Tashi0106 said:Don't stress it, it's Tunavi

Tashi0106 said:Don't stress it, it's Tunavi
Dani said:I can't get my head around this. The most fun I've had have come from balanced teams and games coming down to the wire. That last kill when it's 49-49 or scoring or returning the flag in the final few seconds of sudden death.
Your mind-set is what lead to de-ranking and the abundance of alt accounts in Halo 3 where really good players would trick or fool the system to let them play against lesser opponents and I really hated that side of the Halo community.
Dani said:I can't get my head around this. The most fun I've had have come from balanced teams and games coming down to the wire. That last kill when it's 49-49 or scoring or returning the flag in the final few seconds of sudden death.
Your mind-set is what lead to de-ranking and the abundance of alt accounts in Halo 3 where really good players would trick or fool the system to let them play against lesser opponents and I really hated that side of the Halo community.
Tunavi said:Its just that dying in Reach feels so cheap. Grenades, armor abilties, slow movement, bloom, ect.
So if I don't die, I have fun.
Tunavi said:Its just that dying in Reach feels so cheap. Grenades, armor abilties, slow movement, bloom, ect.
Photolysis said:I haven't given it much consideration for quite some time on why I don't find Reach that much fun, but I think you've hit the nail on the head there.
When I was playing SWAT earlier, I was actually enjoying it. Surprising to me, because normally I hate it. In retrospect, I think it was because there were no AAs (save for Sprint), and pretty much every single time I died, it was my fault.
Sure, bloom still exists and you can get lucky or unlucky with it, but for the most part if it gets to that stage then it's entirely your fault for missing that first shot.
orznge said:lol (in pedant voice) all the other players have bloom and AAs going against them so you're on an equal playing field every death is your fault
You proved yourself wrong in your own argumentorznge said:lol (in pedant voice) all the other players have bloom and AAs going against them so you're on an equal playing field every death is your fault
coincidence? Or Frankie Magic. You decide.Devolution said:The game I had with some gaffers where we fucking tied, I never saw that before in Reach, ever. Was pretty awesome.
I'd say coincidence. The only game of CTF/Assault in matchmaking I remember that didn't end in a tie was when I played with you.OuterWorldVoice said:coincidence? Or Frankie Magic. You decide.
OuterWorldVoice said:Frankie Magic
orznge said:lol (in pedant voice) all the other players have bloom and AAs going against them so you're on an equal playing field every death is your fault
Devolution said:The game I had with some gaffers where we fucking tied, I never saw that before in Reach, ever. Was pretty awesome.
OuterWorldVoice said:coincidence? Or Frankie Magic. You decide.
Judderman said:Who at this RB LAN should I be watching? I want to see some good, fundamental Halo to learn from.
Photolysis said:That whooshing sound would be the point flying over your head and off into the sunset. A very pretty sunset.
If I live or die based on the randomness of bloom, then that's out of my control and not my fault. This is a large problem with Reach. You know, that's kind of why there's an entire update to alter the setting, and 343i posted on how bloom breaks the intended dynamics of the game.
Certain AAs also negate hard-won advantages. If I stick a player with a plasma grenade before he can kill me - which would ordinarily win the encounter for me - and he uses armour lock to block it, then that's not an equal playing field. I was better; I should have won. I stuck him without him doing the same to me, or otherwise killing me. Even if I also have AL, he still didn't stick me, either because of my superior evasion, grenade skills, whatever. So it's not a symmetrical exchange where it all evens out.
Or how about if I earn the Rocket Launcher through map control or otherwise via superior skill? I can't block my opponent's rocket because he doesn't have one. Again, it's an uneven exchange. Despite having the same ability, I gain nothing, and he gains an advantage.
And yes, I know the grenade example is being changed but it illustrates the point.
Devin Olsen said:The problems I have with customs are the following:
- Bad Host
- Too many bad forge maps. I appreciate the selection of maps, but its hard to play the game when you're always having to figure out the map flow
- Uneven teams
- Tryhards
- People don't talk enough, I enjoy a team that communicates
- Zero Bloom Slayer, Zero Bloom Slayer, Zero Bloom Slayer, etc. It gets boring playing only ONE gametype. I really cannot wait for objective gametypes.
- The settings in slayer are always getting changed... Some times run speed is 100% other times it is 110%, Sometimes damage is 120 other times it is 100, etc.
kylej said:Pretty much the reason why I play matchmaking with the same 10 or so people. No mic, or people with a mic who don't talk drive me up the wall. It's the internet y'all, you don't have to be afraid to talk.
Merguson said:I can't hear shit, I have no point of talking over the internet.
