No real man is that hairless.Homeboyd said:
No real man is that hairless.Homeboyd said:
squidhands said:If I may be so bold to ask: what is your role now that Bungie's reign with Halo is over? I'm genuinely curious as to what you do in a 'downtime' as a community liaison.
Gui_PT said:
Really? Darn. Haven't watched any of S9 yet, but loved Revelation last year.Dax01 said:RvB Season 9, if it continues on its current course, will be the worst season of RvB. And that's not because the material concerning the RvB gang is bad (it's as good as ever, see episode 7 in which Church, Caboose, and Tucker talk about how to talk to girls). It's this whole mess of stuff that doesn't concern the gang at all. Very boring. I skipped half of episode seven until I got to Church, Caboose, and Tucker.
I was gonna make the same joke, hah.Dax01 said:I didn't know Urk had an exact, miniature version of himself.
I just want to know that it was worth it, whatever, link again?A27 Tawpgun said:I can't youtubes it until the contest is over. Get a facebook if you don't already have one, watch it there, and vote for me
Why are you scared about the Halo app getting your info? If its a matter of you don't want to see it pop up on everyones feed just remove the message if it even gives you one. Simple. Then remove the app.
It would make for a more 'hardcore' firefight experience. All it takes it one missed ammo territory and everyone will end up having to resort to whatever they can get their hands on.TimeLike said:Sounds like campaign.
I'm really excited to see this. An hour long vidoc sounds amazing.Hour long ViDoc drops on 8/4. B.net facelift coming after the support transition. Stats, File Share and Community still fully operational.
Aside from the de-emphasis on Halo - likely tucked into their game history pages - I'm very curious what the new b.net layout entails.PsychoRaven said:Just dropping this here.
GhaleonEB said:Aside from the de-emphasis on Halo - likely tucked into their game history pages - I'm very curious what the new b.net layout entails.
(I'm hoping for some interesting artwork to scrutinize for clues.)
Bungie is going into cocoon mode. Can't wait to see what emerges.
Booties said:Please don't say that. I'm about to have an aneurysm.
GhaleonEB said:Aside from the de-emphasis on Halo - likely tucked into their game history pages - I'm very curious what the new b.net layout entails.
(I'm hoping for some interesting artwork to scrutinize for clues.)
Bungie is going into cocoon mode. Can't wait to see what emerges.
lol that Snipe Joy kid thinks he's hot shitHomeboyd said:
Heh. I've done the same. When the redisign hits I'll be exploring the nooks and crannies.ncsuDuncan said:Between the hour-long vidoc and the site redesign I'm going to spend a lot of time staring at my computer screen looking for the slightest clue.
I've already watched the slideshow on the About Bungie page at least a dozen times.
It's a good thing I use an LCD monitor, otherwise the header image on the See You Starside post would have burned into my screen by now.
https://apps.facebook.com/halofest/contest/view/machinima/4e362c7095008e5d7800f2b4Plywood said:I just want to know that it was worth it, whatever, link again?
Bungiefacebook said:Seeing a lot of confusion over the Halo support transition. We're not going anywhere. Stats and File Share remain fully functional on Bungie.net, our forums are as polite and entertaining as ever, and we've got an hour long ViDoc prepped for launch on 8/4. Stick around!
Letters said:
Gabotron ES said:Ask your question for the Halo Bulletin
REMINDER: Last 2 days to submit your spartan for the community collage, hurry up!
Bam. [url=http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=21846538&player=Karl2177]Done.[/url]
Must have, look at the career stats/playtime.Hey You said:I just noticed Jeremiah/Ninja 0n Fire is a inheritor.
I wonder if they made all Bungie Employees Inheritor.
GhaleonEB said:Must have, look at the career stats/playtime.
Edit: maybe it's just him, actually. The others I've checked are their normal rank.
The benefits of being the playlist showrunner.
His account probably got hacked. Evil Otto had the same thing happen to him earlier this year.Hey You said:I just noticed Jeremiah/Ninja 0n Fire is a inheritor.
I wonder if they made all Bungie Employees Inheritor.
The Real Napsta said:I remember them trying it and getting 3'd.
Neat. Who's left? :/Karl2177 said:Bam. Done.
MrBig said:That's an odd thing to do,if he even plays Haloif that's his normal playing account. It would mean his Credit payouts are largely inflated and he won't know anything about the progressive credit experience that everyone else goes through.
All Bungie account already have all armor unlock, so theres no reason to.
This is something I have noticed about Reach: chasing is significantly more effective. In Halo 3 I was able to punish anyone who tried to chase, but in Reach I can't really. I'm not sure why, but I get chased way more than I would have in previous halo's, and it gets me killed more often. Anyone else experience this?FyreWulff said:Same thing happened to kids that tried to BXR charge in Halo 2. At some points we'd just set up a trap where I'd kite them across a certain area of the map and they'd just walk past a teammate waiting to assassinate them because they'd just be chasing me around Lockout trying to get a BXR off.
