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Halo: Reach |OT6| There Are Those Who Said This Day Would Never Come

So did everyone here end up getting a Grunt Plushie that wanted one? I wasn't following it on HBO after Wu put them up, so I am not sure how fas they sold out.
Kuroyume said:
No, it's not. Awful solution. Terrible idea.

Havok said:
Oh, absolutely. I'm pretty thrilled we're getting any at all. I'm very concerned about them ever showing up though. Unless the general population adopts CEA pretty heavily, we'll end up with another Highlands situation.
Yeah, this'll be the main problem going forward. One of the reasons that I stay out of BTB is that the only two decent BTB maps – Tempest and Highlands – rarely show up for me.
Tunavi said:
oh my god its a game, you act like you have given up on life lol
Not life, but the motivation to play Reach. If I love Halo and don't even want to pick up a controller, that's sad. Most people shy away from playing solo because it's so painful. But the majority of games that people play in a party are so lopsided that they shouldn't even count as a real game. So my choices are to jump into the game solo and experience very frustrating games, or play with a group where almost all the games turn into nothing more than who can rack up the most kills the quickest. Neither of those choices are very fun for me. lawl if my life depended solely on Reach... I wouldn't be alive to post on neogaf.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
blamite said:
I would love this gun sooo much.

I might be misunderstanding how Bloom works compared to Halo 3's spread, but couldn't the BR's behavior be matched by fixing the DMR's reticle at a radius that's the same as the BR's?

Halo 3's BR fired three bullets which spread out in a cone like fashion from the point at which the gun was aiming. There was a miniscule amount of randomness to ensure that no two shots were exactly the same. This randomness would be pretty small and have no effect at short distances but the further down the firing cone you went, the more that small amount of randomness affected where the bullets landed. Since the bullets aren't going in the same direction, the further away a target was, the less likely it was for you to hit them.

For example, try hitting a player beside you in one of Valhalla's bases. Then try to hit the same player if he is standing on top of the hill whilst you are still in the base. You'd hit the player beside you every time if he's in the base but you'd be lucky to hit the same player if he's on that hill. At distance bullet travel comes into play. So you have to take into consideration if that player is moving and you have to try to predict the player's movement and lead your shots.

With the DMR you fire a single bullet. The firing cone is therefore significantly smaller. The random factor is still present and it actually increases after every shot (as indicated by the expanding reticule). That means if you fire against a player beside you, there's a higher possibility that some of your shots will miss him unless you pay attention to your rate of fire and pace your shots to stay on target.

If the same player is far away, then the DMR's hitscan will ensure you never have to lead your shots. You have more control and accuracy. As long as you pace your shots, you can successfully kill a target at range just as well as if he was standing beside you.

If you fixed the DMR's reticule, then you negate most of the effects of the bloom, so pacing your shots is no longer necessary. You'd have no control over the random element any more as it's fixed. You'd still have the ability to engage enemies at range just as easily as enemies standing beside you but the distance would have a greater effect with the random element - you'd miss slightly more often. It wouldn't emulate the BR at distances but it would bring both weapons closer in end result, but you'd have to do extensive testing to see these exact results. Additionally, you'd break the DMR at close range because the fixed bloom would lead to spamming and overall shorter kill times.


Kuroyume said:
No, it's not. Awful solution. Terrible idea.
Pretty much, I'm not sure why people want a spread just to be hitscan. Just make it hitscan and be done with it. The Halo 2 BR did it beautifully.
Devin Olsen said:
So did everyone here end up getting a Grunt Plushie that wanted one? I wasn't following it on HBO after Wu put them up, so I am not sure how fas they sold out.

I don't have the money for it :( and I'd rather have some upcoming games.
Devin Olsen said:
So did everyone here end up getting a Grunt Plushie that wanted one? I wasn't following it on HBO after Wu put them up, so I am not sure how fas they sold out.
I'm waiting for the Gears of War Locust plushie. ;-)


Dani said:
Why not? I've justified why I came to that conclusion. I'd love to hear a proper counter-argument or an alternative solution.

