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Halo: Reach |OT6| There Are Those Who Said This Day Would Never Come

Tunavi said:
Hopefully the zero bloom gametype comes out with in the next two weeks, and I'll be playing 4v4 customs for a long time.
I would like to see this, too. Although, the more I play Reach, the more it's apparent that bloom is only one problem of many problems. One thing that annoys me about bloom, other the random accuracy crap, is that it completely negates the purpose of giving weapons different rates of fire. But there are more problematic things than bloom....... :-(

The assault rifle. It's stupidly efficient for how stupidly easy it is to use. It's way too accurate and powerful at distance, suffering almost no bloom. There isn't a small enough clip to create consequences for holding the trigger down and spraying it everywhere. And it's power is almost identical to the precision weapons begging a big fat WTF?

The pistol. What a complete waste of a weapon in its current state. It has a pleasant rate of fire all for nothing because of bloom. The bloom on it is so bad that even pacing shots doesn't guarantee they connect with anything. It's essentially only useful for picking off people that aren't even aware of your presence, because good luck getting shots to connect when you're getting lit up in the face (when you actually need to spam the trigger to survive). Also, the clip is embarrassingly small. It's hard enough to make 5 of the 8 bullets in a clip hit anything, making single kills extremely difficult, and double kills impossible.

and when compared to...

The needler. Hold the trigger down, with minimal aim, and get a kill almost instantly with no effort. How did the pistol get nerfed to the ground while the needler is 10 times more efficient at killing people? The needler is essentially a power weapon in its current state.

I'm basically going to call anything that can kill you within a few seconds a power weapon. Because weapons like that don't contribute to meaningful encounters. There is no exchange of fire or any reason to try. This makes the plasma pistol essentially a power weapon too. Thankfully, its charged shots are much much easier to dodge than the needler. What else?

Power weapons. I'm laughing at this one in a sad and agonizing fashion. It seems like at least half of my encounters with other players during games involve power weapons if not more, but I'm trying to be conservative. And these are legitimate power weapons such as the sword, rocket launcher, concussion rifle, sniper rifle etc., not my own special classification. How is this even possible? And why would anyone want this in Halo? It's sad.

Encounters. Encounters in Halo: Reach are frustrating. Bungie made kill times much slower as if to try and make them more meaningful, encouraging more shootouts. but then they also flooded each game with an excess of power weapons, effectively cancelling out the original intention. Then combine the slow kill times with an excess of power weapons and you have a massive imbalance of power. And all this does is encourage players to rely heavily on power weapons. It encourages dirty tactics such as camping and abusing armor abilities. And for this reason I think Reach blows big time.

Lastly, I'm going to go out onto a limb here and say that a 15% bloom reduction in the DMR isn't going to do anything to alleviate the problems I just listed. Bloom is an almost insignificant problem when compared to the complete garbage that is the weapon sandbox in Reach. I will be ecstatic to be proven wrong, but right now I just don't see it. Even removing bloom entirely is not going to fix the above issues. My only hope is the 3 shot kill pistol.


Assault rifle is affected by bloom at a distance, but its power relative to the rest of the sandbox will decrease when bloom is taken away.

Pistol will also be much more powerful when its bloom is decreased.

Needler is simply there to make people feel good about themselves.

You have to control power weapons as a team in order to win. Get them at the beginning, know when they spawn again, control the map in order to get them and fight off the other team. If the other team gets one, take that player down using teamwork. Power weapons aren't a crutch, they are there so that there is something worth fighting over.
Power weapons also provide movement should there be standoffs. Timing is just another in game skill that further separates good players from great players. Setting up for a power weapon and minimizing power weapon damage further separates a team of individually great players from a great team.

Perhaps lengthening the power weapon spawn time could make things better for you. Increasing player movement speed would make things better too.
Yeah but surely if you no longer have to worry about pacing your shots, the kill speed of the DMR will be increased evening up the playing field a little.
king picollo said:
Yeah but surely if you no longer have to worry about pacing your shots, the kill speed of the DMR will be increased evening up the playing field a little.

You do realise the TU will hit when you guys are down for the weekend to play Gears?

Deputy Moonman said:
Encounters. Encounters in Halo: Reach are frustrating. Bungie made kill times much slower as if to try and make them more meaningful, encouraging more shootouts. but then they also flooded each game with an excess of power weapons, effectively cancelling out the original intention. Then combine the slow kill times with an excess of power weapons and you have a massive imbalance of power. And all this does is encourage players to rely heavily on power weapons. It encourages dirty tactics such as camping and abusing armor abilities. And for this reason I think Reach blows big time.

