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Halo Reach Reveal Thread - Matchmaking/Multiplayer Details Revealed

kylej said:
Yeah but it gives an extra pause. If I can add 3 seconds to the respawn of an enemy while my team grabs the flag I'll do it every time, even if it temporarily keeps me out of the picture.

Since you have to be better positioned, and hold that position behind the guy longer, that seems like a pretty decent way to balance it to me. You're risking losing out on the melee free kill, but you push spawn off a bit as a reward. Why is that a bad thing?


At first I was nervous at the thought of jet-packs, but then it dawned on me:

Jet-packs are simply grav-lifts made into an armor ability. The grav-lifts in Halo 3 didn't break anything. It will also come in handy during objective games. The people with jet packs will probably be the ones going behind enemy lines to secure objectives. Sounds awesome.
electricpirate said:
I don't think so, If you look, it seems like that assassination is halfway over when we see one spartan gut punching the other. My money is on, this is an elaborate animation that we are just seeing the second half of.
So you're assuming he started from behind but finished up in front?

That's what she said.


Someone please make me an avatar with something from this trailer even if it looks stupid!

I'm sure I'll regret asking for that
Proelite said:
Known Load-outs:
Jet Pack
Personal Bubbleshield
Radar Jammer

Speculative Load-outs:
EMP burst (activating would disable all shields, equipments, missles, and vehicles in an AOE, including the user, I call it the great equalizer.)
Medic Backpack (healing AOE)
Strength Boost??? (Harder melee, jump higher)
Smoke bombs??? (Ninja retreat)

Radar Jammer isnt a load out, I think when your invisible you basically jam your own radar.

Radar Jammer should be a perk though, would be awesome in objective.

Im still in two minds about this whole load out thing, it seems like we get the exact samr stuff equipment gave us, but equipment was transferable, and 1 time use only. I think loud outs are just going to end up annoying me and become very predictable.

I also think that equipment is a better way of getting people to use all the options, with load outs I doubt people will try the others very much once they find one they like. Im also saddened at the potential loss of Camo and OS items being on the map.

Have to see how it plays.


Just curious, is anyone really expecting a podcast tonight? I have an exam tomorrow and a podcast would be more of a reason not to study. I'm actually enjoying how Bungie is milking us with information.
backflip10019 said:
Probably by holding the jump button. At least, that's how I would map it.
Hold a and try and use the right trigger to shoot + both thumb sticks to aim and move.

I imagine it has something to do with the bumpers... Like right bumper+x activates it then you can let go of x and just hold the bumper? I don't know... But I cannot see how pressing and holding a would work.


backflip10019 said:
Probably by holding the jump button. At least, that's how I would map it.
Actually I found the Halo:Reach control scheme while searching the webs:


Looks a bit complicated to me, but it's just Alpha so hopefullt that'll change.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
backflip10019 said:
Probably by holding the jump button. At least, that's how I would map it.
I think it's asking about how you would control the direction of the jet pack. Are you stuck going in one direction after the initial switch on or can you move about freely? If you are able to look about and aim at the same time, it's suggestive that once you jet into the air you are on a fixed trajectory. It's too early to come any conclusion yet though.


EazyB said:
Once you get good enough at the game people will actually complain that elites offer an advantage in regular gametypes.

I really hope there's more depth to being an elite than shown in the trailer. It looked like all they can do is roll, no custimization, no perks like the jetpack. The rolling seems incredibly useless as well. Sure you can dash across a doorway or something but it's not something an animation a decent player would want to get caught in during a competitive match and with Halo's crazy melee lunges you'd just get beaten to hell in the process anyways.
If your shields are down rolling into cover would be a good way of reducing chances of getting nailed with the final headshot.


lybertyboy said:
Have you met my good friend bumper jumper?
God dammit. I was planning on going back to Green Thumb, cause it's too hard to switch back and forth between Halo and games with inferior controls schemes... Now I'm going to have to stay BJ.
EazyB said:
Once you get good enough at the game people will actually complain that elites offer an advantage in regular gametypes.

It can be difficult to shoot an elite in the back of the head while it has its back turned.


Letters said:
If your shields are down rolling into cover would be a good way of reducing chances of getting nailed with the final headshot.

Yup. Also:

See a grenade get tossed at you - dive out of the way.

Take one sniper shot, then dive into cover to recharge.

See a vehicle barreling down on you, dive out of the way.

