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Halo: Reach |OT5| A Monument to All Our Sins

Devolution said:
Even sprint though could use some tweaking in terms of how often it's up. Honestly I think every AA needs to be on a longer cooldown.

The problem with that is the longer the cool-down, the more likely people are to go into 'hoarding' mode, opting never to use the ability for fear it might not be there when they REALLY need it.

It was the problem Bungie was trying to fix from Halo 3, where they found that most people would carry a piece of equipment until they died without ever using it, just cause they were always waiting for the 'perfect' time.


Gui_PT said:
My day is finally done.

Would anyone like to party up with me to get that weekly? If so, just reply here and I'll immediately get on.

I tried with randoms and they all quit both games I played, so I'm down for coop.
The Antitype said:
The problem with that is the longer the cool-down, the more likely people are to go into 'hoarding' mode, opting never to use the ability for fear it might not be there when they REALLY need it.

It was the problem Bungie was trying to fix from Halo 3, where they found that most people would carry a piece of equipment until they died without ever using it, just cause they were always waiting for the 'perfect' time.

The ones in Halo 3 were too specialized, useless and or planted at awkward points on the map. As of now AAs are just too spammable imo, always have been.


The Antitype said:
The problem with that is the longer the cool-down, the more likely people are to go into 'hoarding' mode, opting never to use the ability for fear it might not be there when they REALLY need it.

It was the problem Bungie was trying to fix from Halo 3, where they found that most people would carry a piece of equipment until they died without ever using it, just cause they were always waiting for the 'perfect' time.
No offense but that's ridiculous. That problem was not there until bungie put it in some people's minds while trying to justify armor abilities. You don't see people complaining about how they were killed before using the couple of rockets they were saving just for the right time. Risking ending up not using stuff by holding on to it while looking for a better payoff is part of the game.


If someone has a spare send it my way, please!!!!!!!! :-O
Wow, weekend is over and my legs are still burning from walking/standing for basically the past three days straight. But I am happy to have done it again and look forward to PAX next year (or perhaps PAX East if something interesting is announced).

We arrived in Seattle early Thursday so we could pick up the badges from Will Call. We showed up around 2:30 and there was a decent sized line for the badges but it was moving along pretty good.

Badges in hand we were ready to head out for some much needed Chipotle



Afterwards we headed back to the house and pretty much had an early night so we could wake up early the next morning for the CEA panel.... I of course wore one of my best shirts Friday morning (sadly only got a few comments on it)

On our way to the panel we stopped for breakfast at Jack in the Box and were blown away with the fancy Robo Waiter machine you guys have here in America.

Arriving at the Sherator we were at first concerned that we were in the wrong area since there were only two other people waiting in line... I asked around and was told we were in the right spot, so good seats were in our future.

While waiting Laird showed up and had us sign his gift to 343i


Ellis almost ruined the surprise, but fortunately kept a tight lip

While all this was going on I wandered outside to see the lineup for HaloFest. By this point I would say both of our lines were equal in length.
HaloFest Line

Panel Line

Shortly after we were let inside to get our seats. We managed to get front row centre, and I was able to get what has to be the best picture of Wu I have ever seen.

Ellis looking pretty

Campaign Demo Time!

The panel was really great, it was informative and fun and seeing how GOOD CEA looks really makes me excited to play through the campaign again. Each time they would switch back and forth my jaw would drop. It is amazing how 'bad' Halo: CE really did look in comparison with games today.

Afterwards we hit the main floor and immediately went to play Skyrim. While waiting in line someone from G4 asked my friends girlfriend if she would be on TV with Adam and Morgan to ask a question about Skyrim... She accepted and we went over with her and watched them do it. It is amazing how scripted and fake the whole thing is.... The question she asked wasn't even her question, it was something the G4 guy told her to ask. The cued laughs and applauses were a bit much for me, but it was fun to see how it all works.

Afterwards we went over to play Skyrim... This game is ammmmazing, I know I am going to lose countless hours to this game when it comes out in November.

With that done I wanted desperately to get my hands on the TU. We went over to HaloFest and sat down at the 4v4 Hopper and were given full control of what map/game type to choose, naturally we chose to play all of them.

The TU plays really well, my favourite game type was Zero Bloom Slayer and I feel like with a little bit of tweaking the 3-Shot Pistol Kill gametype could be an absolute blast (GET RID OF THE BLOOM!). Of all of the maps I played I would say that I have no clear favorite (Speaking between Prisoner, Damnation, Beaver Creak). All of the maps play really well and I liked both variants of each map. I honestly cannot wait for CEA to come out just so I can get my hands on these maps and get a chance to play them at home.

