Well seeing how some arcs won't tie into others. This story arc could run along the actual reach story that was presented in the book. So while the actual reach story is going. This reach story could run equivalent to the actual documented story that was in the book.
So by saying that this could be an entirely new story that is running in the background of the actual reach story. So they could take it anywhere. For example: These spartans could be infact a mish mash covert op spartan II's and III's team pulled together from any team, squad company spread across the galaxy. Which would explain the different armor and designation numbers.
Infact I am willing to bet that this is a new story arc within the reach story. And that bungie could release a book before the game comes out explaining the events around these different class of spartans and how they came together. I have no doubt in my mind that these are a mix of SIII's and II's.
So by saying that this could be an entirely new story that is running in the background of the actual reach story. So they could take it anywhere. For example: These spartans could be infact a mish mash covert op spartan II's and III's team pulled together from any team, squad company spread across the galaxy. Which would explain the different armor and designation numbers.
Infact I am willing to bet that this is a new story arc within the reach story. And that bungie could release a book before the game comes out explaining the events around these different class of spartans and how they came together. I have no doubt in my mind that these are a mix of SIII's and II's.