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Halo: Reach |OT7| What are They to Say Now?


StalkerUKCG said:
Spike VGA's im praying. Will it be live streamed?
It will be live streamed, though I really hate that we have to sit through all the stupid before we get the game trailers.

Last year was just BAD.
Slightly Live said:
So suddenly she has an attack of guilt.
Halsey didn't suddenly feel guilty. It was always there, she just kept as far in the back of her head as she could. It's in the Fall of Reach when she first checks out John. She accidentally calls him by his first name, but then quickly says that she needs to call him by his number because he's a test subject. And elsewhere in the book she says she has to do this because if she doesn't, the UNSC will fall apart. That's suppressing. Of course, her guilt does eventually overwhelm her, starting with calling the Spartans by their names.
More selfish, self-centred criminal acts committed by an egotist without care or thought about the consequences.
She was thinking about consequences, just not what happened to her or the UNSC. She was thinking about the consequences – the death of her Spartans – if she didn't pull them out of the war. While these actions shouldn't go without punishment, I think you'd be hard pressed to argue Parangosky hasn't done worse in her time.

Parangosky intentionally went public with the full Spartan II details because it was easy to lay the blame at the feet of the person most responsible for it all - Halsey. Halsey is dead, in terms of public awareness so she makes the perfect scapegoat and allows ONI to wash its hands clean. Parangosky testifies and admits her role in turning a blind eye and giving direct permission for most of it.
No. The Spartan II program went public in order to boost fleet morale. The fact that this action makes it easier to direct public anger at one person is a side effect – good or bad depending on how you look at it. And Parangosky directing public anger at Halsey even though she approved every step of the project makes her a huge coward.
Parangosky isn't getting away with her crimes here wither. She's accepting personal responsibility so that the blame stops with her. Stops with Halsey. It was her fault. Halsey's fault. While ONI continues on wards like it always does.
Please. Parangosky got away scot-free, just like everyone else in the Spartan II project besides Halsey. If she was accepting responsibility, should wouldn't have taken it all out on Halsey, but instead she "officially" has Halsey killed off and sends her to work wherever (or to jail) while she's free to do whatever she wants.
Demoncarnotaur said:
Agreed, completely. Im really curious if the character arcs may change slightly, as I hope they start to realize they are being assholes trying to basically destroy elites as a species. More importantly, Osman loathes Halsey and deeply respects Parangosky... I hope she comes to realize that there is some major hypocrisy in that thought process. Osman may be a spook, but I hope she backs up and finds her morals by being the product of ONIs deceit.
Good point here.
It's quite hypocritical for Osman to adore Parangosky but loathe Halsey. Parangosky has probably done far worse, and it was Parangosky who APPROVED the project in the first place, so it's because of her and Halsey that Osman was abducted as a child. Yet Osman seems to gloss over this fact, but that's probably two sides of the same coins. Halsey took the Spartan IIs away from their parents, yet they still care about her. Parangosky approved Osman to be taken away from her parents, but because she molded Osman, Osman cares about her.

This is what I was trying to get at by saying the book is quite unbalanced in its treatment of Halsey. Parangosky was there every step of the way to approve the project. Yet the book goes out of its way to show Parangosky's good sides, but it doesn't do the same for Halsey. The book shouts at the top of its lungs all of the wrongdoings Halsey has committed, but it never stops to fully consider her good side. For everything Halsey has done, she does care about the Spartan IIs. Parangosky has never shown the same level of respect or even a hint of caring about the Spartan IIs as much as a tenth of what Halsey does.
PsychoRaven said:
Yup. They just didn't want word to get out. BTW throwing an anniversary code out since I got 2. Quote to see.

Awesome, thanks. My internet's being good tonight, 16% already. Anyone up for some warthog launching in about 30 minutes or so?
Played some split-screen (Xbox Originals) Halo: CE campaign on Legendary with a friend earlier today. Was the framerate always so awful on the mission Halo? Riding around in the warthog around enemies made the game slow to a crawl.

The 15th cannot come soon enough.


HiredN00bs said:
Played some split-screen (Xbox Originals) Halo: CE campaign on Legendary with a friend earlier today. Was the framerate always so awful on the mission Halo? Riding around in the warthog around enemies made the game slow to a crawl.

The 15th cannot come soon enough.
The emulated versions have some pretty significant framerate problems. Compounded with the (less serious) splitscreen framerate drops that were already present in the Xbox version, it's not surprising how bad it can get.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Dax01 said:
Halsey didn't suddenly feel guilty. It was always there, she just kept as far in the back of her head as she could. It's in the Fall of Reach when she first checks out John. She accidentally calls him by his first name, but then quickly says that she needs to call him by his number because he's a test subject. And elsewhere in the book she says she has to do this because if she doesn't, the UNSC will fall apart. That's suppressing. Of course, her guilt does eventually overwhelm her, starting with calling the Spartans by their names.

