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Halo: Reach |OT5| A Monument to All Our Sins


Wow, major adjustment period impending.

Whether you're happy or sad about any of the TU changes, you have to give 'em credit for the method of implementation since they're map and playlist specific. You can still have Reach in virtually any flavor you want. Halo has always been great at having a little something for everybody and this is just the latest example of that. It's great that it's still in the hands of developers that actively respond to the community.
Zeouterlimits said:
Can I just say, I won't decide either way until I see how a lack of bloom and other changes effect Reach, BUT classic Halo, C.E. esc gameplay doesn't say DMR to me, even without bloom.
Didn't they say, that they just want to recreate a classic experience? I don't know if they said clearly, that they want to recreate a Classic CE experience. Going to re-read the Bulletins.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
thee henery said:
Of course Roy and Ogre 2 are going to be against removing bloom from MLG. As it stands, their team is dominating the league and winning events in an unassailable fashion. $20000 every event - they're going to be against anychange to the game, as change could upset this dominance. It's got shit all to do with 'skill gaps'.


Didn't you say you were writing a novel and therefore didn't have time to play Reach? Theory and practise are two different things
Nothing stopping MLG from keeping any old or new feature in or out of the game. May as well complain about SWAT.


MrBig said:
Completely missed my point. I'm not going to argue it, because I do think the game looks good, but learn a bit about design some time. Everything should have a reason I see all this random detail and it makes me frustrated from an artistic standpoint when I cannot fathom a reason for adding detail where there is no reason for it to be there.
I know this is a conversation that happened last night, but I have to put in my 2 cents. It's alien! The design isn't supposed to have a rhyme or reason because our feeble minds can't grasp why it would be there. That's always been my understanding of the forerunner structures. What's the point of these rooms with nothing in them? Why are these tunnels so fucking huge? Why are the floors of what is essentially a maintenance tunnel completely covered with all these detailed geometric designs. I don't know, but there IS a reason.

The new designs on the interior of Guilty Spark reminds me an awful lot of the interiors from Halo Wars. In other words, it looks exactly like I'd want it to.


Thinks the Evil Empire is just misunderstood.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Nothing stopping MLG from keeping any old or new feature in or out of the game. May as well complain about SWAT.
Why I no have shields in SWAT? Fix yer shit.


It has been said enough but...YES!! NO DMR BLOOM, BLEED THROUGH, AND ARMOR LOCK NERF (It looks like you are forced out once you reach the damage threshold where a player would receive the rejected medal)

Bring us the TU sooner than later.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Nothing stopping MLG from keeping any old or new feature in or out of the game. May as well complain about SWAT.
How will MLG tweak and test possible new settings without access to toggles for the new stuff??

And how will this new reach gameplay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSrlaIJkm0M#t=252s be introduced next to the old-style reach one without confusing the fuck out of the casuals?? "Better Reach" & "Worse Reach" in the playlist descriptions?


OuterWorldVoice said:
Nothing stopping MLG from keeping any old or new feature in or out of the game. May as well complain about SWAT.

When was the decision to remove bloom made out of curiosity.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Nothing stopping MLG from keeping any old or new feature in or out of the game. May as well complain about SWAT.

I'm about 80% sure MLG will use bloomless Reach, especially if it encourages new amateur teams to sign up *cashmoney*

Myself? Cannot wait to play without bloom in Reach. Thanks again to you guys at 343 for making this happen


HiredN00bs said:
Just so we're clear, not saying this is what they're doing (although it appears to be what they have shown), is there anyone who believes that making a sole sandbox change to the DMR by making it fire with maximum accuracy regardless of pacing, without modifying its aim assist, nor damage, nor clip size, nor rate of fire, nor scoped magnification...is there anyone who believes that this an acceptable, balanced modification to the sandbox?

In my opinion, it is not. In order to maintain the integrity of the sandbox, they will either need to nerf one of those aspects and/or introduce a new mechanic to compensate (such as bullet spread), and/or buff all of the other weapons in the sandbox.

I disagree changes need to be made to any of the DMR's traits (except the removal of bloom of course). In fact I may even propose experimenting and upping the damage to make it a 4 shot weapon.

All of the main components in the sandbox, the shotgun, the rockets, the sniper rifle have gotten massive boosts from the previous iteration. The shotgun has a extremely long kill range. The blast radius of the rockets have also seen an increase. Due to the slow movement speed and altered hit boxes, being effective with the sniper is not very challenging.

