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Halo: Reach |OT6| There Are Those Who Said This Day Would Never Come


senador said:
Not true at all. If that happens the wife is being controlling or you are being a pussy. :p You just have to be reasonable back. I'm sure kids could throw that off, but I don't have those.

Anyway, not here to give marriage advice, just saying marry a good one. ;)
I'm not married, but saw it happen to two friends of mine. I never talk to one of them at all these days, the girl got him on a tight lease.
Dax01 said:
I had a nice run in a BOOM! Ball game yesterday. Got a double kill and a triple kill, one kill away from a Killing Frenzy.

We ended up losing the game, but not without the other team seeing the uglier side of losing.
In what playlist can I find this magical gametype?


TheOddOne said:
I'm not married, but saw it happen to two friends of mine. I never talk to one of them at all these days, the girl got him on a tight lease.

Did you read my posts? ;) There's a lot more to it than just that. Unmarried friends never understand. I see my IRL friends a lot less now but its because I don't put forth the effort, my wife has nothing to do with it. 2 of my friends are married and play plenty and another is about to. These are a different set of friends but I see them plenty in Halo and IRL too. Its all about communication, being reasonable, and compromise. Ghaleon is married and has kids and he does all sorts of stuff. :)


Something I wish could have been "fixed" in the TU or at least in Halo 4 is the map callouts not showing on death. I don't know if that's intentional in Reach but I still only now some of the callouts due to never looking down there until I die. :/


ncsuDuncan said:
- Fall Damage Removal: I'm okay with this missing TU1. It really only affected Headlong and I don't think the map will suffer as much as a map designed WITH fall damage in mind suddenly being played WITHOUT it (i.e. Tombstone in Halo 2). Really I can't think of any other map in Reach that desperately needs fall damage removed, so it might not even be worth the effort required.
If they reduced the stun a bit, I would say that's acceptable. Completely removing fall damage isnt' completely necessary, the stun is more annoying in my view. But in future games I do hope health packs, fall damage and so forth don't return, nor do I expect them to anyway.
Syracuse022 said:
In what playlist can I find this magical gametype?
action sack. one of the only good gametypes there, and you'll be lucky if you can get people to vote for it over something like Hockey

Letters said:
4v4 team br pit into a 3v3 team br guardian

halo 3, why u love me so much
last time I played I got Boundless like 6 games out of 8


kylej said:
I strafed my way out of the womb and 4-shot the doctor who delivered me. I was pro when prenatal, motherfucker.

This from the guy who regularly rides around with a Yoda backpack...


thezerofire said:
make sure their first words are "one shot on my x"
Irrelevant. They will never be an "X" I need to teach them the map call outs and how to trash talk. Also the art of harvesting BK tears.

Gotta support duncans fragrance somehow.

Tunavi said:
oh u

That picture is from like 2005/6 too lol.

I need a recent picture. But I pretty much haven't changed since 2007 :p

P.S. I laughed. Really hard.


senador said:
Did you read my posts? ;) There's a lot more to it than just that. Unmarried friends never understand. I see my IRL friends a lot less now but its because I don't put forth the effort, my wife has nothing to do with it. 2 of my friends are married and play plenty and another is about to. These are a different set of friends but I see them plenty in Halo and IRL too. Its all about communication, being reasonable, and compromise. Ghaleon is married and has kids and he does all sorts of stuff. :)
Meant no ill my friend :) Just the pessimist in me has me on a tight leash.


OK, I'm going to eat dinner. Be ready to party up for Halo 3 in a short while.

Do not disappointment me, GAF!

Edit: Enjoy the match Letters, hopefully it'll go well.
ncsuDuncan said:
The Reach version of the Chopper would probably behave as such:

- If you hit the Boost button while driving on anything but level ground, the Chopper flies into space and explodes.
- If you collide with another vehicle or wall while boosting, the Chopper explodes..
- If anyone anywhere on the map uses Armor Lock, the Chopper explodes. And gives that person the kill.
- After two direct hits from a DMR the Chopper's main wheel will begin to wobble. A third hit makes the entire vehicle spin out of control, killing you and whatever battle bros are standing nearby. Also it explodes.
- The Chopper's cannons have been replaced with dual Fuel Rod Guns that can lock onto vehicles. It also locks onto infantry, in case the splash damage isn't enough to kill them.
thezerofire said:
action sack. one of the only good gametypes there, and you'll be lucky if you can get people to vote for it over something like Hockey
I've yet to play this awesome-sounding game because of exactly this.


