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Halo: Reach |OT5| A Monument to All Our Sins

PsychoRaven said:
What I wonder is how did someone find it. I never would have thought to randomly go to quote posts to find a code that wasn't mentioned. lol

And why so sad? Weren't you intending to give it away?
I thought through the quote trick a HaliGaffer would snag it.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Anyone here ever relink old content to a new gamertag? Is there even a method to do this? Obviously someone at work could tell me this, but it is late and I am stupid.
Wait is it a completely new tag or you changed names? If it is a new tag entirely I do not think you can relink old content.


Trasher said:
This thread is greatly lacking PAX pics.
I posted a bunch this morning, did you see them?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
blamite said:
You can transfer licenses to different Xboxes, which lets any account on that system use it, but you can't transfer ownership completely to another account.

Thia wprked.


Devin Olsen said:
Wait is it a completely new tag or you changed names? If it is a new tag entirely I do not think you can relink old content.
while he can't get his achievements back he can easily get all his old Arcade games and DLC back by doing a license transfer on his xbox.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Anyone here ever relink old content to a new gamertag? Is there even a method to do this? Obviously someone at work could tell me this, but it is late and I am stupid.
You could go to your account management and comb through your download history to check and re-download all your old content that was downloaded on that account. As for saves and content linked to other profile's, I know of no transfer system.


wwm0nkey said:
while he can't get his achievements back he can easily get all his old Arcade games and DLC back by doing a license transfer on his xbox.

That doesn't transfer it between gamertags though. That just reauthorizes the DLC for the new console.


omg.kittens said:
Yeah, Evolutions is worth it.

I'm jealous of all you folks who love Cryptum. No matter how hard I try, I can't get into it. I want to read it for the Halo 4 hints + teases, but I'll have to just reading the HBO and Halopedia summaries.

In other news, I totally suck at Halo now. The knowledge of the TU's impending arrival has sapped my current Halo energy a bit. I can't seem to muster the energy to fight bloom for that last elusive headshot anymore. I feel like I'm constantly popping shields, but never getting kills. At least my assist commendation is skyrocketing. :)

I'll keep on playing, but mostly focusing on other games. I've barely played anything but Halo since getting a 360 again this summer.

I have the paperback version of Cryptum on order for next month. I hope I can get into it. I'm adding Evolutions to my never ending Halo wish list on Amazon.

I saw you sitting in the lobby a few times, I would have invited you but I was with 3 IRL friends in Team Slayer and 2 of them suck so didn't want to subject others to that. LOL

Edit: Damn, meant to edit my last post.

Edit edit: There are 2 volumes of Evolutions?


Unconfirmed Member
Ken said:
Don't you have Deus Ex: HR? Play that.
That's exactly what I'm gonna do, hah. And I'll pick up another game or two between now and when CEA hits. That should keep me occupied for a long while.

Also, I didn't know you were Chocopolka! I knew you were from GAF, but I had no idea who exactly. Good games!

senador said:
I saw you sitting in the lobby a few times, I would have invited you but I was with 3 IRL friends in Team Slayer and 2 of them suck so didn't want to subject others to that. LOL
I ended up teaming up with other HaloGAF folks, so no worries. And yeah, the IRL friend that I play Halo with the most is really bad, too. 0.69 K/D, hah. It's still fun, though. :)


omg.kittens said:
That's exactly what I'm gonna do, hah. And I'll pick up another game or two between now and when CEA hits. That should keep me occupied for a long while.

Also, I didn't know you were Chocopolka! I knew you were from GAF, but I had no idea who exactly. Good games!

Yeah, GGs.

Deus Ex: HR should last you a good while.


So. PAX.

On Friday I parked in the lot connected to the conference center around 8:15 and headed straight to the Sheraton hotel across the street and upstairs for the Halo Anniversary panel. The line queued up in a small room adjacent to the conference room, and I was about 100 people back, in the corner.


As the crowd filled up, Enforcers came by to help pass the time. Beach balls were soon bouncing around the crowd, but there was a purpose to them. After a few minutes, they plucked two teams of 10 from the crowd and set them against one another in a game. They stood in rows and had to pass the ball to the person behind them, one person over their shoulder, the next between the legs, the next over the shoulder, and so on, until the ball reached the back of the line, where that person ran to the front and repeated. The first team to get through all 10 players first got some swag (I didn't see what).

You can see the balls getting knocked around the crowd here. It was a festive atmosphere.


