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Halo: Reach |OT6| There Are Those Who Said This Day Would Never Come


Devin Olsen said:

So goatrope and I are making a tricking website as some of you know. Now the issue we are having is coming up with a name for the website.

If you can think of a name that we would end up using for the website you will win a Grunt Plushie!

  • Open to US and Canadian Residents only
  • The domain name MUST be available (.com, .ca, .org)

Please E-Mail me with name's. Have the title of the Email "Grunt Giveaway - Website Name" and include your GAF tag too.

Good Luck!
It would be pretty ballin' if you guys did something with an ODST logo, like Hinos or Sinoviet.


Tha Robbertster said:
I guess they did, but I wasn't around seeing that happen, nor did I see any hype for Halo 3 back in the days in person so it's funny to see some of the opions change so much.

I personally have my problems with Reach, but I don't ''hate'' it half as much as most people seem to make it look. I
Halo 3 hype > Halo: Reach hype. How can you miss that?


Nollemaster said:
So what´s up everyone's obsession with FPS greater than 30?

Haha yeah, get a load of these guys they think the human eye can see more than 30 frames per second!!! I bet they'll talk about input delay or some equally dumb shit next ahahah!!!!!
Hypertrooper said:
Halo 3 hype > Halo: Reach hype. How can you miss that?

Not having a 360 at the time and being 13 years old :lol But what I gather from most people here, they liked Halo 3 more then Reach. (overall, I know there are people who prefer Reach.) For me, the difference was actually experiencing the hype for Reach, something I missed for Halo 3 (and maybe for the better)


Gui_PT said:
I think it'll be exactly the same in terms of complaining, IMO.

Honestly, the game got better for me with time. In the first few months I'd just play for the challenges and those things would piss me off. I'd rage like crazy while trying to get them (ask Barrow, I bet he remembers) but when I got the internship, I started playing just for fun and with a decent team of friends, which was a lot more satisfying and much less range inducing.

Sure this game has big problems but playing with a group of friends (that mostly want to have fun) is great

Well, yeah, good company makes everything fun. A Halo game shouldn't require the company of friends to be withstandable, it's a freakin Halo game, it should be good enough that you would want to keep playing alone if good friends aren't online.


It should have a functional rank system that makes people invested in winning so when I am not in a party I can be matched with three other dysfunctional people and we can scream at each other and at the other team whether we win or lose.
kylej said:
COD is fun as hell to play. If Bungie didn't half-ass everything in Reach and actually analyzed what made COD great, Reach would've been a better game. More player choice and a better reward system aren't exactly terrible things for games to have.

I couldn't disagree more with this statement.

It encourages camping,
Its incredibly unbalanced,
Too much Positive reinforcement,
AWFUL campaign,
repetitive and bland "Zombies mode",
Churning out multiplayer maps a dime a dozen and most of them BLOW,
to many to list.

As for your statement about Bungie, unless you can provide proof that you were involved when developing the game, or have some hidden knowledge that we don't have as regular humans, that takes the cake as the arrogant statement of the week.

I mean honestly? A statement like that is just laughable.


Gui_PT said:
Sure this game has big problems but playing with a group of friends (that mostly want to have fun) is great
I still log on every day and play alone... and still have fun for the most part. Sure there are times when I want to kick a puppy, but the good usually outweighs the bad for me. The few times I do play with a group are usually a lot more fun, but I usually have random times throughout the evening I can jump on between work and can't wait on parties to fill up. I'm just impatient.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Devin Olsen said:

So goatrope and I are making a tricking website as some of you know. Now the issue we are having is coming up with a name for the website.

If you can think of a name that we would end up using for the website you will win a Grunt Plushie!

  • Open to US and Canadian Residents only
  • The domain name MUST be available (.com, .ca, .org)

Please E-Mail me with name's. Have the title of the Email "Grunt Giveaway - Website Name" and include your GAF tag too.

Good Luck!

Special Thanks to Louis Wu for helping out with the shipping of the Grunt!

