Hydranockz said:I really want to see what it is you are looking for, and if anyone else knows please tell me, but right now you are describing my experience of the existing custom game system.
bobs99 ... said:So its been confirmed that you cant change armour abilities on the fly, your stuck with what you spawn with. Im not sure I like that, I guess I will have to spawn with the Jetpack and find a DMR on the map based on the few examples Bungie showed :lol
Hydranockz said:Sprint seems rather... dull in comparison to every other AA so far. Anyone else getting that vibe?
Kibbles said:
bobs99 ... said:Yeah but It will be insanely useful at keeping you alive, if your about to die, sprint around the nearest corner and keep going. Im personally thinking that Camo sounds like the worst of the bunch, anyone thats played CoD will know exactly how crappy the perk that jams enemys radars is. I love it when my enemys use that perk as it alerts me to them immediatly :lol - Add to the fact that the camo is weakened by moving, who is ever going to be fooled by the thing.
I just hope Elite rolling doesnt effectivly turn Elite gametypes into Gears of War.
From the sounds of it, the best load out will be Pistol and Sniper, that would beat the DMR at any range!
bobs99 ... said:Yeah but It will be insanely useful at keeping you alive, if your about to die, sprint around the nearest corner and keep going. Im personally thinking that Camo sounds like the worst of the bunch, anyone thats played CoD will know exactly how crappy the perk that jams enemys radars is. I love it when my enemys use that perk as it alerts me to them immediatly :lol - Add to the fact that the camo is weakened by moving, who is ever going to be fooled by the thing.
I just hope Elite rolling doesnt effectivly turn Elite gametypes into Gears of War.
I imagine the Camo perk will be useful in objective games. Send some of your team in one way, duck in the back while the enemies are distracted and don't notice a funky radar.bobs99 ... said:Yeah but It will be insanely useful, Im personally thinking that Camo sounds like the worst of the bunch, anyone thats played CoD will know exactly how crappy the perk that jams enemys radars is. I love it when my enemys use that perk as it alerts me to them immediatly :lol - Add to the fact that the camo is weakened by moving, who is ever going to be fooled by the thing :lol
I just hope Elite rolling doesnt effectivly turn Elite gametypes into Gears of War.
Devin Olsen said:
Okay, now I'm really excited to play as an Elite in Reach...at least equal to that of playing as a Spartan. Nice to see that Bungie is committed to playing as an Elite be a completely different experience from playing as a Spartan.Size matters. And when we say Elites are faster, we mean it. Natively, Elites are about as fast as a Spartan at full Sprint. Add Evade into the mix, and theyre easily the most agile combatants on the battlefield in multiplayer.
Unlike Spartans, their health is not limited to recharging in thirds as their vitality is whittled away in stages, but will recharge fully without even the need for a health pack. Their health also recharges faster, as do their shields. Significantly faster.
Now this sounds like a very clever way of handling loadouts and could make any gametype a little more interesting. Bravo, Bungie.For some playlists, that might mean every Load Out features the same weapon sets with only the Armor Abilities to distinguish them. For others, it might mean that as the game goes on, youll have access to more and more choices based on a number of factors we can fiddle with.
Huh. I thought Elites could only use the dodge ability? Or I guess that was just implied from the MP trailer. As I said earlier, I love hearing how camouflage is being implemented in Reach. Much more robust than 2's or 3's camo.Active Camo can be used by Spartans and Elites alike. It grants you temporary invisibility, but the effectiveness is hampered in two distinct ways. The faster you move, the more visible you become and the shorter the duration of the effect will be. If you want to make the most of it, stand still or move slowly.
:lol[There's a sweet image of an invisible Elite here, but you can't see it because it's, you know, invisible.]
Not sure how I feel about you being able to shed plasma grenades during the armor lock because I've always enjoyed knowing that if I stuck a person I know I'm getting a kill (not including that glitch where the sticky disappears in Halo 3). We'll see, I guess.Youre rooted. But youll shed plasma grenades, shred vehicles unfortunate enough to attempt a splatter, and deflect projectiles. (And you look pretty bad ass while you're doing it.)