After we played around on those 3 maps with all of the updated gametypes we wandered over to the Big Team Battle station to play Timber land (Ridgeline).

This map plays really well, albeit a little different than it did in Halo PC. The inclusion of the little structure for Rockets on either side of the map really changes the flow of gameplay. I wish they would get rid of the structures and put the OS back in the middle, I think that would benefit gameplay/map flow a lot. Also get rid of the barricades that stop vehicles from entering the bases :(

After playing all the new maps/game types we wandered around and check out a few things.

The Warthog is AMAZING... Honestly cannot explain how insanely detailed and well crafted this thing is. I would give anything to go for a ride in this or to be able to see it drive around.

We did a lot of other things on Friday but nothing really of interest... That night though we were invited to the VIP party so we went to that.

Free drinks with invite, what's wrong with that?

The cake was amazing, honestly.


Special Halo Fest napkins!

Beer and Halo, who could ask for more?

They had a couple giveaways/awards that night, include the Claude Errera award (Congrats Claude <3). He ended up winning a Modded Duke controller that was turned into a wireless 360 controller. It was #1 of 6 made. The second giveaway was for the best costume, which a LED covered MC won.

After the MC won the controller I walked up to him and asked him if I could buy the controller off him. I knew that I wanted one of these controllers more than anything else, and if it didn't mean that much to him I would rather try and have it. He agreed and a deal was made... Wireless duke controller #2 is now mine <3


The day was light and the night even longer, I was exhausted and ready for bed. I knew we would have to wake up early for GAF breakfast, WOULDNT WANT TO LET ANYONE DOWN.

I woke up early the next morning and arrived at the place 20 minutes early to set up all the tables and chairs for our large group. However everyone except for Sean.P and Duncan bailed so just the three groups had breakfast together. It was honestly embarassing to have so many people bail on me, and really doesn't motivate me to try and set something like this up again next year. The salt in the wound was the fact that 90% of the GAF'ers that bailed on my breakfast on Saturday ended up going to the HBO breakfast on Sunday. Oh well, we all had a good time talking and eating food so it turned out ok.

We arrived at the Expo early and had an hour to kill until the place opened up. We decided to hit up the Retro Console free play...
This thing is amazing... It has pretty much every console stuffed into it, including a projector to display the image of whatever game/console you're playing. It's insanity.



We played N64 for an hour (007 Multi Player!)


Afterwards we lined up for the Bioshock booth.... A hour+ later we realized the lineup was for NOTHING. you looked at some paintings and did a 5 question quiz for a shot at winning a t-shirt.... THE END. Stupid...

With the bad taste in my mouth I decided the only thing to get it out would be to visit the GOG booth... These grandmas baked cookies non-stop. All you had to do was stop by the booth and they would hand you a warm chocolate chip or white macadamia cookie... I made several stops to this booth throughout the weekend.

We did a bunch of other things throughout the day, mainly played more TU Halo... And after the day was done we were wondering what to do. I happened to check Twitter and saw that Sega had bought out Gameswork for the night and there was free booze, free food, unlimited games all night. It was a no brainer, we walked across the street and got in.
Bracelet to get in






The night was a lot of fun, it could have been boring since there was nothing else for us to do but I am really happy we decided to go. One of the more enjoyable memories of the trip since it was such a spontaneous last minute decision.

Sunday morning we woke up early for the Halo 4 panel... We got into line and were close to the front of the line with Sean.P.


However after waiting in line Claude and co. walked by and I saw that we had a chance to go in early (HBO & GAF <3). We checked out the theatre and got a chance to sit inside and visit with all of the other community folks, it was a lot of fun.

Calm before the storm


The theatre is old and amazing looking, I love the style of the building




While waiting I saw Alison and asked her if she could get my controller signed by everyone... She was more than happy to and came back with more signatures than I could have hoped for. Thank you very much Alison <3

Mister Cheif

After we were told the panel would begin soon and we took our seats.


Before the panel actually began Corrinne Yu (Principal Engine Programmer for the Halo Franchise Team) sat down beside me and started making small talk... She talked to me about all of the games/projects she has worked on. The things she has done are amazing, and she was really nice to talk to. I love meeting people who are genuinely good people, it was nice.