Email sent, thanks Devin!


kylej said:
COD is fun as hell to play. If Bungie didn't half-ass everything in Reach and actually analyzed what made COD great, Reach would've been a better game. More player choice and a better reward system aren't exactly terrible things for games to have.
What options and player choices do you suggest they should have had, or changed to? I think the cR system is fine, if we're following the same route Halo 3 did. EXP and cR in my mind are the same thing - we're just missing the multiple playlists that are ranked. They should have had more Onyx based playlists like MLG and Team Objective. Too many playlists with guests enabled, for starters.

The main thing that's bothersome is the lack of flag, assault, and other objective based commendation/end game status. That's why you see griefing for snipers, rockets, or other power weapons because players want the kills to get higher cR. If we could get more points for scoring flags in shorter times rather than slaying 'til the end, it's a helluva lot better system. In my eyes, Bungie began throwing out CTF, Assault, and other objective based ideas and support at Halo 3. The gametypes started getting less, and were generally poor across the board. We open up Reach and there's no Onyx based flag playlist one iota - really frustrating to see them this way after how excited and focused they were about objective modes back in Halo 2. Modes that rewarded you when your team worked together and achieved a victory. Now? Get your AR's, it's slayer time!
Striker said:
What options and player choices do you suggest they should have had, or changed to? I think the cR system is fine, if we're following the same route Halo 3 did. EXP and cR in my mind are the same thing - we're just missing the multiple playlists that are ranked. They should have had more Onyx based playlists like MLG and Team Objective. Too many playlists with guests enabled, for starters.

The main thing that's bothersome is the lack of flag, assault, and other objective based commendation/end game status. That's why you see griefing for snipers, rockets, or other power weapons because players want the kills to get higher cR. If we could get more points for scoring flags in shorter times rather than slaying 'til the end, it's a helluva lot better system. In my eyes, Bungie began throwing out CTF, Assault, and other objective based ideas and support at Halo 3. The gametypes started getting less, and were generally poor across the board. We open up Reach and there's no Onyx based flag playlist one iota - really frustrating to see them this way after how excited and focused they were about objective modes back in Halo 2. Modes that rewarded you when your team worked together and achieved a victory. Now? Get your AR's, it's slayer time!

Something that COD does very well with their XP/Challenges that Reach does very poorly with Cr/Commendations is promote objective play and objective gametypes. There is no reason in Cr or Commendations to play objective gametypes.


A27_StarWolf said:
I couldn't disagree more with this statement.

It encourages camping,
Its incredibly unbalanced,
Too much Positive reinforcement,
AWFUL campaign,
repetitive and bland "Zombies mode",
Churning out multiplayer maps a dime a dozen and most of them BLOW,
to many to list.

As for your statement about Bungie, unless you can provide proof that you were involved when developing the game, or have some hidden knowledge that we don't have as regular humans, that takes the cake as the arrogant statement of the week.

I mean honestly? A statement like that is just laughable.

You really want to do list wars?

A 4 hour long campaign that reuses the same assets as multiplayer (with a D- story)
A multiplayer mode with 9 maps, all of which have crippling frame rate problems
Forge that is virtually identical to that of its 3 year old predecessor
Theater that is virtually identical to that of its 3 year old predecessor
Firefight that is virtually identical to that of its 1 year old predecessor
A half-assed class based system that is "incredibly unbalanced"
A half-assed attempt at a player investment system that results in nothing more than a 125x125 pixel icon changing once every three months next to your name.

Blops is the same shit as MW2 which is pretty much the same shit as MW, which is fine, because the formula is fun. If Bungie had made small iterations but kept roughly the same game that they had in Halo 2, it would be fine. Instead we've had terrible - sometimes broken - additions to the 'sandbox', terrible maps, and a fundamental change to the way the game plays which was only done to try to suck in COD players and it falls flat on its face. Nobody wants the chess-like, map control-based power weapon/power up system back more than me. That's what made Halo so incredibly fun. You have somewhat fixed variables but the game never plays the same. Now it's a free for all, random spawning, armor locking bonanza of retardation.

Striker said:
What options and player choices do you suggest they should have had, or changed to? I think the cR system is fine, if we're following the same route Halo 3 did. EXP and cR in my mind are the same thing - we're just missing the multiple playlists that are ranked. They should have had more Onyx based playlists like MLG and Team Objective. Too many playlists with guests enabled, for starters.

