Halo: Reach |OT6| There Are Those Who Said This Day Would Never Come

heckfu said:
Ever been in the tribute room in Reach?

And while I didn't mention it specifically I felt like the topic was relegated to Marty soundtracks only.
I have no friends so I can't try out the tribute room. =( That's your problem you didn't mention it. So it wasn't in every Halo game. (And it was only on the Halo CE OST)

Btw. go to bed!


GhaleonEB said:
I only play Heroic, partly for the challenge (I find Normal too easy), and partly for the Flawless Cowboy commendation. :p

Heroic is the sweet spot for Reach; Legendary feels too cheap most of the time.
Yea I was lazy, Heroic is a lot more fun. I haven't really tried to play Reach on Legendary often like I used to do in Halo CE. In CE I could still pull off crazy stuff on Legendary without having to turtle like pretty much every other Halo on Legendary. Halo CE on Legendary is so fun, most of the other Halo's on Legendary feel like a chore.


Booshka said:
Yea I was lazy, Heroic is a lot more fun. I haven't really tried to play Reach on Legendary often like I used to do in Halo CE. In CE I could still pull off crazy stuff on Legendary without having to turtle like pretty much every other Halo on Legendary. Halo CE on Legendary is so fun, most of the other Halo's on Legendary feel like a chore.
Yeah I played Halo 1 Legendary so many times. Probably a good 30 runs through the Campaign between when it hit and when Halo 2 landed. Like you said, very few turtling moments; I could be pretty aggressive and still survive, so long as I was smart. Really well balanced.

I'm debating how to handle CEA when it arrives. I would normally a Heroic run first, but since I've played the game so often I might just skip to Legendary from the get go.


GhaleonEB said:
Yeah I played Halo 1 Legendary so many times. Probably a good 30 runs through the Campaign between when it hit and when Halo 2 landed. Like you said, very few turtling moments; I could be pretty aggressive and still survive, so long as I was smart. Really well balanced.

I'm debating how to handle CEA when it arrives. I would normally a Heroic run first, but since I've played the game so often I might just skip to Legendary from the get go.
Just do Legendary, it will play better. Part of the reason that I think you could pull off cool plays in CE on Legendary was the strength of the Plasma weapons and the stun. I would freeze a lot of Elites and double melee them like it was MP. A lot of the glitches made the SP more fast paced, back pack reloading a power weapon or Pistol while I drop shields with plasma weapons, stuff like that.

There are also less enemies and the Covenant were only deadly up close. Mid range and long range in Halo CE is pretty easy to survive and dodge until you get your weapons reloaded and shields back. In subsequent Halo games, enemies were more lethal at range, lose the CE Pistol and the Plasma stun, and you get a lot more turtling and slow paced play on Legendary. Which I find fun maybe for one playthrough, just to experience, but too tedious to go back to for multiple playthroughs.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Cairo Station Suite and High Charity Suite, can't get enough of those (yes I know they're from Halo 2).

My first time playing CE's campaign was in '09 so every aspect of the campaign (including the music) is still 'new' to me.
As much as i want to play the new maps with CEA, I'm just glad that the TU comes out this month. Needs to happen tomorrow...
Domino Theory said:
My first time playing CE's campaign was in '09 so every aspect of the campaign (including the music) is still 'new' to me.
It would be so cool if I could zap my brain and forget everything about CE, and then go back and play it again for the first time. Do want.

Hey You

Deputy Moonman said:
what is going on with bungie.net? is their site down for maintenance?
EDIT: nm it's working. weird...
They put up a news story saying the site would be going for maintenance from Midnight PST to 2am PST.
Deputy Moonman said:
As much as i want to play the new maps with CEA, I'm just glad that the TU comes out this month. Needs to happen tomorrow...

Seriously, every time I think about playing Reach, I think about the TU, and then I can't play Reach in its current state because all I'm thinking about is that juicy TU.


true fact:
I listen to video game music only once through my first play-though. 90% of the rest of the time I listen to whatever I feel like (lately it's been animal collective). I just don't get a huge boner like the rest of HaloGAF does for Halo (or any video game) music.
I enjoy most of the music in the halo series. It helps to set the mood for each level and can really get me pumped during critical portions of a level. I love when
the guitar kicks in during Silent Cartographer with "Rock Anthem for Saving the World" and it's time to go into beast mode and fight my way out of the structure. The same thing happens when the "Covenant Dance" song begins during Two Betrayals and also at the end of Two Betrayals with "Under Cover of Night."
The music, combined with the awesome gameplay and pacing in CE's campaign had me coming back for more every day for over a year.

