The first one is Premium Slayer. Population: 80. 'Let's have a warmup game'.
Those four chaps who went neg 47 combined, in a slayer game, had some of the worst overall k/d spreads i've ever seen. Why did mm think it appropriate to pair them all on the same team?
Second game is in Team Snipers
Teammate quits after dying once. Despite a hearty effort from myself, there's not much you can do about neg twenty kids. Another pointless game.
Third game is in Team Snipers
This one took the prize. After an indifferent start I pull off a nasty triple kill. 30 seconds later the guest on my team runs in front of my sights and I accidentally betray him whilst trying to kill the enemy. He immediately boots me from the game without hesitation. Somebody who: - hasn't paid for the xbox
- hasn't paid for the game
- hasn't paid for xbox live gold
is allowed to remove me from a match when:
- I have paid for the xbox
- I have paid for the game
- I have paid for xbox live gold
LOL at the paying customer!
You should
never be booted for a first betrayal. I hadn't hit any of my teammates prior to that either, so there was no accumulated 'team killing' damage.
Is there an option in the psych profile to 'prefer drunk people with babies on their knees'? I must've ticked that box but I can't find it now to untick it
No wonder the game's so sparsely populated. If you're a noob in Reach, you don't play other noob's. You're cannon fodder for high level players. SHIT, of course that's why they're all fleeing to play Gears, COD and BF!
Good work removing 1-50 thinking it would mean better matches. Lol.
Next game after this post was made Henery
LMAOOO. Do you think other developers tell punchline jokes at the water cooler about Reach's player matchings? lol