GOTY confirmed.abacab driver said:One of the screens has the grass that haters so adamantly need and want in Reach. :lol
GOTY confirmed.abacab driver said:One of the screens has the grass that haters so adamantly need and want in Reach. :lol
abacab driver said:One of the screens has the grass that haters so adamantly need and want in Reach. :lol
NutJobJim said:I'll be very sad to see Elites gone from MP.
I think they're so much cooler than Spartans and I like the funny noises they make when they die.
People complaining about they're advantage in SWAT are being silly since it's not like Elites are only available to some. If you play SWAT, use an Elite, simple.
bobs99 ... said::lol
Even if Bungie turned Halo into a perfect mix of Gears and COD the haters still wouldnt buy it, the grass is just an excuse to bitch.
bobs99 ... said:Jagged I cant wait and see what Bungie do with the stats tracking with Reach, Halo 3 was pretty awesome and i dont doubt theyre going to innovate.
Did they specifically say hitscan? Jesus fucking God I hope so. I like the idea of leading your shots to land them just right but not in p2p games no thank you.Kibbles said:Also, no more bullet lag, you won't really have to lead your shots. It says the human weapons will hit just about as soon as you press the trigger. They will feel more powerful and precise.
Gotta disagree here. In MW2 you only pop up on the radar if you're shooting so scrambler can give you away if you're just running by someone or camping some position. In Halo, the radar gives you away for simply moving, so you'd end up on their radar anyways. I like the idea of being able to jam the opposing team's radar and if they balanced it so it was just as strong as other powerups (like invis) it would probably only jam their radar. That way you won't have to slow down to the speed of molasses in order to prevent the enemy from knowing where you're coming from. Now with Reach's super radar it could come in handy even more.NullPointer said:If MW2 is any indication, that'd just end up getting the jammer killed right quick.
As someone who's used an elite on many an occasion, I can tell you that they're pretty damn balanced in general Halo 3 play. They mess things up in SWAT but don't expect to post better numbers by switching to an elite in general MM. They're fat asses and draw a ton of attention, if you miss a headshot against them you're garuanteed a body shot due to their heads location, and much easier to headshot from the side. Most of the frustration people feel comes from the game not registering shots in the same way many shots against spartans don't register, it's just easier to explain away with "elite hitboxes" because elites are a minority and when anything is changed in an encounter the player with blame that change for their death.Ramirez said:It's their hitboxes, it doesn't matter if you're playing as one or not, that has nothing to do with how well your gun can kill one.
Ramirez said:It's their hitboxes, it doesn't matter if you're playing as one or not, that has nothing to do with how well your gun can kill one.
Yeah, my bad. Shoulda said "everyone around you."Dax01 said:That's what I had thought you said. Sorry.![]()
Doesn't it seem like every game always tries to say that the campaign "has great replay value!"? And yet I almost rarely feel the urge to replay any campaigns.abacab driver said:Like this part of the article..
But you have to wonder whether a world which has eagerly lapped up the highly scripted rollercoaster rides of Modern Warfare 2 and Uncharted 2 care about what Lehto calls the 'evolved gameplay experience' which Combat Evolved introduced all those years ago.
"The difference between the fully scripted experience, like Uncharted, or the organic experience you can receive in a Halo game speaks to it's longevity," he maintains. And yet Halo 3's campaign was criticized for being 'too short' - "Without giving too much away, there's certainly some cool stuff we're doing in Reach that will encourage people to replay the campaign," Tung counters.
"There are going to be some big surprises in the campaign, maybe to address what you're talking about."
Letters said:My google-fu is failing..
Trasher said:Yeah, my bad. Shoulda said "everyone around you."
Doesn't it seem like every game always tries to say that the campaign "has great replay value!"? And yet I almost rarely feel the urge to replay any campaigns.
Aye, same here. Hopefully Edge puts up the article online soon. They do that for a number of their features each month.Tashi0106 said:Me too
GhaleonEB said:Aye, same here. Hopefully Edge puts up the article online soon. They do that for a number of their features each month.
You're not missing too much, the screen shots are pretty bad.Tashi0106 said:Me too
EazyB said:If they coupled this with less restrictive soft walls and death barriers it could be really great for exploring. Pretty doubtful on that though.
Was hoping for some more weapon impressions. Hopefully we'll get some gameplay impressions from the Bungie crew on the podcast next week.
Not being able to assisinate without going into some scripted knifing takedown seems dumb. Keep this away from MP! A thousand pounds of spartan jumping into the air and landing to do the takedown seems like it'd make a shitton of noise anyways.
Toddler said:You're not missing too much, the screen shots are pretty bad.
I didn't see anything we haven't already seen better, and the few small things that I didn't recognize right away was screwed by the glare off the pages.
Trasher said:The dude posting these scans totally snagged an Oonsk signature from over here.
I guess there's some sort of law against scanning these pages Vs. taking photos full of glare.Not a Jellyfish said:It is still better than nothing though. :lol
Yeah and even if you do manage to get out, everything is ruined as one texture repeats itself and glitches/covers your screen so you can't see anything. =\BakedPigeon said:Dont count on it. Bungie has ruined exploring even more with each new Halo game that has come out. The abundance of invisible walls and ceilings is easily the most disappointing aspect of Halo 3's single player.
gibonez said:These elites look vicious and scary, unlike the goofy bright colored variants in Halo games.
Major Williams said:For those that haven't found decent scans/seen them yet, someone found some over at the Grunt-y themed website.
rar said:halo 1 elites were tall, scary, AND colorful
big ander said:no elites in Reach multiplayer?[IMG][/QUOTE]my horriblephotoshopgimp skills:
:lol Oonsk almost looked 3d there for a sec.
[QUOTE=Trasher]The dude posting these scans totally snagged an Oonsk signature from over here.[/QUOTE]
Seriously, that sounds like an amazing site I've been missing out on.Not a Jellyfish said:Grunt-y themed? I don't know what that is. I am out of the loop.![]()
Major Williams said:For those that haven't found decent scans/seen them yet, someone found some over at the Grunt-y themed website.
We've seen, what, a dozen screenshots? And about half of them were focused on Noble Team specifically. To say a game looks bland and barren from this small amount of information is silly at this point. They aren't going to show pitched battles yet, because besides giving away what may be plot points, they probably just aren't fit to show the public yet.Johnny Utah said:The game looks bland, and empty. A bit out of place for such a big game this late in the generation, i almost had Haze flashbacks there...
Neither do I, but that sure sounds like a great website!Not a Jellyfish said:Grunt-y themed? I don't know what that is. I am out of the loop.![]()
Flipyap said:Neither do I, but that sure sounds like a great website!
Flipyap said:Neither do I, but that sure sounds like a great website!
koshunter said:Has any of the information so far mentioned or hinted at the AA? That seems to be the only thing that might hamper my hype in any way.