Good times.
Barrow Roll said:Well, glad I'm not the only one that feels that way.
What was wrong with your Onza? Mine would randomly get slow turn when turning left but it that only happened every once in a while. And sometimes the controller would register down inputs on the left stick when I wasn't even touching it. Like, my character would just start walking backwards slowly for no reason sometimes.
Drop a grenade at your feet and sprint away. It usually deters chasers for me at least.thezerofire said:This is something I have noticed about Reach: chasing is significantly more effective. In Halo 3 I was able to punish anyone who tried to chase, but in Reach I can't really. I'm not sure why, but I get chased way more than I would have in previous halo's, and it gets me killed more often. Anyone else experience this?
This is why is puzzles me when people critique the game history of Bungie employees, especially the test team.bobs99 ... said:I doubt the Bungie guys play Halo, if they do they probably wouldn't play on the Bungie accounts. I don't say that as a 'Bungie dont even play they're own games duh' mentality, but quite frankly these guys have been playtesting Reach for the last x many years, im not shocked that they don't want to play it in they're free time.
If they do play games I really doubt they would do it on theyre company accounts, those are probably constantly spammed with messages, and they would just get abuse playing online. That just means that to us it looks like they never play Halo, but we can never really know.
I doubt they play a huge amount on alt tags and if thats the case it does kind of suck that the Bungie guys probably don't experience what we experience and so don't know what to fix, but quite frankly unless NoF was paid to play Halo he probably has more important things to do in his free time. Working people dont have as much time for games, and after a long day of working on the next big thing they probably want to spend they're free time with family or whatever, not playing more games.
I think that much has been clear from all the clues dropped to date. I think Destiny is the name of the planet we're exporing/colonizing. Your destiny awaits....on Destiny. It's a planet the factions are warring over.Hitmonchan107 said:Speculation: What if "Destiny" is about man's first foray into space exploration -- to raise oneself from the mud, and to boldly travel to the stars? "Destiny awaits" reminds me of manifest destiny.
for some reason I never have a grenade. It's probably because it's more effective to throw them all, and that exploding grenades explode the ones sitting on the ground, so I rarely pick them up. And that shooting me in the back kills a lot faster than it used to.Karl2177 said:Drop a grenade at your feet and sprint away. It usually deters chasers for me at least.
Gabotron ES said:Neat. Who's left? :/
Hitmonchan107 said:I'm rereading "To Kill a Mockingbird," and I noticed something interesting.
During the Halloween chapter, Maycomb County holds a pageant called, "Maycomb County: Ad Astra Per Aspera," which means "from the mud to the stars."
I know Bungie has been using "Per Audacia Ad Astra," which means "to boldly reach the stars." I think a little wordplay/referencing is in effect here, especially if the name of the game is "Destiny."
Speculation: What if "Destiny" is about man's first foray into space exploration -- to raise oneself from the mud, and to boldly travel to the stars? "Destiny awaits" reminds me of manifest destiny, when Americans believed that they were destined to travel west across the continent.
What if each of the factions represents a reason for traveling into space?
Future War Cult: to conquer and reign
Osiris: Religious drive to space
Dead Orbit: Purely to explore
Seven Seraphs: Perhaps a rival religion
Hitmonchan107 said:I'm rereading "To Kill a Mockingbird," and I noticed something interesting.
During the Halloween chapter, Maycomb County holds a pageant called, "Maycomb County: Ad Astra Per Aspera," which means "from the mud to the stars."
I know Bungie has been using "Per Audacia Ad Astra," which means "to boldly reach the stars." I think a little wordplay/referencing is in effect here, especially if the name of the game is "Destiny."
Speculation: What if "Destiny" is about man's first foray into space exploration -- to raise oneself from the mud, and to boldly travel to the stars? "Destiny awaits" reminds me of manifest destiny, when Americans believed that they were destined to travel west across the continent.
What if each of the factions represents a reason for traveling into space?
Future War Cult: to conquer and reign
Osiris: Religious drive to space
Dead Orbit: Purely to explore
Seven Seraphs: Perhaps a rival religion
Hitmonchan107 said:Speculation: What if "Destiny" is about man's first foray into space exploration -- to raise oneself from the mud, and to boldly travel to the stars? "Destiny awaits" reminds me of manifest destiny, when Americans believed that they were destined to travel west across the continent.
:lol :lolRamirez said:I've learned my lesson man, a bunch of us got some free action figures in the swag giveaway on the last day at the Bungie booth. After that we leave to go eat dinner with some Bungie folk, end up at some fancy steak house, the hostess then mocks us saying she'll hold our toys, and that she thinks her brother plays with Halo stuff too. "How old is your brother?", "10.", ":|".
