Halo: Reach |OT6| There Are Those Who Said This Day Would Never Come


I really like all of the soundtracks, but I think Reach is the weakest. It's still really good, but I just don't think it compares to 1/2/3/ODST. I think my favorite tracks on Reach though are Winter Contingency, ONI: Sword Base, and Exodus.

Edit: I play this because y'all play it, and so do a couple of my other friends. If I didn't have this community, I would've stopped played a looooong time ago.

Also The Gun Pointed At The Head Of The Universe is the best track of all times.

dear frankie-san,

please leak the remastered version of that ^ song.

sincerely, Sai-kun


thezerofire said:
I play it because people here play it, and playing a broken game with friends is more fun than playing a less broken game alone

also, what's this tribute room?

The hitscan, netcode, and current relevance of the game is what keeps me playing despite me having had more fun in Halo 3.

Tribute Room is in the Glacier holdout section of The Package. There's a switch you hit by where the wraith gets dropped off. You need 2 people or some niiiiiiiice jetpack skills (not sure if its possible alone, actually)

Once you press it a door opens up on the side of the lab, and like 10 golden sword elites come out. Once you deal with them you go into the door and are teleported to Halsey's lab, like in the cutscene. In it there are easter eggs (like halseys notebook) Halo pictures, and computer terminals giving tribute to Halo Community stuff like Randal Glass, Red v Blue, HBO, etc.
I think what makes people so enamored with 343, is a lot of the issues in Reach are fixable and many of us have discussed this. There is so much potential in Reach but getting so many things wrong like movement, maps, etc (you all know the list), just kind of rendered the game partially broken.


Best Things about Reach IMO
Squad slayer Zealot
1 flag pro Powerhouse
6v6 Neutral Bomb/1-flag condemned
Pro-pipe and Falcon

What really kills the game for me is loadouts, grenades, sword, banshee, and bloom.

edit: of course DMR starts
and also the forge maps in regular matchmaking suck
My favourite track from the Reach score is ashes

It sends chills down my spine everytime I listen to it. The first time I heard a part of it in the Reach credits was such an awesome moment for me, it really descripes the feeling you (could have) felt after Reach.

But my all time favourite is is neon night.

Tunavi said:
Best Things about Reach IMO
Squad slayer Zealot
1 flag pro Powerhouse
6v6 Neutral Bomb/1-flag condemned
Pro-pipe and Falcon

What really kills the game for me is loadouts, grenades, sword, banshee and bloom.

Make it DMR starts and I'm in
Tunavi said:
Best Things about Reach IMO
Squad slayer Zealot
1 flag pro Powerhouse
6v6 Neutral Bomb/1-flag condemned
Pro-pipe and Falcon

What really kills the game for me is loadouts, grenades, sword, banshee, and bloom.

I've always been annoyed with sword. H3 at least was sans huge h2 lunge but then Reach basically brought that lunge back tenfold with dash/evade.
Anyone else hate Zealot when the game came out, but really like it now?

Zealot is my favorite Reach map now, and i really thought it was horrible when the game came out.


The Real Napsta said:
Anyone else hate Zealot when the game came out, but really like it now?

Zealot is my favorite Reach map now, and i really thought it was horrible when the game came out.
Yeah I think this happened to everyone.


TheOddOne said:
Halo: Reach is awesome, awesome is Halo: Reach.
The Real Napsta said:
Anyone else hate Zealot when the game came out, but really like it now?

Zealot is my favorite Reach map now, and i really thought it was horrible when the game came out.

Yep, my favourite Reach map. There is some nadespam but in arena, it isn't much of a problem.

I think most people hated it when it came out because of the zero G exploit. Sooooo anoying.


Reach is my favorite Halo multiplayer. Probably because I wasn't actively trying to get better at Halo multi previously. I was a automatic weapon whore in past games for the most part and decided to change that with Reach and get better with precision weapons. In the beginning I refused to use the AR and it really helped me improve. Then from there I have improved again and yet again when I asked for aiming tips. I've taken my K/D from .95 in 3, to 1.11 in Reach, and now I am at 1.19 and slowly climbing. So I am the best at Reach out of the others, probably why I like it more. Its also the hitscan, better net code, and improved game-to-player communication. I am pretty happy with my top weapon kills in Reach.


