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Halo: Reach |OT5| A Monument to All Our Sins


teamaxe said:
I like going up to the Command Center, grabbing the Invisible, keeping it all the way to the very end and assassinating the FRG Brute in the middle of all of his buddies and then wasting them with his gun. That's definitely a highlight of the Campaign for me. I love that they hide an Invisibility in a place where you never have to go.
This. Armor abilities were cool in reach campaign, but saving up to use equipment for an encounter was a cool part of the design. Shame that Bungie basically disagreed and said its better if people can use an AA whenever they want with no consequences.

One other thing. I replayed the ODST campaign up till after Tayari Plaza on Heroic. Goddamn what a missed opportunity for stealth. If I were to remake ODST I'd make it stealthy at night. If you took out a patrol using melee and silenced weapons it wouldn't disturb anything. If you used loud weapons, nearby patrols and dropshipa would start coming in, forcing you to fight or hide from them until you leave. Almost like cops I'm GTA.

The darkness would actually work too. If you stood still in the dark and were a set distance away from enemies they wouldn't see you, unless they had night vision helmets which would be indicated by a glow of some sort.

The super could have had a much bigger role too. Shame ODST wasn't built as a standalone full retail game from the beginning.

Maybe Halo 4 will have stealth setpieces like that. Would be cool.


It feels like I never had any entertaining encounters while facing Brutes, no matter the game (Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST, or Reach). They've all been bullet sponges. The leaders have a predictable attack mode which makes for them easy to dodge and melee. The only thing that's difficult to put them out is their shield which again can be timed down, and spamming the fuel rod gun.

Definitely prefer the Elites, but the ones in Halo 1 were still my far and away favorite enemy to fight. The Halo 2 Elites were pretty solid as well. I was fighting an Elite by Hotel Zanzibar, so I waltzed away for a few seconds to catch up on more ammo and grenades. Tracing myself around Outskirts with one sneaking around and noticing one has been following me but keeping himself hidden is something I remember for some odd reason.
A27 Tawpgun said:
This. Armor abilities were cool in reach campaign, but saving up to use equipment for an encounter was a cool part of the design. Shame that Bungie basically disagreed and said its better if people can use an AA whenever they want with no consequences.

One other thing. I replayed the ODST campaign up till after Tayari Plaza on Heroic. Goddamn what a missed opportunity for stealth. If I were to remake ODST I'd make it stealthy at night. If you took out a patrol using melee and silenced weapons it wouldn't disturb anything. If you used loud weapons, nearby patrols and dropshipa would start coming in, forcing you to fight or hide from them until you leave. Almost like cops I'm GTA.

The darkness would actually work too. If you stood still in the dark and were a set distance away from enemies they wouldn't see you, unless they had night vision helmets which would be indicated by a glow of some sort.

The super could have had a much bigger role too. Shame ODST wasn't built as a standalone full retail game from the beginning.

Maybe Halo 4 will have stealth setpieces like that. Would be cool.

That would be a lot of fun. I can really imagine a Halo ODST 2 going down as well. Get the same cast back, imagine going through Halo 3's adventure through the eyes of Buck's squad :)


One of my other favorite Brute encounters is the Hammer Chief that is talking to his pack at the end of the Ark (maybe). I thought I'd be sneaky again, lift an Invisibility and some flame grenades off of a cloaked Brute and light him up in the middle of his little pep-talk.

Unfortunately, I found out that Flame Grenades don't really work on Chieftains. So, instead of having an assassinated smoking corpse at my feet, I had giant, Hammer-wielding, flaming gorilla chasing me around the deck.

...I do wish that Halo 3 had enemy Elites, though.


O D I N said:
I wasn't a Halo fan at that point, but if they were, then yes. Maybe I can find a screen shot of them wearing one.


Ironically, I found this in the Bungie Day thread. Seems to be this a rare, Bungie only shirt. :(

Today is a sad day.
I have that shirt. The wife gave it to me for our anniversary one year (Bungie Day: 7/7 lol) I don't know where she got it though.


A27_StarWolf said:
That would be a lot of fun. I can really imagine a Halo ODST 2 going down as well. Get the same cast back, imagine going through Halo 3's adventure through the eyes of Buck's squad :)
They can't reuse the same story structure though, and that was probably one of the best parts. Not sure if they can incorporate some kind of hub world.

But if they made another ODST game id want it to be tactical and not Spartan Lite. Look to Ghost Recon for inspiration. Squad commands. Make elites minibosses that require planning and teamwork to take out. Hunters require some heavy duty support/ flanking maneuvers.