One fine young Enforcer came by with a plush sheep, asking, "Have you hugged a sheep today?" Those answering in the negative got to hug the sheep. I was too far, back, alas. :(


The panel itself you saw online as well (and perhaps better) than I did. It was great.

Some random cosplay:


After that, it was off to HaloFest:


HaloFest itself was very well put together. Not just in terms of content, but also the layout, which was very smartly done. Rather than one big gaming area, there were many, and they were distributed around the show floor. The line queues were all pointed in different directions, and none dumped out into one another. It was a marked contrast to the very messy main show floor. No lines were more than a few minutes throughout the event, which was impressive since there were a lot of people there at all times. Major props to Microsoft's team for a very well planned show.

The more you looked around, the more you saw. Is that Mr. Chief as Van Gogh missing an ear?


Oh look, there's Kat lurking in the shadows.


There was a Spartan made out of Mega Bloks; you could enter a drawing - guess how many blocks (bloks?) it took to build him, and win...something, I forget what. I guessed since you got a little action figure for entering.



Friday night was the VIP party at HaloFest, where we saw the best cosplay of the entire show:


At the party, Claude (Louis Wu) was given an award and the first of the six limited run duke controllers. Here's the handoff:


Devin posted pics of the epic cake (and no, that's not an abuse of the word 'epic' - the cake was epic). Here's pics of me eating the cake. Or rather, the bit of cake I got with the frosting:


I'd gotten in line when I saw them brining out the knife to cut it, so I got slice #5. Observation and timing FTW.

The layers of fondant around the outside of the cake were thick; it was comprised of two layers, the inner to lend support, then a second layer that was printed with the Halo screenshots.


Fondant is almost pure sugar, so I could only do a few bites. Neat to eat a picture, though.


Here's a douchebag scalper, of which there were tons. I wanted to punch them all in the gut every time I walked by.


Beanbag surround the main floors. Day 1 they are soft and pleasant. Day 3 they are soggy with nerd sweat.


The show floor was absolutely packed; I literally didn't play any games this year due to the crowds, just did lots of watching and soaking up of swag.


The Skyrim booth was fucking awesome:


Hitmonchan and I hit up the Sunday Skyrim panel, which we got in by the skin of our teeth thanks to some lucky positioning and timing. The Friday panel was canceled, which we didn't realized, so 2x the number of planned attendees showed up.

I tried to take a pic of the line to PAX that morning but this guy jumped in front. Jerk.


The line was a madhouse. But it was worth is since on every seat was a plush helmet from the dude in the demos:


Here's some guy trying not to look like a dork wearing one (and failing miserably).


It was surreal and awesome to see them in the crowd, though:


Before I left, I put together two nearly identical swag bags, one for each of my kids. Action figures, whoopie cusions, Master Chief piggy banks, posters, foam chainsaws, t-shirts, the works. I managed to snag two of most things. One swag bag even had a new Reach controller (!!!). My bags alone filled up half the trunk. The kids could barely stay away from the loot when I walked in the door Sunday night (past their bed time, no less):


It was like Christmas on speed, as they tore through the goodie bags, leaving wreckage in their wake:


Lots of good stuff in the mix.


But as I said before, the swag is neat, but the real enjoyment at PAX was the people. HBO, HaloGAF, random folks, the guys and gals of 343 (all of whom were class acts). Long after the swag has disappeared into the ether of my kids toy mixtures, the memories will live on. Good times were had.

Some crappy videos; I haven't even labeled them yet, which I'll do in the morning.

Wandering around HaloFest's VIP party. See if you can spot the part where I drop the camera (wrist strap FTW), it's hard to spot. Not the best filming job but I wanted to show a bit of the layout for those who couldn't make it; it was hard to film and dodge bodies at once.

They had Claude cut the cake.

Wandering around the show floor a bit. I took this video mostly to show the crowds and atmosphere; I had to stop filming because it was hard to walk through the crowd with the camera out.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Coming up on 48 hours with no power. Rumors are we won't get power until the weekend. My DS is getting a lot of play time lol. So is Words with Friends. Hit me up on Words with Friends if you guys play, "Tashi0106"
Just got back home after spending all day in transit. I'm sooo far behind on the thread.

Sorry I let down the non-PAX contingent of HaloGAF, wish I could have posted more from HaloFest but typing long posts from my touchscreen-only phone is frustrating. Not to mention each day was a struggle to keep my crappy cellphone battery charged. I was so busy running from one panel/event/demo to another I had little time to write up any proper impressions.

Hypertrooper said:
Duncan was in a lot of these lines.

