Well, I've decided on GTA IV Complete and Battlefield 3 premium Edition (40 bucks is a steal compared to paying 20 bucks for the game and 60 bucks for the MSP). Future Shop also has used copies of Singularity for 8 bucks, so I might get that.
Future Shop eh? If you haven't played AC3 yet, toys r us has it for $19, just ask future shop to price match and beat by 10% and you can get it for $17. I know it won't be as good as AC2, brotherhood or revelations, but it wasn't a bad price.
I've got such a backlog of games built up myself. Arkham City 10/10, Red Dead GOTY, AC3 now, Far Cry 3 etc. Ridiculous how cheap games get after the initial few months, or even if you wait like a year.