I barely know you, but fuck outta here kid.
Xbox Live paywall? Again easy to infer.
Mirrors Edge 2? Amazon leaked the game for Xbox One, everyone assumed it was Xbox One exclusive, everyone was wrong, thankfully (Mirrors Edge 2 on PS4 <3)
Microsoft buying Third Parties to show Multiplatform games and make it seem Xbox One exclusive? Was rumor befored heavily, rumor was Microsoft was angry and was gonna money hat everything.
World of Tanks? I didn't see anything regarding this. Good work CBOAT. This one was 100% right and a leak, respect!
PS4 no paywall, maybe, not sure? That's not really a leak... It could go either way, obviously no knew but Sony and Sony high ups, probabaly.
Prince of Persia? Came out of nowhere, CBOAT was the first I heard of this. He was wrong. Or maybe he's not and Ubisoft is just waiting to reveal. We'll never know.
DRM will get worse? Kind of obvious as well and a safe prediction.
Honestly... You guys say he has a nice record, but I'm not seeing it. Please show me some leaks he got right undeniebly. I'm sure CBOAT is an insider, he got World Of Tanks and Dead Rising 3 right. Maybe he's sources were wrong this time?