Guessing, that kind of like Play.com, the so called cheap delivery is factored into the price of the shirt itself.Gui_PT said:
Ah well.
Guessing, that kind of like Play.com, the so called cheap delivery is factored into the price of the shirt itself.Gui_PT said:
Yeah, that's expensive.Gui_PT said:
Nah it isnt! The normal t-shirt are 14.40. I think these are Fruit Of the Loom T-shirts(Because their size is a mix between AA and Gildan. Otherwise I ordered a t-shirt a few years ago and it was FotL too.) FotL T-shirts have a better quality than Gildan.Zeouterlimits said:Guessing, that kind of like Play.com, the so called cheap delivery is factored into the price of the shirt itself.
Ah well.
Hypertrooper said:Nah it isnt! The normal t-shirt are 14.40. I think these are Fruit Of the Loom T-shirts(Because their size is a mix between AA and Gildan. Otherwise I ordered a t-shirt a few years ago and it was FotL too.) FotL T-shirts have a better quality than Gildan.
The 20.40 is only a choose if you size is more than 2XL. I don't know, how fat you became in the last year, Zeouterlimits :/
Youch, that cutting German wit,Hypertrooper said:I don't know, how fat you became in the last year, Zeouterlimits :/
It's wednesday, where is it? Damn PAX is still so far away.lybertyboy said:If only there was some sort of post to update everyone with the details. A bulletin of sorts...
You need to be on my Friends List. I still remember the hardest I ever laughed at a video game. I was playing Halo 2 with my buddy on Ascension and this guys jumps just high enough to have his head peek over a ledge where he's waiting with a shotgun. He blows his face off and the guy falls over the edge of the map and my friend says "Way to jump, Mario." I fuckin died.Devolution said:Good to know. Halo really gets my sarcastic streak goin' sometimes I swear.
thezerofire said:Shadow Complex
Man, I HATE that I don't find time to read GAF in the late evenings; I miss these discussions when they're actually happening, and have to come late to the party. But I gotta say... I was sad to read that whole "why can't it all just be BRs?" talk last night.Karl2177 said:So anyone can kill anyone. It's not fun if you're not winning, and if you're not winning you aren't good. Now anyone can win, because they fill the game with fluff and as a result anyone can have fun.
It's backwards logic, but I'm under the impression that is how some devs think. Not to bash on Black Ops, but that game is one of the worst with it.
lol - no need, it's already done. I'm just waiting for him to finish up before posting it.FyreWulff said:edit: also I guess I will collate and gather all the questions and responses together for people who don't want to go through the HBO forum thread after he says he's done.
stephen08 said:Having played each Halo game as they came out I think that Reach is the definitive Halo as they portrayed it in the ViDoc. That's not to say the game is perfect, none of the Halo games have been. Each has their strengths and weaknesses and I'm sure Halo 4 will be the same. People will have things they miss about Reach same as always. Taking all the games as they are though I would absolutely place Reach above the rest in both Campaign and Multiplayer.
I think there is this tendency to focus only on the good aspects of the past titles and compare the current title against some amalgamation of all of the best aspects of the previous titles. Having gone back and played Halo 3 not too long ago I can say there are a number of subtle things that Reach does and stuff it left behind that make Reach the better game. It was the same with Halo 2 once 3 came out.
Please tell me this is a troll.LAUGHTREY said:It wasn't a turret sequence, it was blowing up a Covenant ship. You didn't do nearly anything as epic as that in all the other halo games by hand. Reach also had the mongoose sequence, which was just as good as the last part of CE.
Louis Wu said:
He meant something different.PooBone said:It's wednesday, where is it? Damn PAX is still so far away.
LAUGHTREY said:It wasn't a turret sequence, it was blowing up a Covenant ship. You didn't do nearly anything as epic as that in all the other halo games by hand. Reach also had the mongoose sequence, which was just as good as the last part of CE.
A27 Tawpgun said:k, so for fixed countdown I added lights to both sides so you know where the fuck you are. Still can't believe Bungie didn't color code the sides of the map...
Sword was replaced with Sniper. Countdown has some nice sightlines.
But I'm not sure what to do with Concussion and Shotgun. I feel the shotgun just promotes camping up top so I feel like removing it. But I still kind of want something down there.
At the same time I'm not sure if I want a concussion rifle up top, but I still think there should be something there to fight over. I don't want a power weapon overload though, which is what countdown already is.
