That isn't always a bad thing. I hate certain maps, at least for MP, that are just so crammed and when you include vehicle debris, it gets even worse for movement.GhaleonEB said:Nothing to blow up, no vehicle bits left on the battlefield
That isn't always a bad thing. I hate certain maps, at least for MP, that are just so crammed and when you include vehicle debris, it gets even worse for movement.GhaleonEB said:Nothing to blow up, no vehicle bits left on the battlefield
Gabotron ES said:I'm really exited to play the campaign, you guys just keep saying it is the best campaign.
I'll write my review after my first heroic walkthrough.
I'd say put your money on Halo Anniversary instead of the current map packs. More maps, and most of them are known to be good.PwnCakes193 said:Are the map packs worth it? I was considering getting them and I'm on the fence.
Both DLC maps are good, but he had the chance to buy them both for 800MSP last week. So right now I would say: Wait. Another sale is comingMrBig said:I'd say put your money on Halo Anniversary instead of the current map packs. More maps, and most of them are known to be good.
FyreWulff said:The hogs in CE were actually supposed to have actual physics on players ie pushing them away and stuff, but according to Bungie the guys couldn't get it working right so they just made the hog kill you instantly if you were in contact with it for a certain period of time so they could ship the multiplayer :lol
Hah, I was just about to make the same post.PsychoRaven said:And you know that's ok with me. It really seems like half of Halo CE's multiplayer was a happy accident.
PsychoRaven said:And you know that's ok with me. It really seems like half of Halo CE's multiplayer was a happy accident.
I always thought Heroic's difficulty was good as far as the enemies AI and weapon damage was concerned, but there were too few enemies. Then you'd switch it up to Legendary and there would be twice as many enemies but they were also all twice as strong. They needed an inbetween difficulty setting.Gui_PT said:CE's Heroic is too easy. Go for Legendary.
you get a big challenge but you destroy the pacing and roleplaying, unless he doesn't care about enjoying the campaign, I would not recomend doing legendary in the first playthrough at allGui_PT said:CE's Heroic is too easy. Go for Legendary.
I saw Kat, George and Carter at a convention yesterday bro, if only I had known.Hypertrooper said:I'm thinking about to buy Kat and Noble 6 Play-arts from Ebay. Both for 20,50 right now, but the guy lost the packaging :/ Maybe I'll get them for <30.
The official price is 50 for each figure.Hydranockz said:I saw Kat, George and Carter at a convention yesterday bro, if only I had known.
Deputy Moonman said:I always thought Heroic's difficulty was good as far as the enemies AI and weapon damage was concerned, but there were too few enemies. Then you'd switch it up to Legendary and there would be twice as many enemies but they were also all twice as strong. They needed an inbetween difficulty setting.
Letters said:you get a big challenge but you destroy the pacing and roleplaying, unless he doesn't care about enjoying the campaign, I would not recomend doing legendary in the first playthrough at all
Heroic is only easy if the player knows the environments/encounters like the back of his hand
i.e. abusing the noob-combo?omg.kittens said:I agree with Gui -- CE's Heroic is too easy. Legendary is a lot more enjoyable. There's a few frustrating encounters, but repeating the same battle over and over till you get it right is the best part of Halo campaigns.![]()
Neat. Spartan rendering computer overheated on hers? lolRamirez said:I was just looking at the profiles of some of the guys that destroyed us the other night, well they destroy us every time we get matched up with them. This person's profile is showing a Spartan with a messed up b/g image. II A IN IN A
FyreWulff said:I will say that I liked the implementation of actual full physics with the hog in 3 and Reach better than 2's. In Halo 2 it seemed really easy for people to survive hog impacts. You pretty much had to hit them dead on and they had to be walking towards you, it seemed.
In 3 and Reach I can powerslide into people and kill them in style.