She did have an attack of guilt. She went from suppression, as you even pointed out, to acting upon her own twisted sense of trying to do good by "saving" the Spartans by taking them to Onyx.

It was a stupid, criminal and reckless thing to do during the height of the Covenant war. And, if anything, put more people at risk - potentially the safety of the Human race itself.

Dax01 said:
She was thinking about consequences, just not what happened to her or the UNSC. She was thinking about the consequences – the death of her Spartans – if she didn't pull them out of the war. While these actions shouldn't go without punishment, I think you'd be hard pressed to argue Parangosky hasn't done worse in her time.

She wasn't really thinking about the consequences at all otherwise she wouldn't have done a thing. By doing what she did, when she did it, she put more people at risk.

Additionally, she was just doing it so that she could justify herself by "saving" them. It's the same thing she did by cloning the original batch of children for the Spartan II project. She wanted to give the parents closure after the abduction or at least that is how she justified her actions then too. The reality of it was that she did it so that she could satisfy her own warped sense of morality. Soothe her guilty conscience.

What she did, abducting children, was horrible. Then cloning the children knowing the clones would lead short, painful lives full of suffering so that the parents would never find out the truth and the agony of the families having to go through the loss of a young family member. Halsey is a fucking monster. All thanks to her warped "conscience".

Parangosky may have allowed the Spartan II project and subsequent III project to exist and be funded, but as we see Parangosky was fucking pissed off with the cloning. That was a step too far even for her. Undue suffering that simply wasn't necessary all to make Halsey feel better about herself. Say what you will about Parangosky, at least we know there's a line she wouldn't cross and Halsey would and has done.

Dax01 said:
No. The Spartan II program went public in order to boost fleet morale. The fact that this action makes it easier to direct public anger at one person is a side effect – good or bad depending on how you look at it. And Parangosky directing public anger at Halsey even though she approved every step of the project makes her a huge coward.

You are not understanding me here. I'm not talking about the Spartan II project going public during the Covenant war. I'm talking about afterwards when Parangosky orchestrated the full details of the Spartan II project going public - the child abductions, clones, everything. This included the public hearings and Parangosky giving testimony.

Parangosky did this only after arresting Halsey at the end of Glasslands and after the Voi memorial service when Halsey was officially declared deceased. She knew that going public with this information would require her immediate resignation and she went with the full disclosure route pinning all the blame on the officially deceased Halsey including pointing out that the cloning aspect was never officially sanctioned and used Halsey's creation of Cortana via cloning, also illegal and without authorisation, against her to make the case.

Parangosky has destroyed Halsey's legacy and public image and all of her lifetime work and achievements. It's obvious that Parangosky is trying to turn the remaining Spartan II's against her as well.

Revenge is a dish well served.

Dax01 said:
Please. Parangosky got away scot-free, just like everyone else in the Spartan II project besides Halsey. Accepting responsibility isn't a punishment. If she was accepting responsibility, she'd come public with the knowledge that she approved the Spartan II and III programs and is willing to go to trial for it. But no. She's a coward. Instead she "officially" has Halsey killed off and sends her to work wherever (or to jail) while she's free to do whatever she wants.

That the Admiral got away is right. She orchestrated the entire thing and she was damm well smart about it. She went down the route of full disclosure, pinned the blame on a dead woman, put herself in front a public hearing and resigned her commission. She might still put to trial, but I doubt it.

Just like the real world. It happens. Look at recent News International/News of the World paper scandal. Lots of bad shit happened at the newspaper mainly by a handful of people but with the authorisation of the higher ups. When the shit hit the fan they shut down the paper, pinned the blame on a few individuals that were already compromised and offered up a few token resignation of the higher ups.

It's how the world works and Parangosky planned it all out. Is she innocent? Heck no. Are other people involved and should be punished? Yup, but it's how things work. Not everyone gets punished. Not every scandal ends up in Nuremberg.

Dax01 said:
This is what I was trying to get at by saying the book is quite unbalanced in its treatment of Halsey. Parangosky was there every step of the way to approve the project. Yet the book goes out of its way to show Parangosky's good sides, but it doesn't do the same for Halsey. The book shouts at the top of its lungs all of the wrongdoings Halsey has committed, but it never stops to fully consider her good side. For everything Halsey has done, she does care about the Spartan IIs. Parangosky has never shown the same level of respect or even a hint of caring about the Spartan IIs as much as a tenth of what Halsey does.

Unbalanced? It's a story, not a history text book. There's no need at all to balance anything out. The story is almost entirely biased against Halsey because of the character's perspectives, actions and motivations. It's just how things are presented to us and how the actions pan out.