Etc. Seems like a useful maneuver to me. I also doubt we've seen the extent of the differences between Elites and Spartans.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
urk said:
The lettering was in engine. Not something that's natively supported, though. It's trailer hax.
Put them in engine please. I can think of a couple uses for them, and I almost never use Forge.

Also, I remember having a dicussion long time ago with having a system to indetify the zones in the maps. I really can't remember who was on which side of the fence, but Bungie's solutions seems like the correct one.
Devin Olsen said:
Hold a and try and use the right trigger to shoot + both thumb sticks to aim and move.

I imagine it has something to do with the bumpers... Like right bumper+x activates it then you can let go of x and just hold the bumper? I don't know... But I cannot see how pressing and holding a would work.
Oh, my bad. I forgot that not everyone uses Bumper Jumper. Would make sense with BJ but not by pressing the A button.


Just saw the trailer and, man, seems to be amazing! But I have to say I wasn't impressed with the graphics.. It's OK and that's all. But it sure looks a lot of fun to play. Wish I could sleep and only wake up at May 3rd.. :lol

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
That trailer was amazing beyond belief. Reach's framerate looks so smooth considering all the crazy shit that was going down. :D

May 3rd needs to come now! I need to own with that DMR!


People are going to hate, but I loved the roll in Perfect Dark Zero...happy to see it here...now if the Shotgun reload is as cool I am all set.
All set anyway.


Dani said:
I think it's asking about how you would control the direction of the jet pack. Are you stuck going in one direction after the initial switch on or can you move about freely? If you are able to look about and aim at the same time, it's suggestive that once you jet into the air you are on a fixed trajectory. It's too early to come any conclusion yet though.
I don't see why you couldn't control it with only the left and right thumbsticks. Once it is engaged (X?) you would use the left thumbstick to move foreword, backward, strafe left, strafe right, and click to disengage. The right thumbstick would be for direction and aiming. It would be no different than it is now with running, except that you would be boosting upward at the same time. To look at it a different way, it would be like normal fighting on an invisible elevator, with your leg animation replaced with a smoke trail.


some comments:

i dont like the art style in most of the environments, too brown and rough like crows nest.. just not a very pretty place to fight

definitely looks like the halo 1 pistol, but doesnt seem like it plays like it.. the dmr should fill that role, though

assassinations look alot like kill taunts from tf2, and they seem pretty fast

rolling and jetpacking, while cool, definitely depend on the implementation. if a player can constantly roll or shoot up into the air, than thats a problem..

sword looks faster and scarier than halo 3

i dont like the lack of originality in covenant weapon design.. lets take a needler and mix it with a carbine!

the br and carbine seem different enough from the dmr and needle rifle that they should be in the multiplayer at least imo

i liked the callouts on the screen like in counterstrike

alot of weapons remind me of shadowrun now.. hmm

i definitely think there are alot of good ideas shown in this trailer, but whether or not they work well with the game will depend on how they are executed
GhaleonEB said:
Yup. Also:

See a grenade get tossed at you - dive out of the way.

Take one sniper shot, then dive into cover to recharge.

See a vehicle barreling down on you, dive out of the way.

Etc. Seems like a useful maneuver to me. I also doubt we've seen the extent of the differences between Elites and Spartans.
Wonder what it's going to look like to see in first person, though. Or will you switch to third person to see your character perform the roll?
Dax01 said:
Wonder what it's going to look like to see in first person, though. Or will you switch to third person to see your character perform the roll?

Although making a no scope sniper headshot while rolling sounds extremely badassed, you probably will switch to third person.


I'm guessing left bumper will be armor abilities now that we don't need a reload on a dual wielding. Seems like it would be more important in heat of combat then the ability to switch grenade types. I'm guessing grenade swap drops down to the XYAB buttons

Default control changes:

FIRE - Right Trigger
RELOAD/Pickup/Use - Right Bumper
Grenade - Left Trigger
Armor loadout usage - Left Bumper
Barrel Roll (Elite Only) - Left Bumper
Zoom - R3 (joystick click)
Crouch - L3 (joystick click)
Melee - B
Jump - A
Switch Grenade types - X
Switch Weapons - Y

Visor/View Mode - Up arrow (unless it's an armor ability, which I could see ODST style enhanced vision being a loadout).

My guess, and preferred layout.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
GhaleonEB said:
Yup. Also:

See a grenade get tossed at you - dive out of the way.

