GhaleonEB said:That is not what I thought it meant.
Well, at least you have your |OT7| title.
GhaleonEB said:That is not what I thought it meant.
I guess we need to be sure that we're talking about the same map. As others have said, there are some pretty awful forge maps in Team Slayer, but there are a few really good ones too. This is the map I'm in love with: Kingdom, so good!Mojo said:That's your favourite Reach map?? We kept spawning in the same spot near a corner and there was like 2 guys scoped in on each end and there's not really a good escape route from what I saw, especially playing with randoms
Team Slayer is not becoming my favorite playlist anymore, it is my favorite playlist. I wish I had a team slayer buddy to play games with, but it's the best playlist if you're going to jump in solo. Squad slayer is all kinds of frustrating when you have quitters or the other team is just really good. No way to compete against 5 players in Reach. And I despise armor lock, but it's a small price to pay to have some halfway decent games. This was from earlier tonight. My team had a quitter early on and we still were able to come back and win, thanks to the other team not being the brightest. But the armor locking was pretty frustrating.HiredN00bs said:I had fun playing TS yesterday. All of the AL users were bad, and the maps I played were fun. I did come from playing Gears 2, though, so Reach felt AMAZING.
Please tell me you where playing Battlefield 3 with a squad of friends, if not you where playing it wrong lolTunavi said:Battlefield 360 is lame. Pokemon Red, however, is still incredible as it was 13 years ago.
Battlefield was always lame.Tunavi said:Battlefield 360 is lame. Pokemon Red, however, is still incredible as it was 13 years ago.
I dunno, I've grown very tired of BC2. This looks exactly the same to me.wwm0nkey said:Please tell me you where playing Battlefield 3 with a squad of friends, if not you where playing it wrong lol
Tunavi said:Battlefield 360 is lame. Pokemon Red, however, is still incredible as it was 13 years ago.
idk maybe its because I played Caspian Border but I love BF3Tunavi said:I dunno, I've grown very tired of BC2. This looks exactly the same to me.
Fixed.Dani said:Superior Silver is where it's at. There's so much colour that it's almost like a Halo game.
God if Battlefield games had the gunplay of Counter-Strike, holy fuck they'd be sweet. As is, they are pretty sloppy, at least that's how they feel on consoles to me.Zeouterlimits said:Fixed.
BF 3 is very pretty on my pc, but I don't like the gun combat most of the time, Counter Strike is the much more enjoyable implementation of so called realistic health shooters.
I don't think there are any good ones lol. But yeah that's the map, it kept spawning me to the right of where you spawned for most of the game, didn't like it. Also a map called Think Twice or something, didn't like how that played. Precipice and Cliffhanger, also maps I dislike. Any Forge map really. Give me Powerhouse or Boardwalk over any of them.Deputy Moonman said:I guess we need to be sure that we're talking about the same map. As others have said, there are some pretty awful forge maps in Team Slayer, but there are a few really good ones too. This is the map I'm in love with: Kingdom, so good!
Fair enough, on Kingdom.Mojo said:I don't think there are any good ones lol. But yeah that's the map, it kept spawning me to the right of where you spawned for most of the game, didn't like it. Also a map called Think Twice or something, didn't like how that played. Precipice and Cliffhanger also maps I dislike. Any Forge map really. Give me Powerhouse or Boardwalk over any of them.
Hahaha that's hilarious. Now I can't stop watching it. Also, I just read your comment on one of my games from a while back and called you a troll. Rushing power weapons.... pffffttt! ;-)Tunavi said:I was randomly going though profiles of a game I had finished, and it turns out I played a guy who has one of the funniest clips in Reach. I saw this back in May, so it's crazy that I got matched up with him and decided to look at his file share randomly. Small world.
OXM just wanted to write something.Right now, you'll have more luck parking a Warthog atop a Scarab than getting anything Halo-4-related out of 343 Industries. The studio is eager to talk up its vision for the new Reclaimer trilogy, dropping a few nuggets on Cortana's impending Rampancy (the AI equivalent of senility) and treating us to a dazzling montage of Forerunner-flavoured concept art. When it comes to cold hard gameplay or plot specifics, however, 343's collective lips are sealed.
