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Halo: Reach |OT6| There Are Those Who Said This Day Would Never Come

Risen said:
If memory serves... and it may not lol... a certain Bungie employee posted regarding the kill time of the 5 shot DMR in Reach being 1/10 of a second longer than the 4 shot BR from H3.

This was from back before I was accepted and when I lurked from time to time... so I could be wrong.

Yeah I wasn't sure which is why I asked.

Also was just rereading some stuff in the previous OT, I think Halo could really use a vote to kick option. It doesn't even need to penalize the person (other than kicking them from the game) in case they run into a situation where their entire team are jerks that cast them out. But I've had some games where instead of quitting (because of either the consequences of quitting or they're just straight jerks), a team mate just sits there and commits suicide all game or idles. This kind of goes back to what we were discussing in game last night, there should be more perks for teaming up, winning with a group over an extended period and not quitting.


Risen said:
If memory serves... and it may not lol... a certain Bungie employee posted regarding the kill time of the 5 shot DMR in Reach being 1/10 of a second longer than the 4 shot BR from H3.

This was from back before I was accepted and when I lurked from time to time... so I could be wrong.

Is that at DMR's maximum possible rate of fire?

I remember listening to something like that as well in their podcast.


Tashi0106 said:
Wow. That's a lot. Thanks.


Neo Member
PsychoRaven said:
I wish he would come back too. I've always liked Shishka.
I'm not quite sure why he gets all the hate. I mean, I didn't read all the playlist updates all the time back in Halo 3, but whenever I played, I never noticed anything wrong with the playlists :/

Although I do remember one incident where a territories gametype was set-up for 5 rounds with 2 minutes each, instead of 2 rounds of 5 minutes each :p
thezerofire said:
And it would be less random, since the reticule would be smaller.
It's not any less random. You have to recognize that there are two distinct skills being exercised in a shootout, aim and pace. Merely reducing bloom makes it so that a player that ignores the latter skill will have better luck. It's definitely something that should be considered, especially since it is already one of the contentious aspects of the mechanic as it currently exists.
Devolution said:
If the damage is the same it would still be a bit slower than previous games where 4 headshots would down a guy, wouldn't it? Since it would be 5 in this game?

Does anybody know the fastest kill time possible with the DMR at full spam? TBH i'll be quite happy with zero bloom anyway but I know some are apprehensive of the effects on the rest of the sandbox. I mainly use DMR, sniper, rocks so it doesn't bother me plus the grenade launcher will still be viable :)


cory021 said:
I'm not quite sure why he gets all the hate. I mean, I didn't read all the playlist updates all the time back in Halo 3, but whenever I played, I never noticed anything wrong with the playlists :/

Although I do remember one incident where a territories gametype was set-up for 5 rounds with 2 minutes each, instead of 2 rounds of 5 minutes each :p

He could have done so much more with the playlists.

Everything was bland and when there was popular support for certain playlists/gametypes, it took them forever to get it out. By the time they were out, the demand was gone, and the population moved onto another game.

Honestly, anyone who played a ton of Halo could see the mistakes made in certain hoppers.
cory021 said:
I'm not quite sure why he gets all the hate. I mean, I didn't read all the playlist updates all the time back in Halo 3, but whenever I played, I never noticed anything wrong with the playlists :/

Although I do remember one incident where a territories gametype was set-up for 5 rounds with 2 minutes each, instead of 2 rounds of 5 minutes each :p

Stuff in h3 I recall as kind of crap:

4v4s on Valhalla
When it first came out starting with ARs.
Stuff like Team Rockets/Snotty Snipers not in their own playlist separated from social slayer.
Halo 2: 4176
Halo 3: 2405
Reach: 766

Exponential decay. :/ Hoping Anniversary shakes that up a bit, maybe even makes things look a little more quadratic...
Halo 2 Over 9000
Halo 3 Over 9000
Halo Reach ~3900 so far.

Hopefully this new BIG CREDIT weekly is a view of whats to come in the next weeks/days/ and playlist bonuses. Its getting harder and harder for me to rank up with my limited gaming time now and my ranks starting to need 1.5 million or more, WTF is that? I'm not a fat Inheritor kid.

