Dear Frankie
We have been friends for so long now, i remember back when you used to write them halo orientated blogs for
me on that bungie site, ahh the days.
I figure you struggling over at 343 to finalize you ideas for the title update, i even hear rumours you guys have capped it at a shockingly low 6GB! Unacceptable.
I have very graciously devoted my time and effort in to providing you my greatest gift, my mind. In the image above you will see i have (with masterful craftsmanship i might say) documented my proposed additions for halo reach.
No no please dont feel bad utilizing my provided work i give it to you and the studio free of charge and expect nothing... thats right NOTHING in return.
P.S no joke.
P.P.S I do actually expect all your and your workmates unborn childrens souls
P.P.P.S Do this and ill fly to 343 and .. well lets just say ill give the word "hump"day a very new meaning.