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HaloGAF |OT: Anniversary| So fades the great harvest of our betrayal.


I'm at max rank and eh. No idea what the supposed story is about. The progression seems very fragmented too. Gameplay is very nice, though perhaps a little too tedious in regards to bosses. Would have benefitted greatly from a lean mechanic, IMO

I don't like how you can't see exactly what your friends are doing aside from the planet they're on. UI is just silly. The tower is pretty embarrassing (no collision models wut. And the stores? I don't even know because they certainly don't tell you what's up with those). World is empty and dull (though I did find three caves with the exact same enemy placement... Ha!). And the performance on 360 is shocking. I mean usually you'd expect dips under 30 this late on in the gen. But Destiny actually locks up completely when under strain. 0fps. Especially crazy because in comparison to Reach it looks like someone has rubbed Vaseline on your screen (though I guess more is going on in the background? IDK)

Multiplayer is awful. I don't see it lasting at all. AND THE FREAKING VO. I actually hate it.

I think it'll be a game I'll only ever play if my friends are cooperatively
Yeah, after playing Destiny, I think I'm gonna hold off on the main game. Story mode is cool, and the strike mission was the best, but PVP was just.... I'm not hooked. The story is so disjointed, and idk if that's because this is a beta or if the main game will be similar. Think I'll pick it up when it's discounted.


I'm at max rank and eh. No idea what the supposed story is about. The progression seems very fragmented too. Gameplay is very nice, though perhaps a little too tedious in regards to bosses. Would have benefitted greatly from a lean mechanic, IMO

I don't like how you can't see exactly what your friends are doing aside from the planet they're on. UI is just silly. The tower is pretty embarrassing (no collision models wut. And the stores? I don't even know because they certainly don't tell you what's up with those). World is empty and dull (though I did find three caves with the exact same enemy placement... Ha!). And the performance on 360 is shocking. I mean usually you'd expect dips under 30 this late on in the gen. But Destiny actually locks up completely when under strain. 0fps. Especially crazy because in comparison to Reach it looks like someone has rubbed Vaseline on your screen (though I guess more is going on in the background? IDK)

Multiplayer is awful. I don't see it lasting at all. AND THE FREAKING VO. I actually hate it.

I think it'll be a game I'll only ever play if my friends are cooperatively

You can collide only with your fireteam in the tower, to prevent people from griefing pubbies


You can collide only with your fireteam in the tower, to prevent people from griefing pubbies
I haven't played with a fireteam yet. Just seems a bit immersion breaking, haha. I noticed it while on Earth that you don't physically interact with any other player that you come across. I guess I can understand why but eh

Something is weird about Destiny. I feel rather 'alone' while playing story. Even when coming across other players. It doesn't feel like we're working together to accomplish anything... Just that some other random players have to go where I'm going and it's still every man for himself. The tower is the worst in this regard. I thought it was supposed to be a kind of HUB but it seems to be that no one has a common goal.

/last of my Destiny rants. I'm a bit disappointed with it. Luckily Halo is coming out this year too :3


The outside world does feel a bit empty, but I think they have the ability to adjust event frequency. In the pre-alpha it was nonstop public events, and was toned down in alpha and beta, so maybe they're trying to find a sweet spot. I do agree it can feel empty.

The tower is just for vendors/player character customization, and pick up randoms for fireteams. There's no goal to it.
Destiny has grown on me. I fucking love this game.

I really hates playing it last week, and the game appalled me during the Alpha. I'm not sure what's changed, but I love the game now.


(XBONE) Destiny is giving me so much trouble right now. it continually freezes in the installer. If I force quit it on the dashboard and leave it installing in the May Games & Apps section it will download about a percent every half hour, if even that. It will often times simply stop downloading and revert to "Queued."

It's been 5 hours at this point and its only at 45%

If no one having a similar issue?!? I got 25 mbps business class internet, this should not simply be on my end, yet the only complaints of slow downloads that I see are from people with slow internet.
Signing off Destiny for the night (actually morning). Still not clicking. The gameplay is fun, but the worldbuilding is just missing something, and the story seems pretty weak. Yes, yes, it's a beta, only have access to the first 8 levels (actually only hit 6), but the stuff we do have access to isn't great. Hoping there's more to it than what's in the beta. Like... characters, for instance. And maybe more nuance to the enemies; maybe it's just misplaced expectations, but I'm kind of disappointed with the constant referencing of "The Darkness." Thought there'd be more to it than that. Hell, maybe there will. But it's not a favorable first impression. I'll play some more later, try to hit max level. See how it goes.


