Oozer3993 said:
I've been hoping for bots in Halo since Halo 2. Sometimes I just want to go into a game without having to worry about one of my teammates not playing, or team killing or the other team being ungodly good, or lag (if I'm going in solo). I've had a lot of fun with the bots in Killzone 2, PD0, and, going back to last generation, a couple of the Bond games.
Bots in Halo's competitive environment will never happen. It'd be way to complicated to set up a bot that even remotely emulated a real person.
Things like reading and responding to their radar, when to crouch or wait for someone to pass by, picking up the best weapon for them and their team's situation, not to mention how complex AI pathing would have to be with the amount of jumping and shortcuts in the game. Just thinking about how they have to program them to coordinate with a team for objective games makes my head explode.
Now implementing them them in some new way could work out given, like
the Devin Olsen said, they figured out how to network the AI without creating a bunch of latency. Whether it be firefight modes or environmental hazards in more traditional gametypes, I think it'd be pretty sweet.
On a related note, I like where Nullpointer and Ghaleon hope Firefight is heading. Basic survival modes grow boring much too quickly. Go ahead and keep it but ramp up the mode so that surviving on heroic for 20 minutes is something to brag about. I think the direction they head with firefight turning it into procedural campaign levels. Have it set up awesome encounters chosen randomly and make the players move around the map for objectives. My dream firefight mode is still shoving the entirety of L4D into Halo though "P