Yep. Unfortunately I was trying to think of a question and THEN get in line. It's incredibly frustrating to have a legitimate question and then see:
- Someone asking a Multiplayer question at the Campaign panel (and vice-versa).
- Someone asking a completely obvious or asinine question (Why no Xbox Live support?)
- Someone who refuses to step away from the mic until asking seven different questions. (Thankfully Ellis shut this down in the later panels, even though he was teased for trying to keep the fans in line.)

I don't want to sound like an asshole, but it sometimes gets on my nerves when people waste valuable question time on being the 57th person to say "I just wanted to thank you guys for everything, blah blah blah". Save that for AFTER the panel,
not everyone sitting there enjoys hearing your speech - even if they agree that the panelists are awesome.

At the Halo Universe panel I wanted to ask Jen Taylor how she approached the role of Dr. Halsey differently than Cortana.

At the (somewhat lukewarm) Community panel I wanted to throw them an easy question and ask the Grifball people what they thought of the TU's new option for Sword blocking.

For the CEA Multiplayer panel I got in line with the intention of asking about whether or not vehicle balance was going to be touched by the TU, and if not, how far down the list it was. Then a few of the people ahead of me asked about Elite Armor and something else where the answer was basically "It was on the list but didn't make the cut." I didn't want to bore everyone with another answer like that so I was going to ask about Forge options in the CEA maps. Someone then asked about that (albeit at a lower level than the question I had in mind) so in about 10 seconds I made up the question regarding the visual style of the remake maps.
I plan on writing a huge post at my site with pictures, impressions, etc. It might take me a day or two, I want to do it right. I will say that one of the highlights for the weekend (of which there are too many to count) was an excellent conversation with Chad/Shishka regarding the TU, the flak he and Jeremiah get for playlist management, and GAF. Very cool guy.


GhaleonEB said:

RIP H3 Scout helmet.

ncsuDuncan said:
I don't want to sound like an asshole, but it sometimes gets on my nerves when people waste valuable question time on being the 57th person to say "I just wanted to thank you guys for everything, blah blah blah".

Did anyone say their bungie.net/Waypoint username and what Halo forums they are from in addition to the "thanks you guys for everything" speech?


GhaleonEB said:
Snipped for length

Very freaking cool. That cake looks yummy. And aw doing that for your kids is so sweet. They have such a kickass dad.

ncsuDuncan said:
Also snipped for length

Oh damn. You had such great questions to ask. See prime example of how to ask questions. I really wish you had gotten to ask them. We had so much hate for the idiots that asked the stupid questions. Enough to power the Death Star forever.
-Yeti said:
Yeah I'm glad we get some actual reinforcements of our own. I'm also really glad that the regular Warthog is in too. Firefight will be fun again.

In other news, Brigadier get (finally)!
Nice timing. I hit brig yesterday, lol.
Ken said:
RIP H3 Scout helmet and good riddance
Fixed lol
Ken said:
Did anyone say their bungie.net/Waypoint username and what Halo forums they are from in addition to the "thanks you guys for everything" speech?
Do you want to blame them? It isn't really necessary to do that. The questions are asked and we can't change it now.


Hypertrooper said:
Do you want to blame them? It isn't really necessary to do that. The questions are asked and we can't change it now.

No, just curious. I just remembered someone doing it in a previous Halo panel (some girl with a Cortana username on b.net) and I found that to be a little more annoying (and a little humorous) than those who give the thanks speech, so I was wondering if anyone did it again this year.
Ken said:
No, just curious. I just remembered someone doing it in a previous Halo panel (some girl with a Cortana username on b.net) and I found that to be a little more annoying than those who give the thanks speech, so I was wondering if anyone did it again this year.
Ah. I know what you meant. Yeah it is some kind of annoying.

Btw the face of the XBL-guy was so hilarious after Frankie said that CEA has XBL.
Like my face during the Halo 4 art trailer is that definitely GIF worthy.


Loved all the pics, comments and the couple vids. Thank you.

@nscuDuncan We know that feel bro, well not exactly since you were actually there staring at the back of the heads of those morons but yeah, we were raging hard over here too. I caught a glimpse of you walking to get in a panel Q&A line on the stream, your shirt looked sweet! Looking forward your pictures and comments.

@Devolution Go find those pictures!