I literally JUST started, but... I dunno. Maybe it'll grow on me, but it's not quite clicking. Definitely going to keep playing, though.

It took me until the final story mission available before i smiled first time when playing it.
That is, some two hours.

The only thing i really like is the world(building), species and locations look interesting, everything else is merely OK or uninteresting. Music i don't really care for either, aside from the music in the final story mission. The only bad things are PVP and the shitty boss encounters (in the beta's only Strike), so overall the game is solid.
If it had splitscreen option, i'd get it this year because playing it with friend at your side would catapult the experience to something much better. Playing with friends over the internet just isn't the same (and that isn't an option because my friend's 360 was stolen earlier this year).
As it is i may be willing to pay 25€ for the game, at most (it is good enough i actually consider buying it even if at reduced price).

Destiny does make me want an open-world Halo though. Massive maps, with objectives that can be completed in any order you want.
Think the Silent Cartographer but far expanded.
Or just straight-up MMO like zones for maps and free travel between them...


Initial impressions of Destiny for me are quite mixed.

The crucible sucks. It's just not very good. It's not satisfying to get kills and the gameplay doesn't seem to flow very well. Why is there such an emphasis on vertical movement with the double jump and jetpack etc. but you can't shoot properly whilst in the air? Vehicles are massively OP and there does seem to be a pretty big level advantage. Was having a snipe off with a guy and he killed me in two shots, I had to hit him 3 times... Also supers are fucking awful.

Very disappointed in it really. I'll play a few more matches to see if my opinion changes but at the moment it's pretty bad. What happened to Bungie's MP designers since Halo 3?

As for PvE, it's actually quite fun. Organically encountering other players, helping them fight off a bunch of enemies then going your separate ways is oddly enjoyable. The world building initially was excellent, that intro sequence on Mars was very cool. However the whole story took a nose dive off a cliff after that.

"You're a guardian, you've been dead for many years, evil darkness threatens floaty orb above city, go kill things"


That's the gist of the story from what I've got so far. Granted this is a beta but if the final product is like this then I will be very disappointed. Also Peter Dinklage's voice acting is worse than I thought. People have been saying it's a robot so it shouldn't have any emotion but it's obvious in some lines that it they tried to give it some emotion, but they failed. Some of the lines are cringe ably poorly written and acted. As for the actual gameplay in PvE it's pretty good. Like I said before, the way other players just appear is pretty cool. Enemies seem to have pretty good AI and the Hive can be pretty stressful. Other than that... meh. This game clearly isn't for me. I'll keep playing the beta, but as it stands I definitely won't be picking it up.

Shame, what happened to you Bungie?

Also the sound design seems weirdly poor. The music I think sounds great but rarely seems to fit what's actually going on in the game. The weapons also sound really bad after playing Wolfenstein: The New Order. Actually, this entire game seems pretty bland after playing Wolfenstein. Massively disappointed.


So those Halo comics kinda have important stuff going on in there.....they should probably put that stuff in a form of media that comes with the game because
Didact being alive and MC back with the Blue team
is pretty big and interesting stuff.]

Also I swear if
Fred, Kelly and Linda
get killed in the comics I will be pretty pissed.






What's so wrong with that? Seems like a pretty good page to me.

EDIT: Other than the art, of course.
It’s a very corny scene to include, especially noting that the Grandmother bought the Chief action figure and showed it to her friends. The other annoying thing, personally, is the whole “you think they will make action figures of us?”. Best to have cut the scene and just segwayed straight to the Cello scene (which was decent by the way).


Good games ExWife and Kittens. Can't wait to go another adventure.


So after having played on both last gen and current gen, my opinions have only really improved. It feels so good using an xbox controller again (sorry DS3, you were never meant for shooters).

So first off, the game is gorgeous having played it on the gen it was made for. The amount of details that you miss in the last gen systems is insane. Really nice to not have everything look like it got smeared with some Vaseline. The skyboxes are especially beautiful. Bungie has certainly done a great job so far with their art design (as to be expected) and the worlds themselves certainly have character.

The PvE is still great fun and it's really cool to see other players on occasion. Whether it's a random or one of your friends that you run into. I've had a lot of luck with other people and creating fireteams which is great. Even if you just do a quick battle together, wave, and part ways though it doesn't take away from it. As a matter of fact it helps to make the world feel all the more organic and alive. The enemy encounters are also still enjoyable. The AI really shines when on higher difficulties or when there are just enough of them. The Fallen Captains seem to take a page from the Prometheans Knights and Elites.