I'm gonna try to do this tonight, as well.Gabotron ES said:Neat. Who's left? :/
Still baffled by this - makes literally zero sense.Bregmann Roche said:I'm still confused by the way that a certain character gets dong-blained out of nowhere in one of their games that shall remain nameless.
kylej said:Waaaaaaaaaay too ambitious. Bungie can't write a half decent character or story to save their lives. They're not going to turn into Kubrick in 2 years.
MrBig said:All Bungie account already have all armor unlock, so theres no reason to.
Thaaat is weird. Never heard of any problems like that before nor have I experienced such anomalies. That's too bad, I like the controller itself so much.TrounceX said:Mine had an over volt problem. It was crazy weird like my Xbox wouldn't even turn on with the thing plugged in. I hooked it up to my PC and it shut down immediately. Did a little digging around and found out it was sucking up more volts than USB allows for. Good stuff Razer.
Anyone out there looking to get an Onza I would strongly recommend staying away
That shot is from one of my favorite areas in the game. Seeing the ship go down and then working through the wreakage was so awesome; stuff like that is why I love the campaign.i nerini del buio said:Armor abilities and invis.sniping/swording/meleeing/camping already in halo2
everybody stop complaining. adapt. deal with it.
jk. going through halo2 again. awesome game <3
You forgot New Monarchy.Hitmonchan107 said:I'm rereading "To Kill a Mockingbird," and I noticed something interesting.
During the Halloween chapter, Maycomb County holds a pageant called, "Maycomb County: Ad Astra Per Aspera," which means "from the mud to the stars."
I know Bungie has been using "Per Audacia Ad Astra," which means "to boldly reach the stars." I think a little wordplay/referencing is in effect here, especially if the name of the game is "Destiny."
Speculation: What if "Destiny" is about man's first foray into space exploration -- to raise oneself from the mud, and to boldly travel to the stars? "Destiny awaits" reminds me of manifest destiny, when Americans believed that they were destined to travel west across the continent.
What if each of the factions represents a reason for traveling into space?
Future War Cult: to conquer and reign
Osiris: Religious drive to space
Dead Orbit: Purely to explore
Seven Seraphs: Perhaps a rival religion
That's pretty weak man. Preeeeeetty, pretty........ pretty weak.Letters said::lol :lol
I instantly gave away the action figures that came on my bungiestore swag bag, didn't want to risk ANYONE ever coming across them in my house.
But the header that's used on the "See You Starside" article is the same one that's used for the "One of Seven" page (except for the addition of the text "One of Seven"), and both of these banners include the Latin phrase. I thought that we were under the agreement that the geography in the banner might be the planet.ncsuDuncan said:You forgot New Monarchy.
Usually when we see Bungie use "Per Audacia Ad Astra" it's related to Bungie Aerospace. I see it as a reference to Aerospace's mission - to take indie games and polish them into Bungie-quality titles. The bold indie developers are endeavoring towards making a triple-A game.
"Destiny" and "Be Brave" certainly give a vibe of exploration, especially with that star chart we've seen in the See You Starside header (and the version with the compass on the Golden tickets and on the One in Seven page).
My favorite theory right now is that Destiny is the name of a single planet that various factions will fight over towards colonization and control.
I'm imagining a FPS with distinct singleplayer levels and multiplayer battlefields that are all connected by an MMO-ish hub level. Take ODST, make the hub city an MMO and turn the level-triggering clues into transports to various parts of the planet. Add in more portals as matchmaking shortcuts to small multiplayer instances, like 16 player slayer games or 4 player co-op runs.
i nerini del buio said:Armor abilities and invis.sniping/swording/meleeing/camping already in halo2
everybody stop complaining. adapt. deal with it.
jk. going through halo2 again. awesome game <3
Yup, that's what the signs point to. I'm most curious about the game structure. It would be great if there was a global system for tracking the factions and how they are faring against one another in the competetive component.ncsuDuncan said:My favorite theory right now is that Destiny is the name of a single planet that various factions will fight over towards colonization and control.
Fixed.FyreWulff said:I loved how useless the camo was on Legendary
This is really solid speculationHitmonchan107 said:I'm rereading "To Kill a Mockingbird," and I noticed something interesting.
During the Halloween chapter, Maycomb County holds a pageant called, "Maycomb County: Ad Astra Per Aspera," which means "from the mud to the stars."
I know Bungie has been using "Per Audacia Ad Astra," which means "to boldly reach the stars." I think a little wordplay/referencing is in effect here, especially if the name of the game is "Destiny."
Speculation: What if "Destiny" is about man's first foray into space exploration -- to raise oneself from the mud, and to boldly travel to the stars? "Destiny awaits" reminds me of manifest destiny, when Americans believed that they were destined to travel west across the continent.
What if each of the factions represents a reason for traveling into space?
Hmm, I assumed it was because the Steak tags had all their armor unlocked, and some other videos have shown that other people have had the same.Achronos said:That's not true.