Take one sniper shot, then dive into cover to recharge.

See a vehicle barreling down on you, dive out of the way.

Etc. Seems like a useful maneuver to me. I also doubt we've seen the extent of the differences between Elites and Spartans.

one thing to note about the roll.... i dont think this trailer is enough to go on to think that "only elites can roll". by my count, the roll is shown 2 times in the trailer, each time performed by an elite. that does not mean spartans cannot ALSO roll.

IMO, it would be a bit silly if only elites can roll.


Yeah, aesthetically these human environments are sorta how I expected, drab and more boring than their forerunner and covie alternatives. I'll be really dissappointed if both aren't present in reach and all we get are a handful of concrete, water-stained, uninspired human environments.

GhaleonEB said:
Etc. Seems like a useful maneuver to me. I also doubt we've seen the extent of the differences between Elites and Spartans.
It's not completely useless but in comparison to the plethora of abilities the spartans have, just having what boiles down to an extremely short-lived sprint is pretty lame. If that's how they plan to balance the elites vs spartans I'll be disappointed. Hopefully elites have a couple different abilities but based on the assumption that they're limited to a select few "Invasion" gametypes and probably not player-controlled in campaign, I can definitely see them being much less involved than the spartans in abilities and customization.


op_ivy said:
one thing to note about the roll.... i dont think this trailer is enough to go on to think that "only elites can roll". by my count, the roll is shown 2 times in the trailer, each time performed by an elite. that does not mean spartans cannot ALSO roll.

IMO, it would be a bit silly if only elites can roll.

Unless invasion is balanced so that elites don't get to use armor pickups. In which case it makes perfect sense to give them something else.
Dirtbag said:
I'm guessing left bumper will be armor abilities now that we don't need a reload on a dual wielding. Seems like it would be more important in heat of combat then the ability to switch grenade types. I'm guessing grenade swap drops down to the XYAB buttons

Default control changes:

FIRE - Right Trigger
RELOAD/Pickup/Use - Right Bumper
Grenade - Left Trigger
Armor loadout usage - Left Bumper
Barrel Roll (Elite Only) - Left Bumper
Zoom - R3 (joystick click)
Crouch - L3 (joystick click)
Melee - B
Jump - A
Switch Grenade types - X
Switch Weapons - Y

Visor/View Mode - Up arrow (unless it's an armor ability, which I could see ODST style enhanced vision being a loadout).

My guess, and preferred layout.
No way X would be for swapping grenades... I could see it perhaps being something on the D Pad... x is WAY to valuable of a button to map something like grenade switching.


Devin Olsen said:
No way X would be for swapping grenades... I could see it perhaps being something on the D Pad... x is WAY to valuable of a button to map something like grenade switching.

But all the really valuable features are on the top 4 buttons, and I don't see them moving the default jump/melee buttons/weapon switching buttons.
What else would you put there?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Dirtbag said:
Unless invasion is balanced so that elites don't get to use armor pickups. In which case it makes perfect sense to give them something else.

we dont even know what invasion is.

speculation is fine, but i think people are getting ahead of themselves with what was shown in the video, taking things that should be speculated on as fact.

for example, i only saw spartans melee. i guess that means elites cant.

we simply dont know everything at this point.
Dirtbag said:
But all the really valuable features are on the top 4 buttons, and I don't see them moving the default jump/melee buttons/weapon switching buttons.
What else would you put there?

Who said armour loadout usage would be left bumper?


Scullibundo said:
Who said armour loadout usage would be left bumper?

I did.
I think using a jetpack, or sprinting, or bubblesheilding TRUMPS swapping grenade types in the heat of battle. I think it makes more sense to switch the buttons around given the increased amount of usage the loadouts will see.

Imagine trying to jetpack, aim, shoot using the X button vs. the left bumper.

InvincibleAgent said:
X is now for picking up guns, getting in vehicle, etc.
Bumper jumper?


Dirtbag said:
But all the really valuable features are on the top 4 buttons, and I don't see them moving the default jump/melee buttons/weapon switching buttons.
What else would you put there?

It's just speculation.. but people who already have Bumper Jumper as the control scheme are used to have que most valuable actions on the top buttons..


The control scheme I'm suggesting has the two swap buttons next to each other (X/Y), which sort of makes more sense from a battle perspective.

I can definitely see the argument between BUMPER JUMPER or DEFAULT being, "do I want the all purpose jump button or do I want the Armor loadout button on left bumper?" Because both will have a big effect on combat.


