I already replied, and while it wasn't to you I think it still stands. Not everyone is going to care about that stuff, and not everyone should. Halo is a pretty diverse game and its great that people enjoy it from across the spectrum.
That said people who play more casually are going to get a pretty difference experience than those that play competitively. Your a rare case because you play across the spectrum.
I find your position a little clinical, you may not play the game competitively, buy you say through observation that you 'get it'. I personally dont think that you can truly get it unless you play it at that level. Thats just my opinion. Im also of the opinion that not everyone should play it to that level, because playing it to that level isnt going to appeal to everyone.
I dont play it to that level, I dont really enjoy taking it that seriously. I couldn't begin to imagine what the thoughts going through MLG players minds as they play, I cant get a 50 in MLG and so im sure that there are certain tactics that I have probably never seen, that you wouldn't see unless you played it at that level. Halo at that level requires pretty quick thinking more than anything, and a strong sense of awareness, unless you have pulled off the multikills against ogre how can you really get what goes through your head as you decide to try a certain move? Its only when your thinking of your options in that situation where you really get a grasp of "Im so glad I can do x in Halo as it will save my ass here".
Maybe im putting things out too literally there but I really doubt anyone has seen the full spectrum of Halo play. Never mind the level 20 who just wants to run at someone with a AR.
Ultimatly though, I feel that there is a underlying vibe to this whole conversation where people judge eachother on rank. Im trying to seperate that from my point as much as possible. So what if someones only a level 20, ultimatly halo skill doesnt mean much. lol