**spoiler tags just to be safe


Deputy Moonman said:
I enjoy most of the music in the halo series. It helps to set the mood for each level and can really get me pumped during critical portions of a level. I love when
the guitar kicks in during Silent Cartographer with "Rock Anthem for Saving the World" and it's time to go into beast mode and fight my way out of the structure. The same thing happens when the "Covenant Dance" song begins during Two Betrayals and also at the end of Two Betrayals with "Under Cover of Night."
The music, combined with the awesome gameplay and pacing in CE's campaign had me coming back for more every day for over a year.

**I put spoiler tags on this just in case some people might consider the mention of specific songs during certain levels spoiler materiel.
Basically how I feel pertaining to the CE levels. So dang good. At :53, I vividly remember a part in Two Betrayals where this kicks in.

Also for Halo 2 I loved Peril and the In Amber Clad. The emotion the story brought was fitting for the music.
reggie said:
People hype Marty to be a god, but really his peak was the Halo 2 soundtrack. It's all been downhill from there. Yeah I said it.
ODST is the best soundtrack of the series, and Halo 3's was awesome.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Listened to the final Anniversary reorchestrated soundtrack today two CDs. skywalker orchestra. marty's original genius. Sooooooooo good. All tracks renamed as homages.
Can you guys release the soundtrack right now? :(
GhaleonEB said:
Yeah I played Halo 1 Legendary so many times. Probably a good 30 runs through the Campaign between when it hit and when Halo 2 landed. Like you said, very few turtling moments; I could be pretty aggressive and still survive, so long as I was smart. Really well balanced.

I'm debating how to handle CEA when it arrives. I would normally a Heroic run first, but since I've played the game so often I might just skip to Legendary from the get go.
I'll be doing Heroic first time through. That means I'll have to play through the campaign one more time.
reggie said:
People hype Marty to be a god, but really his peak was the Halo 2 soundtrack. It's all been downhill from there. Yeah I said it.

It will be good to have something different for Halo 4.
reggie said:
I didn't say 3/ODST were shit, just they weren't as good as Halo 2. Reach being bottom of the barrel.
Your avatar does you no favors when reading these comments. :-b

I'd put H3 in last place on my soundtrack list, and judging by Frankie's comments, the Anniversary is going to rocket to the top ahead of it's decade-old counterpart.

  1. CE - being first has it's advantages.
  2. Halo 2 - sans all of the atrocious rock music (and I'm an Incubus fan), this is just brilliant work. Not much more can be said.
  3. ODST - Such a breath of fresh air that proves how great and diverse a composer Marty really is. The music added so much more to the feel of the game than the game itself could ever accomplish.
  4. Reach - I was hooked at the Lone Wolf piece. Again, the score adds a huge amount of depth and emotion that the characters themselves never could.
  5. Halo 3 - There are some gems here, but I find myself skipping past a lot when listening to my Halo Conglomerate Playlist.

...and yeah, I listen to said playlist when reading GAF in the mornings. /nerd

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Mojo said:

Incubus FTW.

I actually brought the soundtrack set a friend got me at HaloFest to work today.

EDIT: Also I agree on ODST being the best soundtrack, with Reach/2 a close second.

Let's be honest here though, anyone who watched the Halo 3 debut trailer and didn't get goosebumps isn't that big of a Halo fan. I still watch it to this day and get goosebumps.


I always wished multiplayer had an option for some Halo-lite music to play alongside, not too overpowering but just something there


Mojo said:
I always wished multiplayer had an option for some Halo-lite music to play alongside, not too overpowering but just something there
Same, or at least something when the match is about to end. It does help the experience a bit.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Dax01 said:
One of the worst tracks. It's tolerable up until the point the group starts singing "Follow!" in an extremely annoying way.

Boooooo this man. Love the guitar on Follow, and it really works well in the level where you (as Arby) are cutting down the supports to the space station. Builds some serious anxiety with that guitar riff building and building.
Deadly Cyclone said:
Boooooo this man. Love the guitar on Follow, and it really works well in the level where you (as Arby) are cutting down the supports to the space station. Builds some serious anxiety with that guitar riff building and building.
Boo me as well, 'cause I can't stand any of the rock music on that soundtrack. I loved Incubus' first three albums, but what they did in H2 was god-awful butt rock. bleh

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
squidhands said:
Boo me as well, 'cause I can't stand any of the rock music on that soundtrack. I loved Incubus' first three albums, but what they did in H2 was god-awful butt rock. bleh