Dirtbag said:
But all the really valuable features are on the top 4 buttons, and I don't see them moving the default jump/melee buttons/weapon switching buttons.
What else would you put there?
Shoulder buttons should be used exclusively for functions that you wouldn't want to take your thumb of the aiming stick to use. Fire weapon, grenade, jump, and melee (to a lesser extent if homing lunge is still in). Certain armor abilities may benefit from contuilly aiming but none shown thus far really indicate that need, unless you have to hold the button down to continually use the jetpack (which should be mapped to holding the jump button down anyways).

op_ivy said:
we dont even know what invasion is.

speculation is fine, but i think people are getting ahead of themselves with what was shown in the video, taking things that should be speculated on as fact.

for example, i only saw spartans melee. i guess that means elites cant.

we simply dont know everything at this point.
There are 5 instances where elites are rolling and here's the icon seen in every single first person perspective using elites:

Not once is there a spartan rolling nor does that icon ever show up in their first person view. Not only that but rolling is what elites do, their trademark maneuver. Sure it's not definitive but there's enough evidence to go beyond "jumping to conclusions."

Elites had jetpacks first though, they deserve to at least have them alongside the spartans.


EazyB said:
Shoulder buttons should be used exclusively for functions that you wouldn't want to take your thumb of the aiming stick to use. Fire weapon, grenade, jump, and melee (to a lesser extent if homing lunge is still in). Certain armor abilities may benefit from contuilly aiming but none shown thus far really indicate that need, unless you have to hold the button down to continually use the jetpack (which should be mapped to holding the jump button down anyways).
I'm pretty sure they'll have all armor loadouts preformed from the same button, and not holding down a different button (albeit jump) for the sake of bumper jumper players.


Neo Member
Amazing trailer! Great job Bungie, I'm very much anticipating the Beta. The game is looking beautiful. The HUD is amazing, the animations and graphics look great considering it's alpha.

Some things I picked up on which I think haven't been pointed out:
  • 21 sec - Map name might be Smelter. Notice the orange waypoint, I'm wondering why the waypoint would be a different color. Also notice the player name is PWNY which may indicate that the call-tag will be like it is in ODST where you can pick numbers/letters.

  • 31 sec - 4 Grenades. I don't know if we know this already, but I thought there was some question as to how many of each grenade we'd be able to carry. I'm happy to see they've gone back to what HCE/H2 had. During assassination notice he has 4 plasma grenades. Also during the Invasion game right after that, notice the strange green round waypoint, and there's also some red waypoints. I wonder what purpose these serve in Invasion.

  • 45 sec - You can clearly see the gametype is Invasion Slayer. Nice look at the Covie grenade launcher, and I'm pretty sure we now know what our mystery weapon is from the weapon audio we got from Bungie earlier.

  • 1 min - CTF game, there's the orange waypoint again on N001?

Syracuse022 said:
Could Headhunter be a SWAT free-for-all of sorts? All they show are headshot kills... Maybe doming someone has them drop every skull they're carrying (plus one) for you to add to your collection.
I don't think it's SWAT. Actually this was cut from Halo 2 as well. According to the H2 beta testers back in the day when you got a kill you collected a skull. If someone killed you, they took all your skulls. Whoever finished with the most skulls would win.

Syracuse022 said:
The map at 1:08 (while the Spartans vs. Elites text is on-screen), the one I've been calling Rock Garden, is straight out of the first ViDoc (we see iterations of it as tech/lighting are added, then we see it as the AR shoots against the fence and makes sparks).
It most likely is not called Rock Garden. Remember that the text under the motion tracker is there throughout the game to tell you what part of the map you're on. This is super cool, makes calling out positions easier.

GhaleonEB said:
Confirmed to be optional, it was discussed in the last podcast. It's an optional flourish move, regular melee from behind is still a one-hit kill.
I'm tired of people bringing this up over and over again. Maybe you should update the OP with the new known/confirmed info Ghal.

Proelite said:
Speculative Load-outs:
EMP burst (activating would disable all shields, equipments, missles, and vehicles in an AOE, including the user, I call it the great equalizer.)
Medic Backpack (healing AOE)
Strength Boost??? (Harder melee, jump higher)
Smoke bombs??? (Ninja retreat)
Did you see anything anywhere that indicates these Abilities or are you just guessing?