Why do you condone any amount of randomness though?

If you want to make it difficult for people to ping across large distances, I would lessen the zoom distance, lessen the zoom auto aim and the distance in which that auto aim is in effect and have the bullets be projectiles so you have to lead your shots. But I would have the spread consistent.

Leading shots, without auto aim would be difficult. Difficult enough that I think it would solve the problem of people being pinged over long distances.

I would take projectiles over hitscan, because I think it is more difficult to shoot with projectiles. That is assuming the netcode is decent. If it is not, hitscan it is.


Dani said:
Why not? I've justified why I came to that conclusion. I'd love to hear a proper counter-argument or an alternative solution.

There are too many issues with latency/people's shitty connections for something like bullet spread to have a place in a P2P game like Halo. What are you arguing for anyway? A system that uses both a spread and hitscan? How is that even possible?
OuterWorldVoice said:
The best fix for quitting is to make the experience more enjoyable. We can only do so much for human nature. I was watching the quitting in a certain other game, and anecdotally it's just as prevalent, but the game mechanics, short 100% deadly encounters, mean that teamwork is vastly less important and when. You're in a depleted team, you just entrench or camp more. But we will continue to keep an eye on it during and after the TU. Population should go up too and with the fresher map selections, quitters will be less likely to bail after they dislike both rounds of map voting.

Just noticed this. I think honestly less people would quit out if the individual skill from previous games was brought back into the fold. As it stands right now, taking two people on simultaneously is a chore, due to AR spam by both of them, AAs, bloom, less movement, strong nades, etc etc. Couple this with just how far one can fire the DMR (especially in big team), and awful trueskill; people aren't going to be inclined to stay in a game in which they have no chance or get farmed on spawn.
Kuroyume said:
There are too many issues with latency/people's shitty connections for something like bullet spread to have a place in a P2P game like Halo. What are you arguing for anyway? A system that uses both a spread and hitscan? How is that even possible?
it's not like they're mutually exclusive. Hitscan means it's instantaneous, and spread means they don't all fire exactly at the center. You don't have to lead shots (theoretically), but at long ranges not every shot is going to hit. Is it that hard to understand?
thezerofire said:
it's not like they're mutually exclusive. Hitscan means it's instantaneous, and spread means they don't all fire exactly at the center. You don't have to lead shots (theoretically), but at long ranges not every shot is going to hit. Is it that hard to understand?

Big Team suffers from the range of DMR, I don't understand how int his thread we're actually arguing over this. It makes people turtle. Most games of BTB I've played involve DMRing kids on their spawn. It's especially easy on forge maps that are variants of Paradiso and Hemorrhage. Get on cliff, DMR opponents on spawn, rinse, repeat. And if they get up a vehicle? Team DMR it, it's dead, continue pinning down players. People will say that's what a good team does, but it's effectively boring and way too one sided.

BTB to me is about chaotic battles everywhere. Now it's regulated to just DMRing people from a distance. I'm sure 343 and bungie (hell it's even on bungie.net) have the stats on movement in big team maps. It wouldn't surprise me if less people were found anywhere near the middle. Now people will say oh it's stupid to be there on foot anyway. Rockets used to spawn in the center of big team maps, the plasma launcher does. Control of the center used to be a big thing. Now on something like hemorrhage you have snipes in the back (because there are points in which you can see the entire map) and DMRs on the sides. Not even vehicles can stay up for very long. What's the point of big team then? Just DMR stand offs? Fuck that. That's not big team, that's not fun.



thezerofire said:
it's not like they're mutually exclusive. Hitscan means it's instantaneous, and spread means they don't all fire exactly at the center. You don't have to lead shots (theoretically), but at long ranges not every shot is going to hit. Is it that hard to understand?

Yes. It goes against the principle of hitscan. There should be no random element in there.

Anyway, we're talking about the DMR. DMR is a single shot weapon and I want it back in H4 morse so than the BR.
Kuroyume said:
Yes. It goes against the principle of hitscan. There should be no random element in there.

Anyway, we're talking about the DMR. DMR is a single shot weapon and I want it back in H4 morse so than the BR.