I don't know, I don't care about that stuff. I have something like 4 million credits sitting in Reach right now and I'll never use them. I'm just saying, if you're going to go for it, do it all the way. Reach is the jack of all trades, master of none.
First game of the day



two games later


Plus eighteen but lose the game...what?

Next game


Guests ruining any sense of a match being made.

Game after that


I get the same guests on my team from the last game. We are facing the same opponents who just decimated them. They see this in the pre game lobby and quit out before the game begins. The opponents see them quit and quit themselves due to not wanting the boredom of only having two players to go against. The game is a long winded 2v1 cat and mouse hunt. This is evidence of poorly made matches directly affecting later matches. This is evidence of the devastating effect of a terrible, terrible trueskill system damaging the quality of matches.

Next game


One of my teammates quit. One of their teammates quit. Two (one is his guest) of the remaining opponents continually betray their other teammate. He boots them, their team is reduced to one. 3v1 borefest, he doesn't quit, the game slowly drags out.

Not a great day for Reach. Pathetic trueskill and an epidemic of quitting.


I still want to get clarification - people say "x games does this, Reach just doesn't hold the candle" and so on, whatever. Specify as to what you rather see, realistically, and that most of the population would have liked. I'm not on the cusp of believing loadouts, choosing your spawn, and perks are truly Halo. A game like this can evolve sure, but it's a different beast than what a game like CoD and BF are.

Plywood said:
Nazi Zombies > Living Dead.
Zombies is something from Halo 2 that thrived as being a community game. It should never be something more than that in Halo.

That type of game is precisely why I wouldn't mind a community based custom game browser. You want your Grifball, Race, Zombies, and Boom Ball? Go there.


kylej said:
You really want to do list wars?

A 4 hour long campaign that reuses the same assets as multiplayer (with a D- story)
A multiplayer mode with 9 maps, all of which have crippling frame rate problems
Forge that is virtually identical to that of its 3 year old predecessor
Theater that is virtually identical to that of its 3 year old predecessor
Firefight that is virtually identical to that of its 1 year old predecessor
A half-assed class based system that is "incredibly unbalanced"
A half-assed attempt at a player investment system that results in nothing more than a 125x125 pixel icon changing once every three months next to your name.

Blops is the same shit as MW2 which is pretty much the same shit as MW, which is fine, because the formula is fun. If Bungie had made small iterations but kept roughly the same game that they had in Halo 2, it would be fine. Instead we've had terrible - sometimes broken - additions to the 'sandbox', terrible maps, and a fundamental change to the way the game plays which was only done to try to suck in COD players and it falls flat on its face. Nobody wants the chess-like, map control-based power weapon/power up system back more than me. That's what made Halo so incredibly fun. You have somewhat fixed variables but the game never plays the same. Now it's a free for all, random spawning, armor locking bonanza of retardation.

I don't know, I don't care about that stuff. I have something like 4 million credits sitting in Reach right now and I'll never use them. I'm just saying, if you're going to go for it, do it all the way. Reach is the jack of all trades, master of none.


kylej said:
You really want to do list wars?

A 4 hour long campaign that reuses the same assets as multiplayer (with a D- story)
A multiplayer mode with 9 maps, all of which have crippling frame rate problems
Forge that is virtually identical to that of its 3 year old predecessor
Theater that is virtually identical to that of its 3 year old predecessor
Firefight that is virtually identical to that of its 1 year old predecessor
A half-assed class based system that is "incredibly unbalanced"
A half-assed attempt at a player investment system that results in nothing more than a 125x125 pixel icon changing once every three months next to your name.

Blops is the same shit as MW2 which is pretty much the same shit as MW, which is fine, because the formula is fun. If Bungie had made small iterations but kept roughly the same game that they had in Halo 2, it would be fine. Instead we've had terrible - sometimes broken - additions to the 'sandbox', terrible maps, and a fundamental change to the way the game plays which was only done to try to suck in COD players and it falls flat on its face. Nobody wants the chess-like, map control-based power weapon/power up system back more than me. That's what made Halo so incredibly fun. You have somewhat fixed variables but the game never plays the same. Now it's a free for all, random spawning, armor locking bonanza of retardation.

