game somehow makes your 'love' more important than mine.

Aren't you guys capable of debating things without denigrating those that disagree with you?

(I'm catching up on the last couple of hundred posts, so I just saw the whole jetpack on (un)caged argument... I know for a fact that I'm not the only jetpacker who regularly falls to their death on that level by misjudging a distance or how much juice is left. :) )

I feel pretty bad posting this, because I'm headed out of town for a couple of days and won't be able to see replies before Sunday night - but I'll forget to come back to if I don't, and this has been bugging me for a while.


Louis Wu said:
Please - stop that.

I love Halo as much as you do. More, maybe.

I held on to equipment LONG past its optimal sell-by date (or, sometimes, used it way to damned early). I never talked to anyone at Bungie about it - but I can GUARANTEE you they saw other people doing exactly the same thing.

I wish you'd stop suggesting that your skill at the game somehow makes your 'love' more important than mine.

Aren't you guys capable of debating things without denigrating those that disagree with you?

(I'm catching up on the last couple of hundred posts, so I just saw the whole jetpack on (un)caged argument... I know for a fact that I'm not the only jetpacker who regularly falls to their death on that level by misjudging a distance or how much juice is left. :) )

I feel pretty bad posting this, because I'm headed out of town for a couple of days and won't be able to see replies before Sunday night - but I'll forget to come back to if I don't, and this has been bugging me for a while.

I <3 U


Louis Wu said:
Please - stop that.

I love Halo as much as you do. More, maybe.

I held on to equipment LONG past its optimal sell-by date (or, sometimes, used it way to damned early). I never talked to anyone at Bungie about it - but I can GUARANTEE you they saw other people doing exactly the same thing.

I wish you'd stop suggesting that your skill at the game somehow makes your 'love' more important than mine.

Aren't you guys capable of debating things without denigrating those that disagree with you?

(I'm catching up on the last couple of hundred posts, so I just saw the whole jetpack on (un)caged argument... I know for a fact that I'm not the only jetpacker who regularly falls to their death on that level by misjudging a distance or how much juice is left. :) )

I feel pretty bad posting this, because I'm headed out of town for a couple of days and won't be able to see replies before Sunday night - but I'll forget to come back to if I don't, and this has been bugging me for a while.
You enjoy jetpacking in a much more casual fashion. People flying around shooting down is not the biggest problem . The competitive players use it extremely effectively to bypass and get on top of everything without being exposed in the air a millisecond more than they need to. Jetpacking should just get a playlist or two dedicated to it in the next game, so people who enjoy that kind of gameplay are not left out and can play against each other, and the rest can just play the normal route/map control, prediction and precision jumping game like we've been playing the past 10 years.

for the person who asked over PM, in xlink, go to the latin america arena, don't enter any specific private room, just look at the TV screen and there should be about 15 games with decent numbers of players going on, mostly midship and lockout

in the north america arena I couldn't get any games to appear anywhere

I couldn't play more than a few games because I had to leave, and now I'm itching for more, I think I'm gonna play Halo 2 for a bunch of hours tonight
Louis Wu said:
Please - stop that.

I love Halo as much as you do. More, maybe.

I held on to equipment LONG past its optimal sell-by date (or, sometimes, used it way to damned early). I never talked to anyone at Bungie about it - but I can GUARANTEE you they saw other people doing exactly the same thing.

I wish you'd stop suggesting that your skill at the game somehow makes your 'love' more important than mine.

Aren't you guys capable of debating things without denigrating those that disagree with you?

(I'm catching up on the last couple of hundred posts, so I just saw the whole jetpack on (un)caged argument... I know for a fact that I'm not the only jetpacker who regularly falls to their death on that level by misjudging a distance or how much juice is left. :) )

I feel pretty bad posting this, because I'm headed out of town for a couple of days and won't be able to see replies before Sunday night - but I'll forget to come back to if I don't, and this has been bugging me for a while.
I think what we're saying is that at a high level of play, jetpacks are game-breaking. If that's not your experience, that's fine, but that's mine and many other people's experience here.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Louis Wu said:
Please - stop that.

I love Halo as much as you do. More, maybe.

I held on to equipment LONG past its optimal sell-by date (or, sometimes, used it way to damned early). I never talked to anyone at Bungie about it - but I can GUARANTEE you they saw other people doing exactly the same thing.

I wish you'd stop suggesting that your skill at the game somehow makes your 'love' more important than mine.

Aren't you guys capable of debating things without denigrating those that disagree with you?

(I'm catching up on the last couple of hundred posts, so I just saw the whole jetpack on (un)caged argument... I know for a fact that I'm not the only jetpacker who regularly falls to their death on that level by misjudging a distance or how much juice is left. :) )

I feel pretty bad posting this, because I'm headed out of town for a couple of days and won't be able to see replies before Sunday night - but I'll forget to come back to if I don't, and this has been bugging me for a while.

lol nubscrub play me one on one if u gon bitch like a bitch


Tunavi said:
tl;dr Jetpack sucks and its overpowered. Play onyx arena/a full party of jetpackers in squad and your opinion of jetpack will drastically change.

Yes. It sucks to match up against a good team of Onyx guys who use nothing but Jetpack. It becomes almost impossible to hold map control. And they'll even pick Swordbase as a first option to. So, sadly I've been using it more and more on some maps. It has no place in any of the competitive playlists we have. But yeah, Arena did start off with TS loadouts. It's came a looooooong way.
Tunavi said:
tl;dr Jetpack sucks and its overpowered. Play onyx arena/a full party of jetpackers in squad and your opinion of jetpack will drastically change.
If this is the case, why wouldn't your team get on their level and use jetpack as well? Surely that would even it out a bit for you awesome Onyx players, no?


thezerofire said:
I think what we're saying is that at a high level of play, jetpacks are game-breaking. If that's not your experience, that's fine, but that's mine and many other people's experience here.

True, but its the way Tawpgun and others are stating it. They say stuff like "Ugh, not in my Halo" and almost flat out say "because I am better, my opinion matters more", which isn't exactly true true at all. Wu isn't saying Jet Packs are best, he's just saying his opinion matters too.
squidhands said:
If this is the case, why wouldn't your team get on their level and use jetpack as well? Surely that would even it out a bit for you awesome Onyx players, no?
If the only reasonable counter to X is to use X yourself than I'd agree that it isn't well balanced. Well OK, it may be balanced, but not for a game, and it diminishes the sandbox.

Not sure if jetpacks truly fit that description though.
343 releases a new playlist in Reach: 1v1 Heroes.

You have to beat the resident Halo pro from 343 in order to purchase Halo 4 and post on the Waypoint forums.

Losing the 1v1 means you have to purchase Halo 4: Casual Edition, which is just Perfect Dark Zero with a Halo skin. Your posting abilities on Halo Waypoint are limited to the characters "3", "4", "f", "t", and "w".
senador said:
True, but its the way Tawpgun and others are stating it. They say stuff like "Ugh, not in my Halo" and almost flat out say "because I am better, my opinion matters more", which isn't exactly true. Wu isn't saying Jet Packs are best, he's just saying his opinion matters too.
I think the counter to that would be to say that why should someone who doesn't know how to use something well be afforded equal say in whether it works or not? I don't think I fully believe that but it seems like an argument to be made.
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