Panel is about to begin

Mid-way through the bring MC onto stage, pretty cool

After the panel was done I was certainly more excited for Halo 4 and admittedly a little sad that we didn't get any huge news out of the panel. But I still enjoyed it.

The rest of the day I wandered around checking out the things I had already seen...

Misc HaloFest pictures

Guess who's back that is (not intentional, I realized after that she was standing there... Pretty easy to miss her ;))



Misc Pictures

Resistance 3


I have a little bit of swag to give away but honestly I didn't spend much time getting free stuff... The line-ups were stupidly massive for everything. :( Sorry GAF

I will try and figure out the best way to give away the Mega Bloks & Codes... The magazines and the little tiny Mega Bloks seem almost not worth while to send in the mail... We will see though. Any ideas on how to raffle them off?

Well my writeup isn't full of juicy info but it was my weekend in a nutshell. I had a ton of fun and cannot wait to do it again next year.

Thank you so much 343 for putting on HaloFest and spending time working to make Reach better for the community. I honestly think if it wasn't for Halo I wouldn't go to PAX. My main draw each year is to see what new and exciting things are coming and to get to see all of you guys.

Letters said:
No offense but that's ridiculous. That problem was not there until bungie put it in some people's minds while trying to justify armor abilities. You don't see people complaining about how they were killed before using the couple of rockets they were saving just for the right time. Risking ending up not using stuff by holding on to it while looking for a better payoff is part of the game.


If someone has a spare send it my way, please!!!!!!!! :-O

Meh, Bungie were the ones mining the data out of the millions of matches being played. They would know.

In any case, I prefer AAs to equipment, simply because everybody has access to them, and can use them more often, so they have a bigger effect on the gameplay.


Last night was the last straw for me, the game is just too frustrating. So I sold Reach today, I'll see you gaffers on CEA in November. Have fun with the TU beta playlists!


Thank you Devin!! Now that's the kind of post I want to see from the gaffers who went! Perfect.

Bread said:
Last night was the last straw for me, the game is just too frustrating. So I sold Reach today, I'll see you gaffers on CEA in November. Have fun with the TU beta playlists!
I've jumped into Reach with friends lately, and after knowing what's coming up ahead with the improved Reach and Classic modes, it feels more fun than ever because noone in my party gives a shit about the bad stuff, we just laugh at all of it and have a good time.
Bread said:
Last night was the last straw for me, the game is just too frustrating. So I sold Reach today, I'll see you gaffers on CEA in November. Have fun with the TU beta playlists!
Aw man, you held out for so long and called it quits in the home stretch?! The game's so close to being potentially fun now.


Bread said:
Last night was the last straw for me, the game is just too frustrating. So I sold Reach today, I'll see you gaffers on CEA in November. Have fun with the TU beta playlists!
Well at least you didnt throw it out the window or something.


A27 Tawpgun said:
Stop trolling HaloGAF.....unless you were actually serious...if so, saikunfuckyou.png

A jetpack lover I can understand. As terribly game and map breaking as it is, its fun to use. But an Armor Lock lover? Now you've gone too far....

Such disdain for the individuals who don't run with the flock.

The title update is changing things that I don't think should be changed and I'm going to voice that opinion (and I'll do it without dismissing anybody who thinks differently as a troll or telling them to fuck off). Additionally, it'll be annoying if the changes prove to be popular and spread to other playlists. I'm gonna voice that opinion too.

You all whined and whined until you got your way and now it's suddenly forbidden to disagree? Nah, son.
PNut said:
Will the changes to Inviz, Jetpack and AL eventually be in every single playlist in Reach?

Hopefully we will see some changes like that applies to the set of default Reach MM hoppers. I think it all depends on how the community reacts to some of the TU elements.


Rickenslacker said:
Aw man, you held out for so long and called it quits in the home stretch?! The game's so close to being potentially fun now.
It came down to a combination of me not having any games to play but Reach, Reach being the only multiplayer game worth playing right now, and Reach being fucking ridiculous. My grades will thank me for the time off when the playlist betas are out, and I'm be happy to wait for the finished products.

wwm0nkey said:
Well at least you didnt throw it out the window or something.
I've thrown my controller (just into my couch though), but I've never thrown or broken a disc, thank god.

Hey You

Damn, looks like sooo much fun. Hopefully we get Halofest next year so I can go.