Fortunately, there exist several Mystic Journalistic Abilities designed to break a developer's silence, psychological war techniques handed down from editor to editor over the centuries. One of them's the Art of the Ostensibly Unrelated Question. All innocence, we recently asked 343 directors and producers what they've enjoyed playing lately. The responses - which you'll find in OXM's now-available limited edition Halo special - are... suggestive.
Creative director Josh Holmes was "blown away" by Red Dead Redemption. "To me, that was such an amazing narrative experience. Being able to express myself in an open world environment in whatever way I saw fit, but also managed within that experience to give me the spine of a story that went through all of it. It wasn't just window dressing - it managed to make me care about the characters and the places, and that makes it really stand out."
Intriguing. Halo's never had an open stake in the chin-stroky "player freedom" vs "developer intention" debate, leaving the bulk of its storytelling to cutscenes rather than those edgy, flashy emergent environments proffered by Bioshock and co. But factor in the series' wedding of tiered, intensely dynamic AI to linear campaign design, and you start to see where an open world game like Red Dead could be influential.
Missions like Silent Cartographer in Combat Evolved or the assault on Sword Base in Halo: Reach aren't just bouts of COD-style whack-a-mole, they're helter-skelter stages on which you thrash out living, breathing drama with the AI. No one battle is the same, as Grunts lose their rag, Elites decloak at different intervals and jet-packed Brutes accidentally bump heads.
Master Chief has "changed" in Halo 4, but 343 won't say how. While the overall plot arch is a hands-off affair, and the environments in themselves aren't exactly bursting with backstory, Halo's scenario design involves much the same sinuous plating of the nailed-down and the free-floating as Red Dead and its fellow sandboxers.
In terms of how NPCs behave, how they react to each other and the player, and how that feeds into mission plot, Rockstar's opus could have much to offer. It's worth noting, on a possibly important tangent, that Redemption's "free roam" multiplayer lobby and Reach's Forge World have a lot in common - they're menus reimagined as playable environments.
Advances in storytelling dominate the 343 take on competing developers. Executive producer Kiki Wolfkill looks to another Rockstar game, LA Noire, for inspiration. "I wouldn't say the whole truth or lie mechanic worked - or at least I don't read people well, apparently - but they're really pushing things forward in terms of characters and story.
"I'm mostly interested in storytelling," she adds. "And it's fascinating to see how games like LA Noire, Heavy Rain and even Call of Duty tell their story. It seems to be the place where games are evolving the most right now, outside of technology."
It's even harder to imagine what a game like LA Noire could add to Halo than Red Dead - we can't see the Chief grilling Covenant witnesses for clues, somehow - but again, the balance between flexibility and direction is one Bungie's existing work speaks to. Holmes feels Team Bondi didn't quite nail it, a criticism many players will echo.
"LA Noire was really intriguing for me in terms of the mechanics they tried to introduce - I thought it was successful in some ways, and not so successful in others. We had a hearty debate about how you could present that same experience in another way - it felt like the open world didn't really add a ton. But within games it's becoming increasingly hard to see real innovation and people taking risks. I though it was pretty exciting for that reason: it was a mechanic that we hadn't seen in any other games."
Mystic Journalistic AbilitiesTheOddOne said:
That's what I was hoping to hear!bobs99 ... said:Also Aliens was awesome.
"I'm ready, man, check it out. I am the ultimate badass! State of the badass art! You do NOT wanna fuck with me. Check it out! Hey Ripley, don't worry. Me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you! Check it out! Independently targeting particle beam phalanx. Vwap! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles, phase-plasma pulse rifles, RPGs, we got sonic electronic ball breakers! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks... "
Dani said:Mystic Journalistic Abilities
king picollo said:Love the battlefield beta, I enjoy the feel of those games so much better then CoD, shame it wasn't a more vehicular based map as that's where Battlefield always shines for me.
True story, I know the maker of Kingdom personally, he's a good friend of mine.
Who wants to touch me?