The grenade launcher has an EMP charge...? Guess so.Youre also susceptible to EMP bursts from Plasma Pistol charges and the Grenade Launcher.
Sadface.Secondly, grenades will not asplode when you shoot them on the ground. Didnt make it into the build in time, but its still in the works for retail. You can still shoot grenades out of the air, though, and frags will still do minor impact damage should you bean another player with a direct shot.
Fucking awesome.And the Assault Rifle? Its your go to rifle at close to mid range. Youll definitely want to feather the trigger to take down shields and make your assault as personal as possible, just like you did in Halo 3, even though it's been tuned a little to favor accuracy over straight up aggression.
Looks like it's final: No repeater in campaign. Kinda sad to hear this.The Repeater is, essentially, the Assault Rifles counterpart, but its a little too effective for use in campaign. So when youre in that space, youll likely see Elites utilizing the Plasma Rifle youre already familiar with.
That's a pretty big change considering we've had four games worth of holding down the trigger without having to worry about shortcoming our chances to get a kill. Positive thing about this: less turret spamming.The Warthogs chain gun will now overheat after prolonged use
Why are there so many people surprised? I thought it was pretty obvious from what Bungie was saying that there would be a DMR loadout for specific gametypes (like, say, rifle starts).BladedExpert said:Also, DMR loadout!!!11!! One month left....
lolwut?Dax01 said:Looks like it's final: No repeater in MP
Dax01 said:Why are there so many people surprised? I thought it was pretty obvious from what Bungie was saying that there would be a DMR loadout for specific gametypes (like, say, rifle starts).
What I think will be great is 2 players on the same team using camo at once. The other team kill one and wonder why their radar is still jammed hahaha.PedroLumpy said:Yeah that's mildly disappointing about the camo. Warning people you're about to gank that there's an invisible dude running around.
While we don't know how visibile you are while running while camo'd, crawling while camo'd seems silly. Currently in Halo 3 you don't appear on the motion tracker, but are visible. With camo you do show up on the motion tracker, but you're invisible. That doesn't seem much better.
Probably not, since Bungie seems pretty big on balancing the weapon+ability combos so nothing is much better than the rest. If you want to fly, you won't be shooting fools across the map until you scavenge a dead enemy's DMR.big ander said:I'm hoping there's a Donger+Jetpack loadout.
Oh wow, a scenario of 2 camo guys working in tandem just occurred to me, one activates it, runs and causes a distraction, every enemy in the area starts chasing, while the other ducks and waits till the enemies run past him, then he puts the combat knife to use. ohgosh.Hydranockz said:What I think will be great is 2 players on the same team using camo at once. The other team kill one and wonder why their radar is still jammed hahaha.
.Nutter said:By the gods YES, FUCKING YES.. A DMR load out.![]()
Wizman23 said:If you pick up someones weapon do you pick up their amror ability as well?
BWU said:And in the Beta, when you fall down dead, your Armor Ability will not be added to the subsequent estate sale.
BWU said:So, how are we gonna work them into multiplayer? Well, in a number of ways. In some circumstances, like Arena, youll only square off Spartan vs. Spartan or Elite vs. Elite. In others, well stay tuned.
I agree with Letters. You won't be seeing a DMR/jetpack starting combo or a camo/shotgun starting combo because it will definitely be unbalanced.Letters said:Probably not, since Bungie seems pretty big on balancing the weapon+ability combos so nothing is much better than the rest. If you want to fly, you won't be shooting fools across the map until you scavenge a dead enemy's DMR.
Camo+Shotty probably won't happen either for example.
Um, that's exactly what it means. Doesn't bother me, though. Elites sound like they'll be really fun to play as.Cerrius said:I hope this doesn't mean we'll be forced to play as an Elite.
I don't care how fancy their new evade roll is, or how uber kewl their new shields are. I never want to play as an Elite. Ever.