I attribute much of that to my IRL friends preferring AR starts so I have played a few too many of those. Goo. It was also from not playing smart and aim wasn't where it needed to be. I die far less from them now.

I complain but only because certain parts of this game are extremely frustrating for me. Just a few minor (generally speaking) tweaks would go along way for me. I have fun playing the game, now way I could have gotten to 3575 games otherwise.

Thanks juices, Tashi, Squidhands and others for the aiming tips, they've really helped.


Gah, six kills from knocking off all of today's Challenges in one game. Curse my FRG-toting FF Doubles partner and his kill stealing ways. One game paid out over 12k cR; would have been 14k with the last Challenge.

Next Thursday.


Tunavi said:
Best Things about Reach IMO
Squad slayer Zealot
1 flag pro Powerhouse
6v6 Neutral Bomb/1-flag condemned
Pro-pipe and Falcon

What really kills the game for me is loadouts, grenades, sword, banshee, and bloom.

edit: of course DMR starts
and also the forge maps in regular matchmaking suck

For me it's:

An MLG playlist
Team Objective playlist
Highlighting team play in a shooter
DMR starts in more than one playlist
Grenade Launcher
Power weapons that truly are power weapons

Worst things:

Bloom as implemented
Bad map design with too much reliance on bad Forge variants
The way AA's were implemented
Removal of power ups like OS and Invis
Lack of bleed through damage
Poor default movement (speed, jump height, inertia)
Challenge looks good. I guess I'm going to play some firefight 2.0 today.

I love:
CTF Countdown
CTF Zealot
CTF Asylum
Neutral Bomb/CTF Tempest
CTF/Neutral Bomb/Assault Condemned
CTF/Neutral Bomb/ Assault Highlands

And I really like to play Squad Slayer on these maps.(Except Highlands). But the fun on these maps could end in hate if I get spawn camped etc. That isn't fun... :/
Woorloog said:
4. Halo Wars/Halo 3. I really can't decide which one is better... Halo 3's issue is that it's not original, pretty much everything is remade from Halo CE and 2. But it is good. Halo Wars on the other hand is different but feels just like Halo, however it is not as memorable as others.
This is factually incorrect. Most of Halo 3's score is entirely original music. Pieces like One Final Effort, while fantastic in their own right, make up only a few tracks.

The actual problem with Halo 3's soundtrack is the first half is mostly okay with some pretty good soundtracks here and there. I hardly ever listen to the first half of Halo 3's soundtrack. The second half, however, is one constant, unrelenting barrage of awesomeness, beginning with Farthest Outpost.

Taken together, I like as many songs in Halo 3's soundtrack as I do in 1's and 2's.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
HiredN00bs said:
Tough ones in there, not sure...

Lament for Pvt. Jenkins
Dust and Echoes
The Gun Pointed at the Head of the Universe
Perchance to Dream
Alien Corridors
Library Suite

Two of those are wrong.


Dax01 said:
This is factually incorrect. Most of Halo 3's score is entirely original music. Pieces like One Final Effort, while fantastic in their own right, make up only a few tracks.

The actual problem with Halo 3's soundtrack is the first half is mostly okay with some pretty good soundtracks here and there. I hardly ever listen to the first half of Halo 3's soundtrack. The second half, however, is one constant, unrelenting barrage of awesomeness, beginning with Farthest Outpost.

Taken together, I like as many songs in Halo 3's soundtrack as I do in 1's and 2's.
Well, then it's own music was very forgettable, not counting Farthest Outpost. And some song on the Ark...

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Only thing I don't like about this soundtrack pack from HaloFest is that I think it is old. It has Halo 1, Halo 2 Disc 2, Halo 3 (both discs) and a sample of Halo Wars.

