WOW, your completely wrong. Most games are targeted for a male audience. Your insinuating that the number disparity is from the lack of acceptance females get online is way off the mark. There are more males because they are the target of this business. There is a massive female audience that is untapped at this point in time and it is not due to the terrible male-female insults online.
Egg or Chicken first?
And I'm saying some girls like to play as spartans, and yes they have to be motivated because clearly the games do target males specifically, and then some fucker has to come and flood their inboxes with unicorn penises promises.
Once girls gamers are more involved in gaming communitiesn surely mrketers will more than be willing to provide them. Girls gamers want games. They have real life to worry about wanting dicks.
Do you want to revceive your tax papers through XBL? or do you think the service should be dedicated to fun?