Lastly, I'm going to go out onto a limb here and say that a 15% bloom reduction in the DMR isn't going to do anything to alleviate the problems I just listed. Bloom is an almost insignificant problem when compared to the complete garbage that is the weapon sandbox in Reach. I will be ecstatic to be proven wrong, but right now I just don't see it. Even removing bloom entirely is not going to fix the above issues. My only hope is the 3 shot kill pistol.

This is a great point. 'We want the battles to last longer' - Sage in a pre-reach podcast. The reality: the utility weapon takes longer to kill. Reflection is the most grievous offender for power weapon saturation. Rockets (4), sword (10), a full shotty and a full sniper. All on a small map that is even smaller when you consider the playspace utilised. I've noticed even good players usually have a low headshot count on the map because there's so many power weapons to rely on (plus only two dmr's on the map).
Devolution said:
We can revel in its terrible shit together. We need some sort of cyberbar for HaloGAF.
I would drink you all under the table, but I love this idea.

Retro said:
Ha, Golden Ranger Elite on WC was so shockingly easy, I was laughing my ass of at it. Because, you know... I hit him with a fucking truck and he went sailing overhead and almost face-first into the camera.

Only way it could have been better is if he had 'stuck' to he lens and then made a squeegy noise as he slid off it.

Anyways, I'm about to hop on (GT: Retrogames) and wrap up my daily challenges and suffer through whatever part of Matchmaking I decide to fall into.... figure I might as well partake before the TU comes along and makes the game better. So I can point my cane at people and say "In my day, we had to deal with fucking 100% bloom, and Armor Lock everywhere, and when we wanted to capture the flag, it was uphill both ways"

And, as usual, my little multi-level urban combat map would love to be tested if anyone feels like giving it a go.
That made me laugh a lot more than it probably should have. I'm not drunk already, am I?


squidhands said:
That made me laugh a lot more than it probably should have. I'm not drunk already, am I?
It got me too.. particularily because I had just done the same thing. You know where you hit the Elite and he goes into a stiff-bodied cartwheel 20 feet in the air..? lol


Tunavi said:
Assault rifle is affected by bloom at a distance, but its power relative to the rest of the sandbox will decrease when bloom is taken away.

Pistol will also be much more powerful when its bloom is decreased.

Needler is simply there to make people feel good about themselves.

You have to control power weapons as a team in order to win. Get them at the beginning, know when they spawn again, control the map in order to get them and fight off the other team. If the other team gets one, take that player down using teamwork. Power weapons aren't a crutch, they are there so that there is something worth fighting over.

Guess what, if the game had a higher skill ceiling or any allowed an individual player any degree of dangerousness then your solution wouldn't just be "approach them with more than one person, since they have a power weapon they happen to be near-invincible unless they make a glaringly bad positioning error".

Just because something is a "power weapon" doesn't mean it needs to be braindead to use. Look at the sniper in CE, you actually have to have some spatial ability to use it and get this - putting it in someone's hands doesn't mean they can point it anywhere they want and get a kill, unlike the "railgun for idiots" that they somehow designed for the subsequent three games. However, depending on the player they might be able to get a lot of kills because it's powerful traits reward skilled play other than "you held in X to pick up the weapon, go wild".
Homeboyd said:
It got me too.. particularily because I had just done the same thing. You know where you hit the Elite and he goes into a stiff-bodied cartwheel 20 feet in the air..? lol
I do indeed. I try and splatter as many people as I can when I get into that truck. :)
Slightly Halo related; I head over to this coffee shop to get some breakfast this morning. Keep in mind that I live in Texas, though Austin is usually devoid of these types of encounters.

Anyway, I'm wearing Letters' fine HaloGAF shirt with the BELI343 on the back, and as I'm leaving said coffee shop, a woman stops me and kindly asks me what church my shirt is from. Let me re-iterate: she asks me, based on the BELI343 on the back, what fucking church it's from. Shit like this is why I'm often ashamed to admit I'm from Texas.

So, about 10 different sarcastic things fly into my head as a response (one of them proclaiming a certain bald non-Irishman as the Son of God), but being a relatively nice guy, I decide that, in the spirit of Jeebus, honesty is the best policy. My response is similar to the following:

"No, it's from an internet videogame forum where a large group of us talk about a game called Halo (her expression at this word was priceless, but I decided not to further shit in her cereal). The BELI343 comes from an in-joke about putting our faith in the game's quality with a different company that will be handling it from now on."