All these massive boosts to the power weapons allow for a utility weapon like the DMR without bloom, to fit right in and bring balance to what were already considerably over powered power weapons.
So if 343 stealth revealed no-bloom this week... what the hell do they have up their sleeve for next week? HaloFest... so... close...

I couldn't be happier. My biggest complaints about the Team Classic playlist were:
1. Bloom
2. Grenade nukes
3. Forge World only
4. Lack of melee bleed-through
5. Movement momentum.

So issues #1-4 seem to have been addressed already, I can cope with #5.

Hell, depending on what changes are implemented universally I might even take breaks from Classic to play Vanilla Reach... Battle Canyon and Penance really look like fun.

That was the best Halo Bulletin of all time. OF ALL TIME. (Well, until the next Bulletin.)
ncsuDuncan said:
So if 343 stealth revealed no-bloom this week... what the hell do they have up their sleeve for next week? HaloFest... so... close...

I couldn't be happier. My biggest complaints about the Team Classic playlist were:
1. Bloom
2. Grenade nukes
3. Forge World only
4. Lack of melee bleed-through
5. Movement momentum.

So issues #1-4 seem to have been addressed already, I can cope with #5.

Hell, depending on what changes are implemented universally I might even take breaks from Classic to play Vanilla Reach... Battle Canyon and Penance really look like fun.

That was the best Halo Bulletin of all time. OF ALL TIME. (Well, until the next Bulletin.)
If they can, some vehicle fixes would be nice.


ncsuDuncan said:
So if 343 stealth revealed no-bloom this week... what the hell do they have up their sleeve for next week?

.map me


Butane123 said:
Norman, Oklahoma

Too many Cornhuskers and Longhorns in here for my comfort.

Deputy Moonman said:
Nice. I'm sitting/working in a building just across the street from the National Weather Center as I type this.

Jaw dropping. There are more of us. I I I always felt so alone. See now that's 3 of us. Isn't that enough to get us something like PAX damn it? lol
ncsuDuncan said:
So if 343 stealth revealed no-bloom this week... what the hell do they have up their sleeve for next week? HaloFest... so... close...

I couldn't be happier. My biggest complaints about the Team Classic playlist were:
1. Bloom
2. Grenade nukes
3. Forge World only
4. Lack of melee bleed-through
5. Movement momentum.

So issues #1-4 seem to have been addressed already, I can cope with #5.

Hell, depending on what changes are implemented universally I might even take breaks from Classic to play Vanilla Reach... Battle Canyon and Penance really look like fun.

That was the best Halo Bulletin of all time. OF ALL TIME. (Well, until the next Bulletin.)

I hope they fix 3 across the board, It would be a damn shame to play the anniversary BTB maps (im confident there will be two at least) rarely.

and like Hyper said vehicles, especially the banshee.

-A longer cooldown time before banshee bomb
-a weaker banshee bomb
-and maneuver's tied to the boost meter.


Farooq said:
It was beautiful in all it's glory. I don't understand what's wrong with having a utility weapon that is consistent and extremely useful. Because it deters you from using other weapons?

If I had my way, I would streamline the sandbox.

In Reach, as well as in Halo 3, you had too many weapons with overlapping roles (mostly CQB weapons). I think the way Bungie designed the sandbox, they felt they had no choice but to impose nerfs on the utility weapons. Nerfs that really hamper gameplay.

In the case of Halo 3, the nerf was the random spread on the BR. In Reach we got bloom. A consistent and useful utility weapon is not too much to ask for, and a more streamlined sand box is not a bad thing.

It's like we're in the same brain... lol Agree completely.

The more options in a sandbox, the harder it is to balance. Being dangerous off spawn is a GOOD thing. Utilitarian weapons used to fight over power ups and power weapons is the heart of Halo multiplayer for competitive people.
Hypertrooper said:
If they can, some vehicle fixes would be nice.
Definitely. I didn't mention that because I was just talking about Team Classic. My top 5 Vanilla Reach gripes would probably be:

1. Lack of melee bleed-through
2. Grenades/Momentum
3. Bloom
4. Vehicle balance (health model, Banshee bomb/rolls, etc.)
5. Armor ability gripes (Armor Lock, invis sniping, etc.)

I'm really excited for that Armor Lock tweak, especially since it indicates the TU addresses more than just the Classic gameplay elements (even if the changes might not be fully distributed in Vanilla Reach playlists at launch).


The Real Napsta said:
Do you consider Timberland to be a BTB map?
It could be I guess. I hope they made the warthog paths work on the map though.