PvP is hit or miss really. I personally enjoy it but it's more of a cherry on top of a really delicious sundae. Or a cake if you can't eat dairy.

The music is beautiful. I was able to use my headset and holy shit it was an amazing experience. Whether I was in an epic firefight or just sitting at the tower enjoying the local dancers, the melodies and themes were wonderful. I can't wait for the ost to be released because Marty did a brilliant job with it. It's really a shame what happened with him and Bungie. The sound design overall is very well done. Ambient noises and splashing water or just the crunching of dry grass below your feet are all there.

The game isn't perfect though.

Despite the beautiful environments, the world can still feel really empty at times. Having the events occur a bit more often and introducing some roaming NPC's would certainly help with this. It could also benefit from having audio logs and other collectible a to really help flesh out the world and make it feel lived in as opposed to just kind of there. I can't say much about the story since it is a beta and who knows how much they are actually showing us. I'm hoping that the beginning of the full game isn't this short and story bits were skipped over to keep the mystery.

Content is also a concern. I'm hoping that Old Russia is not the only location that we get to explore on Earth at launch. While there are some areas we don't have access to yet, there needs to be more variety. I'm hoping for at least 2 Locations per planet at launch. The story missions dont seem to hold a lot of variety at the moment either but again it's a beta and probably a few of the types of missions we will see.

In regards to PvP there are obviously balance issues. The Titan and Warlock supers as well as the Auto Rifles seem to be the major ones. Handguns, while powerful aren't optimal to use since the only real way to shoot is by stuffing the gun in your face which also make jumping less viable. The decrease in accuracy while jumping is also insane. While Bungie have done an impressive job with the gameplay and ADS it is still detrimental to have such verticality to it and needing to obscure so much of your vision.

Overall though I'm really enjoying the beta and I can't wait for the full game. Bungie seem to have put a lot of live into this game and despite its issues which will hopefully be taken care of, it is still a hell of a lot of fun.


So those Halo comics kinda have important stuff going on in there.....they should probably put that stuff in a form of media that comes with the game because
Didact being alive and MC back with the Blue team
is pretty big and interesting stuff.]

Also I swear if
Fred, Kelly and Linda
get killed in the comics I will be pretty pissed.

What the fuck.... why put that stuff in those horribly drawn comics and not in books or well you know the games?
Or CGI episodes ...

343's confusing way of "expanding" the universe is still horrible.

Edit this is also not a Destiny review thread, there are tons at gaming side, we got closed exactly for that, discussing that stuff that is on gaming side inhere.
X postin

Er, so I pre-ordered Destiny on 360 and got my three codes. Gave two away and downloaded mine... to a flash drive. Load up the beta and I'm told the game doesn't run from am external drive (GG! on telling me that after the DL). So I delete it from the flash drive and go to re-download it to my HD... and there's no evidence of it in the 'my games' section. How to I re-download? Pls help gaf
X postin

Er, so I pre-ordered Destiny on 360 and got my three codes. Gave two away and downloaded mine... to a flash drive. Load up the beta and I'm told the game doesn't run from am external drive (GG! on telling me that after the DL). So I delete it from the flash drive and go to re-download it to my HD... and there's no evidence of it in the 'my games' section. How to I re-download? Pls help gaf

Go to Settings on your dashboard, then Account, then download history.


Thoughts on Destiny so far? I agree, it's pretty lackluster on Xbox 360. Keeping in mind that it is a beta, but damn, this is what they've been working on since at least 09?

Will do next-gen for sure. Also, I had no clue wtf I was doing at the second mission, was just killing enemies over and over and over. Only after did I get the objective. For me, it's just a sprint, pop, a few enemies, get to the darkness area and just use my super or grenades. I think I took that wizard thing out in literally two seconds with a grenade and this fusion pistol I had. I am curious about the story, so I think it'll keep me initially hooked. Not liking the exploration and loot factor at all. Music is really good, at least Marty left something for them to build on before they booted him.

Haven't gotten to PvP yet, so can't really comment in that. Been playing by myself, don't really see why this was called an MMO, I see maybe 1-2 random guys and we never interact in terms of battles. Some are level 2, some are level 5 etc.

story mode is amazing. love the customization.

mp is garbage

way too convoluted with all these abilities,different weapons and op vehicles

it makes me appreciate halo 4


Those stills from Nightfall have me hyped for the show/feature. Production values look much higher than FUD and Locke looks badass. Can't wait for the preview this weekend.