Was thinking about adding rockets though.... And if Reach MP would accept it I totally would just add an Overshield to fight for, but of course Reach felt as though Overshields didn't belong in Halo Multiplayer. Instead we have Armor Lock...
Thanks for the reminder.Gui_PT said:You promised me a signed poster! I haven't forgotten!
Of course I can. But I'm making this one as if it could be in matchmaking.StalkerUKCG said:Cant you add a overshield with custom powerup and the gametype settings
Yeah I saw that on the Front Page and wondered if it had been posted here... I was on my iPad though so copy/pasting url's and what'not is kind of a pain so I never bothered to post about that.Louis Wu said:Gah, nearly forgot.
Our shirt is up for preorder ($10 + shipping). This round will only last until Thursday, because Kanbo wants to be able to get these to people before PAX.
Check that link for shipping costs (including international), among other things.
And remember - we're not making any money on this. If we DO take in more than the shirts cost, the remainder will go to the Bungie Foundation.
Ken said:I enjoyed Halo: CE's campaign a lot more than Halo: Reach's.
Ending CE's campaign with the Warthog run was amazing.
Ending Reach's campaigning in a lackluster turret sequence wasn't amazing, and Lone Wolf doesn't make up for it.
Through both my Reach play throughs, I never once thought any stage was as good as Silent Cartographer, Assault on the Control Room, or Truth and Reconciliation. Reach didn't have a terrible campaign, but it wasn't the best of all the Halo campaigns in my opinion.[/QUOTE]
I loved Reach but I do agree that the the shooting the cruiser bit was kind of a sour note. If anything I would have combined Lone Wolf with that level. You could have had the Mass Driver bit still. But then have him go ahead and get on the Pelican that stayed for a bit to help fight off some Covenant. Then have him get on with them and part way to the POA it gets rocked by a Banshee from behind. Then to save the Pelican you can have Noble 6 jump from the back onto the Banshee. He fights with the driver and it ends up crashing where surprise Lone Wolf takes place. As he gets up he sees the Pelican make it to the POA and it takes off as he realizes he's on his own. Hell even have some of those Spartans, marines, etc there so that it's an epic battle and slowly you see them die and then bam. It's him on his own.
That I think would have made a more epic ending. Just my opinion anyway.
Oh. Derp.HiredN00bs said:lybertyboy said "release the hounds"
your avatar
Having to explain it kind of ruins it.
The only thing I will miss about Reach will be if they don't put the Grenade Launcher in Halo 4. And put it back to Beta settings. That's it.stephen08 said:Having played each Halo game as they came out I think that Reach is the definitive Halo as they portrayed it in the ViDoc. That's not to say the game is perfect, none of the Halo games have been. Each has their strengths and weaknesses and I'm sure Halo 4 will be the same. People will have things they miss about Reach same as always. Taking all the games as they are though I would absolutely place Reach above the rest in both Campaign and Multiplayer.
what's wrong with Orson Scott Card? And the story isn't the point anyway, it's just a really good Metroidvania game.PooBone said:Unfortunately as good as I hear that game is I haven't played it and won't play it due to my own personal belief that Orson Scott Card deserves not a cent of mine. Only game I've ever not bought strictly out of a moral dilemma. (not that I judge anyone else for buying and enjoying it though)
The Ark is one of the best Halo levels bar none.Syracuse022 said:Played the Ark on a whim last night. So good. Bungie did a pretty damn good job of making it so Legendary players have to constantly shuffle through the game's arsenal. Don't get me wrong, I love working my way through Halo 1 with a pistol on hand at all times (except on T & R of course), but Halo 3 presents the need to adapt to weapons with much smaller ammo reserves. It is a lot of fun taking down Wraiths with a plasma pistol or using four different guns to finish that last Brute encounter. I'm also pretty sure this playthrough was the first time I've ever managed to take down a Scarab with the Chopper (why was this removed for Reach again?) And all of this gushing hasn't even touched on the tank runs yet - remember when the tank could look in a different direction than it was moving? Fun stuff.
EDIT: Stoked about the HBO shirts, Wu, thanks! Gonna go on a GAF/HBO shopping spree here pretty soon I think.
It's not that I consider him a bad writer, it's that he, (and a good portion of the staff at Chair who licensed his fictional Empire universe) is an extreme anti-gay activist who believes Americans should raise arms against anyone who wants to express their love for someone of the same sex legally.thezerofire said:what's wrong with Orson Scott Card? And the story isn't the point anyway, it's just a really good Metroidvania game.
