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HaloGAF |OT: Anniversary| So fades the great harvest of our betrayal.

Hey Squidhands, if you still wanted that squid-handed "OK" avatar, I finally made it for you:

sooooo, i decided to let my sister use my computer to talk to one of her friends for a bit and she closed out of all of my windows, including the RTX recap. So basically, fuck it, I'll talk about it in the next episode of the podcast.

I was working on the writeup for about 5 hours, soooooo yeah.


Duuuuude, Titanfall is so good. I'll probably be playing a ton of it between now and Destiny (and we'll afterwards).

I want to get a headset soon, too. It'll be my first! I have no idea what I'm doing.

Really fun game, it had me hooked at launch like no other game in a while.


sooooo, i decided to let my sister use my computer to talk to one of her friends for a bit and she closed out of all of my windows, including the RTX recap. So basically, fuck it, I'll talk about it in the next episode of the podcast.

I was working on the writeup for about 5 hours, soooooo yeah.

Use a text editor, you fool! Classic blunder!

willow ve

sooooo, i decided to let my sister use my computer to talk to one of her friends for a bit and she closed out of all of my windows, including the RTX recap. So basically, fuck it, I'll talk about it in the next episode of the podcast.

I was working on the writeup for about 5 hours, soooooo yeah.
No auto save? You writing for five hours in a forum window?


I believe it's actually a quote from The Princess Bride

Yeah, but I never saw that movie until like six months ago so RvB is the first time I heard it. I also didn't think The Princess Bride was that great a movie.

I know I know I'm a horrible person.

And there are plenty of good armor perms in Halo 4, but you aren't going to tell which ones are by the Waypoint renders. Really hope (alongside a general Waypoint improvement) that aspect gets an upgrade for Halo 5 (or MCC—especially given that we could have broken-out multiplayer stats for the MCC, would be an awesome time to see a streamlined and more powerful Waypoint.)
sooooo, i decided to let my sister use my computer to talk to one of her friends for a bit and she closed out of all of my windows, including the RTX recap. So basically, fuck it, I'll talk about it in the next episode of the podcast.

I was working on the writeup for about 5 hours, soooooo yeah.

I've done this too many times to count :(

Now I pin my tabs and periodically "backup" using the windows sticky notes, since a simple copy/paste is all that is needed.

I also don't let anyone use my PC, unless I switch to a locked down guest account that can't change or access anything. People love to just go on computers and do stupid shit like move files or icons, change wallpapers, close tabs, etc like it's their own. I don't even care if it's for a second to check the "game", you're getting a guest login for that second lol :p That way I'll get it back the way I left it!
As I sit down on my computer, I crank up my favorite Halo tunes, sit down with my favorite bag of Doritos™ and my refreshing bottle of specially marked Mountain Dew™, I hype myself up to tell you about the exciting return of Sprint and flinch into Halo 5!

Disclaimer: I apologize for how ass my camera is.

Ok, I've been planning this trip for a year, and it literally all came together within a month of the actual trip itself. On July 3rd, 2014, I drove to Des Moines airport where I would wait about 5 hours through various flights, layovers, and whatever else I went through to meet up with my best friend that I've never met before, MIXMASTERCHlEF from HBO/HaloGAF, to attend my first RTX. Naturally he had to impress me, so he drove like a fucking maniac all over Austin, and we got lost multiple times. There was an air of "calm before the storm" above the whole city, seeing as the convention essentially exponentially grow each year.

I told him to be gentle, seeing as how I haven't had my RTX cherry popped yet, so we used a lot of lubricant in the form of Whataburger. Seriously those suckers are greasy. We went back to his house to get settled in for the weekend, and played Titanfall, as well as rage over how truly horrible it is. We still had a lot of time to burn, seeing as it was still Thursday, so he took me to see the dress rehearsal of his town's production of "The Music Man", which was incredibly meta, seeing how it takes place in Iowa, and being from Iowa, I can confirm that the musical portrays it as at least 7x more exciting than what it actually is. We then head to the bars to literally do everything else but drink, but don't worry, we'll make up more than enough later. After hitting a late-night Taco Bell run, we then crashed at his house, before getting ready for Day 1 of RTX. So ended Day 0.


The Most Delicious Mistake I've Ever Made

We woke up on Friday, extremely tired, but our excitement overcame that, so we went to go pick up the kid that would be tagging along with us, his name is Kelton, or as I like to call him, The Luckiest Sonuvabitch Alive. We'll get to why later though. We hauled ass to Austin, (everyone drives like a fucking maniac in this state btw), to get to Registration and pick up our badges. The line to get into the exhibit hall was fucking insane, you could feel the passion behind this community, everyone was buzzing with excitement to meet their favorite celebrities, as well as get their hands on whatever the floor has to offer.