In regards to halo mcc, I'm hoping we see some halo 5 beta stuff soon. I would think they would use it to help market the mcc before launch.

I started my destiny download yesterday but had to sleep, won't be able to play until after work today. Really interesting and varied impressions though.


I thought my issue with Borderlands was the messy art style and samey weapons. It might just be with the whole RPG in my RTS thing. Will have to play more though.

No sense complaining about advancing the story in the comics. Makes purchasing them worthwhile. If the games become inscrutable because of them, that's the time to rightly complain.
Destiny is great. The world is beautiful, guns feel really good, PvE is amazing, PvP is fun. As people have said before, don't expect Destiny's multiplayer to be like Halo's because it's not. Whoever started saying they feel similar didn't play enough Halo.


Edit this is also not a Destiny review thread, there are tons at gaming side, we got closed exactly for that, discussing that stuff that is on gaming side inhere.
Wasn't the issue more with exclusively posting that kind of stuff in here without regard to its respective thread as opposed to discussing it in general? There was also the issue of news only getting shown here and not being posted into its own thread among other... problems.

HaloGaf isn't really the Halo OT. It's a place where cool guys and gals who share a love of Halo can meet up and have good times. Whether that's discussing Halo (which it will be if there's news), NFL, or Speedy gettin' owned by Moms.


Wasn't the issue more with exclusively posting that kind of stuff in here without regard to its respective thread as opposed to discussing it in general? There was also the issue of news only getting shown here and not being posted into its own thread among other... problems.

HaloGaf isn't really the Halo OT. It's a place where cool guys and gals who share a love of Halo can meet up and have good times. Whether that's discussing Halo (which it will be if there's news), NFL, or Speedy gettin' owned by Moms.
I believe it also had something to do with the excessive drama towards certain members and the fact that we (myself included) would often refer to gaming side as something over "there"; effectively segregating ourselves from the rest of the community.

Thread seemingly goes a bit off topic every now and again but we always go back to Halo. Of course we're gonna talk about Destiny for a little bit, considering it's Bungie. And personally I don't see anythin' wrong with that /my two cents


Destiny Impressions

1 - The aim acceleration is atrocious. Seriously, I have this at #1 because it makes the game far less enjoyable when I'm constantly fighting against the aiming mechanics.

2 - Cool vibe, feels a lot like Mass Effect mixed with Borderlands.

3 - The crucible is pretty much what I expected and that is a continuation of where Bungie was taking Halo; a disjointed mess with overpowered weapons and abilities flying everywhere. They're shoehorning it into the campaign and so you need to sit through a bunch of long loading screens just to get to a match.

4 - Has potential, but it won't be realized because this Bungie team constantly falls flat when it comes to delivery the actual gameplay. Concept, artwork and music will be great, gameplay will be frustrating (at least in the Crucible, the main game has some hooks).
Guys, this is a HaloGAF thread, not a Halo GAF thread. Destiny impressions are allowed. Mods didn't like us keeping emergent info here and here only. So like, if Halo 5 multi got a blowout and we only kept the info in here without making a gaming-side thread, yeah, that'd be bad. Opinion pieces on publically-available and frequently-discussed content are fine.
you need code?

I guess, want to see how it runs on 360.

First of all.

"My grandmother had one" Is this the future? How on earth future-Neca toys (lol) got the license to make spartan armors because it was super secret and mostly their existence were denied for the civilians until S-IV. Also Future-neca got the license of custom Chief armor and make him a toy even knowing chief left after 72 hours.

Also didnt Spartan IVs were mostly adults? these guys are kids or teenagers (you gotta love they have the same head in the first two panels).


I guess, want to see how it runs on 360.

First of all.

"My grandmother had one" Is this the future? How on earth future-Neca toys (lol) got the license to make spartan armors because it was super secret and mostly their existence were denied for the civilians until S-IV. Also Future-neca got the license of custom Chief armor and make him a toy even knowing chief left after 72 hours.

Also didnt Spartan IVs were mostly adults? these guys are kids or teenagers (you gotta love they have the same head in the first two panels).

The Spartan-II Project went public in the 2540s for morale reasons.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
story mode is amazing. love the customization.

mp is garbage

way too convoluted with all these abilities,different weapons and op vehicles

it makes me appreciate halo 4

MP is fantastic. Needs some balancing, but I've been playing it more than anything. It just feels great right out of the box. Map design is solid, vehicles are fun (easily taken out by supers and heavy weapons), and I like the random events they do.


