THIS!Kibbles said:^ Geoff Keighley says on his twitter that it's all realtime.
THIS!Kibbles said:^ Geoff Keighley says on his twitter that it's all realtime.
EazyB said:THIS!
Are we even sure if there were ever SPARTAN-IIIs on Reach? I don't think there were any.Blueblur1 said:I'm starting to think they are. They're not as big as the other Spartan-IIs we've seen before and I remember Spartan-IIIs being characterized as being smaller in stature.
Angry_Gorilla said:The environments look stunning
The cutscenes in Halo 3 looked nowhere near as fluid as this- I think the animations will take a quantum leap from Halo 3 to Reach.
I'm more excited to see how much money Microsoft is going to splurge on this advertising campaign. Halo 3 launch was the last launch I did and I'd love to do it again... granted, I'll be a medical resident (intern actually) by then but that's beside the point :lol
Is the helmet visor a display on the outside? Can he change it at will like Rorschach? Cuz that would be badass.Shishka said:That wasn't paint.
Deadly said:Can't be Spartan III's. All of the first batch, Alpha Company died in their operation to destroy a Covenant shipyard and the only surviving members of the Pegasi Delta op from Beta company were Tom and Lucy.
Their numbers actually makes things more interesting.StUnNeR H2K said:Did anyone catch the Spartan numbers yet?
???-052 (Class I???)
GhaleonEB said:Sucking the corporate teat, alas. I miss speculatin' with them.
Deadly said:Can't be Spartan III's. All of the first batch, Alpha Company died in their operation to destroy a Covenant shipyard and the only surviving members of the Pegasi Delta op from Beta company were Tom and Lucy.
The environments look stunning
Yet one of those SPARTANs is numbered in the 300s. This doesn't make any sense.Gilgamesh said:If it was Spartan-IIIs in the trailer, they would have been wearing SPI Armor, no? From my understanding, it looks too big. More like MJOLNIR. It's gotta be Spartan-IIs.
That's a good point, I forgot how many were in the Spartan-II program... maybe they really are Spartan-IIIs. There were 330 in the Gamma generation so it does fit in that respect.U K Narayan said:Yet one of those SPARTANs is numbered in the 300s. This doesn't make any sense.
Kibbles said:^ Geoff Keighley says on his twitter that it's all realtime.
scently said:Their numbers actually makes things more interesting.
Gilgamesh said:That's a good point, I forgot how many were in the Spartan-II program... maybe they really are Spartan-IIIs. There were 330 in the Gamma generation so it does fit in that respect.
Despite the tremendous risk, and the unethical means of creating new soldiers, the SPARTAN-II project was approved by the top brass within ONI - who concluded that the lives that could be saved far outweighed the risks involved. By 2517, 150 suitable candidates, had been identified, but for budgetary reasons only half that number could be "conscripted". Seventy-Five children, all six years old of both sexes were kidnapped, and in order to preserve the program's secrecy, the children are replaced by flash clones which would die soon thereafter due to numerous medical complications associated with flash-cloning an entire human being.
The SPARTAN-II candidates after being sedated were taken to the colony world Reach, and began their training under Chief Petty Officer Mendez. To marginalize the civilian lives they had once led, their names became a combination of their given names and a number, with family names being discarded. The Spartans endured a great deal of hardship during their first years of training, the Spartans were placed into situation and drills that pushed their abilities to their very limit and beyond. Their hard training was complemented with a good education, from math and science, reading and writing, to military tactics. His training methodology was tough, even brutal in some regards; Chief Petty Officer Mendez always instilled discipline, honor, respect to the Spartans. He taught the Spartans how to kill, but at the same time he taught them the difference between right and wrong. Mendez trained the Spartans until 2525 when at the age of fourteen, the Spartans would go through the toughest part of their training; the Augmentation Procedures, a process that would kill 30 of the 75 children conscripted, and cripple 12 others who would "wash out" of the SPARTAN-II program, going on to join the Office of Naval Intelligence or otherwise; only 33 survived the procedures to move on.
WickedLaharl said:the dialogue was so bad. still waiting to see it in HD before commenting on the graphics.
godhandiscen said:Ok, so I want to be the first skeptic here. How big of a downgrade do you think the actual gameplay graphics will be in terms of quality from what we just saw today?
I am not saying that what we saw today were gameplay graphics, but how much worse than this will the gameplay graphics look like? There is no chance in hell than gameplay graphics will look this good (which is sad because this vid wasn't that impressive). What do you guys think?
U K Narayan said:There is some fishy shit going on here.