I wouldn't mind entering a raffle or something just for a magazine.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Can't decide what's worse, the cosplay winning dude willing to sell his special Duke controller or someone throwing enough money about to buy one.

Sean P.

Dani said:
Can't decide what's worse, the cosplay winning dude willing to sell his special Duke controller or someone throwing enough money about to buy one.

You can't put a price limit on something that special


Devolution said:
Even sprint though could use some tweaking in terms of how often it's up. Honestly I think every AA needs to be on a longer cooldown.

This is one of the many things that makes Halo a great game... that we can all have our preferred way to play it.

For me longer cool downs just slow the game down as far as sprint is concerned. I could agree if we are talking about default Reach with all AA's available in the same game, but in a game type where everyone has the same load out, I don't see that as a plus.

While I respect Ghaleon and other's opinion on no bloom breaking big maps, and can agree that at extremes people could camp and take pot shots all day, it still feels like it will mean faster game play rather than slower overall. The skilled will move. I can enter action more quickly with no bloom and my skill is not limited as much by connection as it would be with bloom. People that camp will find they are flushed out quickly by players with good aim, awareness, and movement. As it is, people cross map all the time and those with the wrong connection can do nothing in return. In BTB at high levels there will be aggressive movement on maps and the subtraction of bloom will effectively allow good players to take part to a much more satisfying degree. There will definitely be those that turtle and feel like they can't move without being shot from a mile away, but I feel like that's a skill and team work issue more so than a no bloom issue provided everyone has the same starting weapon.

As the multiplayer panel reflected, thought is going into mixing of the sandbox along with bloom - such as a pistol that is a potential 3 shot kill not being mixed with a dmr on the same map. Similarly for those fearing a DMR with no bloom breaking the game, if it is offered in a play list as a starting weapon for all, it won't break the sandbox, rather, it will make everyone dangerous off spawn which speeds game play and allows skill and coordinated team work to be maximized. No bloom DMR's against AR's doesn't make sense obivously... and in those game types where there are AR starts judicious placement of DMR's as a power weapon makes perfect sense and likewise doesn't break the sandbox.

There is a learning progression anyone familiar with Psychology will be familiar with:

Unconsciously Incompetent > Consciously Incompetent > Consciously Competent > Unconsciously Competent

Unfortunately most people who play Halo never get out of the first stage, no matter their relative skill set.

The most valid feedback will be gleaned from people who are at the same progression level. I think most perceived problems with game mechanics come from competing in a game with people who have unbalanced progression levels which will lead to false problems with said mechanics.

I'm hoping the beta hopper has enough people in each category to allow TruSkill to work effectively so opinions can be had from likes playing likes.


I mean no offense to anyone, but I am convinced that anyone that loves AAs has never seen them abused to their potential or they themselves abuse them.

I hate fighting/finding invis-a-douches just to start again when they spawn, I hate having to scramble to find the Jet Packer that is killing me from way above as he spaceships around or to kill a team of them only to have them spawn and take off into the stratosphere to do it once more, I hate being double-meleed or sworded or hammered by a sprinter, or have a dude roll circles around me or away from me or into me with a power weapon, and Armor Lock speaks for itself. I just hate playing against AAs spawn after spawn, and I don't have fun using them either.
Kuroyume said:
Regarding Forge... Are there any Forge maps out there just made out of rocks and not using the usual grey stuff?
I made a map called Yeti Dome that is 90% natural objects. The only structure is the "dome" which is barely a dome though haha. I'd link to my fileshare, but I'm on my phone. My GT is RebornYeti if you wanna check yourself.


Dani said:
Can't decide what's worse, the cosplay winning dude willing to sell his special Duke controller or someone throwing enough money about to buy one.
But now he can relive the Halo experience as it was 10 years ago with the Duke!


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Dani said:
Can't decide what's worse, the cosplay winning dude willing to sell his special Duke controller or someone throwing enough money about to buy one.
People have spent money on worse besides it was 1 of 6 and he got it signed by a lot of people, makes for a nice memento.

Good pics Devin.
Risen said:
This is one of the many things that makes Halo a great game... that we can all have our preferred way to play it.

For me longer cool downs just slow the game down as far as sprint is concerned. I could agree if we are talking about default Reach with all AA's available in the same game, but in a game type where everyone has the same load out, I don't see that as a plus.