Destiny has grown on me. I fucking love this game.

I really hates playing it last week, and the game appalled me during the Alpha. I'm not sure what's changed, but I love the game now.

Might be because you're playing it on the Microsoft Xbox One™, The All-in-One Entertainment System.


The Didact figured he might die or something and copied his mind to Bornstellar's, creating a back-up copy of himself. Then the Ur-Didact went mad... so having a sane (Iso)Didact ended up being a good thing.
So wouldn't sane one go mad if he's a copy?


So wouldn't sane one go mad if he's a copy?

Ur-Didact basically got marooned in Flood space and tortured by the Gravemind. He also is the one who lost his entire family to fighting humans, so I think it’s reasonable he goes off the deep end.

Iso-Didact isn’t just a “clone” of the first one, he’s a separate person.


Ur-Didact basically got marooned in Flood space and tortured by the Gravemind. He also is the one who lost his entire family to fighting humans, so I think it’s reasonable he goes off the deep end.

Iso-Didact isn’t just a “clone” of the first one, he’s a separate person.
Shame that wasn't mentioned in 4 it would of made more sense. I dislike the way there's a reliance on books to expand the plot. Even after reading most of the Greg Bear ones still don't have a clue what's going on.
Destiny's main game is great, but the PvP is just kind of eh. It has it's moments but it's nothing special. I won't be touching after the MCC drops though. Halo 2 and CE all day after that.
Good stuff on escalation 8.

Heh, the Composer Abyss, is this dark souls?
Also Spartans-II got Halo 4 armor, the important ones. the black team still died anyway wearing the old armor design.

Cortana got boobies upgrades too.


Ur-Didact basically got marooned in Flood space and tortured by the Gravemind. He also is the one who lost his entire family to fighting humans, so I think it’s reasonable he goes off the deep end.

Iso-Didact isn’t just a “clone” of the first one, he’s a separate person.

I think also the failed composer experiment we see in the H4 terminals effected him on a mental (as well as an obvious physical) level. Which wouldn't have helped.

I wonder if in a way he feels that he "lost" the librarian to humans. She seemed to be the last thing he had left (aside from his obsession with the Mantle)... And then she protects the whole of humanity from him by shooting him and stuffing him in a Cryptum.


Shame that wasn't mentioned in 4 it would of made more sense. I dislike the way there's a reliance on books to expand the plot. Even after reading most of the Greg Bear ones still don't have a clue what's going on.
It's certainly a legitimate complaint. Bungie ignored the books, 343's relying too much on them. There's a happy medium I hope they will be aiming for come Halo 5.

I think also the failed composer experiment we see in the H4 terminals effected him on a mental (as well as an obvious physical) level. Which wouldn't have helped.

I wonder if in a way he feels that he "lost" the librarian to humans. She seemed to be the last thing he had left (aside from his obsession with the Mantle)... And then she protects the whole of humanity from him by shooting him and stuffing him in a Cryptum.

I don't doubt if the Librarian actually did survive the Ur-Didact wouldn't mind straight up killing her. He went postal in Halo 4 when he found out she was still screwing with him via the Chief after all.


It's certainly a legitimate complaint. Bungie ignored the books, 343's relying too much on them. There's a happy medium I hope they will be aiming for come Halo 5.

As far as extended media goes, I've always had the philosophy that they should never be relied upon to fully understand the games. Bungie did this, and it was nice. Especially when it comes to novels (and more recently, film), they should just enhance the narrative of the game; they shouldn't be a necessary addition to get the full experience. Plus, in reality, the majority of people who indulge in extended media are more-hardcore fans of the franchise. That's who it should be marketed for.
"wow they're such awfuls at plot how do you leave critical details in the eu and not the gaem three-hunned-and-forty-three pls"

"what do you MEAN halo reach isn't a one-to-one video game adaptation of a novel only the tubbiest of inheritors would fully contextually correlate considering it was a novel with limited appeal that released 10 years prior?"
"wow they're such awfuls at plot how do you leave critical details in the eu and not the gaem three-hunned-and-forty-three pls"

"what do you MEAN halo reach isn't a one-to-one video game adaptation of a novel only the tubbiest of inheritors would fully contextually correlate considering it was a novel with limited appeal that released 10 years prior?"

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