If that's the reaction to Tawpgun's age, then I'm keeping mine a secret forever. :x

What was the cutoff date for getting to keep Bungie Pro forever?


squidhands said:
I've yet to play this awesome-sounding game because of exactly this.
Are you talking about Hockey?

Don't know why everyone is hating, I adore Action Sack Hockey. Boom Ball is great to... but Hockey is my shiiiiiit.

They need to add more games to Action Sack.
A27 Tawpgun said:
Are you talking about Hockey?

Don't know why everyone is hating, I adore Action Sack Hockey. Boom Ball is great to... but Hockey is my shiiiiiit.

They need to add more games to Action Sack.
it would be fun if you could actually hit the ball where you want it worth a damn.

also haloball or whatever Skeeball is called in Action Sack needs to go. So dumb.


thezerofire said:
it would be fun if you could actually hit the ball where you want it worth a damn.

also haloball or whatever Skeeball is called in Action Sack needs to go. So dumb.
Haloball is fine with a team that doesn't fuck your balls over.

But sounds like you got a case of the Hockey BK Syndrome.

You just gotta pace your hammer. Don't spam it and it will be accurate as hell.
A27 Tawpgun said:
Haloball is fine with a team that doesn't fuck your balls over.

But sounds like you got a case of the Hockey BK Syndrome.

You just gotta pace your hammer. Don't spam it and it will be accurate as hell.
it just seems inconsistent. I'll hit it from behind like 10 feet away and it'll fly all the way across the map, but then I'll hit it directly behind and it'll go like five feet. Combine that with the other team hitting it, my own teammates hitting it in random directions, and annoying kids who just AR you the whole time, I don't find it very fun.
A27 Tawpgun said:
Haloball is fine with a team that doesn't fuck your balls over.

But sounds like you got a case of the Hockey BK Syndrome.

You just gotta pace your hammer. Don't spam it and it will be accurate as hell.

Why don't we just replace the DMR with Hammers?


A27_StarWolf said:
Why don't we just replace the DMR with Hammers?
If we want to talk hammers...

Bring back the gravity bending properties of the hammer in a TU if possible. I assume to support Grifbal in Halo 4l there will be either a hammer/sword in customs/matchmaking or something that mimics them.

Reach Grifball is incredibly bland and boring. Halo 3 grifball was amazing. When you got good at it with a good team the game was practically played in the air :p

This isn't possible due to Reach's physics/hammer. You can't really launch people anymore. Flowers are impossible I believe... all those techniques with the hammer were lost.

Same thing happened to rocket race. Mongoose physics felt a lot more grounded despite it feeling bouncy as hell normally and the increase in rocket explosions. You can't really launch anymore.


My take on the Title Update. tl;dr at the bottom.

The changes added via the title update can be roughly grouped into two categories: rebalancing/fixes and adding options to create a more 'classic' Halo game in support of Halo Anniversary’s release. There is some overlap in these areas, but I'll address each in turn before looking at the package as a whole:


Make reticle bloom configurable.

Make damage bleed to health through shields possible.

Modify Armor Lock.
• Sticky grenade will not be nullified if you use Armor Lock after being stuck.
• Damage received while in Armor Lock is transferred to remaining Armor Ability energy.
• How much the damage depletes your Armor Lock energy is configurable.

Modify Active Camo.
• Reduce the bonus time the player gets in Active Camo while standing still.
• Reduce the overall length of time the player can be in Active Camo.

Remove Sword block.
• Disable the ability to block Sword attacks using melee with anything other than another Sword.​

I'll address the first one last. I'm quite pleased with these changes. Adding the melee sword block never made much sense to me, from fictional or gameplay standpoints. The sword is a close quarters weapon like the shotgun, and players who are using it are taking a risk in using it. They should be rewarded with a kill if they swat another non-sword user. Adding a sword block but not say, a shotgun block was weird. This change will let the weapon fulfil its role better. There's still an issue of how the sword works with Evade, but I'm hoping that's addressed in how Evade is deployed going forward.

Camo amounts to tinkering around the edges, but it will help a wee bit. Camo snipers are infuriating, particularly on maps such as Hemorrhage where they can set up camp with a nice view of the map. But it will only help a bit since Camo recharges so fast.