Would be cool if we got another classic BTB map. Reach Engine Headlong would be so good. Reach Engine Waterworks... oh my god...

Also, is there any reason Reach doesn't support ANY interactivity with the maps?

Now... onto bloom defenders.

Please please please. Use your mastery of bloom and tell us the secret. The secret that will ensure we win all our DMR duels with better aim since we have bloom under control. Trounce spouted on about that retarded J-twitch thing. I tried it, it doesn't work.

Tashi says you have to know when to pace and whatnot. I think I know this secret knowledge but it doesn't stop some douche from spam 5 shotting me.

All the bloom defenders are all talk but never show any proof of their secret ancient knowledge. Ram posted a bloom bullshit clip.

I haven't seem the bloom defenders do the same. Tashi, you have a cap card. Show us the secret of bloom.

Because I've watched MLG streams and it seems like all they do is spam. Which for them might be the best way to play because if you spam teamshot on those small maps you're bound to wreck people.


ncsuDuncan said:
So if 343 stealth revealed no-bloom this week... what the hell do they have up their sleeve for next week? HaloFest... so... close...

I couldn't be happier. My biggest complaints about the Team Classic playlist were:
1. Bloom
2. Grenade nukes
3. Forge World only
4. Lack of melee bleed-through
5. Movement momentum.

So issues #1-4 seem to have been addressed already, I can cope with #5.

Hell, depending on what changes are implemented universally I might even take breaks from Classic to play Vanilla Reach... Battle Canyon and Penance really look like fun.

That was the best Halo Bulletin of all time. OF ALL TIME. (Well, until the next Bulletin.)



- Bloom-less
- Faster rate of fire
- Increased clip


As awesome as the BR was, I think I prefer the singleshot weapon. I feel there's more skill involved. Less connection issues. Feels right. Just needs bloom removed.

The good thing about the BR was that the time it took to burst all 3 shots. The gun paced itself. With singleshot, the pacing ROF on the DMR is excruciatingly slow. It doesn't feel natural.
A27 Tawpgun said:
It could be I guess. I hope they made the warthog paths work on the map though.

Would be cool if we got another classic BTB map. Reach Engine Headlong would be so good. Reach Engine Waterworks... oh my god...

Also, is there any reason Reach doesn't support ANY interactivity with the maps?

I would LOVE more interactivity, especially in the BTB maps.

The switches on Zanzibar/last resort
The Teleporter switch on Relic
The crane switch on longshore
The switch on highlands
The switch on standoff
Ramp switch on containment

Good times!

Am i missing any others?
The bulletin mentioned Forge palettes, which gives me hope for some decent objects (for a bad example just look at... well, any Reach map but Forge World).

I'm not asking for anything like the Forge World palette, but after struggling to fix Sword Base I would appreciate something a little beyond the crates, grav lifts, and sandbags most maps seem to be limited to.

Seriously, I had to build a ramp using upside down Vehicle Grav Lifts because they're the only object aside from the sandbags that can be phased.

If one of the mystery CEA maps is a new Forge canvas, would it be crazy to consider the possibility of MLG switching to the CEA disc? If they could remake the MLG Forge World maps in CEA it would be a matter of trading Countdown/Zealot/etc. for Beaver Creek/Hang 'em High/etc. It would also make LAN setup for events easier, as CEA would presumably have the TU gametypes included on the disc.


Kuroyume said:


- Bloom-less
- Faster rate of fire
- Increased clip

Looks like their hint here for the title update is basically to have the DMR take the place of Halo 1's pistol.... but I want dat pistol skin! I remember thinking that the BR in Halo 2 would just take the place of Halo 1's pistol.... then they got rid of the single shot and changed things irrevocably.

StalkerUKCG said:
Hang 'em high/Tombstone footage at halofest? pretty please frankie.
How about footage of all six maps at Halofest.... plus firefight.


ElzarTheBam said:
I would LOVE more interactivity, especially in the BTB maps.

The switches on Zanzibar/last resort
The Teleporter switch on Relic
The crane switch on longshore
The switch on highlands
The switch on standoff
Ramp switch on containment

Good times!

Am i missing any others?

Speaking of that crane switch on Longshore. I felt really really stupid. The other day I was messing around in Halo 3 again and It's always bugged me that I couldn't figure out where the crane controls were. Turned out they were in that building. I felt so damn stupid. I spent a lot of time the few games I ever played on that map trying to find the damn controls. I felt so so damn stupid. I'm talking brain dead stupid.
I dont understand the issue over MLG LAN and the TU, the TU will be global over xbox live for anyone launching into reach's multiplayer.