I wouldn't consider it all that random to just max out the range of which the DMR is effective. I'd call it necessary and fair.
Kuroyume said:
Yes. It goes against the principle of hitscan. There should be no random element in there.

Anyway, we're talking about the DMR. DMR is a single shot weapon and I want it back in H4 morse so than the BR.
hitscan isn't about random vs. not random. Its definition is that there is no bullet travel time. That's it. It doesn't mean anything about spread.


thezerofire said:
hitscan isn't about random vs. not random. Its definition is that there is no bullet travel time. That's it. It doesn't mean anything about spread.

Yea Halo 2 BR had spread, it was tight but it had a spread. It was also hitscan.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Farooq said:
Why do you condone any amount of randomness though?

If you want to make it difficult for people to ping across large distances, I would lessen the zoom distance, lessen the zoom auto aim and the distance in which that auto aim is in effect and have the bullets be projectiles so you have to lead your shots. But I would have the spread consistent.

Leading shots, without auto aim would be difficult. Difficult enough that I think it would solve the problem of people being pinged over long distances.

I would take projectiles over hitscan, because I think it is more difficult to shoot with projectiles. That is assuming the netcode is decent. If it is not, hitscan it is.

I don't condone randomness, I am merely pointing out how that randomness is applied. I do condone how bloom applies and increases randomness in terms of the DMR and the role it has within Reach.

Your suggestions are valid if they help reach the same end result, the further a player is from yourself, the harder it should be for you to hit them. With the DMR, this isn't the case and I'm comparing it with Halo 3's BR because it achieved this.

Bungie said that the Halo 3 BR was too versatile and the DMR is the response to that. I'd argue that the DMR is actually more verstile than the Halo 3 BR. Reach demonstrates how traditional BTB Halo maps are broken by the DMR and how it negatively influences the gameplay - see Hemorrage.

Kuroyume said:
There are too many issues with latency/people's shitty connections for something like bullet spread to have a place in a P2P game like Halo. What are you arguing for anyway? A system that uses both a spread and hitscan? How is that even possible?

Bullet spread is how far the bullets spread apart over distances when fired. Hitscan obviously doesn't have any bullet travelling as it's instant. My suggested combination of both would be a system that simulates and calculates and applies a spread but delivers the damages instantly.

It would would function similarly to Halo 3's BR in almost every way except there would be no need to lead shots. Leading your shots was a practice designed to compensate for the time it took your bullets to travel from your gun to the enemy and with hitscan that is not needed.

So being hitscan, like Reach's DMR, it would work better over poor connections.
Kuroyume said:
Alright, explain this to me. If Reach wasn't hitscan I would have to lead my target as I'm shooting them right?

No one wants hitscan gone, they want a range spread on the DMR. You can have both.
Kuroyume said:
Alright, explain this to me. If Reach wasn't hitscan I would have to lead my target as I'm shooting them right?
That's right. Here's my best way of explaining it. Imagine there was no bloom (yet). Your DMR is hitscan, and there is no spread. You hit literally whatever you shoot. Now there is bloom. As you fire, the area where your bullets can go increases, so you don't always shoot whatever you're aiming at. But it still hits that point instantaneously, because the DMR is a hitscan weapon. Hitscan only describes the travel time of the bullet.


thezerofire said:
That's right. Here's my best way of explaining it. Imagine there was no bloom (yet). Your DMR is hitscan, and there is no spread. You hit literally whatever you shoot. Now there is bloom. As you fire, the area where your bullets can go increases, so you don't always shoot whatever you're aiming at. But it still hits that point instantaneously, because the DMR is a hitscan weapon. Hitscan only describes the travel time of the bullet.
Did you play Halo 2 online, and get several experiences with the BR in the 1.1 update? You act like it destroyed MP movement and combat. I want all my shots in the burst to hit if I am aiming at the enemy.


Yes, I get all that. My point is that Dani wants a DMR with H3 spread/H2 hitscan where as I want a bloomless DMR with hitscan. I don't want a spread. I have a general understanding of the system it's just that as far as I'm aware if I take one shot with a bloomless DMR there is no spread right?

