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Halo: Reach |OT6| There Are Those Who Said This Day Would Never Come

Tashi0106 said:
LOL I read your post wrong. I thought you were talking about hitting people offline hahaha. Obviously it's harder for shots to register on a shit host. I don't blame that on bloom though, it happens in every game. And I actually didn't pull host that game. I just think it's funny when I pull host over some people after a game has started. I cheer at how awesome FiOs is.

It happens in every game and is amplified in shittiness because of bloom. I was saying if I'm missing shots mostly due to latency and getting penalized for it (you know on top of already getting penalized for the bullets not hitting the person), it's something that needs to fuck off or only come into play on LAN.


Sai-kun said:
I just picked up Deus Ex tonight :D some twitter peeps/my bf recommended it so I figured why not! I might play a little Reach tonight just for some challenges and to dick around in multi-team before that though!
It made a very negative first impression on me, but two hours in - after it opens up into the hub world and I could use perks to remove some of the bullshit - good lord. It gets really incredible. (Since you just started, you probably shouldn't read that.)

Going to start my weekly Challenge solo Campaign run in just a bit.
GhaleonEB said:
It made a very negative first impression on me, but two hours in - after it opens up into the hub world and I could use perks to remove some of the bullshit - good lord. It gets really incredible. (Since you just started, you probably shouldn't read that.)

Going to start my weekly Challenge solo Campaign run in just a bit.
Does this mean that you'll be doing a completely pacifist run or are you still not going to start the game over?


343i Lead Esports Producer
Devolution said:
It happens in every game and is amplified in shittiness because of bloom. I was saying if I'm missing shots mostly due to latency and getting penalized for it (you know on top of already getting penalized for the bullets not hitting the person), it's something that needs to fuck off or only come into play on LAN.

I respectfully disagree.
heckfu said:
Go listen to Tron Legacy soundtrack, imagine a lot of gold and black backgrounds. There you have it.
Nothing beats the
Blade Runner Soundtrack
Star Wars Soundtrack
LotR Soundtrack

Best movie soundtracks ever!


Tashi0106 said:
LOL I read your post wrong. I thought you were talking about hitting people offline hahaha. Obviously it's harder for shots to register on a shit host. I don't blame that on bloom though, it happens in every game. And I actually didn't pull host that game. I just think it's funny when I pull host over some people after a game has started. I cheer at how awesome FiOs is.
Shots not registering happens in every game, but the bloom mechanic in Reach amplifies that frustration because it usually leads to spamming. If someone is eating shots, your natural reaction is to shoot faster and hope some of those shots connect. Now you have a huge bloom and someone eating shots, which leads to sloppy game play and being pissed off.

Also, when you are Host, your bloom reset rate is what it should be, which is much faster than what it is off-host. You pull host a lot, so there you go. I also believe that the bloom reset rate varies dependent on the host, and your connection to said host, so that fucks up any sort of rhythm you have with your shot. It's just a sloppy mechanic that is impacted greatly by connection, and leads to frustration.
Tashi0106 said:
I respectfully disagree.

Yeah well good for you. Keep pulling host with that fios. Meanwhile some of us are really tired of being penalized double when the connection doesn't like us.

Booshka said:
Shots not registering happens in every game, but the bloom mechanic in Reach amplifies that frustration because it usually leads to spamming. If someone is eating shots, your natural reaction is to shoot faster and hope some of those shots connect. Now you have a huge bloom and someone eating shots, which leads to sloppy game play and being pissed off.

Also, when you are Host, your bloom reset rate is what it should be, which is much faster than what it is off-host. You pull host a lot, so there you go. I also believe that the bloom reset rate varies dependent on the host, and your connection to said host, so that fucks up any sort of rhythm you have with your shot. It's just a sloppy mechanic that is impacted greatly by connection, and leads to frustration.

I've noticed even a pattern depending on who I play with how well I do. It sucks because I've done all I can do on my end, opened up ports, put xbox on dmz, sigh.


Rickenslacker said:
What didn't you like about it? One of the best game in years in my opinion.

First of all, it's not my style of game so I have to try and put my bias aside. Secondly, it just feels really clunky. A lot of the mechanics, while cool, seem a bit unrefined and a lot is left up to chance it feels. And I dig the people who enjoy the game...it's just not for me, I guess.


First, Holy fuck, thanks for the Defiant Map pack, FyreWulff. Now I won't have to leave in shame every other match. I was honestly holding out on buying it because I figured in couple months, we'll all be playing CE:A maps anyways and Vanilla Reach will be long forgotten.