And this woman, a total stranger to me, says, "Well, I think it's very un-Christian to place your faith in anything other than The Lord."

So all of HaloGAF is going to hell, just wanted to let you know.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
squidhands said:
So, about 10 different sarcastic things fly into my head as a response (one of them proclaiming a certain bald Irishman as the Son of God),

His holiness may be a fellow Celt, but he is no Irishman.


squidhands said:
Slightly Halo related; I head over to this coffee shop to get some breakfast this morning. Keep in mind that I live in Texas, though Austin is usually devoid of these types of encounters.

Anyway, I'm wearing Letters' fine HaloGAF shirt with the BELI343 on the back, and as I'm leaving said coffee shop, a woman stops me and kindly asks me what church my shirt is from. Let me re-iterate: she asks me, based on the BELI343 on the back, what fucking church it's from. Shit like this is why I'm often ashamed to admit I'm from Texas.

So, about 10 different sarcastic things fly into my head as a response (one of them proclaiming a certain bald Irishman as the Son of God), but being a relatively nice guy, I decide that, in the spirit of Jeebus, honesty is the best policy. My response is similar to the following:

"No, it's from an internet videogame forum where a large group of us talk about a game called Halo (her expression at this word was priceless, but I decided not to further shit in her cereal). The BELI343 comes from an in-joke about putting our faith in the game's quality with a different company that will be handling it from now on."

And this woman, a total stranger to me, says, "Well, I think it's very un-Christian to place your faith in anything other than The Lord."

So all of HaloGAF is going to hell, just wanted to let you know.

Not trying to pin this on every Christian, but there's a lot of people who claim to be religious Christians who don't even know what they believe or are supposed to believe. Like girls who have anal/oral sex because they're saving themselves for marriage because they are supposed to save themselves for marriage. Kinda defeats the purpose huh?

The most often forgotten commandment is thou shalt not judge. A lot of that goes on in various religions, especially Christianity, and especially in Texas.

Personally, I BELI343 as well!

EDIT: Totally unrelated but funny story. Last Wednesday we were playing a show somewhere in Mississippi and the guy running to door at the venue had this tattoo on his chin. I asked him what it was and he says "It's a cult symbol."
I'm like "okay... well what does it mean."
And he's like "well basically Hail Satan, Hell fire rise to Earth, that sorta thing."
And I'm just like "well.... cool." People gotta believe in something.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Lol squid, that scenario would creep me out. Also, you guys are going to hell, I don't Beli343 just yet. I really want to though.
squidhands said:
Slightly Halo related; I head over to this coffee shop to get some breakfast this morning. Keep in mind that I live in Texas, though Austin is usually devoid of these types of encounters.

Anyway, I'm wearing Letters' fine HaloGAF shirt with the BELI343 on the back, and as I'm leaving said coffee shop, a woman stops me and kindly asks me what church my shirt is from. Let me re-iterate: she asks me, based on the BELI343 on the back, what fucking church it's from. Shit like this is why I'm often ashamed to admit I'm from Texas.

So, about 10 different sarcastic things fly into my head as a response (one of them proclaiming a certain bald Irishman as the Son of God), but being a relatively nice guy, I decide that, in the spirit of Jeebus, honesty is the best policy. My response is similar to the following:

"No, it's from an internet videogame forum where a large group of us talk about a game called Halo (her expression at this word was priceless, but I decided not to further shit in her cereal). The BELI343 comes from an in-joke about putting our faith in the game's quality with a different company that will be handling it from now on."

And this woman, a total stranger to me, says, "Well, I think it's very un-Christian to place your faith in anything other than The Lord."

So all of HaloGAF is going to hell, just wanted to let you know.
We're all Helljumpers now.


Louis Wu said:
lol - that's not a commandment, but you're right, it should be.

I'm sad that my HaloGAF shirt has no BELI343 on the back. :(

Somebody back during the Crusades probably omitted it so he could murder non-Christians. lol.

Dax01 said:
We're all Helljumpers now.
Feet first!

EDIT: This reminds me of another Halo shirt story.
I was wearing the ODST shirt my wife got me, olive-drab with ODST on the front and the UNSC logo. Total stranger at the grocery asked me what ODST was and I said "It's a future branch of the marines," in a fairly informational, static tone, but in all honesty, not trying to be deceptive in any way.
He said "We appreciate all you do for us" and walked off. I lawled.


squidhands said:
Slightly Halo related; I head over to this coffee shop to get some breakfast this morning. Keep in mind that I live in Texas, though Austin is usually devoid of these types of encounters.

