DancingJesus said:
Wait till the Vidoc to make your assessment. Got a feeling there will be a bunch of nice nooks and crannies in there. All I wanted from this event was to get actual gameplay footage so I'm content wit not getting some multiplayer info.
Absolutely. I'm trying to express a nuance here and must not be coming across: with the date of the Beta announced and the first MP map shown, I'm surprised there's not more
MP information released. Just leaves that much more to dabble out over the next few months. That aside, it was a nice bucket of stuff and there's coming (vidoc, for starters). Of what was shown so far, I'm particularly pleased with the box art. Great stuff.
One thing I've been thinking about that I wanted to mention before we have that vidoc to chew over.
Bungie's been emphasizing that the main difference between equipment and armor abilities is the usage limits: instead of a one-time item, they're reusable after a recharge. But from what's been announced, there's a bigger philosophical shift.
The central idea behind equipment was they were equal opportunity items: one tossed out onto the battlefield, they affected everyone equally. You could drop a regen and get killed, and have set up the enemy with a safe haven. Or accidentally power drain yourself (a favorite of mine); maybe toss a bubble shield right in front of your buddy who's firing a rocket. The trip mine doesn't care
who it blows up. But the biggest thing was - aside from a couple seen in campaign - they were items that affected the
team, not just the player.
With armor abilities, all the examples used are player-centric. Active camo and sprint are the two mentioned, but I assume a rocket boost/grav lift type would fit in as well. If they are really limited to abilities centered on the player, I'll be disappointed. I'm imagining MP turning into a mess of players sprinting and boosting around, throbbing into and out of view as camo toggles. It's a completely different dynamic than having to worry about that power drain raining down on your entrenched position, or hurling a bubble shield to deflect fire as your team runs off with the flag.
So I'm hoping the armor abilities are a mix of both types.