Captain Blood
A bit late to the .gif party but I just wanted to say...

PsychoRaven said:Boy I feel like I'm in Bizzaro gaf. You have people hating on bloom while explaining how the dmr is able to be spammed at close range so easily. Which admittedly without some other tweaks would make it easier to do that with the bloomless dmr. At the same time you have some defending bloom by calling them dummies.
I knew I shouldn't have looked into that mirror. I'm stuck on the other side aren't I?
PsychoRaven said:Boy I feel like I'm in Bizzaro gaf. You have people hating on bloom while explaining how the dmr is able to be spammed at close range so easily. Which admittedly without some other tweaks would make it easier to do that with the dmr. At the same time you have some defending bloom by calling them dummies.
I knew I shouldn't have looked into that mirror. I'm stuck on the other side aren't I?
We're through the looking glass now.PsychoRaven said:Boy I feel like I'm in Bizzaro gaf. You have people hating on bloom while explaining how the dmr is able to be spammed at close range so easily. Which admittedly without some other tweaks would make it easier to do that with the bloomless dmr. At the same time you have some defending bloom by calling them dummies.
I knew I shouldn't have looked into that mirror. I'm stuck on the other side aren't I?
A27_StarWolf said:Whats Halo? This is Call of Duty GAF!
Letters said:The bleed through at 5:28 is just boner inducing
Devolution said:I'm just calling it inconsistent which it is, and being told I haven't mastered it or I'm/my team mates are not using our brains. I find it kind of insulting, since the DMR is my babeh.
Devolution said:It's such a strange (or stupid) mechanic. Especially the way its explained to me by its defenders.
You're supposed to pace, except when you can get away with spamming.
Plywood said:We're through the looking glass now.
PsychoRaven said:Bah personally I think the damn thing is overpowered as hell as it is. I know I'm without a doubt in the minority on that. I just play my games and cry a little inside when everyone uses the dmr and leaves the other weapons laying on the ground.
The no bloom part was a separate match. There's a fade in.Ramirez said:Are we even positive all of this footage was pulled from the same match?
I was thinking about this. If the DMR stayed 5 shot but had around Needle Rifle bloom levels I wouldn't bitch about it that much.xxjuicesxx said:I've already pretty much mastered bloom, its not "interesting" to me anymore. Now I look at battles and see shit I don't have the time to win this one by skill even though I got the first three shots and they turned around and return spammed four and got lucky, Crap either I run or I take a lotto chance!
This is why I like a no-bloom playlist.
If bloom wasn't so SEVERE on the DMR it would be great! If there was no bloom at all and it becomes a H2 BR, EVEN GREATER.
Lets let our speed and aim reflect who will win. Won't even have a problem losing to that!
Oozer3993 said:The speed of your trigger pulls should be in direct proportion to the distance to your target. The farther the opponent is, the longer you should wait between shots. It's not a binary situation. There's not just "pace" and "spam." There's a range of speeds. I quite enjoy that added dimension and it's removal (and the reintroduction of a melee system I can't stand) will more thank likely keep me from playing the new playlists much at all.
What do you mean?Hitmonchan107 said:Finally watched the video.
Was it just me, or did the DMR seem like the aim magnetism was turned down?
Also, I loved how the film was made up of several different games. I'm on to your shenanigans, David. :^)
pretend the shield has 80hp and the health 10hp with each dmr shot dealing 20damageDomino Theory said:That's weird, I just noticed that, too. Why does it bleed through at that time, but it doesn't at 4:12?
did you see how fast it killed though?kylej said:I assume they let Shishka take the reins for the first part of that video. Skipping DMR for plasma rifle. Lord have mercy.
thezerofire said:did you see how fast it killed though?
Ramirez said:LoL, your posts these days come off as someone sitting on some high pedestal in the sky. You're basically saying that me and others who don't like bloom are simply too stupid to figure it out, don't sugarcoat it brotha.
Obligatory, Ram
Something like this happens on a pretty regular basis when I play, and I'm on the opposing end of it more often than not. There's nothing to master, it changes from game to game, and is inconsistent unless you're host. I feel like we're playing two separate games.