You just described why I hate the laser, rather than destructible vehicles.PsychoRaven said:Oh I agree. Halo 2 you could run people over and they'd come out without a scratch half the time. Halo 3 I feel had the vehicles perfect. They were tough and could take a beating while still being destroyable. They could hit you and you'd feel it. The problem with them I felt was that it was easy to destroy them for one simple reason. 1 laser shot and bam vehicle gone. As a result vehicles didn't really get a lot of use because they were rolling death traps. That's why I've always hated destructible vehicles myself.
You gotta ask?Ramirez said:I was just looking at the profiles of some of the guys (this one's a girl if the profile is to be believed) that destroyed us the other night, well they destroy us every time we get matched up with them. This person's profile is showing a Spartan with a messed up b/g image.
30 unfrigginbelievable in team obj?! that profile screams cheaterRamirez said:I was just looking at the profiles of some of the guys (this one's a girl if the profile is to be believed) that destroyed us the other night, well they destroy us every time we get matched up with them. This person's profile is showing a Spartan with a messed up b/g image. II A IN IN A
I checked the others and mine to make sure it wasn't something on my end, what's going on there? lol Almost a 9 K/D ratio, it was as if their DMR's shot mack trucks, and ours were shooting corks.
We took it like men however, even though they were ignoring the objective.![]()
Ramirez said:I was just looking at the profiles of some of the guys (this one's a girl if the profile is to be believed) that destroyed us the other night, well they destroy us every time we get matched up with them. This person's profile is showing a Spartan with a messed up b/g image. II A IN IN A
Nope. That sounds like Object holding.i nerini del buio said:30 unfrigginbelievable in team obj?! that profile screams cheater
I like how they never take a loss. They quit out of every losing game from the looks of it. That's pro.Ramirez said:I was just looking at the profiles of some of the guys (this one's a girl if the profile is to be believed) that destroyed us the other night, well they destroy us every time we get matched up with them. This person's profile is showing a Spartan with a messed up b/g image. II A IN IN A
I checked the others and mine to make sure it wasn't something on my end, what's going on there? lol Almost a 9 K/D ratio, it was as if their DMR's shot mack trucks, and ours were shooting corks.
We took it like men however, even though they were ignoring the objective.![]()
Well, sometimes, haha. My last play through I actually barely used the Plasma Pistol. It takes the fun out of fighting Elites. I mostly use Pistol, Needler, and Plasma Rifle against them.i nerini del buio said:i.e. abusing the noob-combo?
I've never liked legendary solo![]()
Yeah, Spartan Laser has no place in Matchmaking.PsychoRaven said:Oh I agree. Halo 2 you could run people over and they'd come out without a scratch half the time. Halo 3 I feel had the vehicles perfect. They were tough and could take a beating while still being destroyable. They could hit you and you'd feel it. The problem with them I felt was that it was easy to destroy them for one simple reason. 1 laser shot and bam vehicle gone. As a result vehicles didn't really get a lot of use because they were rolling death traps. That's why I've always hated destructible vehicles myself.
GhaleonEB said:You just described why I hate the laser, rather than destructible vehicles.
Agree on Halo 3, vehicles felt just right in that game. It was shocking going from that to Reach.
I've seen a few people's profiles like that... some made a few threads comblaining about it on the Reach forums.Ramirez said:I was just more curious as to why her picture was distorted like that. It's obvious they just dong on people all game, every game.![]()
Their shots didn't seem like they had hacked profiles? I've played against some people I've strongly felt were cheaters (i.e. every shot hits EVERY time, no matter the angle/speed/jump height). Or were they really just that good? I would suggest MLG if that were so...Ramirez said:I was just more curious as to why her picture was distorted like that. It's obvious they just dong on people all game, every game.![]()
Yeah, my opinion has always been that the laser is the single worst thing to happen to the vehicle combat in the entire series. Tweaking the rocket lock and adding a notification to the driver that he was in danger would have been much better than adding an instant-kill, practically unnoticeable-at-range weapon that was hyper-effective against both infantry and any vehicle in one hit. The Halo 3 Missile Pod was a low-power version of what I'd want in a perfect world, but it got a lot of things right - the blaring beeps that the vehicles heard chiefly among them. Reach then added the lockon back in but only for aerial vehicles - but now the Banshee can infinitely flip at any point in the process to render it entirely useless. Its a nightmare situation.PsychoRaven said:You and me both. I thought I hated Halo 2's bullshit superglue rocket lock on but the Laser just took that to an entirely new level. It without a doubt is the number 1 item on my list of things that should have never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever....10 years later.....ever ever been put into Halo.