Imagine a boss battle where an ODST squad has to take down a scarab.

Fund it. Make it. Ship it.

Heh, I thought this was interesting to think about:

Who are our real enemies in the Halo game library? (Not counting Halo Wars.)

Grunts, Jackals, Hunters - 1, 2, 3, ODST, Reach
Brutes, Drones - 2, 3, ODST, Reach
Elites - 1, 2, Reach
Flood/Sentinels - 1, 2, 3
Engineers - ODST, Reach
Skirmishers - Reach

A27_StarWolf said:
That would be a lot of fun. I can really imagine a Halo ODST 2 going down as well. Get the same cast back, imagine going through Halo 3's adventure through the eyes of Buck's squad :)
Uh, where would we add a stealth section to Halo 3's story?

Forget that, let's take Buck's squad through a new adventure after Halo 3. I wonder what Glasslands has in store for that time period.
Hitmonchan107 said:
But why did he have his handcuffs that day? That video said he had them "quite randomly," and a previous article on this said something about it being rare.

Someone should have asked him, "Why did you have the handcuffs today?"


Kinky sex?

Hitmonchan107 said:
With his dad's old cuffs?

Quick, someone get Freud on the line!

They're just cuffs, it's not like he's using his dad's dildo or something.
HiredN00bs said:
Oh please. The only way you're going to verify host is if:

1) Radar is on.
2) Hologram is available and you or another player uses it.
3) You see opponents' holograms as red and/or teammates' holograms as yellow on your radar. This only occurs on the host box.

Speaking of which, this can't have been intended design for the hologram, no? Someone should ask about it at the panel.

There are too many variables to "feel" host based on game play and anyone who claims to be able to is overly arrogant (I have a friend I play with that does this--I just roll my eyes).
it's easy to tell when you don't have host. your shots don't register.
A27 Tawpgun said:
They can't reuse the same story structure though, and that was probably one of the best parts. Not sure if they can incorporate some kind of hub world.

But if they made another ODST game id want it to be tactical and not Spartan Lite. Look to Ghost Recon for inspiration. Squad commands. Make elites minibosses that require planning and teamwork to take out. Hunters require some heavy duty support/ flanking maneuvers.

Imagine a boss battle where an ODST squad has to take down a scarab.

Fund it. Make it. Ship it.


I can really imagine the squad taking down a scarab on the Ark, seeing them escape with the elites maybe?

A mission where the Rookie and Romeo go with a Tactical Elite Squad O.O
I hate not being able to post and keep up with HaloGAF while I'm working :(.

Can someone update me on whats going on? Any new news? TU info?

Ghaleons Review is up?

I hate working for the man... man.


A27_StarWolf said:
That would be a lot of fun. I can really imagine a Halo ODST 2 going down as well. Get the same cast back, imagine going through Halo 3's adventure through the eyes of Buck's squad :)
That would be awesome. And I like Tawpgun's idea for stealthy sections too.
HiredN00bs said:
If you mean it's easy to blame missing shots on something you think you know, but actually do not, then I agree.
I'm not missing the shots. The person lights up. The shots hit. But no damage is done. Please stop talking like no one but you knows what they're talking about.
thezerofire said:
I'm not missing the shots. The person lights up. The shots hit. But no damage is done. Please stop talking like no one but you knows what they're talking about.
But you don't know what you're talking about (and you're ignoring my points as well, so physician, heal thyself). There are far too many variables to determine which player is host purely on performance. And unless you're predicting first and verifying using the method I outlined after, you've got nothing empirical to back up your claim to "feeling" host.
HiredN00bs said:
But you don't know what you're talking about. There are far too many variables to determine which player is host purely on performance. And unless you're predicting first and verifying using the method I outlined after, you've got nothing to back up your claims.
I'm not saying I'm host. I'm not saying they're host. I'm saying I'm not host purely on my performance, which doesn't vary as wildly as this game would have you think. I've been right next to someone, hitting a person with every shot and it taking upwards of 5 shots for their shields to even break. That doesn't happen if you have host.
thezerofire said:
I'm not saying I'm host. I'm not saying they're host. I'm saying I'm not host purely on my performance, which doesn't vary as wildly as this game would have you think. I've been right next to someone, hitting a person with every shot and it taking upwards of 5 shots for their shields to even break. That doesn't happen if you have host.
It could. Variables. If you are the host, there are plenty of things that affect your game feedback depending on your connection at that moment in time to that particular client.
HiredN00bs said:
It could. Variables. If you are the host, there are plenty of things that effect your game feedback depending on your connection at that moment in time to that particular client.
saying it could is not the same as saying it does. In the majority of cases, it doesn't.
TrounceX said:
Anyone can out DMR someone else on XBL. Random guy from GAF was tanking shots or Roy wasn't trying because it's a random game of matchmaking. That's beside the point though.