If anything, one could easily make the argument that the story is being too heavy handed in trying to force the reader to feel sympathetic for Halsey simply because of how badly weighted opinion from everyone else in the book is against her.

The book doesn't shout anything - it's entirely neutral. It's the characters. It's their opinions. And we've seen how they come to them (mostly). If you don't feel that the characters in the book are justified in the positions they take, well, that would be your opinion and one I'd disagree with.
Slightly Live said:
She did have an attack of guilt. She went from suppression, as you even pointed out, to acting upon her own twisted sense of trying to do good by "saving" the Spartans by taking them to Onyx.
What you're saying here is correct, but you said sudden when it was there all along. I misunderstood what you said.

She wasn't really thinking about the consequences at all otherwise she wouldn't have done a thing. By doing what she did, when she did it, she put more people at risk.
She was thinking about some consequences but not others.

Parangosky may have allowed the Spartan II project and subsequent III project to exist and be funded, but as we see Parangosky was fucking pissed off with the cloning. That was a step too far even for her. Undue suffering that simply wasn't necessary all to make Halsey feel better about herself. Say what you will about Parangosky, at least we know there's a line she wouldn't cross and Halsey would and has done.
Parangosky knowingly sent hundreds of actual children, not clones, the children themselves, on suicide missions. She was condemning the actual children to death as surely as Halsey did the clones. I don't see how Pranagosky can be justifiably pissed off at Halsey for doing something as bad as she has.
Revenge is a dish well served.
Okay I get you, but it's really more of a petty revenge given
all the shit Parangosky has done.
Unbalanced? It's a story, not a history text book. There's no need at all to balance anything out. The story is almost entirely biased against Halsey because of the character's perspectives, actions and motivations. It's just how things are presented to us and how the actions pan out.
You're right in that it's not a history text book, but it's unbalanced because those who like Dr. Halsey – Fred, Kelly, Linda – are not given the chance to stand up for her. Their opinions are tossed to the side. Remember when Fred, Kelly, and Linda wanted to talk to Dr. Halsey at the end? That could've been a great moment to point out that, yes, even though Halsey has done some pretty immoral shit in her life, she also has done good. But we can't do that because we can't let that get in the way of all the bad shit she's done! Hell, Linda hardly says three full sentences worth of dialogue. I'm not saying it doesn't make sense that the book is heavily titled towards one side because the majority of characters feel a certain way, it's that the book does so at the expense of the characters that feel the opposite.
If anything, one could easily make the argument that the story is being too heavy handed in trying to force the reader to feel sympathetic for Halsey simply because of how badly weighted opinion from everyone else in the book is against her.
Um. Dude. That's exactly what I've been trying saying. :p
The book doesn't shout anything - it's entirely neutral. It's the characters. It's their opinions. And we've seen how they come to them (mostly). If you don't feel that the characters in the book are justified in the positions they take, well, that would be your opinion and one I'd disagree with.
The book is made up of the stories and characters that are contained in it, so if
the characters are so heavily stacked against Halsey, I see it as the book shouting at the reader.


Dax01 said:
You're right in that it's not a history text book, but it's unbalanced because those who like Dr. Halsey – Fred, Kelly, Linda – are not given the chance to stand up for her. Their opinions are tossed to the side. Remember when Fred, Kelly, and Linda wanted to talk to Dr. Halsey at the end? That could've been a great moment to point out that, yes, even though Halsey has done some pretty immoral shit in her life, she also has done good.
A bunch of brainwashed supersoldiers that have no idea the trauma that she caused to their families and don't have any context to see how monumental the atrocities she committed were aren't the most persuasive bunch. Look at Naomi, who worshiped Halsey - she learned exactly what Halsey thought of them, what she did to her family, as Halsey wrote her journal and grew to despise her. A group of people that don't have that information aren't a good source, they're just ignorant of why she's the bad guy here.


Devolution said:
Meh. Reach is pretty depressing-mode.

Same here. I get back on and no one on my team has microphones while I play against a group of 3. Then the next game my teamates decide to shoot me and kill me during a flag game.

What the hell happened to Halo? Playing by yourself against a team is stupid.


Unconfirmed Member
KevinRo said:
Same here. I get back on and no one on my team has microphones while I play against a group of 3. Then the next game my teamates decide to shoot me and kill me during a flag game.

What the hell happened to Halo? Playing by yourself against a team is stupid.
Yeah, it's been a fucking cesspool lately. Especially the TU Beta playlist. I dunno what the deal is, but damn.

I still manage to have fun, though. Usually.
xxjuicesxx said:
I had an awesome time today. Except for the fact NOONE on GAF plays it besides me kyle and overdoziz. I guess you too.

Today and yesterday was the first time in a while. Yesterday especially I realized how nice a break is =/.