I think there's gona be an upgrade in gfx (if the leak picture is indication of anything)...this is a new engine after all, if it's gona look worse then what's the point of shifting to a new engine?godhandiscen said:Ok, so I want to be the first skeptic here. How big of a downgrade do you think the actual gameplay graphics will be in terms of quality from what we just saw today?
I am not saying that what we saw today were gameplay graphics, but how much worse than this will the gameplay graphics look like? There is no chance in hell than gameplay graphics will look this good (which is sad because this vid wasn't that impressive). What do you guys think?
No, not fair, it can only go up from the Beta. I am just hoping Bungie doesn't pull another "Halo 3 E306 reveal announcement."Rad Agast said:I'd wait for the Beta to judge.
Kibbles said:^ Geoff Keighley says on his twitter that it's all realtime.
ONI isn't on Reach is it? There's no way Helfer could show up, right? Wait, wasn't it mentioned in game that Buck and Chinnie Longstocking survived Reach somehow?CrazedArabMan said:Don't know why people are saying the Dialogue is bad, I thought is sounded just fine.
Nope, after the first batch of Spartan II's, they planned to train more but due to funds they cancelled the project. Honestly, based on the information we have they are definitely not Spartan III's. Even if the number ranges to 300 and doesn't make sense, it's their game, they can screw with the lore anyhow they want.Gilgamesh said:I bet there aren't any problems with flash cloning. ONI did something to the clones to make them die when they returned. They had another Spartan-II program running concurrently with the one we know about.
It's also the only media you will be seeing for at least a month, they could easily be screwing with the people who would notice such things.Deadly said:Nope, after the first batch of Spartan II's, they planned to train more but due to funds they cancelled the project. Honestly, based on the information we have they are definitely not Spartan III's. Even if the number ranges to 300 and doesn't make sense, it's their game, they can screw with the lore anyhow they want.
So Geoff Keighley and numerous Bungie employees are lying?GreekWolf said:Bullshit that's realtime. With the geometry and lighting on display, those gifs are an order of magnitude greater than anything we've seen on consoles. Don't get me wrong, I'd absolutely love for it to be true... but do you really think the 360, with it's 512 RAM can crank that out without blowing a gasket?
This makes the wait for actual gameplay even more irritating.
Gilgamesh said:They had another Spartan-II program running concurrently with the one we know about.
Spaceman Spiff said:This made the reveal for me.
The trailer itself didn't nearly have the punch of the Halo 2 X02 reveal, or the Halo 3 E3 '06 one, but the visual fidelity and animation on display made up for some of it.
That and the triumphant return of the BR and Elites as antagonists. Fuck yeah.
More likely the gifs are.Kibbles said:So Geoff Keighley and numerous Bungie employees are lying?
Son of Godzilla said:ONI isn't on Reach is it? There's no way Helfer could show up, right? Wait, wasn't it mentioned in game that Buck and Chinnie Longstocking survived Reach somehow?
... I'm gonna go ahead and be pre-emptively disappointed in the dialogue too.
Betrayalton.Vast Inspiration said:Oh noes! Bungle showed me the opening cinematic of Reach which introduces the characters like they told me they would, instead of making a seperate teaser trailer which won't end up in the game at all which I would've cried about once the game came out because its not in the game and Bungle deceiveded me!
Not at all, I would never imply that. Perhaps just overly optimistic.Kibbles said:So Geoff Keighley and Bungie are lying?
What?GreekWolf said:Bullshit that's realtime. With the geometry and lighting on display, those gifs are an order of magnitude greater than anything we've seen on consoles. Don't get me wrong, I'd absolutely love for it to be true... but do you really think the 360, with it's 512 RAM can crank that out without blowing a gasket?
This makes the wait for actual gameplay even more irritating.
GreekWolf said:Bullshit that's realtime. With the geometry and lighting on display, those gifs are an order of magnitude greater than anything we've seen on consoles. Don't get me wrong, I'd absolutely love for it to be true... but do you really think the 360, with it's 512 RAM can crank that out without blowing a gasket?
This makes the wait for actual gameplay even more irritating.
Jizz?Shishka said:That wasn't paint.
Such a huge leap from the previous games. The walking animation in the ODST intro was really bad; the move to mo-cap has been long in coming.clashfan said:Animation was the biggest improvement for me.
Glad I'm not the only one up killing time waiting for it.Kibbles said:1hr 12min until HD Release. *eagerly awaits*
GreekWolf said:Bullshit that's realtime. With the geometry and lighting on display, those gifs are an order of magnitude greater than anything we've seen on consoles. Don't get me wrong, I'd absolutely love for it to be true... but do you really think the 360, with it's 512 RAM can crank that out without blowing a gasket?
This makes the wait for actual gameplay even more irritating.