So, yes, thanks again... First round of piping-hot mayo is on me (literally, on me, roawwwrrr...) Speaking of which...

senador said:
Retro had a date with his Mayo so he left.

No no no, I was in the mood for a little S&M, so I thought I'd try a little Miracle Whip.
Get it? Whip? Haw haw haw, I kill me... god damn it, now everyone is always going to associate me with fucking a jar of mayonnaise even though I was just tossing out some freakish behavior some nerd might try while sharing a hotel room at a convention... I guess I might as well change my callsign to MAYO, then... /sniff

Third order of business; finally managed to get enough people to try my map (Beach 1.9) for the first time. Lots of useful feedback in-game (which is why we did FFA rather than teams, so I could listen to all the chatter), definitely a few things I'm going to have to correct.

TL;DR? Bullet points are boldface.

1. Strobing and framerate nosedives on the dock and beach. You get a pretty good view of all three buildings at the same time and lots of glass faces that direction as well. Some may even be aesthetic, and thus completely unnecessary to gameplay (which is the primary objective).

Were there any other locations on Beach 1.9 that were noticeably choppy in terms of visuals and framerate?

2. Weapon issues. I'm terrible with weapon selection as I always want to accommodate all play styles and weapon preferences. You're lucky though; we were only one update away from an even more absurd weapon layout than what we had. There were previously Rockets (current sniper spawn, middle building), two sniper rifles (upper level of each base where DMRs drop now) and DMRs lying around everywhere. My initial plan was to keep the rooftops for long-range (snipes/dmr), 'street level' for mid-range (AR, Needler, occasional pistols) and sewer/interiors for close range (shotgun, hammer). It seems there was very little long range stuff since people stuck to the streets for most of the match, and when there was any kind of sniping going on it felt grossly unfair.

I would like to add that the rooftops are where objectives will be placed (Flag stand, etc), so that will draw people up during non-slayer maps. As it was, it seemed everyone roamed the alleys marauding for blood. Here are the changes I am considering having seen the game from three perspectives (Zoolader, Devo and my own);

- Remove Sniper, replace with Rockets. There are few wide open areas to snipe from and those areas don't see much traffic except for spawning, which is the last place we want people to snipe.
- Less Pistols, mostly because most gametypes spawn with them anyways.
- Better weapons in the grassy area; there's a Grenade Launcher back there nobody will ever spot.
- Remove unnecessary extra weapons; plasma pistol, spiker, maybe even the Plasma Repeaters.

What did people think of the Hammer? It was purposely placed into the only dead end on the map to prevent abuse (nobody goes up there so no point in camping, it's a small room with a big door for chucking grenades into,etc.) I included it to give the street-level matches some extra melee without resorting to the Sword (which I detest). Perhaps replace it with a powerup (that was the original plan)?

2A. Grenades. Yes, there were far too many. I have a nasty habit of placing them in pairs and with weapons. I will likely halve the former and remove all instances of the latter, using grenades in place of some of the unnecessary weapon spawns I have set up.

3 Sticking spots; the ramp heading up from the beach was a major clusterfuck with too many inroutes and exposure. I'm thinking I may shorten the dock, cut out some of the rocks and place an additional ramp that leads into a nearby building. I may also tweak the 'watchtower' so the sewer entrance is easier to spot.

Were there any other areas on Beach 1.9 that you felt were too hard to get out of or were unnecessarily crowded?

Otherwise, I'm happy with the results. It seemed to play chaotically (in a good way), nobody seemed to get lost, and there didn't appear to be too many ignored corners or dead zones (except those that are meant to be; docks, grassy hill, even the sewer wasn't heavily traveled that I've seen so far.)

Thanks again to everyone who gave Beach a try.


Every time I play with another GAGA I flip out. Wow. This is great.

heckfu said:
I guess you didn't take my advice Sai that Deus Ex kinda sucks.

For this equation, kinda = really.

Did we talk about it? I don't remember :( I still haven't played it yet, but I'm going into it with an open mind.

not so stealth edit: I sent the person on my team with the "GAGA" callsign a message and said "Yay GAGA callsign! :)" and they responded "Gaga and Neogaf for life! ;)"


edit 2: shoutout to lurker ~liquid07~


343i Lead Esports Producer
Devolution said:
Yeah well good for you. Keep pulling host with that fios. Meanwhile some of us are really tired of being penalized double when the connection doesn't like us.