Unless you want to hear me talk to myself.
kylej said:You got an excuse. Half the kids in GAF customs are too busy watching anime or something to call out.
In matchmaking, the least fun games for me are when my team is totally running over the other one. Completely boring and unfulfilling, I just feel honestly bad for them and I would prefer to be on the side receiving the beating because that way I would be getting challenged. I find that in Halo 3 teams are way more balanced usually, you're constantly getting a nice challenge and the games are close, even in Social. In Reach more often then not one of the teams is way better.Tunavi said:Reach is only fun when you're completely shitting on another team. Thats why customs aren't great and why going into matchmaking with a party is fun. October 4th is going to be awesome
Letters said:In matchmaking, the least fun games for me are when my team is totally running over the other one. Completely boring and unfulfilling, I just feel honestly bad for them and I would prefer to be on the side receiving the beating because that way I would be getting challenged. I find that in Halo 3 teams are way more balanced usually, you're constantly getting a nice challenge and the games are close, even in Social. In Reach more often then not one of the teams is way better.
*back to the roleplaying awesomeness that is Deus Ex*
Not everyone uses fancy gaming glasses. Not fair.xxjuicesxx said:
Letters said:Not everyone uses fancy gaming glasses. Not fair.
Booshka said:Tunavi you're such a scrub lol. He just needs me on his team, one game with me on the other team, -11, next game with me on his team, +11. Also, some of you peeps need to think about map control more when you are playing, instead of constantly running toward where you see the other team, get some kills, pick up power weapons, go to/stay at power positions on the map and let them come to you. Admittedly this is tough to do when it's the first time playing a random forge map and you don't know where anything is. Just speaking in general though.
I was distracted most of those games, talking to my friend on the phone, who then came over and hung out while I played. I was talking to him mostly and we were playing on some random forge maps where I wouldn't even know where to begin to call out. I got some really silly no scopes and snipes in general tonight. Some of the ones I got on Devo were just stupid lol. I had a pretty good time playing, but I get kinda bored of just Slayer over and over, jogging on grey maps doing the same thing repeatedly gets old. We need Objective soon.
Majority of the games were laggy, so it was hard to take them seriously. We'd have a decent connection then get host migration mid-game to a laggy one. Hard to give a shit after something that stupid happens.Devolution said:People thought I was raging but I just found the host we had at first so tedious.
It's easiest to go by weapon or objective spawns. Calling out and learning the maps goes hand in hand though, the more you play on a map, the more specific the call outs become. Elevation is important to call out, low high mid, then a base or colored area they are at. An example would be like Green 1, Green 2, or you could say something like bottom red, that is usually standard call outs.Teknoman said:When doing call outs, do you guys try to learn the maps first or just do a general direction/landmark nearby?
Devolution said:People thought I was raging but I just found the host we had at first so tedious.
:lolSai-kun said:Guys, I got my Grunt plushie today :333 ohgosh.png
here's grunty with my two little yoshi plushies! (bonus sackboy plush ass)
hey i am not a scrubBooshka said:Tunavi you're such a scrub lol. He just needs me on his team, one game with me on the other team, -11, next game with me on his team, +11
Karl2177 said:Does everyone have a friend that just sucks at Halo? It's hard to watch them play, and in your mind you're thinking what you would have done. If only I had streaming set up so you guys could watch it too.
Sai-kun said:There's a reason I never play Halo with my bf....:x i get too competitive so i don't ask him to play with me anymore. he's not terrible. he's just...not so great at being aware of his surroundings, so he dies often.
Heh, sounds like a PSA.Karl2177 said:Does everyone have a friend that just sucks at Halo? It's hard to watch them play, and in your mind you're thinking what you would have done.
I just recorded about 5 minutes of him playing SWAT. So good.Zeouterlimits said:Heh, sounds like a PSA.
"Do you have a friend that sucks at Halo?
Do you watch them play, silently struggling because you know if they weren't your friend you'd be laughing on an internet forum about that a bk they are?
Here at Lake Minnetonka, we can help.
Our strict regiment of hot pockets, nostalgia glasses and low latency host will have secretly screaming at your loved one no longer.
Call us now at 1800-NOSCRUB. Places are limited."
Sure you are.Tunavi said:hey i am not a scrub
Maybe a bit too late. There will be a "Campaign Discussion" with bs angel, Dan Ayoub and Kevin Grace at the New York Comic-Con.wwm0nkey said:Isnt there going to be some sort of event in October for Halo CEA?
Fronkie xDDani said:I'd love to see this phrase smuggled into an interview somehow.