How come she has pictures that are not from Halo in her fileshare? Hacked profile? Who is to say that they don't pull some network shenanigans.Ramirez said:I was just more curious as to why her picture was distorted like that. It's obvious they just dong on people all game, every game.![]()
Ramirez said:I was just looking at the profiles of some of the guys (this one's a girl if the profile is to be believed) that destroyed us the other night, well they destroy us every time we get matched up with them. This person's profile is showing a Spartan with a messed up b/g image. II A IN IN A
I checked the others and mine to make sure it wasn't something on my end, what's going on there? lol Almost a 9 K/D ratio, it was as if their DMR's shot mack trucks, and ours were shooting corks.
We took it like men however, even though they were ignoring the objective.![]()
Gabotron ES said:*raises hand*
They're all from Halo, it's just some Forge art/filter shenanigans.Nutter said:How come she has pictures that are not from Halo in her fileshare? Hacked profile? Who is to say that they don't pull some network shenanigans.
Havok said:Yeah, my opinion has always been that the laser is the single worst thing to happen to the vehicle combat in the entire series. Tweaking the rocket lock and adding a notification to the driver that he was in danger would have been much better than adding an instant-kill, practically unnoticeable-at-range weapon that was hyper-effective against both infantry and any vehicle in one hit. The Halo 3 Missile Pod was a low-power version of what I'd want in a perfect world, but it got a lot of things right - the blaring beeps that the vehicles heard chiefly among them. Reach then added the lockon back in but only for aerial vehicles - but now the Banshee can infinitely flip at any point in the process to render it entirely useless. Its a nightmare situation.
God, I remember a game on Headlong where I was maybe a few seconds away from capping a flag so that we'd at least tie--I had to bring it back inside that huge building--and then BAM, out of nowhere, a frigging banshee manages to cram itself through a window and splatter me and some guy covering me. I had a sad.PsychoRaven said:Yea I didn't mind the rocket lock on for air vehicles the way Reach does it. It's there but it can't turn on the drop of a dime and can be avoided by a well timed flip or flight around something. In halo two that damn thing could fly in a window, through a building turning corners, then back out another and then nail you. It was way too damn overpowered.
And I always thought you looked like this.Gui_PT said:
Where's your pic bby.Sai-kun said:P.s. Wow @ barrow roll
I howl when people leave because everyone's lame and no one plays at 3am with me. Something about sleep or lame-ass east coast excuses. But you worry too much. You're cool, I think that's all most of us really care about.senador said:I'm trying man.Hopefully others feel like you. I assume no one cares too bad. When I said I needed to go to bed Barrow just let out several long "Noooooooos". Still, it makes me feel lame. I'll just keep doing my best and improve. Last night was fun. Some pretty....interesting talk going on. Lawlz
Barrow Roll said:And I always thought you looked like this.![]()
Write it down on a circle of paper so you don't forget.Gui_PT said:I will dye my hair and get glasses just for you.
I think Gears is setting the bar for these high profile 360 releases. If Halo 4 isn't going to match it then that'll be a huge disappointment.Devolution said:I hope halo 4 has dedicated servers. I'm really tired of my shots not even registering and being blained by the other team from across the map. Not to mention being unable to finish anyone off since bloom has decided I don't deserve to on someone else's crap ass connection.
Rickenslacker said:I think Gears is setting the bar for these high profile 360 releases. If Halo 4 isn't going to match it then that'll be a huge disappointment.