EazyB said:
Once you get good enough at the game people will actually complain that elites offer an advantage in regular gametypes.

I really hope there's more depth to being an elite than shown in the trailer. It looked like all they can do is roll, no custimization, no perks like the jetpack.
I don't think Elites are in regular gametypes to be honest with you. It makes sense they wouldn't be since they're larger, and if you notice they're not in anything that's NOT Invasion or Spartans vs Elites in the trailer. That got me thinking because Bungie always puts some Elite players in each match when capturing footage so I'm pretty sure Elites aren't in most modes. I'm guessing Elites will only be in certain modes that call for them, and they'll have their own Armor Abilities. I'm assuming they'll spawn with a default roll ability, and default Plasma Grenades.

We've been watching Elites dodge and roll out of the way since HCE. It's pretty cool that now we get to do it against the Spartans.

Dax01 said:
I wonder how the jetpack is going to be controlled. Judging from the video, you can fire your weapon and control your jetpack at the same time, or at different times.
You'll probably press a button to activate the jet pack, and then you'll control it no different than you would a hornet when you're controlling it and firing your weapon.

If you think about it, this is how other armor abilities would work too. You press a button to activate/deactivate and then while you're using it you control as you normally would.
Captain Blood said:
My hype level is so high at the moment that it is actually painful.

I also don't really understand why it would be elite only.

Because even though elites are larger, they are supposed to be far more agile then spartans.


Jironimo said:
You'll probably press a button to activate the jet pack, and then you'll control it no different than you would a hornet when you're controlling it and firing your weapon.

If you think about it, this is how other armor abilities would work too. You press a button to activate/deactivate and then while you're using it you control as you normally would.

My guess is you hold it down for usage, or even burst fire it to get longer use from it (jetpack), like a slower decent, or crossing a longer gap. Same with the sprint, I'd see it more of a hold down usage type.

Cameo and view modes probably activate/deactivate.


I hope we can lower our shoulder with melee while sprinting for a sprinting melee dash. Would be fucking sweet to truck people!


Tashi0106 said:
Man, I can't wait to destroy all of you in the Reach Beta, it's gonna be so awesome. :D
I wonder if you are going to use the Halo2 control scheme if available? I know i would :O

Anywho.. Default > Bumper Jumper.. Even with these jetpacks.. Bring it.

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
Dirtbag said:
I hope we can lower our shoulder with melee while sprinting for a sprinting melee dash. Would be fucking sweet to truck people!
You've been watching too much football!


squidhands said:
hmm, point taken. I don't remember being able to kill Covenant in Firefight when they were aboard the dropship (am I wrong?). Maybe something similar would be applied, and being dropped off in a secure area could further eliminate that problem.
I was just trolling the piece of shit Bungie calls the spartan laser. I'd be really happy if the phantom was worked into the gametype for troop deployment if they could pull it off right.

Random things I noticed from watching the trailer in HD a few more times.

The jetpack completely disappears when the player dies. You can see it do so twice starting at :52

On most occasions the spartans are carrying a AR and that wannabe CE pistol. Maybe loadouts will include a number of weapon starts but it seems like, as predicted, AR+pistol is the default spawning weapons. Yuck. Elites seem to start with a needle rifle and plasma pistol but Invasion may be limited to BTB sized games/maps where even in Halo 3 you got a long range weapon. The humans in the invasion clips seem to be holding DMRs + pistol which is consistent with the Halo 3 BTB comparison. The spartans in the arena scene all have DMR + pistol so it probable is the more smaller competitive gametypes. the clips following the arena title are all slayer though so they all fall under the same umbrella yet there are armor abilities and AR+pistol starts in those clips as well.

Spartans don't have to be the same color in invasion mode:

There's a bunch of weird waypoints throughout the video but this one seems to be over a weapon (looks like the vehicle needler) on the map that the person getting sniped was running for:

The elite on the top right of the first pic seems to be shooting a plasma rifle (blue projectiles) but either it looks significantly different, it's a different gun entirely, or the gun on the ground in the second pic is not the same gun he's shooting. My guess is they beefed it up so the projectiles travel fast to add some more range to it and it's more like a covie AR now. Stealth edit: at 1:06 you can see weapon much more clearly. Doesn't look much like the more tradition plasma rifle in this campaign shot so it seems to be a new weapon entirely.


Also, decapitations confirmed. They really are going for that darker tone:
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