We from there, ran from the crazy people and took part in an ancient RTX tradition, which is to head to IHOP, where I had a delicious dish of chicken and waffles. #BrunchMasterRace We took out our swag bags and looked at the plethora of advertisments included with it, believe it or not, eSports turned out to be a HUGE thing at this year's RTX.


As you can see, you can quickly learn to love to hate this face.


We're so fucking cool.

We got back to the convention center, and the line for the exhibit was still ridiculously long, so we decided to go to some panels, the first panel we went to was the Rooster Teeth Live Action panel and we had the best seats in the house. When I say the best, I mean the most atrocious seat that anyone could ever get. We were sat right in the direct line of sight of a camera and the viewscreen. Which nullified the entire point of the panel. So I sat on my phone, messing around on Facebook until it was time to skedaddle.

The original plan was to go to the 343 booth and stalk Bravo until we could set up an interview time with him. So after the panel we did exactly that, except Bravo was in the midst of casting a mean game of Halo: CE. As was expected at an event such as this, the AR kids were out in full swing, meanwhile, our fearless leader Gh057ayame was poopin on these kids with Predict-a-nades™ and That-Crispy-3SK-Magnum™ Eventually, it was too painful for me and Mix to bear, so we hopped in line to see the super-exclusive, behind-closed-doors demo for Halo: The Master Chief Collection. The Demo was the exact same thing that we saw at E3, but we could see the 60 FPS at work, and let me tell you, it was sexy.

We got to the Q&A section of the demo and one of the questions was "Will the multiplayer have a unified ranking system?" and the answer was yes. This was interesting because they haven't confirmed what kind of ranking system it would be, we had hints and stuff, but this was the first actual confirmation, whether this a slip of the tongue or whatnot, I'll take it.

Prior to the demo however, Mix, spotted one of the 343 guys handing invites to a couple in front of us, and knowing the tradition, 343 was having another after party, so we set out with one objective.

To get into that party. No matter the cost.

Fortunately, the price to pay was as simple as going up to Bravo and chatting with him, and where he expressed his sadness at not being noticed in the HaloGAF threads. We straight up asked him if they were doing another after-party this year, and he pull a few invites out of his pocket and gives them to us, which made me super hyped to be completely honest. He also told us to keep it on the DL so I felt like such a fucking cool nerd. On the way back to the truck, we saw the Sudds enter an elevator, we decided it was in our best interest to live from that near-Sudd encounter and got the hell out of Dodge.

We from there went back to the lovely town of New Braunfels to get super-drunk off of Tequira (<--inside joke) and had the most amazing 1v1 on Lockout you could possibly have.


'Nuff Said


You can see the frustration at all the AR kids.


I've got a golden ticket!

Day 2. Only the most important day of RTX to a Halo fan such as I, being that both the Halo MCC panel AND the Halo after-party. I woke up upside down on the bed, hungover and confused, as naturally as I should be. At this point, I hadn't showered in like 3 days, so I was coming in hot with the fragrances. But I didn't care, we once again picked up that guy Kelton and hauled ass down to the Austin Convention Center once again. We also ran into Geoff and Griffon on the streets of Austin.

We headed straight for Halo panel, even though we were about 2 1/2 hours early. We wanted the best seats to witness that 60fps sexiness. And while in line, we ran into the famous Halo4Follower, and in fact, he gave our podcast a 1-minute plug for one of his RTX recap videos. And yes, that moment was gif'd incase you're wondering. He does get a lot of shit on these forums, but suprisingly, didn't try to recruit me into a pyramid scheme or try to push vehicle packs in Halo, he was just a cool dude at RTX trying to grab some #content for his channel.

From what I understand, the less-than-superior twitch stream was only 30fps and all orangey, and I can tell you, the 60fps is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo smooth. The skybox is orgasmic. The sound is crisp and clean, and the visual style is fresh, and a perfect blend of the Halo 2 visual philosophy as well as the Halo 4 visual motifs.




#artisticsoftfocus feat. HaloFollower

We went out to lunch to Ironworks, which is literally right next to the convention center, and it was fucking amazing. Texas does BBQ like no one else. Coming back we got mugged by this crazy dude looking for a water moccasin. He gave us some bullshit about having colon cancer, so i told him i only had $5 (i had closer to $200) so I gave him a fiver to go spend on whatever crack cocaine he wants.