I've actually pulled host just a couple times in the past couple weeks. My enjoyment of Reach hasn't gone down at all. I prefer playing off host as well. It would be nice if Reach did a better job of matching you against players in your area.
Tashi0106 said:
I've actually pulled host just a couple times in the past couple weeks. My enjoyment of Reach hasn't gone down at all. I prefer playing off host as well. It would be nice if Reach did a better job of matching you against players in your area.

And my enjoyment will go up with bloomless stuff so I can kill people on all sorts of connections since I play people in all sorts of locations =p.
Tashi0106 said:
I've actually pulled host just a couple times in the past couple weeks. My enjoyment of Reach hasn't gone down at all. I prefer playing off host as well. It would be nice if Reach did a better job of matching you against players in your area.

Is host still a disadvantage on LAN, like it was in Halo 3?
To the streamers out there, is 2.5 Mbps decent enough to stream with?

I bought an HD capture card, and my computer seems to be able to handle streaming it is just a bandwidth issue at this point. If I pay a little more I can get more download (25 Mbps) and an upload bump.

On topic - This is the quality of the capture card... Quick little Halo: CE clip.



343i Lead Esports Producer
Devin Olsen said:
To the streamers out there, is 2.5 Mbps decent enough to stream with?

I bought an HD capture card, and my computer seems to be able to handle streaming it is just a bandwidth issue at this point. If I pay a little more I can get more download (25 Mbps) and an upload bump.

On topic - This is the quality of the capture card... Quick little Halo: CE clip.


I would say so. Mess around with the settings, find a right balance. Start at 1000kb/s and play some games online. Bump it up little by little until you find what you like.
Tashi0106 said:
I would say so. Mess around with the settings, find a right balance. Start at 1000kb/s and play some games online. Bump it up little by little until you find what you like.
Awesome, thanks for the reply Tashi.


Devin Olsen said:
To the streamers out there, is 2.5 Mbps decent enough to stream with?

I bought an HD capture card, and my computer seems to be able to handle streaming it is just a bandwidth issue at this point. If I pay a little more I can get more download (25 Mbps) and an upload bump.

On topic - This is the quality of the capture card... Quick little Halo: CE clip.

For streaming, Upload is the most important thing, if you can upgrade your connection, make sure it is an Upload boost as well. 2.5 mb Upload should be perfect for 480p, but you may be able to do 720p streaming. Like Tashi said though, just start low and go up slowly from there, until you and your viewers are satisfied.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Booshka said:
For streaming, Upload is the most important thing, if you can upgrade your connection, make sure it is an Upload boost as well. 2.5 mb Upload should be perfect for 480p, but you may be able to do 720p streaming. Like Tashi said though, just start low and go up slowly from there, until you and your viewers are satisfied.

I think he can do HD with 2.5mbs. If you have a solid PC and can keep the frame rate steady, you should be fine. If not, there's nothing wrong with knocking it down to 480p, I'm sure it'll still look great. I stream at 3.5mb/s @ 60fps locked, I'm happy with it.


Tashi0106 said:
I think he can do HD with 2.5mbs. If you have a solid PC and can keep the frame rate steady, you should be fine. If not, there's nothing wrong with knocking it down to 480p, I'm sure it'll still look great. I stream at 3.5mb/s @ 60fps locked, I'm happy with it.
You should try 30FPS, so the cretins
can watch it


343i Lead Esports Producer
My capture card won't let me bring the framerate down through Flash Media Encoder. I guess if I had another program I could do that. I know it's 30fps in Halo but 60fps stream doesn't hurt.


Tashi0106 said:
My capture card won't let me bring the framerate down through Flash Media Encoder. I guess if I had another program I could do that. I know it's 30fps in Halo but 60fps stream doesn't hurt.
It does when your stream runs like a slideshow to me.


Retro said:
First, Holy fuck, thanks for the Defiant Map pack, FyreWulff. Now I won't have to leave in shame every other match. I was honestly holding out on buying it because I figured in couple months, we'll all be playing CE:A maps anyways and Vanilla Reach will be long forgotten.

For someone that was holding out for this long, you need to tell us what you think of Unearthed for Firefight. Is it awesome, or totally awesome?


FyreWulff said:
For someone that was holding out for this long, you need to tell us what you think of Unearthed for Firefight. Is it awesome, or totally awesome?
is it just me or is firefight MM on unearthed on Legendary or something. It just seems harder.


neoism said:
is it just me or is firefight MM on unearthed on Legendary or something. It just seems harder.

