Halo: Reach |OT6| There Are Those Who Said This Day Would Never Come


343i Lead Esports Producer
Campus Safety vs Ogre 2 and Lunchbox

I accidentally plugged in the wrong cable for my mic and that's why I don't have voice. Good thing though, my trash talking would definitely offend some people :p

Also, I know I start like shit and don't get a kill for a few minutes but I promise it gets better.
Tashi0106 said:
Campus Safety vs Ogre 2 and Lunchbox

I accidentally plugged in the wrong cable for my mic and that's why I don't have voice. Good thing though, my trash talking would definitely offend some people :p

Also, I know I start like shit and don't get a kill for a few minutes but I promise it gets better.

That was really hard not to close the window after the first 2 seconds. Watching now...

EDIT: Ogre 2 was ripping faces at the end there.


Ramirez said:
Coag better than Valhalla? Come out of the dark ages people!
I can't have an objective opinion because Halo 2 was sooooo much better than Halo 3. Coag is automatically better just because of that. Valhalla might be a better map if it was in Halo 2 gameplay, but I will never know.
GhaleonEB said:
I blame Shishka for not ever swapping it for rockets.

Taking the laser off the map did instantly improve it quite a bit.

My laser comment may mislead people's idea of my opinion of the map. I think its a solid map, but I never thought it was great by any means.


Steelyuhas said:
Taking the laser off the map did instantly improve it quite a bit.
To be fair, that can be said of any map that has the laser on it. :p

Nice game Tashi, I liked how you took on the role of harasser in chief near the end, constantly just tossing their flag over the side. You could tell it was pissing them off, delightfully.
GhaleonEB said:
To be fair, that can be said of any map that has the laser on it. :p

Nice game Tashi, I liked how you took on the role of harasser in chief near the end, constantly just tossing their flag over the side. You could tell it was pissing them off, delightfully.

Well of course haha, but I feel that its especially bad on that map because the laser is always on top of the giant hill in the middle of the map allowing the laser to insta-destroy pretty much anything, anywhere.


343i Lead Esports Producer
GhaleonEB said:
To be fair, that can be said of any map that has the laser on it. :p

Nice game Tashi, I liked how you took on the role of harasser in chief near the end, constantly just tossing their flag over the side. You could tell it was pissing them off, delightfully.
Thanks. And yea, that's super important in 5 Flag. Really gives your team extra time to try to stop the flag runner.
Steelyuhas said:
Well of course haha, but I feel that its especially bad on that map because the laser is always on top of the giant hill in the middle of the map allowing the laser to insta-destroy pretty much anything, anywhere.

The biggest problem with laser to me was how I saw it used more on spartans than vehicles =/.
I saved the match to watch it later, Tashi.

I hope we will get a big post mortem CEA blog article about the creation of the maps(+ concepts), how the graphical layer works etc. Would be awesome to read.
Devolution said:
The biggest problem with laser to me was how I saw it used more on spartans than vehicles =/.

Timberlands is the perfect map for a Laser, all of the lines of sight being broken up by trees and the hills might actually give it an opportunity to shine.
The Real Napsta said:
GGs Tunavi, Tawpgun, Moonman, Stevebiscuit
Thanks for the invite Tunavi. Although I don't know if it can be said that I had any good games. I was getting more and more frustrated with each game, lol. You may have noticed that I wasn't saying a whole lot. But it was nice playing with actual people for a second day in a row. :)


Deputy Moonman said:
Thanks for the invite Tunavi. Although I don't know if it can be said that I had any good games. I was getting more and more frustrated with each game, lol. You may have noticed that I wasn't saying a whole lot. But it was nice playing with actual people for a second day in a row. :)
lol'd at this


I just came across this when I was looking to see if anyone had ever made some kind of unlagged mod for Halo PC, it's really recent too.


I'm still reading the first page but holy shit would it be cool if the game's source code was released.

To make the possibilities easy to follow here's a reminder that Quake 3's netcode out of the box is really bad and you have to lead targets based on latency just like in Halo PC, however take a look at CPMA which was the standard competition mod for Quake 3 for years: it has amazing netcode that I would put on par with the HL1 engine (iD actually hired arQon at some point, not sure if he's still working with them on QL).

Show your support for this everybody, it would be huge if the source code was released!


Tashi0106 said:
Campus Safety vs Ogre 2 and Lunchbox

I accidentally plugged in the wrong cable for my mic and that's why I don't have voice. Good thing though, my trash talking would definitely offend some people :p

Also, I know I start like shit and don't get a kill for a few minutes but I promise it gets better.

Is it just me, or did Ogre 2 teleport out of nowhere to Ring 3 at the start of that game?
Hitmonchan107 said:
Thanks for this!

Damn, today (Friday) will be my first day off since PAX. I just got out of the office (4 a.m.), and I'm tired as hell. How long until the TU? Is the date still tentative?

There is no date at this point, aka, we're still FUCKED!

But, yeah no date yet other than "late September"
Are your referring to the Tokyo Game Show? I looked up the show date and it's on the 16th and 17th. If that's when we find out when the TU is being released, I'll be a sad panda. It probably wouldn't be for at least another week. And if it gets released on the 25th, it might as well be the very end of September. Boo. This is all speculation of course.
Hitmonchan107 said:
Thanks for this!

Damn, today (Friday) will be my first day off since PAX. I just got out of the office (4 a.m.), and I'm tired as hell. How long until the TU? Is the date still tentative?
Remember our date. :] But rest yourself on your day off. Time will arise and the glorious Title update will bless our thirst after a bloomless DMR.
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