Oozer3993 said:
If he can close the distance fast enough so that I cannot strip his shield, he deserves the kill. He's taking advantage of either my poor shooting (if he started off far enough away for me to drop his shields) or his situational advantage (catching me in a short range altercation when I'm holding a mid to long range weapon). That is not the fault of the melee system. If we manage to trade kills, then I've stolen a kill I probably didn't deserve.
Well then this is where we disagree entirely. The effort to reward ratio is completely skewed in that scenario, IMO. Player a) actually used his gun and put some shots into player b). Player b) is just sprinting like a goon and tapping melee twice. That takes hardly any effort at all and it happens now and then to even the best players.
And in a situation like that, the system now discourages player a) from using melee even though he has now entered a CQC situation. Wtf? Melee is meant for CQC.
I much prefer knowing exactly what I have to do to kill some one to having to make a guess. With bleed through, if I turn a corner and there is an enemy with some amount of shield in close proximity, there is no set plan for what I should do. He could have 1% or 100% of his shield remaining. If I move in to melee, I don't know what will happen. This is exacerbated if he has a short range weapon. I don't like that uncertainty. I want a plan of action for every moment. The current system gives me that. The old one did not.
Yeah, I can't say that has ever been an issue for me in past Halo games. Is just another variable in combat that you gotta figure out on the fly. Put a shot into them, see how much their shields flare up. If it pops, finish them off with a headshot. If it doesn't then keep shooting while backing up and strafing since you have the first shot advantage. If they're holding a CQC weapon then weigh what you can do. Are they far enough away to finish off? Go for it. Maybe not? Escape. Too close? You are already dead.
And you always have grenades to use.
All of those things I mentioned that you can do in that situation don't negate damage already dealt like the shield system in Reach does. Just another one of those things that gives unnecessary second chances when someone gets the drop on you or you can't aim a gun properly.
Simultaneous deaths are a separate issue. They're a necessary evil. Until every Halo player has a fat pipe with a ping close to their age to every other player in the game, they're something we're going to have to endure.
But should try to be mitigated as much as possible. I wasn't even decrying simultaneous kills in my original post, as much as I hate them. Just a possible outcome in a scenario that I believe player a) should win.