I am telling you right now that if you twitch your reticule exactly like that guy in the GIF does you can consistently out DMR people by spamming your shots.

edit: How can people who are so passionate about Halo willfully stick their head in the ground whenever I try and offer serious advice? That shot may have been lucky but it was not random. Go ahead and keep getting mad at this game while I continue dominating kids because I learned to adapt instead of crying on a forum day in and day out. jesus

Just because you can control it that doesnt make it fun. You just said that you basically twitch the reticule to win battles.

I guess thats why I stopped playing. I dont care if im the best Reach player in the world if my methods are weak. Sure you can adapt but Why adapt to a mechanic which isnt fun.

Not so much spam 5 shotting everyone, more so just getting that last head shot in. It obviously takes some time to master but the best advice I can give is kind of a backwards "J" shape twitch. Up and across the enemies head.

And I wouldn't call it a game mechanic so much as just manipulating the magnetism to your advantage. Think sweep sniping in Halo 2.

It's consistent enough to where I almost never get out DMR'd or get mad at the bloom anymore. I used to hate the bloom so much back in the day. Then one week I played an MLG FFA to 1000 kills every single night with 8 friends. I tried every single way to shoot that thing properly until I figured it out. It works, trust me.

Yeah that sucks. I weep for the days that clinical gameplay and aim was important. Whats more satisfying? aiming at the head and getting headshots or twitching the reticule and just hoping for the best?

I dont care if you can control bloom, its just not fun.

TrounceX said:
Sorry if it came off that way or if I seem condescending.

The part that sets me off the most is when I read this thread to see the same complaints almost every day. Most are valid. The bloom is random and inconsistent complaint is not as black and white as HaloGAF makes it out to be. There are tricks that help make the bloom more consistent. I wouldn't even have posted if that GIF didn't coincidentally show exactly how! I'm trying to offer helpful advice but you guys just laugh or call bullshit.

For me at least even if there are tricks that help combat the bloom I dont care, I find actually aiming for the head fun, screw that weird spammy gameplay.

Hydranockz said:
I'm sorry, but all this talk of how inconsistent bloom is depending on connection makes no sense to me.

Bloom as a mechanic is fine. It's the DMR's long mapping skills that run counter to that. Ghaleon hit the nail on the head a while back in that respect.

I am honestly taken aback by the hostility Gaf gives anyone who so much as hints to thinking differently to you guys. God help that person if they are a junior too.

HaloGaf is seemingly core players complaining about broken mechanics and new people getting shit for actually enjoying Reach. What community does that? I remember back when it was the other way around...


If a group of people enjoy a game and then join a forum to talk about that game that doesnt mean they are going to like all of its sequels. Sure the newer fans to the series might like the sequels and then join those forums, but the original fans have a right to dislike it.

Woah at people saying that you can compare the DMR's long range and bloom and say that its not bloom that makes the dmr lessfun its the range. That doesnt even make sense, those are 2 different discussions.
GhaleonEB said:
Thanks. I played through a Halo 3 mission last night as well, in co-op, and the difference is enormous. We went through Crow's Nest on Legendary, which is bursting with great encounters. I'd honestly forgotten just how brutal (ha) Chieftains were. I miss those kind of "oh crap" moments, where we run into something and have to really try to figure out how to handle it.
I'll never forget how one Bungie employee described your first playthrough of "Crow's Nest": "This is the part where you get man-raped by Brute packs."

Edit: Also, moving back on campus makes for a busy, busy day!


Dax01 said:
Edit: Also, moving back on campus makes for a busy, busy day!

I moved into my own place (just me in my own studio!) this week, and it was such a ridiculous process. I had no idea just how much more stuff I had gotten over the past year. Also living on the fourth floor in a complex with no elevator = I'm dead on the inside. Had to carry a ton of furniture and stuff :| Ugh. But I'm finally settled in and it feels so good.


HiredN00bs said:
You can't. But it's no worse that posting a GIF of someone laughing and I see some HaloGAF Community Veterans do that shit all the time.

Aw snap, called out by the OG Halo Veteran.