Frankie, any word on a super complete soundtrack collection with Halo 1, Halo 2 (both discs), Halo 3 (both discs), ODST, Halo Wars, and Reach all in one?


Devolution said:
You and juices have a cute love/troll relationship.

Juices is my dong brother. You and him are my rocks. When all else leave for greener pastures, it is we few who stand our ground and shit on the many bad kids who must be pooped on. Reach will not defeat me.

Until GOW3 comes out probably.


Dax01 said:
This is factually incorrect. Most of Halo 3's score is entirely original music. Pieces like One Final Effort, while fantastic in their own right, make up only a few tracks.

The actual problem with Halo 3's soundtrack is the first half is mostly okay with some pretty good soundtracks here and there. I hardly ever listen to the first half of Halo 3's soundtrack. The second half, however, is one constant, unrelenting barrage of awesomeness, beginning with Farthest Outpost.

Taken together, I like as many songs in Halo 3's soundtrack as I do in 1's and 2's.

I think that a lot of Halo 3 is made up of remixes is the best part. Another Walk is the greatest thing.

p.s. should i watch Dollhouse once I finish Firefly?
kylej said:
Juices is my dong brother. You and him are my rocks. When all else leave for greener pastures, it is we few who stand our ground and shit on the many bad kids who must be pooped on. Reach will not defeat me.

Until GOW3 comes out probably.

Yeah for me until the workload of school gets too much. Gotta redesign the sf symphony website, do a whole campaign for frys, and i'll probably have to do silkscreen out of class.
Sai-kun said:
I think that a lot of Halo 3 is made up of remixes is the best part. Another Walk is the greatest thing.

p.s. should i watch Dollhouse once I finish Firefly?
Depends on if you like Eliza Dushku or not. Personally I think she's an extremely poor actor so I went in with very low expectations. They were met easily, despite some Firefly/BSG/Angel alums trying their best to make it work. I'd say don't waste your time unless you have nothing better to watch.


Devolution said:
Yeah for me until the workload of school gets too much. Gotta redesign the sf symphony website, do a whole campaign for frys, and i'll probably have to do silkscreen out of class.

Drop out, go pro. Problem solved.


squidhands said:
Depends on if you like Eliza Dushku or not. Personally I think she's an extremely poor actor so I went in with very low expectations. They were met easily, despite some Firefly/BSG/Angel alums trying their best to make it work. I'd say don't waste your time unless you have nothing better to watch.

I don't know anything of her, but I looked at the wiki briefly and it seems cool, and the Firefly/BSG people seem rad too (I am in love with Helo >_>). Hmm...maybe I'll watch just the first episode or two.


Mojo said:
I always wished multiplayer had an option for some Halo-lite music to play alongside, not too overpowering but just something there

Gears 3 is doing it now, in this vid mad world starts playing in the start of the 2nd round

Really wish Halo did that in MP. I very much enjoyed it in ODST's firefight (it's probably there in Reach's too, don't really remember)

edit- Gears 3 looks so amazing. This console gen looked like it was peaking right at launch, but it has come so far.
Sai-kun said:
I don't know anything of her, but I looked at the wiki briefly and it seems cool, and the Firefly/BSG people seem rad too (I am in love with Helo >_>). Hmm...maybe I'll watch just the first episode or two.
This is why my wife stuck with it, lol. I won't say it's total dogshit, but the writing isn't near what it is on Firefly. Overall it left me with a pretty sour taste in my mouth.


Ramirez said:
I heard you got pooped on in customs.

My God, that 3rd iteration of Gridlock is beautiful!

If this is me getting pooped on, I'd like to see a game where I'm not :3

Check that weapon breakdown on the carnage tab.

edit: holy shit I just discovered the time range selector for the gameviewer. Neat.
Ramirez said:
I heard you got pooped on in customs.

My God, that 3rd iteration of Gridlock is beautiful!
Just thinking the same thing. Can't wait for that game (even though I'll have to, grr).

Damn, Frankie plays pretty much like I would with those players. We could be battle bros!
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