Devolution said:I'm just calling it inconsistent which it is, and being told I haven't mastered it or I'm/my team mates are not using our brains. I find it kind of insulting, since the DMR is my babeh.
Devolution said:Reminded of H1 actually. Picking up rifle, shootin', meleein'. H2 kind of killed that fun and effective play.
Devolution said:[img]
I use AR sometimes then I feel dirty afterwards lol.[/QUOTE]
Oh but getting dirty is so fun. While I love the AR (I won't lie) I do find that when there are less or no DMRs on a map all the other weapons get used a lot more. This provides a lot more variety. This just makes the game a lot more interesting for me.
The Antitype said:It is absolutely inconsistent at close-range.
It is completely consistent and dominant at mid-range, which is it's role in the sandbox.
Take it out of midrange and use it at close-range or extreme long range, or try and shoot faster than the cadence of the bloom and your shots are less likely to hit.
kylej said:I assume they let Shishka take the reins for the first part of that video. Skipping DMR for plasma rifle. Lord have mercy.
Tunavi said:Tashi, don't worry I'm sure MLG will stick with the bloom settings.
It's consistently randomDevolution said:It's not completely consistent. At all. I have a real problem with people saying this as fact.
Don't forget dropping a sniper with 6 rounds for an AR. That's some genius play right there.kylej said:I assume they let Shishka take the reins for the first part of that video. Skipping DMR for plasma rifle. Lord have mercy.
Tashi0106 said:Sorry. I don't mean to come off that way. And I'm not trying to call anyone stupid, I don't know where you got that from.
Ok, I don't wanna shit on your guys' parade anymore.
Firefights in Halo have always been about back and forth, but they've always been pretty quick too, at least until reachThe Antitype said:Are you a CoD fan? What's wrong with fire-fights taking a little longer to conclude. Halo battles are always the most dramatic, because there's a back and forth, and skilled players can battle back from a surprise attack or a disadvantages position.
lybertyboy said:What do you mean?
It was two matches.
Hydranockz said:It's consistently random![]()
Tashi0106 said:Sorry. I don't mean to come off that way. And I'm not trying to call anyone stupid, I don't know where you got that from.
it sounds like it's too hard for you and many others to master.
-Yeti said:Pardon my ignorance, but I'm having hard time understanding what "melee bleedthrough" is. Does it make melee more powerful or something?
Speaking of...thezerofire said:Firefights in Halo...
xxjuicesxx said:Yea those kids were video game journalist level bad. Seriously need to invite me to those events. That way people will have a clue how the game fucking plays. Not how you run around and jetpack and then sit at a weapon physically look at their controller locate the X button just to pick up a weapon.
kylej said:get on halo scrublord. if nobody hops on I'm just going to watch porn or go to bed.
kylej said:get on halo scrublord. if nobody hops on I'm just going to watch porn or go to bed.
Unless MLG has your mindset of not wanting to drastically change the infrastructure of their system, I would be very surprised if MLG kept bloom.Tashi0106 said:I just don't want such a drastic change. It's not like I didn't love Halo 2 or 3.
Ramirez said:I'm not going to argue with you anymore, but as to where I came to that conclusion...
That's a pretty nice way of saying you're not smart enough to figure something out in my eyes.![]()
Options:kylej said:I'm just going to watch porn or go to bed.
Oh I see.PsychoRaven said:Easy explination is this.
Current 1 melee shields down but full health regardless of how much shielding you had left. With Bleed through the melee can eat through the shield and take health too. So the more Shielding you have the better you come out of said melee.
Tashi0106 said:That has nothing to do with smarts. That's like saying someone who can't hit a 3 pointer in basketball is stupid. No, it's a difficult shot.
-Yeti said:Oh I see.Thanks for the explanation.
I don't think it's overpowered as is, but I am concerned about it now that bloom is gone (halle-fuckin-lujah). I agree with those who say its range should be nerfed. Reduce the scope to 2x, maybe slow the firing speed a tiny bit, and I'll be 100% happy. Otherwise, with bloom gone and everything else the same, I'll be 95% happy.PsychoRaven said:Bah personally I think the damn thing is overpowered as hell as it is. I know I'm without a doubt in the minority on that. I just play my games and cry a little inside when everyone uses the dmr and leaves the other weapons laying on the ground.