The armor lock rebalancing is someone ingenious, as it fixes the largest issues with the ability without redefining its purpose. The biggest problem with AL was how it brought combat to a halt; someone armor locks, there's no point in continuing to fight. You sit there or go do something else. Now, we can force users out of AL early. Combat continues. The sticky fix is welcome, beacuse sticks should be rewarded. I'd like to have seen AL's ability to blow up vehicles removed, but I'm happy with this fix.

I think the new shield/health system in Reach was an enormous mistake, and am delighted to see it addressed in the TU. I've talked about this at length before, but suffice it to say I hope it gets rolled out everywhere.

As for bloom, I mostly have questions. How granular the configuration is. Per weapon? Weapon class? (Precision, automatic, side arm.) Others will need to wait, such as what flavors will be rolled out and what hoppers it will apear in (initially).

Reducing bloom will not solve the problems with Reach's gunplay - replacing the weapons is needed there - but it will help a bit. I was hoping to see other adjustments alongside the bloom reduction, such as bringing the DMR scope to 2x. I'm partly holding judgment on this because I haven't played anything other than zero bloom, but I'm hopeful it will help.

My only wish is that the ability to modify firing rate was also included (see below).

Classic stuff:

Implement the classic Magnum from Halo: CE.
• Can make the Magnum automatic.
• Can modify rate of fire of the Magnum.
• Can modify Magnum damage.​

I'm not in the target audience for this change. I have a lot of respect for Shishka (his analysis of why Reach's bloom is problematic in the update was masterful), but I winced a bit when at HaloFest he said he'd been trying to get Halo 1's 3-shot pistol back in each Halo game. Playing a game type with it included was all I needed to know about why that's not a great idea.

Now, I understand why it was done. It's Halo freakin' Anniversary, and a vocal component of the community wanted Halo MP to go with it. They won't get that for a number of reasons that have been explained, so getting the best approximation of the Halo 1 pistol, on a number of classic maps, is a compromise. I think it's a pretty good one, even if I won't play game types that include it.


Enable playing Co-Op Campaign and Firefight without requiring a HDD.​

Yay. This hit a lot of people and I'd honestly though MS had decided to just ignore the issue. Moar Firefight players. I just with more stuff got fixed (Revenant phsicis, etc.)


I can't disagree with any of the changes or new features brought to the TU. Changes such as the armor lock adjustment, damage bleed and bloom modification will help Reach enormously.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit disappointed with the TU, and that disappointment is entirely tied to stuff that wasn't included. Reach has a lot of problems, and addressing all of them in some way requires a pretty big resource investment and a lot of time, both of which 343 just didn't have. (I do wonder why they didn't have a larger TU team - a team of two essentially did the entire thing, and while remarkable I wish another person or two had been brough on board to get some of the cut features added.)

In particular, the vehicle health system is really holding BTB back. Never mind physics for a moment. "Sniper rifles wreak vehicles", + not having player health tied to vehicle health pretty much wreaks vehicle play in Reach. The scope of the TU was on infantry play; I hope if there is another TU it touches vehicles (Banshee says 'hi'.)

Basically, I'm a greedy bastard, and I wanted moar. But I'm delighted with what we are getting.


Much of this depends on the rollout. I commend 343 for the experimental approach to rolling out the TU changes, first with the beta hoppers and then with the initial post-CEA release ones.

But that enthusiasm is tied directly to how responsive the team will be in making substantial matchmaking updates in response to data and feedback;without a rapid response, such a conservative update philosphy won't work. That was the frustration with Jeremiah's approach to making updates. Having a sound update and testing methodology is critical and commendable, but so is fixing broken stuff quickly. Waiting months on end for soft kill barriers or vehicle placement fixes (shipping Paradiso...) to be placed after they were identified was frustrating. And when errors in an update came to light, we had to wait another month to see them fixed. 343 needs to be more responsive, especially with the new changes.

There are some things I wish they would not hold back on changing. In particular, the armor lock adjustment should become universal. The ability is plainly broken and I think it's overly cautious not to just roll it out as a rebalancing. But I none the less respect the overall approach.

tldr: good stuff, depending on how well it's rolled out and how responsive the 343 team is in making updates. I just with it was a larger TU, and for that reason hope there's a sequel.

On that note, will we be seeing a September playlist update?


Wasn't it hitscan in Halo 1? Regardless, best way to balance it is ROF cap and decrease in auto aim. The pistol clip is still going to be shallow so it shouldn't be too bad.

