The Antitype
Devin Olsen said:Greetings from Space! Err the beach
Camping in penticton right now, doing my best to keep up to this monster thread. CEA looks great, cannot wait for HaloFest!
Wait, Penticton? You're from Vancouver?
Devin Olsen said:Greetings from Space! Err the beach
Camping in penticton right now, doing my best to keep up to this monster thread. CEA looks great, cannot wait for HaloFest!
Zee-V70 said:Way behind on this, but what if Waterworks is a new canvas? Completely cleared out, it's a massive empty cavern, with forgeable stalactites, the middle area (including that weird forerunner hammer/pump thing at the top of the map) is removed and the water's covered up with some smoother organic terrain, etc.
From Langley actaully. But close enough. How about you?The Antitype said:Wait, Penticton? You're from Vancouver?
I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I think I'm actually liking the additions/changes to Beaver Creek. I just hope to god that those weapons are the not the final weapon set/spawn locations.Tunavi said:
BackdoorBeauty said:Better Magnum, and DMR recoil which worked awesome. Miss the beta DMR so much.. I had no issues with headshots either. Chin music?
Assists also worked great.. I'm assist machine and it hardly get my credit these days.
I loved 1 flag on Sword base. I had that shit down to a science.
Devin Olsen said:From Langley actaully. But close enough. How about you?
lybertyboy said:
bobs99 ... said:Was it just me or did the DMR have no bloom?
That's why we have two variants of each map.Tashi0106 said:It seems like every Beaver Creek video I've seen, the player is using shotty. Why did they replace the BR/DMR in the bases?
edit: Boiiinnnnnnggggggg
Starting at 4:10, the DMR reticule is clearly NOT expanding with each shot fired. It's been un-bloomed. (Deflowered?)bobs99 ... said:Was it just me or did the DMR have no bloom?
lybertyboy said:
GhaleonEB said:Starting at 4:10, the DMR reticule is clearly NOT expanding with each shot fired. It's been un-bloomed. (Deflowered?)
GhaleonEB said:Starting at 4:10, the DMR reticule is clearly NOT expanding with each shot fired. It's been un-bloomed. (Deflowered?)
lybertyboy said:
Kuroyume said:I have no space on my HDD for the 8gb patch to remove the bloom.
Also, very annoying to see him pull the pistol out but never use it. WTF
There were jetpacks, if that tells you anything.The Antitype said:What about the pistol?
And are these changes going to be game wide, or just for the Halo CE playlists?
lybertyboy said:Mercy rule bro.
What you just saw is an appetizer, the main course is reserved for Halo Fest.![]()
Havok said:There were jetpacks, if that tells you anything.
Also, melee bleed-through.
Liking what I'm seeing so far.
Halo Reach is saved for me. I <3 343!
ElzarTheBam said:No bloom was a given, but that armor lock change!![]()
GhaleonEB said:Notice what happens at 4:30, when the guy armor locks. A grenade goes off, and the juice left in the armor lock drops in half with the explosion.
I have goosebumps right now. Actual goosebumps.
GhaleonEB said:Starting at 4:10, the DMR reticule is clearly NOT expanding with each shot fired. It's been un-bloomed. (Deflowered?)
xxjuicesxx said:
Frankie has confirmed that all gameplay changes from the TU will be featured across all maps.FyreWulff said:... there's nothing to prevent them from making a bloomless DMR that exists in the new .maps only. You've always been able to add new weapons to new maps. See also: Sandbox golf club.
You can call victory when it's being demonstrated on disc maps. And a person actually spawns with a bloomless DMR instead of having to pick one up.
And it fires at the same rate, which means if they did make that the new global DMR, there is now no point in ever picking up another weapon and Hemorrhage might as well be deleted from matchmaking because it's going to even be more of a killing field :/
Starting at 4:30, look at the charge meter when the grenade goes off when he's in armor lock.-Yeti said:Wait, what armor lock change?
lybertyboy said:Mercy rule bro.
What you just saw is an appetizer, the main course is reserved for Halo Fest.![]()
Devolution said:Did they also bump up movement a bit? Seems a bit more agile might be just me though.
FyreWulff said:You can call victory when it's being demonstrated on disc maps. And a person actually spawns with a bloomless DMR instead of having to pick one up.
GhaleonEB said:Frankie has confirmed that all gameplay changes from the TU will be featured across all maps.
I need to go watch the video again, but did he ever zoom with the DMR? I wonder how the accuracy is at range, and whether the scope was reduced to 2x to accomodate. That would help larger maps.
A27_StarWolf said:Seeing things.... or the truth ? hmmmm
The Antitype said:Honestly though, if the DMR is bloomless across all playlists... how is it NOT going to dominate the entire game even more so than the BR did Halo 2 and Halo 3?![]()