We kept going around to the exhibit floor where we saw a Mantis made out of Megablox, which was actually pretty sick, as well as getting stalked by Blaine from Rooster Teeth. I swear to God, every time we turned our back, he was there. We also to the Iron Gaming panel and they showed off some trading card shit, I don't know what happened there, it was kind of a train wreck.


Best vehicle ever? :kappa:

After seeing the SlowMo Guys on the street, we hauled ass to New Braunfels once again to drop off Kelton. We found out that not only that he had accidentally got invited to the after-party as well, but he had found over $70 worth of Merch laying somewhere. He's a funny guy, but he's also an asshole. So we dropped him off and hauled ass to Austin (if you can't tell, I like the saying "hauling ass"), while singing the Halo theme on repeat the whole way there.

It's fucking Saturday night in the great city of Austin, Texas, and a little fact we failed to take into account is that it gets busy as fuck at 8:30 at night. So we are just circling the city, trying to find some god-forsaken place to park. We even drove the wrong way down the street, because the construction in Austin confused pretty much about everyone, so after trying to find someplace free, we failed, and bit the bullet of $10 parking from 2 blocks away from the venue.

We finally get to the Market, and we see a bunch of Halo cosplayers (felt bad for them tbh, had to be hot in a small joint packed with about 150 people). First person we see when we get in there was Lawrence from Inside Gaming, so we shot the shit a little bit with him, while he was waiting for Adam Kovic and the other guys from IG. That sort of set the mood for the night, there were a shit ton of celebrities there, all of which, I were not expecting to be there. I was expecting a bunch of nerds from the Halo community, the 343 guys, and maybe one or two guys from Rooster Teeth, and this was not the case at all. There were at 20 celebrities and 10 pros there including Ghandi, Maven (him and I were twinning that night), Formal, Benson (who I trolled the shit out of during the tournament, I'll get to that later thought), surprisingly, the Sudds were not invited :kappa:. We head upstairs and run into Burnie Burns, and Austin starts off a conversation with him, and I introduced myself to him, and immediately got the vibe that he was a super humble guy, which I appreciate a lot.

The Halo 2 tournament was about to start, and the teams were a mixing bowl of people from all over the community, it was really cool to see people from the more casual side of the community like Rooster Teeth and Inside Gaming playing with the pros like Ghost and Formal and Ghandi. I was right in the back of the British Beastie known as Benson, so I gave him a quite a lot of shit, because, being completely honest, he fucking sucked.

As the night went on, people got more and more drunk, so the party kept on getting weirder and weirder. I went to the bathroom, and saw James from Inside Gaming there going to the bathroom. A thought flashed through my head to say hi to him, but I realized I didn't want to be one of "those" people. So I went about my business, and as he was leaving, he just came by and farted right by me while I was using the facilities, looked me dead in the eye and said "pushed that one out, didn't I?"

Another interesting story in the bathroom was while me and Mix were talking in there, Lionel (the sustain manager for 343) came in and seeing there was no towels, straight up just starts doing a dance and patting his hands off on his shirt. He starts off a conversation with us about the party, and meanwhile, all 3 of us come out of the bathroom and see Bruce from Inside Gaming borderline catatonic sitting in a chair by himself in the small downstairs hallway. Lionel then proceeds to try to sell me on the popart MCC shirt that I ALREADY HAD ON. At the end of the party, we go to try to talk to Bravo about setting up an interview for Sunday (which looking back, probably wasn't the smartest idea), and we ask him what time tomorrow, and he responds with "Yeah, we had a good time, didn't we?". We eventually just let the poor guy be and go on our way, all the while, I was dumbstruck by the sheer amount of famous people I met there, and most importantly, how fucking cool they all were.


Brandon from Rooster Teeth playing the GOAT of all Halo, Halo 2.


Me taking a selfie, while trolling the shit out of Benson


The only picture that matters, tbh.


From the Halo Waypoint RTX Recap, Look Mom, I'm Famous!

Day 3, the final day of RTX, everything was coming to a close, there was still that excitement that was present on Day 1, but there was also an air of somberness about the Convention Center, as everyone had the burden of the knowledge that, this unforgettable weekend was about to be over. We stumbled through a few panels and wandered about the exhibit floor, all the while, finally bitching about how much our feet hurt from essentially 3 days of non-stop walking.