Sikamikanico said:LOL. Who said I was a good friend, you jerk?![]()
Oh man I do! lol Sikamikanico made a heck of a map. I'm still thinking about what makes it so good in addition to the things I've already mentioned (ie only two power weapons on the map (rockets/sword) and no sniper rifle).king picollo said:Love the battlefield beta, I enjoy the feel of those games so much better then CoD, shame it wasn't a more vehicular based map as that's where Battlefield always shines for me.
True story, I know the maker of Kingdom personally, he's a good friend of mine.
Who wants to touch me?
I do kind of love that they gave it that phrase themselves.Dani said:Mystic Journalistic Abilities
Dax01 said:I wonder if OXM asked some folks if they like games with ADS.
Which would, of course, mean that Halo 4 will have ADS.
Just Certain Affinity and 343i trolling us with a new helmet...LAUGHTREY said:Did we ever figure out what this is? A super elaborate troll?
Why u troll 343i and Certain Affinity? Why?Woorloog said:Just Certain Affinity and 343i trolling us with a new helmet...
New armor cannot be added as that would require patching old maps, which is, as far as i know, impossible in practice.
Has that been confirmed? I guess I need to learn more about programming, but I always think of armor as a skin, which shouldn't have anything to do with the maps themselves. Someone educate me, please. 8)Woorloog said:Just Certain Affinity and 343i trolling us with a new helmet...
New armor cannot be added as that would require patching old maps, which is, as far as i know, impossible in practice.
GarthVaderUK said:Any idea what's going to be in the Halo CE Anniversary Combat Edition?
343 should expand Infection and make a spin-off Halo a la RDR's Undead Nightmare. REACH IS INFECTED WITH THE FLOOD. FIGHT THEM OFF IN THIS ALTERNATE REALITY TO REACH. Multiplayer is a modified Living Dead.Mojo said:
Deputy Moonman said:Has that been confirmed? I guess I need to learn more about programming, but I always think of armor as a skin, which shouldn't have anything to do with the maps themselves. Someone educate me, please. 8)
FyreWulff said:...they'd have to patch every single .map in the game. Not only the multiplayer maps, but all Firefight maps, Campaign maps, and the (the lobby).
:lol :lolvhfive said:
Mojo said:
Sikamikanico said:I've heard this before about a very recent update to Reach...![]()
How did they broke compatibility, can you explain it?FyreWulff said:Alright, let's see you add new models to Reach without actually adding them to where the engine looks for assets..
I never said zero bloom was impossible, I said it was impossible to do without breaking compatibility since it was client side. Guess what 343 did? They broke compatibility.
Adding new armor is possible, but going around and touching every part of the game has an aspect of "diminishing returns" to it.
The game will be shipped with a paper sleeve cover with silver/gold foil effects. (Chief's visor) David and I think Frankie, too, teased us that there will be something awesome behind the paper sleeve. I have to say that "awesome" is my words and I interpreted it like that.GarthVaderUK said:Any idea what's going to be in the Halo CE Anniversary Combat Edition?
I wouldn't really say that this was trolling. I'm thinking that they want to show us "hey, we are working and experimenting with Reach right now". But it didn't make the cut. Didn't they say something at the HaloFest Multiplayer panel?Woorloog said:Just Certain Affinity and 343i trolling us with a new helmet...
New armor cannot be added as that would require patching old maps, which is, as far as i know, impossible in practice.
Gabotron ES said:How did they broke compatibility, can you explain it?
I don't think we do, but we know its an employee/relative of a Microsoft employee.LAUGHTREY said:Did we ever find out who Tom Morello was and how he was able to leak screens of reach almost a year in advance?
I like going back in time and looking at all the leaks, real and not real, and all the analysis if they are fake or not.
FyreWulff said:Alright, let's see you add new models to Reach without actually adding them to where the engine looks for assets..
I never said zero bloom was impossible, I said it was impossible to do without breaking compatibility since it was client side. Guess what 343 did? They broke compatibility.
Adding new armor is possible, but going around and touching every part of the game has an aspect of "diminishing returns" to it.
Didn't know that.FyreWulff said:Reach 1.0 can't play with Reach 1.1. Not much more to it than that. They added things in the TU that 1.0 would go derp and desync on.