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HaloGAF |OT| Not a thread about Halo

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What kind of meat is it though.



Really great news about Microsoft backing down. Although we will see some interesting functions being taken away ie. Family Share, I think this decision will help keep the Xbox community healthy. I was still planning on getting Xbox One before, but this makes me more confident in purchasing it.

This was some pretty epic news, and I can't believe it happened.

343 your turn.
If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

SBD on suicide watch?

First is family sharing, this feature is near and dear to me and I truly felt it would have helped the industry grow and make both gamers and developers happy. The premise is simple and elegant, when you buy your games for Xbox One, you can set any of them to be part of your shared library. Anyone who you deem to be family had access to these games regardless of where they are in the world. There was never any catch to that, they didn’t have to share the same billing address or physical address it could be anyone. When your family member accesses any of your games, they’re placed into a special demo mode. This demo mode in most cases would be the full game with a 15-45 minute timer and in some cases an hour. This allowed the person to play the game, get familiar with it then make a purchase if they wanted to. When the time limit was up they would automatically be prompted to the Marketplace so that they may order it if liked the game. We were toying around with a limit on the number of times members could access the shared game (as to discourage gamers from simply beating the game by doing multiple playthroughs).
There is no reason Family Share can't exist within the digital download ecosystem. Microsoft could've had it both ways on this: no DRM bullshit on physical media AND sharing on digital media.

It would've made for some good press for them. Their disc-based games would've had all the same rights as Playstation 4 discs AND they would've been able to say "plus, for all you digital customers: you get to Start a Family" or whatever the kids call it nowadays.

EDIT: Leave it to the bloodsucking lawyer to find the devil in the details.


How dumb do you have to be to believe that a profiteering corporation would let people share licenses across the country under the guise of "Family Sharing"?
Dumb enough to understand that several profiteering companies already have a similar system in place for their licenses I guess?

I agree with Fyrewulff that Family Share was another 14 Day Buy and Play farce, but people that thought it was real weren't dumb.


Dumb enough to understand that several profiteering companies already have a similar system in place for their licenses I guess?

I agree with Fyrewulff that Family Share was another 14 Day Buy and Play farce, but people that thought it was real weren't dumb.

Be specific, I have no idea what you are referencing at all.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I should go write a PasteBin article pretending to be Frankie's janitor and pretending to have the Halo 5 script from his desk. Chief becomes like Obi-Wan and lives as a hermit until Halsey's babby is in trouble and Chief teaches him the ways of the Spartan.
Since Obi-John is on the run, I want to see the ramifications of his suit being compromised like the teaser alludes to.

Man of Steel had the "how does he shave?" campaign, Halo 5 needs a "where does he poop?" slogan plastered all over cans of Dew and bags of Doritos.


This is what I'm not understanding. People have this misguided notion that somehow you can just designate anyone as family and share your games for free anytime etc.

They wouldn't go through so much trouble to try and kill the used games industry, just to create a new system that can be abused.

Are developers going to lose money on the gamers that trade in their games and buy used, or on the gamers who, like Speedy said, would get all their friends and family and start sharing games. One guy buys, ten guys play.

Even if the pastebin article is fake. That's probably how it would have worked. Your friend could play a timed demo/portion of the game and then have the option to buy.
If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

SBD on suicide watch?

Lol, it's just the PSN full game trials, except they're even more limited. Hahaha.

If this is really true, I wonder if is this was the "it gets worse" part of the DRM that CBOAT was saying would be revealed at Gamescom.
Since Obi-John is on the run, I want to see the ramifications of his suit being compromised like the teaser alludes to.

Man of Steel had the "how does he shave?" campaign, Halo 5 needs a "where does he poop?" slogan plastered all over cans of Dew and bags of Doritos.

That Man of Steel campaign was so bad. The nerd inside me was yelling at the screen "heat vision in the mirror!"


It's just... Family Sharing sounded so good. :/ Really imagine it.

Xbox One launch day, HaloGAF starts a family.

For Example, I buy Battlefield 4, You buy Call of Duty Ghost, Kyle buys Killer Instinct, Juices buys Watch Dog, Deadname buys Ryse, etc.

Everyone buys one games, and now we all "own" and can play them! We could plan out in this thread "Hey guys I want to play Ryse this week, can no one else play it?" and schedule who plays what when, etc. It would require effort but it would have been so good, and everyone can play games for cheap.

It was such a cool feature that's gone now... Family Sharing was honestly enough for me to give up my "consumer rights" and accept DRM and an always online check. :/

yep MS rethought that, and just like the PS3 share feature it would have been changed sooner or later.


Seriously blows my mind that there are people in this community who actually believed Family Sharing was going to work like you'd HOPE it would. All you need to do is look at the similar system on PS3 that caused Sony so many headaches and ended up being nerfed because it was exploited to hell and back.


So for countries that aren't getting Xbox One at launch, will they be able to import one even though they need a day 1 update?
Microsoft just can't win here, can they? Ha.
If they would have started selling digital versions of the game on the 360 for less than the disc versions at game launch, had a better monologue at E3 as to what the true benefits are for an all-digital future in gaming (and not be too proud to make the PC/Steam correlation), I think the vitriol would have been much less and possibly not even have to do a 180 on their goals. Microsoft did the exact opposite of that and paid the price of their hubris.


