However where I get frustrated with the system is when the bulletin update clearly details flowers/bloom in the teaser pictures - yet no one (to my knowledge) has said "we are adjusting bloom". I don't think anyone expects "we adjusted the bloom variable by a factor of 0.10 at blah blah" - but some confirmation on a few key issues (particularly glitches like gauss-turret/forgeworld-pieces) hardly seems like an issue. In this case, you guys know that bloom is being adjusted (or at least the bulletin hints at it). Obviously the gritty details are omitted subject to playtesting etc. - yet the userbase is largely kept in the dark that bloom is being addressed at all.
As for brink - the game released, sold well, but was broken and needed a day one patch. The patch did nothing except limit functionality/features to compensate for the netcode. Then everything afterwards pertaining to fixing the game was ambiguous at best. No answers, no dates, no indication of what was being addressed. What resulted was a pathetically small number of players left playing the game while the development/publisher team grasped at straws (in this case, free DLC) to attract the players back. Obviously on a whole other level compared to Reach's circumstances - but the frustration remains the same (at least for me). Very little in the way of answers, or indication of what will be addressed. Ultimately bloom, armor lock, grenades etc don't bother me nearly as much as userbases being kept in the dark, or known information being withheld in some attempt to make it an announcement/event.