GhaleonEB said:
I plasma grenade stress ball would be awesome. (I was going to say 'the bomb' but couldn't get myself to.)
Hell, give me a fuzzy plushie series. I'd be buying the whole set.
I could totally make plans (I forget if they have an actual name in the sewing world) for people to sew their own Stress Plasma Balls. It'd be a hell of a lot easier than sewing your own grunt plushie, anyway. I think that's roughly ~2-5$ of material, depend on what you want to stuff it with.
Of course, if you want a RUBBER stress ball, that's even easier to do, but really hard to make a sizable one (unless you're very dextrous or have someone to help you).
1) Go find some blue, round balloons. The thicker the better, don't use water balloons. Too thin. This has to be able to be squeezed without ripping apart.
2) Blow up the balloon to your desired sticky grenade size. Make up your own canon on this relative to the size of your hand. allow to deflate and dry.
3) Stick a funnel (or cut apart a pop bottle for the classic ghetto funnel) and start filling the balloon. For super squeezin', use corn starch. You can use flour but that tends to get everywhere from blowback, so I don't use that. If you have swole hands, use rice.
4) Tie off the balloon after your sticky grenade is to the desired size. (This is the downside to the rubber version - a balloon knot hanging off the side)
5) Get some sort of marker or paint that won't come off when you squeeze the grenade. For the brighter parts of the grenade, you want to put down some sort of white base color first then add the yellow/orange/what have you on top of that.
6) Allow everything to dry.
7) BETCHA CAN'T STICK IT (to anything)