If there was a way to make different rules/ecosystems for digital and discs it would have been perfect.

Or a way to transition into this always connected future without punishing those who want to play games offline.

Not sure how to accomplish that, but it is true. They were making a system with policies to support some amazing opportunities, but I suppose not much is changing. If a game requires the cloud you need to be online anyway lol.
Yeah DRM and all that was Microsoft's way to make more money off copies sold. If anyone really thought you'd be able to give away 10 copies of your game, they're crazy. That would make the problem they're trying to solve worse.

Dongs Macabre

aka Daedalos42
Yeah DRM and all that was Microsoft's way to make more money off copies sold. If anyone really thought you'd be able to give away 10 copies of your game, they're crazy. That would make the problem they're trying to solve worse.

Well, family sharing could have actually worked out quite well if the full game could be played.

Say the owner of the game shares it with his friends. Now his friends can play it. But wait! They want to play it at the same time! Now 5 of them have to have the game for them to all play at the same time. They might not have even gotten the game in the first place, but now the publisher sold 5 copies when they might have only sold 2 or 3. But hold on! DLC just came out for the game. They all want to play the DLC, so they buy it (assuming DLC isn't shareable and you don't need to own the game to get the DLC). Now the publisher sold 5 copies, and 10 DLCs! Then one guy is having some hard financial times, so he cancels his Gold subscription. But he was the owner of one of the games! Now one guy has to buy a copy of the game, or they have to find someone else to share with.

Plus, it has the benefits of piracy, like people telling their friends about the game, and then their friends buy it, etc.


If they would have started selling digital versions of the game on the 360 for less than the disc versions at game launch, had a better monologue at E3 as to what the true benefits are for an all-digital future in gaming (and not be too proud to make the PC/Steam correlation), I think the vitriol would have been much less and possibly not even have to do a 180 on their goals. Microsoft did the exact opposite of that and paid the price of their hubris.
Of course. Still, seems like people are overreacting a little bit. MS has obviously done good here, but it looks like everyone has just moved onto something else to complain about.


Just got an email from EB games (I believe that's Gamestop in the US? I dunno)

Wonder if MS had to pay to get this publicity. I don't recall ever getting an email or even being told about the always online when preordering.


No it doesn't.

barforama at ADS. Was this demanded by Activision or something?

We are moving into a time where no one will be able to play FPS on consoles without ADS. The groundwork Bungie did with making analog sticks suitable for FPS with aim assist, magnetism, adhesion and other clever tricks is not enough for the masses. We must slow them down to a crawl, put a huge gun model and scope in their screen and take away most of the recoil, oh and while we are at it, snap to target for the most precious of casuals.

Sell millions and make it easier for game journalists to experience your content and expensive art assets.


We are moving into a time where no one will be able to play FPS on consoles without ADS. The groundwork Bungie did with making analog sticks suitable for FPS with aim assist, magnetism, adhesion and other clever tricks is not enough for the masses. We must slow them down to a crawl, put a huge gun model and scope in their screen and take away most of the recoil, oh and while we are at it, snap to target for the most precious of casuals.

Sell millions and make it easier for game journalists to experience your content and expensive art assets.

You're missing the most important aspect:

In the singleplayer campaign, you're a white, 30-something male who hasn't shaved in a few weeks who is a lone soldier in a dying America. You must chase down the leader of the opposing foreign country and kill him. Yourself. No help.

willow ve

I should go write a PasteBin article pretending to be Frankie's janitor and pretending to have the Halo 5 script from his desk. Chief becomes like Obi-Wan and lives as a hermit until Halsey's babby is in trouble and Chief teaches him the ways of the Spartan.
Ate you quoting Wahrer now or trying to give him more ideas?
Look a lot like Borderlands.

Borderlands without that stupid black humor.

We are moving into a time where no one will be able to play FPS on consoles without ADS. The groundwork Bungie did with making analog sticks suitable for FPS with aim assist, magnetism, adhesion and other clever tricks is not enough for the masses. We must slow them down to a crawl, put a huge gun model and scope in their screen and take away most of the recoil, oh and while we are at it, snap to target for the most precious of casuals.

Sell millions and make it easier for game journalists to experience your content and expensive art assets.

Nah, I never used ADS in borderlands or any other FPS adventure game, you dont get any bonus or something like COD or any other military game, it is just for image and you are not forced to use it, unless is a sniper rifle or a target locator weapon.


Borderlands without that stupid black humor.

Nah, I never used ADS in borderlands or any other FPS adventure game, you dont get any bonus or something like COD or any other military game, it is just for image and you are not forced to use it, unless is a sniper rifle or a target locator weapon.

Yup. ADS in Destiny seems harmless. That being said, I still would prefer it not being there/being more like a Halo/HUD linkup.

But we live in an age where people think Halo is backwards for not letting you ADS. I remember the people complaining about CS:GO not allowing ADS lol
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