While I respect Ghaleon and other's opinion on no bloom breaking big maps, and can agree that at extremes people could camp and take pot shots all day, it still feels like it will mean faster game play rather than slower overall. The skilled will move. I can enter action more quickly with no bloom and my skill is not limited as much by connection as it would be with bloom. People that camp will find they are flushed out quickly by players with good aim, awareness, and movement. As it is, people cross map all the time and those with the wrong connection can do nothing in return. In BTB at high levels there will be aggressive movement on maps and the subtraction of bloom will effectively allow good players to take part to a much more satisfying degree. There will definitely be those that turtle and feel like they can't move without being shot from a mile away, but I feel like that's a skill and team work issue more so than a no bloom issue provided everyone has the same starting weapon.

As the multiplayer panel reflected, thought is going into mixing of the sandbox along with bloom - such as a pistol that is a potential 3 shot kill not being mixed with a dmr on the same map. Similarly for those fearing a DMR with no bloom breaking the game, if it is offered in a play list as a starting weapon for all, it won't break the sandbox, rather, it will make everyone dangerous off spawn which speeds game play and allows skill and coordinated team work to be maximized. No bloom DMR's against AR's doesn't make sense obivously... and in those game types where there are AR starts judicious placement of DMR's as a power weapon makes perfect sense and likewise doesn't break the sandbox.

I don't know why you or anyone else would think the loadouts on longer cooldowns would slow down the game when the game was perfectly fine sans them. The only reason AAs sped the game up as much as they did was because of bloom + slow movement + strong grenades they implemented in Reach.
So two nights ago I think it was I decided you know I bought an Onza but never really gave it a long try to get used to it. So I plugged it in and it didn't work. No idea if its under warranty or if I can return it but when I move forward it moves backwards. You can watch my Spartan literally do a like moonwalk standing still its not even reproduceable since you know you gotta hold forward to move forward so you can't hold backwards then lol. So anyways fuck that controller tried fixing it and looking up things to fix it for two hours.

My black wireless controller that I added auto rapid-fire buttons into the back which I loved and used forever has now started to get real real bad slowturn.

My white wireless controller the look stick stops responding occasionally, this is very bad when you are trying to outDMR players. Plus it randomly disconnects.

Finally I've decided my best controller is a wireless white one I had from years ago that only has mild slowturn.

What the fuck Microsoft and Hardware developing companies. I remember blowing up about this earlier too when I bought my "wireless" X4's that aren't even really wireless but stopped working a month in got my X1's which stopped working one night.

Make better shit! WTF.


Plywood said:
People have spent money on worse besides it was 1 of 6 and he got it signed by a lot of people, makes for a nice memento.

Good pics Devin.

Exactly. It's a freaking awesome memento and the loss was for the guy willing to sell it. Then the signatures are just icing on the cake.

You know speaking of those I have to say the biggest thing I've taken away from this Halofest isn't anything game related. I've read story after story about how awesome and down to earth everyone at 343 seems to be that has been met. To me that's the best thing to take away from this event. It tells me that the franchise will be in good hands and that they really do care. I may not always agree with their choices. Hell I've not always agreed with Bungie's but I'll always respect the hell out of them for being who they are. There are a lot of developers out there that seem a bit arrogant and less willing to interact with their fans. I don't get that vibe from Bungie and now 343. That's damn cool.
xxjuicesxx said:
So two nights ago I think it was I decided you know I bought an Onza but never really gave it a long try to get used to it. So I plugged it in and it didn't work. No idea if its under warranty or if I can return it but when I move forward it moves backwards. You can watch my Spartan literally do a like moonwalk standing still its not even reproduceable since you know you gotta hold forward to move forward so you can't hold backwards then lol. So anyways fuck that controller tried fixing it and looking up things to fix it for two hours.

My black wireless controller that I added auto rapid-fire buttons into the back which I loved and used forever has now started to get real real bad slowturn.

My white wireless controller the look stick stops responding occasionally, this is very bad when you are trying to outDMR players. Plus it randomly disconnects.

Finally I've decided my best controller is a wireless white one I had from years ago that only has mild slowturn.

What the fuck Microsoft and Hardware developing companies. I remember blowing up about this earlier too when I bought my "wireless" X4's that aren't even really wireless but stopped working a month in got my X1's which stopped working one night.

Make better shit! WTF.
MadCatz save us.


PsychoRaven said:
Exactly. It's a freaking awesome memento and the loss was for the guy willing to sell it. Then the signatures are just icing on the cake.