Devolution said:
Today and yesterday was the first time in a while. Yesterday especially I realized how nice a break is =/.
A break doesn't fix it for me. Most of my rage toward Reach is because I want to depend on teamwork but I always either end up carrying my team or just stop caring and go negative. All people want to do is jetpack and run into enemies blindly.
BF3 takes the weight off the individual and focuses on teamwork (almost no one uses mics in this game but yet teamwork is still everywhere, by design), allowing you to have fun.


orznge said:

There we go!


So why is this thread so slow these days? Shouldn't you guys be playing 24/7 now that there's zero bloom?

Unless, don't tell me. HaloGAF doesn't like ZB after all and instead realized that bloom wasn't even the main issue with Reach?
MrBig said:
A break doesn't fix it for me. Most of my rage toward Reach is because I want to depend on teamwork but I always either end up carrying my team or just stop caring and go negative. All people want to do is jetpack and run into enemies blindly.
BF3 takes the weight off the individual and focuses on teamwork (almost no one uses mics in this game but yet teamwork is still everywhere, by design), allowing you to have fun.

It doesn't fix it. My point is a break from the game was a happier time than playing the game. Like I'd rather do my the most tedious parts of my design hw than Reach, believe me when I mean that's saying something.


TrounceX said:
There we go!


So why is this thread so slow these days? Shouldn't you guys be playing 24/7 now that there's zero bloom?

Unless, don't tell me. HaloGAF doesn't like ZB after all and instead realized that bloom wasn't even the main issue with Reach?

we sure as hell weren't mourning your leaving.
TrounceX said:
There we go!


So why is this thread so slow these days? Shouldn't you guys be playing 24/7 now that there's zero bloom?

Unless, don't tell me. HaloGAF doesn't like ZB after all and instead realized that bloom wasn't even the main issue with Reach?

Have you played the TU Beta or are you just going to troll.


TrounceX said:
Unless, don't tell me. HaloGAF doesn't like ZB after all and instead realized that bloom wasn't even the main issue with Reach?

You're right actually, the game's design is really bad on a basic mechanical level and so were the two previous games. Hope this helps.
Welcome back Trounce. Lets dong on some kids soon.



Sai-kun said:
we sure as hell weren't mourning your leaving.

Hmm I don't understand the hate. At all.

From my perspective you guys singled me out and then ridiculed me for no reason greater than getting frustrated at Halo and breaking my Reach disk one night. I'm sure nobody can relate to being angry over a video game though, right?

It's whatever though. I understand that many of you had pent up frustration from my adamant defense of the bloom and just needed an excuse to take the intellectual high ground to make themselves feel better.

oh and side note: I didn't actually break my Xbox. I sent that message out to my friends list, all of whom knew that was a joke and I would be back in less than a month. Apparently I should have deselected the gaffers that added me.

And I've been playing the TU playlist a ton actually. I have like 4,000 kills and a 2.6 K/D. It's slightly better than default Reach but the armor abilities and stupid game type selection are holding it back.


TrounceX said:
Hmm I don't understand the hate. At all.

From my perspective you guys singled me out and then ridiculed me for no reason greater than getting frustrated at Halo and breaking my Reach disk one night. I'm sure nobody can relate to being angry over a video game though, right?

It's whatever though. I understand that many of you had pent up frustration from my adamant defense of the bloom and just needed an excuse to take the intellectual high ground to make themselves feel better.
Angry enough to throw a 360 out the window and break a $60 game? Pretty sure not that many people reach that level of anger so easily


wwm0nkey said:
Angry enough to throw a 360 out the window and break a $60 game? Pretty sure not that many people reach that level of anger so easily

Oh yea. YEA? I'll show you you stupid poopie head.

*Throws 360 out window while shredding copy of every Halo game ever*

TrounceX said:
Hmm I don't understand the hate. At all.

From my perspective you guys singled me out and then ridiculed me for no reason greater than getting frustrated at Halo and breaking my Reach disk one night. I'm sure nobody can relate to being angry over a video game though, right?

It's whatever though. I understand that many of you had pent up frustration from my adamant defense of the bloom and just needed an excuse to take the intellectual high ground to make themselves feel better.

If I had a nickle for every troll who keeps talking out of their ass about how the anti-bloom crowd prophesied no bloom as the salve that would save Reach, I'd be drowning in coins. Also never mind that the mobility, gravity, maps, and gametypes in the TU have gone unchanged. No one here was deluded enough to think ZB would fix Reach, but we had some much more competitive customs with it, that's for sure. And we could discuss issues such as lack of shield warning on headshot bleedthroughs, player mobility and how to readjust the settings to help these issues.

There's no need to come in here with "haha so you don't like ZB eh?" When the answer is that ZB was never going to fix other persistent issues we never denied in the first place.

Now, you done or what?
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