Halo: Reach |OT6| There Are Those Who Said This Day Would Never Come

Devin Olsen said:
Yeah it doesn't look bad but the tire is bent so it'll be expensive.
I've always said the vehicle damage model should be changed. Damn things are made of eggshells these days.

Glad you're safe bro.


ncsuDuncan said:
I've always said the vehicle damage model should be changed. Damn things are made of eggshells these days.

Glad you're safe bro.
Crushing is better than falling apart as you see in the small plastic cars like the Smart car, and is better than driving a solid block of metal and destroying everything like how they used to be made. The most important thing is to keep the driver safe, and letting the car take most of it through crushing is the best current solution.


Car accidents are always scary. It's that screeching sound.

Also I've gone backwards down a highway at 60mph (as a passenger) during one Nebraska winter and we hit some black ice..

Speaking of which, I wonder what happened to the ice physics from Halo 1. That was a neat little feature, surprised it never really came back
outside of the MLG playlists
FyreWulff said:
Car accidents are always scary. It's that screeching sound.

Also I've gone backwards down a highway at 60mph (as a passenger) during one Nebraska winter and we hit some black ice..

Speaking of which, I wonder what happened to the ice physics from Halo 1. That was a neat little feature, surprised it never really came back
outside of the MLG playlists

That was what I looking forward to the most on Avalanche, and then it wasn't there. Warthog driving on Sidewinder was epic.


GAF parliamentarian
Played a bit of Premium Battle at HaloGAF's suggestion. On the third match, Hemorrhage came up for vote. Won with 8. And that wrapped up my night of Halo.

I don't understand what people see in that map, especially when you're in the dlc playlist.


I forgot I had this, thought you guys might like it.

Homeboyd said:
Sorry to hear that Devin. Hope all is well.



In all seriousness.. wrecks are scary shit. Was in a head-on 50 MPH collision and escaped uninjured. Other driver wasn't as lucky (no death) but still scariest shit I've ever seen/been involved in in my life.

Ehh.. Don't like thinking about it.

It was this

Then he got a new one


Devolution said:
Supras are so sweet.

I want a racecar in my Halo. With guns.

And rockets.

I want Twisted Metal in my Halo.

Actually, I just want some Halo news. Something. Anything. Something like...

"Omg you're never going to believe what we're doing with Halo 4's multiplayer! It's so unbelievably incredible! Oh and here's a picture of exactly what I'm talking about!"

*posts never-before-seen Halo 4 HaloGaf exclusive awesomesauce picture*



Unconfirmed Member
BlueScrote said:
Had some good games with omg.kittens, senador, and moonman tonight. Objective is so enjoyable when playing with actual teammates.
Right? TO is actually my favorite list, but only when I got HaloGAF with me. <3

Glad you're okay, Devin. So scary.


Tried some BTB in Reach tonight for the first time in forever. Flag and bomb games on Hemorrhage that last forever and end 0-0. Awesome.


Unconfirmed Member
Ramirez said:
No denying it, Marty will be the biggest void in the new Halo trilogy.

I really liked the music in the Halo 4 concept art montage, but still.
Seriously. I like the new stuff, but as folks argued into the ground in the Halo Fest thread, it doesn't feel like Halo.

Oh well. I'm sure that'll change once I experience the music in-game with the full Halo atmosphere in effect.

PNut said:
Tried some BTB in Reach tonight for the first time in forever. Flag and bomb games on Hemorrhage that last forever and end 0-0. Awesome.
Yeah, that Top 10 Splatters video that Stephen posted earlier left me wanting to play some BTB. I'll probably regret it, but I think I'm gonna after dinner.


Barrow Roll said:
We are kindred spirits.

Seriously, I knew exactly which song that was going to be before I clicked the link. Amazing.
I still remember the chills I got when that kicked in on Delta Halo for the first time. Ethereal, yet badass. Marty and company were on fire.


Earth City, Ghosts of Reach, Impend, Peril, The Last Spartan, Remembrance, Unforgotten...I could go on all night! CE/2/3 soundtracks were just epic.

Said it a million times, but the remastered soundtrack is my most anticipated thing about CEA.


Sound track wise

Halo CE > ODST > Halo 2 > Halo 3 > Reach

keep in mind none of the sound tracks are anywhere close to bad though lol


^ wow, I think it's the first time I agree completely with someone here on the ranks of something
Ramirez said:
No denying it, Marty will be the biggest void in the new Halo trilogy.
I really liked the music in the Halo 4 concept art montage, but still.
Marty's brilliant work will be very missed. Kinda sucks that he just like the rest of Bungie, left Halo in a low note.


Ramirez said:
Said it a million times, but the remastered soundtrack is my most anticipated thing about CEA.
Oh man it's gonna be so good to pump that on the Astros.