Dax01 said:I agree with Letters. You won't be seeing a DMR/jetpack starting combo or a camo/shotgun starting combo because it will definitely be unbalanced. Plus, I don't think we'll be seeing a shotgun as a starting weapon period unless it's one of those wacky gametypes.
Cerrius said:I hope this doesn't mean we'll be forced to play as an Elite.
I don't care how fancy their new evade roll is, or how uber kewl their new shields are. I never want to play as an Elite. Ever.
Dax01 said:Um, that's exactly what it means. Doesn't bother me, though. Elites sound like they'll be really fun to play as.![]()
dslgunstar said:Of course you would, in the arena. It wouldnt be any different that switching sides on an asymmetrical map. One round you're the Spartans, the next round, you're the Elites.
big ander said:WhatHowWhereWhen
BWU said:The Repeater is, essentially, the Assault Rifles counterpart, but its a little too effective for use in campaign
Basically, the Elites would rape you 10x more than they do with the current Plasma Rifle if they had it in Campaign.Bungieware said:Question regarding the Repeater and this statement:
It is stated that the Repeater is too effective for campaign, yet is the counterpart of the assault rifle. I don't understand, for the following separate reasons:
1. If is it too effective for Spartan use then... how is it the counterpart of the assault rifle that we will obviously be using in campaign. Surely a weapon that is the counterpart to one of the least effective weapons against the covenant in the game would not be too effective for spartan use. Is it's effectiveness greater against Elites than Spartans?
2. If it is too effective for Covenant use then I disagree, as I'll SLASO any scenario. But joking aside I don't see how this weapon can be balanced in multiplayer yet overpowered in campaign given the vehicles and other weapons that we can assume are present in both.
Essentially what I'm asking is how exactly is this weapon too effective for campaign use?
I'm going to assume it is point number 2 they are concerned with. The encounters in this game have been confirmed to be larger than the ones present in the previous entries in the series. You will also be controlling a character that is not quite as proficient as say Master Chief. Due to this, they don't want the 30 elites running towards you to mow you down with repeaters and instead give them the traditional plasma rifles.Bungieware said:Question regarding the Repeater and this statement:
It is stated that the Repeater is too effective for campaign, yet is the counterpart of the assault rifle. I don't understand, for the following separate reasons:
1. If is it too effective for Spartan use then... how is it the counterpart of the assault rifle that we will obviously be using in campaign. Surely a weapon that is the counterpart to one of the least effective weapons against the covenant in the game would not be too effective for spartan use. Is it's effectiveness greater against Elites than Spartans?
2. If it is too effective for Covenant use then I disagree, as I'll SLASO any scenario. But joking aside I don't see how this weapon can be balanced in multiplayer yet overpowered in campaign given the vehicles and other weapons that we can assume are present in both.
Essentially what I'm asking is how exactly is this weapon too effective for campaign use?
BWU said:Second, the Magums maximum effectiveness is found at short to mid range
Confirmed that won't be part of the beta, in this very thread by a Bungie employee.The Alchemist Penguin said:Was the Falcon confirmed for the beta? I thought I had read that, but it isn't mentioned in the update so I'm wondering if I had just dreamt that confirmation. :lol
Nice.ManCannon said:Couple o' random things:
You don't have to play as an Elite in MP if you don't play in the playlists that warrant it. (also IF there is ever an Elite vs Elite Arena playlist, it will be separate and in addition to the core Spartan vs. Spartan offering)
By default you will not drop your armor ablities for someone else to pick up. (perhaps it ends up being a toggle for custom variants... maybe, not certain yet)
Elite's don't only Evade but it is their racial speciality. They can also fly, camo, etc.. (like Sprint for Spartans)
I've heard of Josh using the Camo pretty effectively to defend a flag recently. Was crouched motionless, totally invisible, assassinated opponent who unknowingly grabbed the flag. Became hero.
When you exit Armor Lock you get a very temporary lingering overshield state that protects you ever so slightly. Otherwise you're out at the same state you went in (but likely your shields recharged during the lock, depending on timing).
Kibbles said:Basically, the Elites would rape you 10x more than they do with the current Plasma Rifle if they had it in Campaign.