Devin Olsen said:Thanks for the reminder.
Worst case scenario I will personally sign a poster and send it your way.
oh. bummer. that's a shame, it's a sweet gamePooBone said:It's not that I consider him a bad writer, it's that he, (and a good portion of the staff at Chair who licensed his fictional Empire universe) is an extreme anti-gay activist who believes Americans should raise arms against anyone who wants to express their love for someone of the same sex legally.
PooBone said:It's not that I consider him a bad writer, it's that he, (and a good portion of the staff at Chair who licensed his fictional Empire universe) is an extreme anti-gay activist who believes Americans should raise arms against anyone who wants to express their love for someone of the same sex legally.
Wow really? I love the Enders Game books. This is kind of disappointing... first I heard of it.PooBone said:It's not that I consider him a bad writer, it's that he, (and a good portion of the staff at Chair who licensed his fictional Empire universe) is an extreme anti-gay activist who believes Americans should raise arms against anyone who wants to express their love for someone of the same sex legally.
That shirt makes me wish I posted on hbo. Very cool.Louis Wu said:Gah, nearly forgot.
Our shirt is up for preorder ($10 + shipping). This round will only last until Thursday, because Kanbo wants to be able to get these to people before PAX.
Check that link for shipping costs (including international), among other things.
And remember - we're not making any money on this. If we DO take in more than the shirts cost, the remainder will go to the Bungie Foundation.
Maybe that's how you're viewing the posts, but I look at it as "omg these spawns in Reach are so bad, f you Forge World!". It can be far worse in Halo 3 on maps like Narrows, default Foundry, or High Ground where guys spawn two feet behind you. Either way both games have had the worst spawning in my experience online in Halo and I've been playing since '04. Not sure if I blame Forge for their spawns, or it's just Bungie's by design, either way they're terrible ones.bobs99 ... said:You say its not new, some others say it is new. Who cares ultimately its a problem and people have a right to bitch about them whether they are new or not. Whether the problems are new or not is a whole nother discussion, but my point is ok there are clear problems with the Arena, how would you fix them?
Well, Halo 2 and Halo 3 are pretty different in gunplay, walking speed, melee, etc., unless you're basically simplifying this as wanting bleed-thru melee, health related to the player in vehicle, not the vehicle itself, or whatever. Because they are quite in many ways which is why I enjoyed Halo 2 far more than 3, and it wasn't solely based on 2's superior maps and gametype settings.bobs99 ... said:Im personally hoping 343 go back to a Halo 2/3 system with Halo 4. As for the gameplay itself thats a beaten horse and im sure there are hundreds of posts which explain that side of things. Halo 3 might have had its fair share of problems but for the sum of its parts it worked well. For every crappy game of Smashed I played I played 3 good games where the combat was fun. In my opinion the core gameplay was good, but as you say sometimes weapon/ equipment placement could have ruined a map.
A27 Tawpgun said:k, so for fixed countdown I added lights to both sides so you know where the fuck you are. Still can't believe Bungie didn't color code the sides of the map...
Sword was replaced with Sniper. Countdown has some nice sightlines.
But I'm not sure what to do with Concussion and Shotgun. I feel the shotgun just promotes camping up top so I feel like removing it. But I still kind of want something down there.
At the same time I'm not sure if I want a concussion rifle up top, but I still think there should be something there to fight over. I don't want a power weapon overload though, which is what countdown already is.
Was thinking about adding rockets though.... And if Reach MP would accept it I totally would just add an Overshield to fight for, but of course Reach felt as though Overshields didn't belong in Halo Multiplayer. Instead we have Armor Lock...
I'm not sure I understand, are you saying all this just because he opposes the legalization of same-sex marriage? That's not quite the same as "taking arms" or being an "extreme anti-gay activist".PooBone said:It's not that I consider him a bad writer, it's that he, (and a good portion of the staff at Chair who licensed his fictional Empire universe) is an extreme anti-gay activist who believes Americans should raise arms against anyone who wants to express their love for someone of the same sex legally.
bobs99 ... said:Im personally hoping 343 go back to a Halo 2/3 system with Halo 4..
From Wikipedia.HiredN00bs said:I'm not sure I understand, are you saying all this just because he opposes the legalization of same-sex marriage? That's not quite the same as "taking arms" or being an "extreme anti-gay activist".