Also, for shits and giggles I would love to see a bloomless AR.


GhaleonEB said:
I'd love to see a bloomless DMR + bloomless AR game type. Title it "Settlement". Game type description: "Really, you wanted this?"

The only people who wouldn't like that are those that died... repeatedly.
A27 Tawpgun said:
Are you talking about Hockey?

Don't know why everyone is hating, I adore Action Sack Hockey. Boom Ball is great to... but Hockey is my shiiiiiit.

They need to add more games to Action Sack.
Yeah, it seems whenever the gametype comes up when I'm in Action Sack, people pick something else instead. Every. Time. My own damned fault for going anywhere in MM alone; I know better.
The probability (in my opinion) of each TU tweak being eventually implemented in all Reach gametypes:

Armor Lock - 95%
Active Camo - 90%
Damage/melee bleed through - 80%
Sword block removal - 80%
"85%" Bloom - 65%
Zero Bloom - 0.1% (Maybe in some sort of SWAT/Action Sack hybrid, but mostly in the temporary Beta hoppers and Custom games)
CE Pistol - 0.01% (Will definitely be in a Classic playlist though)
A27 Tawpgun said:
Wasn't it hitscan in Halo 1? Regardless, best way to balance it is ROF cap and decrease in auto aim. The pistol clip is still going to be shallow so it shouldn't be too bad.

Also, for shits and giggles I would love to see a bloomless AR.
I'm pretty sure you had to lead your shots


A27_StarWolf said:
Reduce bloom on the Plasma Repeater.

Yeah, think about that.

Wow it'd be fun to use again like in the beta?

ncsuDuncan said:
The probability (in my opinion) of each TU tweak being eventually implemented in all Reach gametypes:

Armor Lock - 95%
Active Camo - 90%
Damage/melee bleed through - 80%
Sword block removal - 80%
"85%" Bloom - 65%
Zero Bloom - 0.1% (Maybe in some sort of SWAT/Action Sack hybrid, but mostly in the temporary Beta hoppers and Custom games)
CE Pistol - 0.01% (Will definitely be in a Classic playlist though)

I wonder how long though? It would totally suck to wait til December on onwards for it. Are we thinking each gametype would have to modified? Ugh if so. :/


Neo Member
Hey guys, I was wondering if you could recommend a reasonably priced HD capture card. I want to try my hand at some machinima but do not want to buy tons of Bungie Pro rendering time. I'm not sure what my budget's going to be like as I just started school, so I was wondering if any of you are keen on this type of equipment and their typical price range.


Xaeinovis said:
Hey guys, I was wondering if you could recommend a reasonably priced HD capture card. I want to try my hand at some machinima but do not want to buy tons of Bungie Pro rendering time. I'm not sure what my budget's going to be like as I just started school, so I was wondering if any of you are keen on this type of equipment and their typical price range.

If you want HD then I think the cheapest solution is the hauppage hd-pvr. It was the cheapest HD capture device when I was shopping for one a year ago. I bought one of those for $200 and made a montage dvd to celebrate with friends our years of Halo 3 clips. I'm actually about to sell it since I haven't used it since.

Got Halo 3 in right now... H3 lobby music >>>>>>>>> Reach's

Ah crap my multiplayer disc won't load the maps, I'm gonna have to clean it with toothpaste again.
senador said:
I wonder how long though? It would totally suck to wait til December on onwards for it. Are we thinking each gametype would have to modified? Ugh if so. :/

I don't know how they apply the changes in Megalo, but yeah each gametype would have to be modified to apply the different TU options.

Hopefully the results of the Beta hoppers won't take forever to be widely implemented, but I'm not holding my breath. From what I can tell there is a lot of internal testing required before a playlist update can be released.


Thinks the Evil Empire is just misunderstood.
ncsuDuncan said:
I don't know how they apply the changes in Megalo, but yeah each gametype would have to be modified to apply the different TU options.

Hopefully the results of the Beta hoppers won't take forever to be widely implemented, but I'm not holding my breath. From what I can tell there is a lot of internal testing required before a playlist update can be released.
Don't take this as any sort of promise or timetable, but we've been testing a lot of these changes for some time.


lybertyboy said:
Don't take this as any sort of promise or timetable, but we've been testing a lot of these changes for some time.
TU releases today, beta hoppers tomorrow confirmed.
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