I thought when your bloom reset upon respawn it means you have host? I know I can definitely tell a difference in shot strength and accuracy when this happens.

You may not be able to pinpoint the exact host in a game, but it's fairly easy to tell when you don't have host, or the connection is just crap in general.
Ramirez said:
Aw snap, called out by the OG Halo Veteran.

I thought when your bloom reset upon respawn it means you have host? I know I can definitely tell a difference in shot strength and accuracy when this happens.

You may not be able to pinpoint the exact host in a game, but it's fairly easy to tell when you don't have host, or the connection is just crap in general.

Can you still see if your host by checking if the 1's dissapear before the match starts?

I dont really care if im host, and I cant really tell if I am or if im not, but I do get games where my dmr feels like its not doing enough damage. Reach's netcode is awesome, but I think too many people overhype it. Latency and stuff still affects the game in a major way, I bet when the next big jump happens people will struggle to go back.

EDIT: Please TU dont make the mistakes that the classic playlist made. I cant believe they had such good settings but ruined it by putting AR's in every single game. Those things are insanely overpowered especially on the tiny maps that make up the majority of the playlist.


If anyone has some free time, it would be awesome if you could check out my forge map and critique it. I haven't put down most weapons and grenade spawns, I'm just looking for some thoughts on the layout (it's supposed to be for 4v4)
ncsuDuncan said:
Heh, I thought this was interesting to think about:

Who are our real enemies in the Halo game library? (Not counting Halo Wars.)

Grunts, Jackals, Hunters - 1, 2, 3, ODST, Reach
Brutes, Drones - 2, 3, ODST, Reach
Elites - 1, 2, Reach
Flood/Sentinels - 1, 2, 3
Engineers - ODST, Reach
Skirmishers - Reach

The Covenant are the declared enemies and the flood are simply a threat to everyone.
Homeboyd said:
Where are you guys in school? (if you don't mind me asking)

I miss my college days... : /

SF. For design. It's fun but sometimes the projects are so corporate it's soul killing. Hence me having fun when someone wants me to design something outside of that sphere.
staticneuron said:
The Covenant are the declared enemies and the flood are simply a threat to everyone.

I was just making a lighthearted observation about the Brutes and Drones appearing as enemies in more games than the Elites.

Granted, it breaks down when you account for the Elite:Brute ratio in Halo 2 and Reach, but it's still an amusing stat.


bobs99 ... said:
EDIT: Please TU dont make the mistakes that the classic playlist made. I cant believe they had such good settings but ruined it by putting AR's in every single game. Those things are insanely overpowered especially on the tiny maps that make up the majority of the playlist.
I wouldn't describe settings that break literally every automatic weapon and break grenades even more than they were as "such good settings."
Havok said:
I wouldn't describe settings that break literally every automatic weapon and break grenades even more than they were as "such good settings."

Such good settings for movement, such aweful aweful settings for weapon damage.
Homeboyd said:
This is why I'd still like to see a CBA on DLC so that I can finally understand why there is such a long wait between DLC maps for Halo games (and when we do get them, so few maps at a time). CEA will be a nice addition but even still thats an 8 month wait between map packs.

If enough people are buying them, I'd have certain affinity (or a co. like them) constantly at work. But I don't know who's buying them and I don't know what it's costing to build them.

Maybe not enough people buy them.

Sai-kun said:
I moved into my own place (just me in my own studio!) this week, and it was such a ridiculous process. I had no idea just how much more stuff I had gotten over the past year. Also living on the fourth floor in a complex with no elevator = I'm dead on the inside. Had to carry a ton of furniture and stuff :| Ugh. But I'm finally settled in and it feels so good.

Two rules I've learned about life:
1. Moving is the worst. Bar none.
2. You always have way more shit that you could possibly imagine.

Roommates and I just moved to a new apartment a couple of weeks ago. Still upset about how awful moving is.

And I go to school in Pullman, WA (Washington State University). Going to get a degree in management information systems.

bobs99 ... said:
Such good settings for movement, such aweful aweful settings for weapon damage.

Yeah that's exactly how I feel.


HiredN00bs said:
But you don't know! Circles w/you, sir.

This is going to sound intellectually arrogant... but I'm going to go the other way from many of the others... never stop posting, you amuse me.
HiredN00bs said:
But you don't know! Circles w/you, sir.
I know when I'm playing it. There's a difference between having a poor connection with the other people and being at a disadvantage due to host. There is lag when the connection is bad, but there can be no lag and your shots still don't register. That's when it's host.

also university in Orange County, California
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