I feel like I had a good understanding of this and now I'm confused.
Striker said:
Did you play Halo 2 online, and get several experiences with the BR in the 1.1 update? You act like it destroyed MP movement and combat. I want all my shots in the burst to hit if I am aiming at the enemy.
I don't know when I said anything like that at all. We're basically all advocating the Halo 2 BR with less aim magnetism. I was just explaining how hitscan vs. spread works, using Reach. Didn't mention Halo 2 at all.

Kuroyume said:
Yes, I get all that. My point is that Dani wants a DMR with H3 spread/H2 hitscan where as I want a bloomless DMR with hitscan. I don't want a spread. I have a general understanding of the system it's just that as far as I'm aware if I take one shot with a bloomless DMR there is no spread right?

I feel like I had a good understanding of this and now I'm confused.
That's right. People here are saying that they want a 2x scope on the DMR to limit range. That's one way of doing it.
What you and Dani want isn't all that different. Both of you want weapons with hitscan. That's not really the issue here. I don't think anyone is really saying to get rid of hitscan. What we're saying is to put a spread on the gun so there's a limit on its range, since at present you can shoot all the way across BTB maps, so you can't really move around as well. When there's spread at long range it makes people get closer to each other.


Dani said:
I don't condone randomness, I am merely pointing out how that randomness is applied. I do condone how bloom applies and increases randomness in terms of the DMR and the role it has within Reach.

Your suggestions are valid if they help reach the same end result, the further a player is from yourself, the harder it should be for you to hit them. With the DMR, this isn't the case and I'm comparing it with Halo 3's BR because it achieved this.

Bungie said that the Halo 3 BR was too versatile and the DMR is the response to that. I'd argue that the DMR is actually more verstile than the Halo 3 BR. Reach demonstrates how traditional BTB Halo maps are broken by the DMR and how it negatively influences the gameplay - see Hemorrage.

I understand your explanation, but your initial post asked for the inclusion of Halo 3's spread combined with DMR/H2 BR hitscan.

H3's spread was random.
Striker said:
Did you play Halo 2 online, and get several experiences with the BR in the 1.1 update? You act like it destroyed MP movement and combat. I want all my shots in the burst to hit if I am aiming at the enemy.

People don't want a spread specifically on the burst, they want a spread on the distance it's fired at. At least that's how I feel about it.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Kuroyume said:
Yes, I get all that. My point is that Dani wants a DMR with H3 spread/H2 hitscan where as I want a bloomless DMR with hitscan. I don't want a spread. I have a general understanding of the system it's just that as far as I'm aware if I take one shot with a bloomless DMR there is no spread right?

I feel like I had a good understanding of this and now I'm confused.

A DMR, especially a bloomless DMR, has too much range and I'd like to see that range limited. I still want the weapon to be effective but not able to accurately kill someone from one end of the map to the other.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Farooq said:
I understand your explanation, but your initial post asked for the inclusion of Halo 3's spread combined with DMR/H2 BR hitscan.

H3's spread was random.

That randomness was only issue at range and thus the BR's range and accuracy was acceptable. I don't think the DMR's range and accuracy is currently unacceptable.


Dani said:
That randomness was only issue at range and thus the BR's range and accuracy was acceptable. I don't think the DMR's range and accuracy is currently unacceptable.

So you do condone randomness...lol.

Even if it is only applicable over vast distances. I understand your argument.

But if we were going to design a game from scratch, I would rather curb long distance dominance of the utility weapon by requiring more dexterity from the user, than instituting a spread mechanic.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Dani said:
A DMR, especially a bloomless DMR, has too much range and I'd like to see that range limited. I still want the weapon to be effective but not able to accurately kill someone from one end of the map to the other.

I don't know if it was the TVs I was playing on at Halo Fest or any other external factor, but I noticed reduced magnetism and a little more kickback than usual on the bloomless DMR. I could've been seeing things, though.

My guess is another rate of fire cap will be put on these weapons once bloom is removed.
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