I would've bolded the last sentence. I think even most religious opponents to legalizing same-sex marriage wouldn't advocate keeping anti-sodomy laws on the books.A27 Tawpgun said:From Wikipedia.
In 2006, one day before the 2006 midterm elections in the United States, Card wrote an opinion piece for RealClearPolitics, in which he (while being a Democrat) encouraged voters to support the Republicans.[20] In another article written for the Mormon Times, he voiced strong condemnation of any government that recognized gay marriage stating, "Regardless of law, marriage has only one definition, and any government that attempts to change it is my mortal enemy. I will act to destroy that government and bring it down..."[21] In 2009, Card became a member of the board of directors of the National Organization for Marriage, a group that seeks to prevent the legalization of same-sex marriage.[22] Card has called for laws against homosexual behaviour to "remain on the books",[23] and a return to the "strong society" of pre-1960s America.[24]
I'm not trying to de-rail this thread into an anti-anti-gay bash, particularly when it relates to a game that isn't Halo, but Chair is run by Donald and Laura Mustard, both of Salt Lake City, Utah, both devout Mormons and BYU alumni, just like OSC, and don't forget they also worked with him on Advent Rising. And my own views of various religions aside, I am not trying to say Mormons are all homophobic or bad people, but at the end of the day money spent on Shadow Complex is money in a homophobe's pocket, and no doubt some of it will be spent on efforts to end legal gay marriage or perhaps research ways to eliminate their "reproductive disorder." Just look at Michelle Bachman's husband, (obviously a gay man) who runs an unlicensed Christian clinic guaranteed to "pray away the gay." There is no praying away the gay, but you can torture a closet case, sometimes to death.CrudeDiatribe said:I wish I had known about OSC's involvement before I bought the game. That the developers share his worldview makes it even worse.
EDIT: Not sure Chair supports the same views as OSC; just reading some commentary from when the game came out.
Looking forward to knuckling with you.Zeouterlimits said:OSC Shadow Complex Controversy thread.
Please take it there guys.
Looking forward to knuckling in some Halo today.
stephen08 said:@Tawpgun
It's going to be up for individual preference but at least you are acknowledging the flaws of Halo 3. Too many times on this board have I seen people say Halo 2 was the best MP totally omitting things that were broken like the plasma pistol tracking, or the rampancy of modding.
Until Reach 3 was my favorite for multiplayer. But I would absolutely place Reach above 3 because of hitscan, single shot primary weapon, the way it reads visually, and while I don't feel super strongly about AA's I find them a lot less annoying than someone whipping out a Regenerator and living through an encounter, the Magnum is so awesome in Reach so much so that AR starts are not really a big deal.
So as not to fall victim to my own statement there are things about Reach I have an intense dislike for most notably Armor Lock. I think I can say it is by far the worst thing to be put in to a Halo game ever. I like that the vehicles have their own health independent of the player but they seem a little too weak to DMR fire. Also the Hog feels like needs it to be a little more grounded in general. It's a little bit light and tends to flip moreso than the H3 hog. There are sandbox omissions I miss too. The chopper and missile pod most notably are two things I wish were still part of the sandbox. The banshee also needs a longer cooldown on the flips and bomb.
But keeping in mind that I have to choose a game at the end of the day I choose Reach when I am looking to play some Halo. To me, it is the definitive Halo game at this point in time.
um, the pistol kinda sucks if you don't have host. especially vs. AR's.stephen08 said:the Magnum is so awesome in Reach so much so that AR starts are not really a big deal.
My memory is wack, what is this mongoose run you guys speak of?GhaleonEB said:I hate the turret sequence, but the Mongoose run as good as Halo 1's Warthog run? Seriously? The most exciting thing in it is a gentle s-curve on a dirt road. Using the Mongoose was a terrible idea.
The 30 seconds of "Pillar of Autumn" where you ride a mongoose down a dirt path and under a scarab.Kibbles said:My memory is wack, what is this mongoose run you guys speak of?
Kibbles said:My memory is wack, what is this mongoose run you guys speak of?
[edit] Wait, we are talking about Reach right?
PooBone said:The first 30 seconds of "Pillar of Autumn" where you ride a mongoose down a dirt path and under a scarab.
....yeah, I had a hard time remembering it too because he said it was better than CE's trench run. *eye roll*