Mr Ellis!! The mp3 sample from that panel would be a nice compensation for the bulletin delay!! :p


I love this remix from halo legends


Unconfirmed Member
Devolution said:
Someone wanted to guess at these.
Scrooge, Knives Out, Short Fuse

I definitely deserve a Cortana avatar prop code for that.
C'mon Ellis, hook me up.


Devolution said:

Someone wanted to guess at these.

Here's the List
I did!


1) No clue...
2) Assassination Spree
3) Successfully arm/disarm a bomb


Im going to look at the link now but others feel free to guess.

Edit: Ahh didn't realize you wanted us to guess from the list. I figured the link would just tell us what these three were.
Every time I see thermite post it reminds me I need to rewatch Deadwood. Just puttin' that out there.

Homeboyd said:
I did!


1) No clue...
2) Assassination Spree
3) Successfully arm/disarm a bomb


Im going to look at the link now but others feel free to guess.

Edit: Ahh didn't realize you wanted us to guess from the list. I figured the link would just tell us what these three were.

Oof I'll clarify next time and have the answers in spoilers.


Unconfirmed Member
Trasher said:
It just makes me depressed that they never finished it. :(
Yeah, that's how I feel about Battlestar Galactica. Oh wait. :-(

reggie said:
People hype Marty to be a god, but really his peak was the Halo 2 soundtrack. It's all been downhill from there. Yeah I said it.
Pshh, no way. I can't compare the different Halo OSTs. I love them all about equally... Well, 3 the least, probably.


reggie said:
People hype Marty to be a god, but really his peak was the Halo 2 soundtrack. It's all been downhill from there. Yeah I said it.

It will be good to have something different for Halo 4.

Yup someone's not going to last long here.


Thinks the Evil Empire is just misunderstood.
omg.kittens said:
Scrooge, Knives Out, Short Fuse

I definitely deserve a Cortana avatar prop code for that.

That reminds me. I grabbed a stack of about 50 Cortana codes from the office, and was going start giving them out over the weekend. Forgot about them until Sunday and then couldn't find them. Was pulling clothes out of my dryer and realized one pair of pants weighed just a little bit more than they were the supposed to.

The stack of cards went through the washer and dryer. Everything on the cards survived...but the codes. :(


lybertyboy said:
That reminds me. I grabbed a stack of about 50 Cortana codes from the office, and was going start giving them out over the weekend. Forgot about them until Sunday and then couldn't find them. Was pulling clothes out of my dryer and realized one pair of pants weighed just a little bit more than they were the supposed to.

The stack of cards went through the washer and dryer. Everything on the cards survived...but the codes. :(


How could you you monster?


That last (first) game was a big bucket of ouch.

reggie said:
People hype Marty to be a god, but really his peak was the Halo 2 soundtrack. It's all been downhill from there. Yeah I said it.


lybertyboy said:
That reminds me. I grabbed a stack of about 50 Cortana codes from the office, and was going start giving them out over the weekend. Forgot about them until Sunday and then couldn't find them. Was pulling clothes out of my dryer and realized one pair of pants weighed just a little bit more than they were the supposed to.

The stack of cards went through the washer and dryer. Everything on the cards survived...but the codes. :(
It's like 50 little voices cried out in terror...and were suddenly silenced.
lybertyboy said:
That reminds me. I grabbed a stack of about 50 Cortana codes from the office, and was going start giving them out over the weekend. Forgot about them until Sunday and then couldn't find them. Was pulling clothes out of my dryer and realized one pair of pants weighed just a little bit more than they were the supposed to.

The stack of cards went through the washer and dryer. Everything on the cards survived...but the codes. :(

Real life medal, forget to empty pockets before washing clothes.
lybertyboy said:
The stack of cards went through the washer and dryer. Everything on the cards survived...but the codes. :(

Think of the children Ellis!!!

Marty is the Beach Boys of video game music!
Beach Boys > The Beatles


reggie said:
People hype Marty to be a god, but really his peak was the Halo 2 soundtrack. It's all been downhill from there. Yeah I said it.

It will be good to have something different for Halo 4.
I would definitely say that Halo 1/2 have the best soundtracks, but Halo 3 and ODST are still great as well. It's one of those things where 1/2 overshadow how good 3's and ODST's soundtracks were just because they had to follow them. 3's soundtrack might not be as amazing, but it still has some gems. Were it so easy...


reggie said:
People hype Marty to be a god, but really his peak was the Halo 2 soundtrack. It's all been downhill from there. Yeah I said it.

It will be good to have something different for Halo 4.

What? ODST?


I'm listening to the Drunk Tank, and they mentioned Devin! Apparently they were pissed at the guy for selling it to you instead of them.


Thinks the Evil Empire is just misunderstood.
I could snap a couple pictures of the survivors. It is possible someone could do some photoshop wizardry to make the codes legible again.

I can make out some of the letters and numbers.

EDIT: You just have to look really close.
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