Speaking of cosplay, one of my sisters friends offered to make me a suit of armor from Halo (he is actually decent at making them), only catch is I have to go to an anime con. Haven't been to one of those since middle school and not sure if armor is worth it because there are a lot of weird people at those things lol


wwm0nkey said:
not sure if armor is worth it because there are a lot of weird people at those things lol

If you don't want to be stopped every few feet for pictures, then don't wear it.
wwm0nkey said:
Speaking of cosplay, one of my sisters friends offered to make me a suit of armor from Halo (he is actually decent at making them), only catch is I have to go to an anime con. Haven't been to one of those since middle school and not sure if armor is worth it because there are a lot of weird people at those things lol

It's worth it. Just stay where there is a lot of air circulating in and out, otherwise it's awful.

I would totally cosplay as Kat if someone wanted to make me armor and all I had to do was go to a Con. The only thing that really gets to me at cons is the stench.


Devolution said:
It's worth it. Just stay where there is a lot of air circulating in and out, otherwise it's awful.

I would totally cosplay as Kat if someone wanted to make me armor and all I had to do was go to a Con. The only thing that really gets to me at cons is the stench.
I think I might have him do a GUNGNIR helmet.

Also what gets me at cons in my area is just the amount of weird people. Yeah I know its an anime con but jesus I have seen some weird shit, maybe its just Ohio.
wwm0nkey said:
I think I might have him do a GUNGNIR helmet.

Also what gets me at cons in my area is just the amount of weird people. Yeah I know its an anime con but jesus I have seen some weird shit, maybe its just Ohio.

Well yeah the amount of creepers there too is quite off putting as well. Couple of my gal pals cosplayed as DOA characters one year, I swear they got drooled on.


Devolution said:
Well yeah the amount of creepers there too is quite off putting as well. Couple of my gal pals cosplayed as DOA characters one year, I swear they got drooled on.
Yeah three are plenty of creeper stories at those things if you go to one lol

idk last con I went to was in Columbus in 2009 and I swear that was a border line orgy and drug fest or something.

EDIT: Anyways back to Halo. Anyone on?
wwm0nkey said:
Anyways back to Halo. Anyone on?

I've wanted to play a couple of times each of the the past couple of days, but before I turn on the Xbox, I think about the TU, and then I lose desire to play lol.


Steelyuhas said:
I've wanted to play a couple of times each of the the past couple of days, but before I turn on the Xbox, I think about the TU, and then I lose desire to play lol.
After getting the challenge done yesterday I played some Premium Battle, got put in Invasion on Breakpoint. Turned off my Xbox and went back to reading Cryptum (great book btw)
Gametrailers.com just posted 6 off screen videos from Anniversary. Here

I should probably check to see if they are actually new footage lol

EDIT: starting watching one of them. Looks new to me, also not off screen.


Steelyuhas said:
Gametrailers.com just posted 6 off screen videos from Anniversary. Here

I should probably check to see if they are actually new footage lol

EDIT: starting watching one of them. Looks new to me, also not off screen.

I haven't seen them before, thanks for the link. On the beaver creek game, you can get a really nice look at no bloom on a needle rifle.

Edit: and at about 1:30 in that same game, it looks like even nerfle bullets will have bleed through damage.
Guy is playing an Anniversary gametype and drops the pistol and keeps the AR.

EDIT: Magnum and DMR have bloom in Anniversary gametypes...huh?
wwm0nkey said:
The Beaver Creek video is the only thing with the Zero Bloom on.

Yeah but the Prisoner video was an "Anniversary" gametype. Why would weapons have bloom in that gametype?

Anniversary video on Damnation as well. Lots of pistol action, appears to have not full bloom, the expansion was really small and the reset was pretty damn quick. Still not sure why the Anniversary gametypes has bloom though.



Why THE FUCK do I keep getting matched AGAINST teams of players, then forced to play with FUCKING CORPORALS.

Jesus Christ 343gie, worst fucking matchmaking ever.
Had a fun bug doing the Nightfall run last night with Xand, ZalinKrow & Gui.

First Xand lagged out just as we went through with the forklift and the second time Zalin went through, it teleported Xand & Gui up to him, but not me. So I was like "well fuck, I guess I have to do the forklift trick too. So I hop into the forklift, and it transports the boys back to me, behind the gate". Thankfully the gate then decides to open, but the remaining area has now filled with Covies.
I managed to sprint it to the end to make up for whatever had happened :).

Eye Drop said:

Why THE FUCK do I keep getting matched AGAINST teams of players, then forced to play with FUCKING CORPORALS.

Jesus Christ 343gie, worst fucking matchmaking ever.
I realise this doesn't help, but seriously, don't play Reach on your own.


I would say don't play competitive shooters on your own unless you don't mind losing. Reach is no different than previous iterations in this regard.
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