Anyway, I'm wearing Letters' fine HaloGAF shirt with the BELI343 on the back, and as I'm leaving said coffee shop, a woman stops me and kindly asks me what church my shirt is from. Let me re-iterate: she asks me, based on the BELI343 on the back, what fucking church it's from. Shit like this is why I'm often ashamed to admit I'm from Texas.

So, about 10 different sarcastic things fly into my head as a response (one of them proclaiming a certain bald Irishman as the Son of God), but being a relatively nice guy, I decide that, in the spirit of Jeebus, honesty is the best policy. My response is similar to the following:

"No, it's from an internet videogame forum where a large group of us talk about a game called Halo (her expression at this word was priceless, but I decided not to further shit in her cereal). The BELI343 comes from an in-joke about putting our faith in the game's quality with a different company that will be handling it from now on."

And this woman, a total stranger to me, says, "Well, I think it's very un-Christian to place your faith in anything other than The Lord."

So all of HaloGAF is going to hell, just wanted to let you know.
Should have mentioned the game its from deals with a secular humanity fighting against the evils and ignorance of an overly religious alien society.

But the sarcastic response would have been better.
Dani said:
His holiness may be a fellow Celt, but he is no Irishman.
Ah, crap. I'm gonna get reprimanded like a woman at Sean Connery's house, aren't I?

Louis Wu said:
lol - that's not a commandment, but you're right, it should be.

I'm sad that my HaloGAF shirt has no BELI343 on the back. :(
It was part of the original 15 Commandments, but Mel Brooks Moses was kind of clumsy.



A27 Tawpgun said:
Should have mentioned the game its from deals with a secular humanity fighting against the evils and ignorance of an overly religious alien society.

I just LOL'd and got a couple glances.


Apparently the modding community is doing a lot more experiments in Halo: Reach

Someone made a infection game mode where the infected are forced to go elite and someone made this


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
wwm0nkey said:
Apparently the modding community is doing a lot more experiments in Halo: Reach

Someone made a infection game mode where the infected are forced to go elite and someone made this


There's a grunt in my spartan.


A friend posted this on PA and I thought I'd wing it up here to see if anyone could shed any light on it:

on a 10 game winning streak in team slayer, and after playing all those games i noticed my call sign changed magically. went to change it back to 'THUG' and it told me that call sign is not available, as it is offensive or whatever.
that was my call sign in ODST, the beta, and reach for the last year. why, suddenly, is it an offensive? is this a 343 change, or something microsoft did? all i can say is, this is most certainly not the thug life...
wwm0nkey said:
Apparently the modding community is doing a lot more experiments in Halo: Reach

Someone made a infection game mode where the infected are forced to go elite and someone made this

Theres a Carmine in my Halo
wwm0nkey said:
Apparently the modding community is doing a lot more experiments in Halo: Reach

Someone made a infection game mode where the infected are forced to go elite and someone made this

Pretty interesting stuff, can I has links?
squidhands said:
And this woman, a total stranger to me, says, "Well, I think it's very un-Christian to place your faith in anything other than The Lord."

So all of HaloGAF is going to hell, just wanted to let you know.

Louis Wu said:
lol - that's not a commandment, but you're right, it should be.

I'm sad that my HaloGAF shirt has no BELI343 on the back. :(
Hey Louis, We will go to heaven! =)

I don't believe in another god, because frankie is god.lol.
kylej said:
Learn to pace your shots?

What's up, this is Kylej (Kylej)

But you may know me as Jelyk (Jelyk)

I'm part of the Halogaf team Gym Tan Dong and I have the tips that'll have you cleansing like a pro


lololol squid

Missed opportunity to respond with: "Greetings friend! Have you heard the good news about Frankie?" (then you would show her the Frankie picture we all carry around in our wallets)
king picollo said:
Why does trueskill let that happen?

What is this trueskill you're talking about :lol

But really, the only playlist trueskill works a bit is in Arena, it's the only playlist I actually get some competition in. The other playlist is either dominating or being dominated.
A27 Tawpgun said:
Should have mentioned the game its from deals with a secular humanity fighting against the evils and ignorance of an overly religious alien society.

But the sarcastic response would have been better.

Should have just quoted Regret or something.

Every member of the Covenant shall walk the path. None will be left behind when our Great Journey begins. That is the Prophets' age-old promise, and it shall be fulfilled!
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