Okay, I just got out of some Halo matches tonight. I am reminded how frustrating Halo can be.
- tons of quitters
- booster accounts
- people de-leveling by being afk in a match
I hope Bungie is addressing these problems. For one, if people quit out of a game while in the lobby, then go back and add more players until it's a full game! It's so stupid to have a game of 4v4, see 2 people on your team drop out, then get stuck in a 4v2 slaughter.
Shouldn't it also be obvious when people have "0 experience" and they're leveling?
I think the AFK thing is the trickiest. There's got to be a way to kick somebody without waiting for them to betray you, but obviously you don't want people to just kick others for no reason. But man is it frustrating when a person is standing there, not moving, or maybe just running into the enemy without shooting so that they die. It's even more frustrating when they're talking to you the whole time and there's nothing you can do about it.