Huh, I thought their tracks (Odyssey mainly, all 3 parts) were actually very fitting of the Halo sound. Sure, maybe the "follow" thrown in wasn't great, but hearing that first movement while playing actually fit in for me.
Deadly Cyclone said:
Huh, I thought their tracks (Odyssey mainly, all 3 parts) were actually very fitting of the Halo sound. Sure, maybe the "follow" thrown in wasn't great, but hearing that first movement while playing actually fit in for me.
I guess it's unfair to hate on them too much; I had a much bigger issue with the other non-Marty music. That's what it boiled down to for me, I wanted to hear Marty's score and anything else was just distracting noise.


squidhands said:
I guess it's unfair to hate on them too much; I had a much bigger issue with the other non-Marty music. That's what it boiled down to for me, I wanted to hear Marty's score and anything else was just distracting noise.
Hopefully I wasn't the only one that disliked "Reclaimer". As much as I loved the Steve Vai intro, I disliked the guitar on top of "Unyielding".

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
squidhands said:
I guess it's unfair to hate on them too much; I had a much bigger issue with the other non-Marty music. That's what it boiled down to for me, I wanted to hear Marty's score and anything else was just distracting noise.

I could see that, I didn't care for the actual "song" songs, but the Odyssey was more akin to soundtrack music, which is why I liked it more and found it less obtrusive in the game.

By the way, apparently this Halo soundtrack set I got from HaloFest has a few tracks from Halo 4, going to listen soon.


My soundtrack ranking
1. Halo CE. We wouldn't have the rest of them without this.
2. ODST. Fresh, different, beatiful.
3. Halo 2. Overall good, liked the rock in it though versions with lyrics are horrible (with the exception of Blow Me Away).
4. Halo Wars/Halo 3. I really can't decide which one is better... Halo 3's issue is that it's not original, pretty much everything is remade from Halo CE and 2. But it is good. Halo Wars on the other hand is different but feels just like Halo, however it is not as memorable as others.
5. Reach and Legends. Reach has worst campaign, worst maps, worst story (err, what story? A bunch of of battles and the last two missions have overarching objective)... and the worst Halo soundtrack. Only tracks i like and remember are Lone Wolf (and that's due the original intro from VGAs (which is better than the retail version IMO)), the track that plays on Tip of the Spear and the piano music at the end of New Alexandria.
Halo Legends soundtrack shares the final place. I did not like Legends or its soudtrack at all and the soundtrack is merely remakes from the series anyway.

Can't wait to hear Under Cover of Night in CEA.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Wow, lot of hate for Reach here. I actually think Reach is the second best Halo game after 1. The rest of the Halo trilogy (i.e. 2/3) just kind of fell of for me.

What I am seeing from Halo 4 excites me though. Halo 3 had a solid campaign, but there really wasn't that great of plot through it.


Deadly Cyclone said:
Wow, lot of hate for Reach here. I actually think Reach is the second best Halo game after 1.
I don't know how you can say that with a straight face when you've played three hundred games of Big Team Battle.
Deadly Cyclone said:
Wow, lot of hate for Reach here. I actually think Reach is the second best Halo game after 1. The rest of the Halo trilogy (i.e. 2/3) just kind of fell of for me.

What I am seeing from Halo 4 excites me though. Halo 3 had a solid campaign, but there really wasn't that great of plot through it.

In terms of campaign I agree.

In terms of multiplayer... lolwut!?? For me Reach doesnt even register as a Halo multiplayer game its so far down the scale.
I'm a total soundtrack geek, and what impressed me about the Halo series was how cinematic it sounded to me rather than "video game-y." I've always been kind of an outsider when it comes to VGM because most of it is hit or miss with me, but I've always felt like the Halo series was one of the games that inspired a wave of different sounding scores. My disconnect with a lot of VGM I guess comes with the fact that I haven't played a lot of games, and the love affair for that music seems very nostalgia based. There's nothing wrong with that, but a lot of the music (in my opinion) doesn't stand alone very well. Halo to me is a bit different, since it can evoke mood without necessarily playing the games. This is all quite subjective but just how I feel about it.

Currently I've been listening to the Deus Ex soundtrack, that is quite wonderful as well.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Havok said:
I don't know how you can say that with a straight face when you've played three hundred games of Big Team Battle.

Now let's be clear here, I am not talking multiplayer. Just story/feeling.

For MP my order is 1/2/Reach/3, I like Reach's multiplayer a good deal, but it does need work. I am a huge BTB fan, and it just is not even close in Reach to what the other games were, but the rest of it is fun.
I play it because people here play it, and playing a broken game with friends is more fun than playing a less broken game alone

also, what's this tribute room?
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