Also something I noticed is all inheritors are fucking terrible. What is that!? They are so fat and play so much yet aren't any good.
Just looked it up, assuming my game history isn't bonkers, it wasn't till 5-6 months into H3 that there was an option for Team BRs in Social Slayer. Up until that you pretty much had to pick them up. Man I had a lot of big team just because it had BR starts it seems.

Hey You

I guess I'll jump on the stats bandwagon.

Halo 2: 52 (I'm a newbie to the Halo Scene, got an Xbox and Halo 3 in Jan.2008).

Halo 3: 10,778 (Over half are customs!) + 6,912 (First Gamertag, 4000+ are customs)

ODST: Only 130 (didn't have much people to play with back when ODST launched. Probably would have played alot more if there was MM)

Halo Reach: 5793


HiredN00bs said:
It's not any less random. You have to recognize that there are two distinct skills being exercised in a shootout, aim and pace. Merely reducing bloom makes it so that a player that ignores the latter skill will have better luck. It's definitely something that should be considered, especially since it is already one of the contentious aspects of the mechanic as it currently exists.

As it is now... you can have perfect aim with a rather large chance of randomness making you miss the final head shot that would provide a kill. Combine this with the internet and there is a huge imbalance in those that can spam shots at range and kill while others cannot.

A reduced cone (bloom) means a LESS likely chance of a random MISS relative to perfect aim.

The net effect is that aim becomes more important than the random shot placement within the bloom.

Yes - reduced bloom does tighten the cone where random shots are placed, but it slides the scale to the side of aim being the determining factor more and more.

The less the bloom, the more important the aim becomes at all points in time relative to shot placement.
HiredN00bs said:
It's not any less random. You have to recognize that there are two distinct skills being exercised in a shootout, aim and pace. Merely reducing bloom makes it so that a player that ignores the latter skill will have better luck. It's definitely something that should be considered, especially since it is already one of the contentious aspects of the mechanic as it currently exists.
It is less random. When there is less bloom there is less room for randomness. That's the definition. There were two variables, now there is one. There isn't much luck to aim, you aim at someone, and you hit them. You don't accidentally consistently hit a person you aren't aiming at. That pacing part, which comes from the bloom, is where the randomness comes in. Then you can be aiming at them and not hit them. That's random.
Heres hoping for a good weekly update.

lybertyboy said:
I was able to 'acquire' a stash of Cortana avatar codes. I'll be handing some of those out later this afternoon PST.

Any special way planned to give them out?


I was just thinking about that guy from the last thread who had his mystical method of beating bloom by jerking the reticule around and it made me laugh.
wwm0nkey said:
You know, I kind of wonder what it would be like to play Halo: Reach on a set of these

Bad for your eyes, probably.

[QUOTE=lybertyboy]I was able to 'acquire' a stash of Cortana avatar codes. I'll be handing some of those out later this afternoon PST.[/QUOTE]
I.e. when EuroGAF is asleep, right? :lol


Unconfirmed Member
I'm kinda happy that my plans to hang out with my girlfriend fell through, cause now I can try to nab one of those Cortana avatar props! Is that sad? :lol
WTF are those?

The turtle beach XLC's I got are terrible. I hear people behind me that are in front of me, left people I hear to the right, the directional sound quality is just awful and all messed up.

Occasionally when were just donging and not much action going on, I can hear a heart beat in Reach that is just so annoying, pretty sure it picks up towards the end of the game. That shit should be removed in the TU.


2789 Reach games played, of which about third are Firefight and campaign games.
Maybe 3000 Halo 3 games over 3 gamertags (don't ask), i don't know for sure as i cannot see my Halo 3 games due gamertag change. Haven't touched Halo 3 for ages... it's unplayable due low number of players.
And not many but enough Halo 2 MM games that i can say i didn't like it's MM that much. And then i've played several hundred 3-4 player split screen matches. Didn't have live but had many controllers.
And unknown number of Halo PC games. A couple of hundred maybe? Impossible to say really.