We were at the 343 booth once again, just to go witness the hilarity of hungover-casting, and it was glorious. Lionel had lost his voice, Bravo was rocking those shades and we all saw each other, and we knew exactly what had happened. Me and Austin were separated, but we were both looking at the 343i vs AR Nation matches, and he called me over and told me I was standing right next to the Sudds. Sure enough I looked around, and there they were. Talk about a reality check. We then stuck around to watch the Sudds match and it went about as hilarious as we expected. Probably more, actually, I knew they were bad, but I didn't know they were THAT bad. Austin looked at me and I looked at him back, and we knew we were going to play those guys and get at least 1 kill.

We hopped in line and waited for about an hour as kids were getting pooped on left and right, while we watched the same Ascension comparison video and Halo 5 MP Beta teaser on a loop until the laptop streaming them died. We were behind of a few guys from Pulse, little did we know, and before they went on, Ghost's/Neighbor's Xbox died. The replacement xbox that they had didn't have the TU for Halo 2 on it, so the game essentially boiled down to a boxing match. That game was enough to let the 343 guys know that they didn't want to play Halo 2 anymore.

Before I get into talking about our game, I would like the record be known that we are no where near pro level, but Halo 1 is where I shine. We were also using Tashi's Xbox, so we knew that the Halo gods were with us.

They load up Prisoner, and suprisingly, I wasn't that nervous, I was excited to be able to play these amazing players, with the knowledge that I was probably going to get goosed.

But that didn't happen.

We all spawn in the middle of level 3, and it seemed like Neighbor and Ghost were a little bit disorientated, because I 3SK Neighbor right there, and pump a few shots into Ghost before he finishes me off, and in turn, Mix finishes him off. There was then a plethora of predict-a-nades at spawn, and a mini-Magnum match between Neighbor and I, were we trade shots for a good 15 seconds, and I was just pumping lead into him, but the spread of the pistol made me feel like I was playing a game of Halo 3 on an Iranian connection, until he finally kills me. I finish off Neighbor from the snipe tower once again, while Mix was dancing around with Ghost, and we ended up with the score of 25-4.

That sounds pretty bad, but let me clarify. The Sudds went 23-3, and I think that's only because they were hiding half the match. Most of the kids got goosed, and the record for the entire weekend was 25-6. So not only did we walk away with the knowledge that we were some of the better Halo 1 players at RTX, but also with the knowledge that we were better than the Suddoths. It felt good.


I'm still famous!

And from there, we were fucking exhausted. We went and found a little quiet corner of the convention center and I prepped my boarding passes, and Mix passed the fuck out. We finally met up with Kelton, who took us out to Whataburger, he was a cool guy, and we all reminisced about our weekend and how fucking great it was, as well as looked forward to all doing it again next year. We were also totally getting media passes, if some tools from "theDotCast" got them.

Basically, all in all, it was definitely one of the best experiences of my life. I met a SHIT ton of cool people, I had an amazing time talking about, playing, and just being excited about Halo. It was a really good time to be a Halo fan. I also got to go to a place I've never been before and experience things you could experience anywhere else. You guys have probably seen Ghandi's video about RTX and how fucking amazing it is. I couldn't have put it any better. You all should plan to come next year, because it is a fucking fantastic time. I leave you with this final word, if you think that Halo isn't back by this point, there's no convincing you, because the energy and everyone had for Halo was through the roof. the Halo panel got capped early, there was massive lines to watch the demo, hell, me and Mix saw it twice. The future has never been as bright as it is now, and I want you guys to come along for the ride.




Unconfirmed Member
I'll definitely be getting MCC digitally. It'll be my first full price digital AAA game, too.

Glad you had fun at RTX, Mix!
And zoojoo too, I guess.
I missed the spawn killing discussion.

You ever get spawn trapped in high rank halo 2 or 3 play? No?

You know why? Because ranks kept competitive players playing against evenly matched opponents
most of the time

I play Halo 4 team slayer, on the other team are two guests who have no idea what they are doing.

They shouldn't be playing against is on the first place.

Exwife was on the money, evenly matched teams cannot spawn trap each other for an entire match and not lose map control even once.

The only way to get even matches is to have a decent ranking system. Like the one we had a few halo games ago.

Oh and sustainability for a player base would help this too.


Were it so easy.

EDIT: MCC would be my first "mainstream" AAA title I'd buy digitally if we could predownload it... hopefully this suggests that infrastructure might be in place come November.


Yeah, same for me. I want to be able to have acces to all the Halo multiplayer without putting a disc in my Xbox One.

I will do the same for Destiny and Halo 5 when it will be available.