You know speaking of those I have to say the biggest thing I've taken away from this Halofest isn't anything game related. I've read story after story about how awesome and down to earth everyone at 343 seems to be that has been met. To me that's the best thing to take away from this event. It tells me that the franchise will be in good hands and that they really do care. I may not always agree with their choices. Hell I've not always agreed with Bungie's but I'll always respect the hell out of them for being who they are. There are a lot of developers out there that seem a bit arrogant and less willing to interact with their fans. I don't get that vibe from Bungie and now 343. That's damn cool.
Agreed, I want Frankie and David Ellis plushies.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
PsychoRaven said:
Exactly. It's a freaking awesome memento and the loss was for the guy willing to sell it. Then the signatures are just icing on the cake.

You know speaking of those I have to say the biggest thing I've taken away from this Halofest isn't anything game related. I've read story after story about how awesome and down to earth everyone at 343 seems to be that has been met. To me that's the best thing to take away from this event. It tells me that the franchise will be in good hands and that they really do care. I may not always agree with their choices. Hell I've not always agreed with Bungie's but I'll always respect the hell out of them for being who they are. There are a lot of developers out there that seem a bit arrogant and less willing to interact with their fans. I don't get that vibe from Bungie and now 343. That's damn cool.
Letters said:
Agreed, I want Frankie and David Ellis plushies.
Mister Chief plushie.


Devin Olsen said:
After the MC won the controller I walked up to him and asked him if I could buy the controller off him. I knew that I wanted one of these controllers more than anything else, and if it didn't mean that much to him I would rather try and have it. He agreed and a deal was made... Wireless duke controller #2 is now mine <3
Someone i know mentioned that Wu's Duke #1 was stolen. Is this true?


J10 said:
Such disdain for the individuals who don't run with the flock.

The title update is changing things that I don't think should be changed and I'm going to voice that opinion (and I'll do it without dismissing anybody who thinks differently as a troll or telling them to fuck off). Additionally, it'll be annoying if the changes prove to be popular and spread to other playlists. I'm gonna voice that opinion too.

You all whined and whined until you got your way and now it's suddenly forbidden to disagree? Nah, son.
The fuckyou.png was meant to be in a joking fashion. I don't mean to attack you personally, just to counter your opinions. Like I said I understand how many people enjoy some of the AAs like sprint and jetpack. I even know people who like bloom.

But I'll say that I'm VERY against Armor Lock. Its to the point where I'll respect any opinion people have... Except for a pro armor lock one. That shit I can't stand. It was a huge mistake to put it in the game and any playlist that features it on spawn is terrible. I have no tolerance for the worst addition to Halo... Of any shooter....of all time.

However... The good thing is the game isn't getting ruined for anyone. We get our glorious classic halo... And you have vanilla reach intact just as it is. Everybody wins.


PsychoRaven said:
Exactly. It's a freaking awesome memento and the loss was for the guy willing to sell it. Then the signatures are just icing on the cake.

You know speaking of those I have to say the biggest thing I've taken away from this Halofest isn't anything game related. I've read story after story about how awesome and down to earth everyone at 343 seems to be that has been met. To me that's the best thing to take away from this event. It tells me that the franchise will be in good hands and that they really do care. I may not always agree with their choices. Hell I've not always agreed with Bungie's but I'll always respect the hell out of them for being who they are. There are a lot of developers out there that seem a bit arrogant and less willing to interact with their fans. I don't get that vibe from Bungie and now 343. That's damn cool.
For me, PAX in general, and HaloFest in particular this year, are more about meeting people and spending some time immersed in gaming culture. PAX is just the backdrop. Over the years I've accumulated some signed materials, but I've never asked for any, as that's not what I value. (Nothing wrong with valuing them, it's just not what I personally go to PAX for.)

I left PAX and HaloFest with tons of merch and for that I'm grateful; it's awesome. But what I'll remember down the road is the time spent with friends old and new. Hitmonchan is once of the nicest, most grounded people I've ever met. The entire 343 crew are generous with their time and energy (which is boundless) and all wonderful to talk with.

This year, the things I enjoyed the most, and what I'll remember long after I've forgotten what merch I left with, are a handful of quiet conversations with some great people. It's the people that make PAX (and HaloGAF and 343 and Bungie) so awesome.

Nice pics Devin, and you going first saves me from having to post many of mine (the cake, etc.). I'll post pics later tonight, I just didn't have time this morning.
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