I don't know, I don't care about that stuff. I have something like 4 million credits sitting in Reach right now and I'll never use them. I'm just saying, if you're going to go for it, do it all the way. Reach is the jack of all trades, master of none.
Cut throat and to the point, I approve.
kylej said:
You really want to do list wars?

A 4 hour long campaign that reuses the same assets as multiplayer (with a D- story)
A multiplayer mode with 9 maps, all of which have crippling frame rate problems
Forge that is virtually identical to that of its 3 year old predecessor
Theater that is virtually identical to that of its 3 year old predecessor
Firefight that is virtually identical to that of its 1 year old predecessor
A half-assed class based system that is "incredibly unbalanced"
A half-assed attempt at a player investment system that results in nothing more than a 125x125 pixel icon changing once every three months next to your name.

Blops is the same shit as MW2 which is pretty much the same shit as MW, which is fine, because the formula is fun. If Bungie had made small iterations but kept roughly the same game that they had in Halo 2, it would be fine. Instead we've had terrible - sometimes broken - additions to the 'sandbox', terrible maps, and a fundamental change to the way the game plays which was only done to try to suck in COD players and it falls flat on its face. Nobody wants the chess-like, map control-based power weapon/power up system back more than me. That's what made Halo so incredibly fun. You have somewhat fixed variables but the game never plays the same. Now it's a free for all, random spawning, armor locking bonanza of retardation.

I don't know, I don't care about that stuff. I have something like 4 million credits sitting in Reach right now and I'll never use them. I'm just saying, if you're going to go for it, do it all the way. Reach is the jack of all trades, master of none.

As much as I'd LOVE to disagree with you, and there are multiple counters to each argument, I must digress that I feel, in some way, the same sentiments you express.

Taking cues from competition is healthy, keeps the market fresh, and challenges new ways of thinking (and having fun). Bungie has a "we carve our own path" approach to the market, only listening to fans who care enough to voice an opinion. They aren't taking into account the masses of people who have migrated to another game that ultimately they consider more worth their fun gaming-time. I think taking these cues would help them diversify their company and their interests. 343 should also take these into account as well.
Kyle pretty much summed up how I've been feeling about Reach for quite some time.

Yesterday I was playing a game of multiflag on zealot and the entire opposite team was just pinballing around with evade. I had to ask myself just why the fuck I even bother anymore.


Booshka said:
You know what other game Sage worked on that only had 9 maps?


Except none of them have frame rate problems.
Also ShadowRun was amazing even with 0 investment system.

I really dont think Sage is to blame.
I think blaming Sage is asinine, there was a whole development team on Reach that ultimately came to these decisions for better or worse.


wwm0nkey said:
Also ShadowRun was amazing even with 0 investment system.

I really dont think Sage is to blame.
He's the scapegoat people like to tag along to for blame. But there were others who had the idea and he just brought it to fruition, most likely. Bungie from today is pretty different than the company of ten years ago - hell even seven years ago. They obviously wanted to go into a different direction and we saw first hand at that in Halo 3. It's unfortunate for some of us who thoroughly enjoyed the first two games.
I agree that blaming Sage for everything is stupid, but there are some things that are almost identical. The grenades in Reach are basically directly lifted from Shadowrun, everything from the arc to the damage to the bounce, pretty much.
thezerofire said:
I agree that blaming Sage for everything is stupid, but there are some things that are almost identical. The grenades in Reach are basically directly lifted from Shadowrun, everything from the arc to the damage to the bounce, pretty much.