I don't know for you, but I'm going to buy more and more digital stuff, about games, because I'm too lazy to put a disc in my console everytime I want to change the game and start something new.

That's why I liked the first vision Microsoft had for the Xbox One at E3 2013.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Okay, this is strange. I could have sworn I had around 4 credits last night on Halo 4 and I log in to play War Games today and it says 0. What the hell? Do credits only last so long. I'm pretty sure I didn't buy anything.


Okay, this is strange. I could have sworn I had around 4 credits last night on Halo 4 and I log in to play War Games today and it says 0. What the hell? Do credits only last so long. I'm pretty sure I didn't buy anything.
No they last till you use them or the thing resets itself so you buy everything again.


Unconfirmed Member
Okay, this is strange. I could have sworn I had around 4 credits last night on Halo 4 and I log in to play War Games today and it says 0. What the hell? Do credits only last so long. I'm pretty sure I didn't buy anything.
Yeah, credits glitch out / reset every so often.


So I played halo 3 for the first time two days ago... Man I my BR was dreadful. Hoping to get it back before MCC
I just played Halo 3 again for the first time in a long time. We have three tvs up here with three 360s hooked up to them in the day room and that is a game that is pretty popular out there. I was invited to play last night and had a blast. I figured we could play again tonight and that I would bring my 360 out and hook it up, since I had more than the default armors unlocked. Booting up Halo 3 on my 360 for the first time in a couple years shows that I don't have the Recon armor, which sucks. Could have sworn I had gotten it a long time ago; had an account linked to the Bungie site since pre-'09 and got all the Vidmaster achievements years ago but I guess I never got it and missed my window when 343i was giving it away. Disappointing...

I haven't been on Waypoint in forever either so I am downloading that right now so I can watch whatever stuff came with my Halo 4 LE that I got at launch. Internet up here is too terrible to do much on my 360, but I've got a couple hours to kill and should have the Forward Unto Dawn vids available to me.
Nice write up!

I'm actually planning on going next year, I thinks. Only downside is that I'd be headed alone but it sounds pretty awesome. Wanted to this year but didn't quite have the money to fly from Australia to Texas

I went solo down there, but if you mean you wouldn't have anyone to tag along with, you're more than welcome to tag along with me and mix next year


Astro headphones is doing a 2v2 Halo 3 tourney this summer. Free to enter.

Can't wait to see what washed up, high school drop-out, adderall addicted, MLG players are gonna show up to this.

willow ve

Astro headphones is doing a 2v2 Halo 3 tourney this summer. Free to enter.

Can't wait to see what washed up, high school drop-out, adderall addicted, MLG players are gonna show up to this.
Doubles is such a cat and mouse game. Not nearly the chaos of 4v4. I remember watching matches where full minutes went by waiting for weapon spawns. Or multiple games that time out before score to win is reached.

Mind I don't dislike this style of play it's just vastly different from 4v4 from both player and viewer perspective.
Yea, but I'm planning on being lazy for my H2A legendary run and just using the bandana skull.

I don't remember Halo 2 being particularly bad in the ammo management department, but I guess you could make an argument for grenade spamming. There's also the unlimited ammo Sword glitch.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I wonder if Bandana giving you unlimited grenades of all types in every area of the game are going to open up or at least simplify certain out-of-the-map tricks.


I don't remember Halo 2 being particularly bad in the ammo management department

I don't think a single Halo is actually niggardly when it comes to ammo in general. Specific weapon ammo can be hard to come by though, like SMG and BR ammo in Halo 2, or pistol and SMG ammo in Halo 3.
Ironically some Halos are more generous with power weapon ammo than standard weapon ammo...


I don't think a single Halo is actually niggardly when it comes to ammo in general. Specific weapon ammo can be hard to come by though, like SMG and BR ammo in Halo 2, or pistol and SMG ammo in Halo 3.
Ironically some Halos are more generous with power weapon ammo than standard weapon ammo...

I had to google that word to see if it wasn't some sort of slang.

Why worry about ammo when you can equip a perk that lets you have more!


Unconfirmed Member
Halo 2 ammo was plentiful on Legendary after Cairo Station. Everything about Halo 2 Legendary was better after Cairo Station (except the introduction of Jackal snipers).


I think "stingy" would probably cover it.

The dictionary suggested it as well.
Memory is funny, especially when it comes to non-primary languages, you may remember some odd word that no one uses easily but forget very common words when you need 'em.
Or perhaps that's just my memory, i'm not surprised if there's something wrong with my memory :/
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