With a USB any console can have them TU's anyway but the fact these updates are playlist specific and the only way for the end user to use the tweaks would be to save a variant with no bloom means at least one console at the LAN would of had to connect to XBL at some point.

Silver accounts get access to TU's the same as everyone else wifi signals are everywhere and the slim console can connect to them. I also assume the TU is bundled into the CE'A disc for install onto peoples machines.
Kuroyume said:


- Bloom-less
- Faster rate of fire
- Increased clip

Uh oh.

Perhaps making it bloom-less may prevent abuse, but as it stands - the pistol is ridiculous in the wrong hands. It seems like you either master it and use it wisely, or you unleash a hellish fury unto the poor soul in your
crosshairs. There are few things in Reach that infuriate me more than having some douche spray an entire clip in my direction in 1 second flat, and getting lucky - and at the very least, doing significant damage to my shields.

I would hope that if/when the Pistol loses bloom and possibly increases in clip size, that the fire rate is capped significantly lower than it is now. The idea of a bloomless, decent-clipped, fast-firing pistol is making me shiver with fear.


Really hoping for Zanzibar and/or Headlong.

And the whole interactive maps is a good question. It was one of the most popular parts of the old games, why none on Reach?

I hope it isn't some sort of tech limitation, meaning whatever Halo 2 map(s) we get will be neutered.

StalkerUKCG said:
Truth and Reconciliation Hanger/Entry Room
Pillar of Autumn Engine Room
AotCR Bridge

My bet is the firefight map is one of them.

My bet is on the first structure before you get the warthog in "Halo" or a flood fight, which seems completely impossible to me.
Farooq said:
I disagree changes need to be made to any of the DMR's traits (except the removal of bloom of course). In fact I may even propose experimenting and upping the damage to make it a 4 shot weapon.

All of the main components in the sandbox, the shotgun, the rockets, the sniper rifle have gotten massive boosts from the previous iteration. The shotgun has a extremely long kill range. The blast radius of the rockets have also seen an increase. Due to the slow movement speed and altered hit boxes, being effective with the sniper is not very challenging.

All these massive boosts to the power weapons allow for a utility weapon like the DMR without bloom, to fit right in and bring balance to what were already considerably over powered power weapons.
Are you Faruq or just someone who likes Faruq?


StalkerUKCG said:
Truth and Reconciliation Hanger/Entry Room
Pillar of Autumn Engine Room
AotCR Bridge

My bet is the firefight map is one of them.
Really? I'd bet the Cliffside Forerunner structure with the marines inside the structure. That entire area seems like a perfect fit for Firefight.


Dax01 said:
Personally, I'm interested in the Firefight map more than the remaining two or three unannounced MP maps.
Will that be on Reach gameplay or Halo CE gameplay?

Reach Firefight is not very fun for some reason, feels soul-less compared to the one in ODST. And I don't find the waves (in MM) satisfying like they used to be in odst.


ElzarTheBam said:
Or they could troll us with the entire library area as a firefight map *shudders*

Hey that would actually be cool I think. I wouldn't mind a section of that taken and used. Imagine instead of wave after wave of covies you get wave after wave of flood. Hell they could maybe even work in some of the forms cut throughout the games like the Flood Juggernaut from Halo 2.
All of this map talk reminds me, after the games with Devolution, Juices, Majoir WiIIiams, Bagel, and Kittens I decided that I am going to start going into MM and selecting breakpoint and then just leave when the game starts that way I make everyone else suffer through the pain that is that map.
Letters said:
Will that be on Reach gameplay or Halo CE gameplay?

Reach Firefight is not very fun for some reason, feels soul-less compared to the one in ODST. And I don't find the waves (in MM) satisfying like they used to be in odst.
Reach Gameplay. The matchmaking makes Firefight so bleak. If you can gather 4 people, play Firefight classic on a good FF map. I hope Unearthed gets updated sometime.(So I can drive with Chainhog and not with Rocket Hog.)


OuterWorldVoice said:
Nothing stopping MLG from keeping any old or new feature in or out of the game. May as well complain about SWAT.

Frankie, any chance you guys took a look at the strafe acceleration in Reach? Even if you chose not to alter the base acceleration, could we at least get it tied to movement speed so that strafing can become more effective at higher movement speeds?
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