Even so, unless he was the dictator of Reach parts of Bungie agreed with implementing these changes. They are just as culpable, whether people want to admit that or not. I often wonder the exact thought process that lead to Reach being this way, we can only speculate, even if we feel strongly about just why they did it. Personally I think it was a bad reaction to the success of CoD. But who knows.


thezerofire said:
I agree that blaming Sage for everything is stupid, but there are some things that are almost identical. The grenades in Reach are basically directly lifted from Shadowrun, everything from the arc to the damage to the bounce, pretty much.
What where you playing? ShadowRun grenades fucking floated forever lol


thezerofire said:
I agree that blaming Sage for everything is stupid, but there are some things that are almost identical. The grenades in Reach are basically directly lifted from Shadowrun, everything from the arc to the damage to the bounce, pretty much.
Nades in Reach travel a lot faster. They are more floaty in SR, I think this is the case so you can Gust nades easier. They are also bright orange in the air, and beep very loudly. In Reach it's a small brown ball that you barely hear until it is clanking right next to you.


reggie said:
What I don't get is, when Bungie first showed off Halo 2's multiplayer at E3 it seemed like they were proud of all their new gametypes, sandbox, and asymmetrical maps. Maps were suited to specific gametypes (Zanzibar for 1flag/bomb, 3 plots for Turf, etc.), and most had unique twists (the Train on Terminal for example). They 'got it' and most of all it WORKED - yet every subsequent game they've only got further and further away. What happened? What went wrong?
Halo 2 was a terrible failure to them

That is the message I got from watching the last vidoc.


wwm0nkey said:
Halo 2 was a terrible failure to them

That is the message I got from watching the last vidoc.
Campaign wise it was a terrible failure, I am sure they are proud of what they did in MP.
wwm0nkey said:
Halo 2 was a terrible failure to them

That is the message I got from watching the last vidoc.

SMG was a failure and those SMG starts were terrible. But I grew to like 2 and a glitchless 2 I'd take over 3 or Reach any day of the week.


reggie said:
What I don't get is, when Bungie first showed off Halo 2's multiplayer at E3 it seemed like they were proud of all their new gametypes, sandbox, and asymmetrical maps. Maps were suited to specific gametypes (Zanzibar for 1flag/bomb, 3 plots for Turf, etc.), and most had unique twists (the Train on Terminal for example). They 'got it' and most of all it WORKED - yet every subsequent game they've only got further and further away. What happened? What went wrong?

They were probably proud that it was even up and running. They only got Zanzibar functional right before the show. The ammo readout wasn't even working on the BR yet, and they still had most of the Halo 1 HUD. And they were roughly 5 months away from release.

I think a little after that time is when Halo 2 Invasion was cut. The E3 setup was Spartans versus Elites, which is a gametype you can't force in retail.

Judging off the games and projects I've worked on, Halo 2 E3 2004 multiplayer demo was at about the place Reach was in October 2009 in terms of progress. Halo 2's development was very ugly and as they've said, crunch was so bad that families were torn apart. While we may remember it as fun multiplayer, everyone at Bungie remembers it as a grinder that put everyone in one end and spat them out at the other.
Sai-kun said:
what the fuck

so you were like

7 when halo 1 came out

god what

I am very hardcore :lol

But really, I got the xbox when I was around 7 and I kinda grew up with Halo. Sleepovers playing halo CE and Halo 2. Awesome times.


Sorry for the random question but a long time ago we talked about a couple of programs to manage your XBL friends/games/achievements.

One was XBList, which is the one I used but it became faulty and unreliable.

Does anyone remember what the other one was?


Tha Robbertster said:
I am very hardcore :lol

But really, I got the xbox when I was around 7 and I kinda grew up with Halo. Sleepovers playing halo CE and Halo 2. Awesome times.

I guess the Halo 1 part isn't that weird. I was only 10 when it came out. But I was 17 when Halo 3 came out, so you being 13 then is weird. :lol I think you're the youngest Halogaffer now.
Nollemaster said:
Reach was much better back in the day, when no one was whining about these little things. I still like Reach the way it is now, but the community has pretty much ruined it for me.

I was complaining long before Reach came out. :p Pretty much the moment I first played the beta the wave of crushing dissapointment came over me and I made a ton of critisms on Gaf.

Who cares what the community thinks though? If you enjoy Reach why would the community bitching make you not like the game?


reggie said:
I understand Halo 2 was development hell, but what came out the other side was golden. If you're telling me Halo 2 was a fluke and that Reach was their real Halo, then why is Bungie still considered an AAA developer?
Halo CE MP was supposedly a fluke as well.
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