Of Halos, i liked Halo 3 MP most overall. Halo 2 has the best maps. Reach has... uhh, well promise. With title update, no/strongly reduced bloom, increased movement speed (and gravity) and jumping, tweaked AAs (as pickups) or no AAs at all... Hmph. Why am i bothering making a list? Even with all the upgrades, Halo Reach WON'T be THE Halo. Fucked up vehicles and maps (even if the six Anniversary maps are good, they're too few) prevent Reach from being the best.

fucking hate being awake at night (no will nor (apparent) need to sleep), i tend to be pessimistic and annoyed *Sigh*

EDIT my Firefight gametype that tries to be more similar to ODST has 7 downloads. I forgot to, umm, advertise it more and ask for feedback. Oh well, waiting for Anniversary and Installation 04 and i'll try again then.


Devolution said:
Stuff in h3 I recall as kind of crap:

4v4s on Valhalla
When it first came out starting with ARs.
Stuff like Team Rockets/Snotty Snipers not in their own playlist separated from social slayer.

Duals, 8 people in Lone Wolves (back to 6 now), AR starts/One bomb/Last Resort. Just a whole lot of garbage.

And gametypes that were created by the community were not supported. I am not talking about action sack type gametypes. I am talking about really fun and competitive gametypes.

Would you believe me if I told you there were variants made by certain members of the community that actually made VIP and Territories fun to play? We already know the Bungie versions were HORRIBLE. Bungie was sitting on a treasure trove of creative, fun and competitive gametypes, but the community was ignored.

So I would say that the late implementation and lack support for popular playlists combined with atrocious gametypes already in matchmaking was the main reason why Shishka was not very popular during his reign.

Add in the fact that the creative output of the community rarely got into matchmaking and when it did it was poorly implemented. You can see why Shishka was disliked by many factions of the community.

Oh and AR starts on anything sucked.


xxjuicesxx said:
WTF are those?

The turtle beach XLC's I got are terrible. I hear people behind me that are in front of me, left people I hear to the right, the directional sound quality is just awful and all messed up.

Occasionally when were just donging and not much action going on, I can hear a heart beat in Reach that is just so annoying, pretty sure it picks up towards the end of the game. That shit should be removed in the TU.

wear them backwards?

buy Astro's w/ a mixamp...


xxjuicesxx said:
WTF are those?

The turtle beach XLC's I got are terrible. I hear people behind me that are in front of me, left people I hear to the right, the directional sound quality is just awful and all messed up.

Occasionally when were just donging and not much action going on, I can hear a heart beat in Reach that is just so annoying, pretty sure it picks up towards the end of the game. That shit should be removed in the TU.
Its a video display headset.

-5.1 Dolby Digital w/ game mode
-appears as a 700" display when you wear them.


Farooq said:
Would you believe me if I told you there were variants made by certain members of the community that actually made VIP and Territories fun to play?
no, no i would not


Neo Member
I guess I'll post my stats

Halo 2: 48 games. I'm in the same boat as Hey You. I bought my Xbox shortly after H3 came out. I did play a bunch of Halo 2 campaign if that makes up for the lack of MP :p

Halo 3: 7,050 games

Halo 3 ODST: 250 games

Halo Wars: 211 games. Oh wow, 51,000 players have played Halo Wars in the past 24 hours! I knew the playerbase was strong, but not that strong, unless there's something wrong with their tracker. I might go play HW later now...

Halo Reach: 2,251 games


wwm0nkey said:
You know, I kind of wonder what it would be like to play Halo: Reach on a set of these
Hmm... immersive most likely. Maybe too immersive... I'd probably get dizzyness and headache. And somehow i doubt it's kind to eyes either, though maybe that's been accounted for.

Think Mirror's Edge with those.


Woorloog said:
Hmm... immersive most likely. Maybe too immersive... I'd probably get dizzyness and headache. And somehow i doubt it's kind to eyes either, though maybe that's been accounted for.

Think Mirror's Edge with those.
Ok THAT might actually make me barf lol

idk I've heard really good things about these kinds of displays from people that have tried them. Also hear its really not that bad on the eyes either shockingly.
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