It does seem harder to me too. I think it's because there's barely any truly safe areas to hide from the AI (minus any exploits), plus all of their spawns are spread way apart and the sight lines between spawns are much more restricted.

Since you can't watch all the spawns at once, they get a chance to all form up together on your location as a unified force and are harder as a result, versus Beachhead being a big map but all the spawns are all placed right next to the defensive base and are campable from the middle steps.

I think Unearthed is a really good map for Firefight Versus, wish we could get another Versus playlist that is Unearthed centric.

Also they cut windows into the initial spawn area, so even if you try to hide in there, Skirmishers and Elite will fire upon you, forcing you to move forward. Versus say Courtyard where you can wait for them in the spawn room, or Corvette with the protected spawn room and the easily campable spawn doors.

And now I wonder if Bungie ever considered doing their own Firefight map for Noble. They're the developer that has made the most Firefight maps for Halo currently, but they've never done (and at this point, won't be doing) Firefight DLC. Certain Affinity has made one original Firefight map and a remake of Bungie-created geometry for Firefight.

Should have toyed with people and brought back Turf.. as a Firefight map


Dax01 said:
Does this mean that you'll be doing a completely pacifist run or are you still not going to start the game over?
Nah, gave up on a pacifist run. The mixed combat is too fun for that sort of thing.


FyreWulff said:
For someone that was holding out for this long, you need to tell us what you think of Unearthed for Firefight. Is it awesome, or totally awesome?

I'll let you know as soon as I give it a try. I tried sending a reply, but your inbox is apparently full.

To basically sum it up for everyone, my wife and I ended up dropping a shitload of money on car repairs and dental work for our cat this week, the two just sort of both hit at the same time (literally; the check engine light came on as we were driving home from the initial blood work Monday).

Said cat was adopted by my wife before I moved in and was a tiny little stray who ended up being bullied by the other cat she adopted (a big cranky house cat), to the point that her share of the apartment was a walk-in closet. When I moved in, it upset the balance and she sort of officially became 'my cat'. So to see her avoid eating and doing that crazy stoic "Hide so no one can see I'm in pain" thing that cats do was kind of upsetting and it's just been a long, shitty week.

So having a complete stranger chip in so I can be part of the community is fucking awesome and a nice reminder that life isn't totally going down the tubes. As soon as I have some money, I'll pay it forward in kind to a fellow GAFer.



Those were fun customs tonight, only my second time joining in (the first being when I got the Defiant Maps early and was still awaiting activation.) Can't wait to jump in on the next customs. :D


Retro said:
I'll let you know as soon as I give it a try. I tried sending a reply, but your inbox is apparently full.

I fixed that, didn't know the GAF inbox limit was so small. 50 across both inbox and sentbox? Really?
Retro said:
So having a complete stranger chip in so I can be part of the community is fucking awesome and a nice reminder that life isn't totally going down the tubes. As soon as I have some money, I'll pay it forward in kind to a fellow GAFer.

Even nicer considering all the crap he gets here. He's an awesome dude and one I admire. Same goes for all you code/beta key/F&F invite givers out there. It's heart warming indeed.


Has it been stated when we can officially use "zero bloom" in Custom games? Sorry if I've missed this along the way.


PNut said:
Has it been stated when we can officially use "zero bloom" in Custom games? Sorry if I've missed this along the way.

After the TU hits in 3 days and whenever they push out the new Megalo gametype.


Booshka said:
Shots not registering happens in every game, but the bloom mechanic in Reach amplifies that frustration because it usually leads to spamming. If someone is eating shots, your natural reaction is to shoot faster and hope some of those shots connect. Now you have a huge bloom and someone eating shots, which leads to sloppy game play and being pissed off.

Also, when you are Host, your bloom reset rate is what it should be, which is much faster than what it is off-host. You pull host a lot, so there you go. I also believe that the bloom reset rate varies dependent on the host, and your connection to said host, so that fucks up any sort of rhythm you have with your shot. It's just a sloppy mechanic that is impacted greatly by connection, and leads to frustration.

To my understanding Tashi does not seem to think there is any advantage to having host with regard to bloom (not sure about other aspects of the game, maybe he could clarify for us) so were it still possible to force host with CommView I am sure he would gladly let anyone he parties take host for themselves.


PNut said:
Has it been stated when we can officially use "zero bloom" in Custom games? Sorry if I've missed this along the way.
September 21st. If not, abandon all hope in 343 and we will boycott CEA and halo 4
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