At least, that's what I got out of it.
Natakuu said:I'm going to assume it is point number 2 they are concerned with. The encounters in this game have been confirmed to be larger than the ones present in the previous entries in the series. You will also be controlling a character that is not quite as proficient as say Master Chief. Due to this, they don't want the 30 elites running towards you to mow you down with repeaters and instead give them the traditional plasma rifles.
Bungieware said:I wish there was a more insane difficulty that tips the balance scales much more heavily in the AI's favour though.
ManCannon said:Couple o' random things:
You don't have to play as an Elite in MP if you don't play in the playlists that warrant it. (also IF there is ever an Elite vs Elite Arena playlist, it will be separate and in addition to the core Spartan vs. Spartan offering)
By default you will not drop your armor ablities for someone else to pick up. (perhaps it ends up being a toggle for custom variants... maybe, not certain yet)
Elite's don't only Evade but it is their racial speciality. They can also fly, camo, etc.. (like Sprint for Spartans)
I've heard of Josh using the Camo pretty effectively to defend a flag recently. Was crouched motionless, totally invisible, assassinated opponent who unknowingly grabbed the flag. Became hero.
When you exit Armor Lock you get a very temporary lingering overshield state that protects you ever so slightly. Otherwise you're out at the same state you went in (but likely your shields recharged during the lock, depending on timing).
EazyB said:Nice meaty update.
Still want to know how much damage the grenade launcher does (direct hit, off bounce, and secondary fire) and if it is indeed a "pro" pipe as they claim or just a means of people who'd traditionally get their kills with the AR resorting to a grenade launcher because the pistol is ripping their shit apart.
Good to hear the warthog's gun has an overheat. Woulda been nice if it needed a bit of a warm up period too but it's better than nothing. Hope they've adjusted its damage vs wraiths and tanks so it actually stands a chance at taking them down and they don't have to resort to the laser to balance the heavy vehicles out. Think the tank's cannon should have a much slower turn speed so they could put it on more maps without it dominating. Wraith is balanced pretty well in Halo 3 and although the ghost is extraordinarily boring to drive, it's balanced nonetheless. Can't wait to hear about the other vehicles and how they'll spice up that sandbox if the chopper is gone.
"Shoot grenades out of the air." Don't want that at all. Hopefully its limited to the sniper rifle or something because I don't want a wall of AR spam to turn into an instant grenade detonation should I choose to toss one to slow down the charging idiot.
Pistol sounds like the perfect anti-AR weapon, kinda bummed about how much Urk emphasized how inaccurate it was vs the DMR. If the gametype doesn't allow for DMR starts across a lot of the loadouts I'd feel limited to the one or two that did have it just so I don't get boned from spawn ala Halo 3.
Maybe the effect on radar is less obvious if you're standing still/crouching?bobs99 ... said:The opponent grabbed the flag even though the Radar indicated a invisible enemy was around... :lol
So Camo and OS have pretty much been accounted for in terms of Armour Ability, I really am going to miss having them as objects on the map![]()
Really? Still sounds like a pos to me. I suppose someone could camp flag with it and just lock up for the max amount of time while his teammates come back and attacker can't do anything but retreat but that's the only thing that has me worried about it. Doesn't seem like an AA I'd ever bother picking up unless it was the only one with both the DMR and magnum.Dani said:Dream Crusher's comments, in addition to the details we know, really make the Armour Lock seem quite overpowered.
EMP Effects, invunerability, slight shield boost upon finishing...
I can easily see a chase after a bomb or flag grab, you'd send one or two players with the Armour Lock Ability to embed themselves within or infront of enemy players and you'd instantly have a defence wall for a few precious seconds and the EMP would keep them from passing.
I want to like it - it looks really amazing visually. =\
That's a good point. Didn't even see that there.advent29 said:In the most recent podcast they mentioned how there will less grenade spamming than there is in Halo 3. 3/4 of those Load Outs 3 grenades are shown. I'm pretty sure you start with 1 grenade in Halo 2. What's the deal?