Tip number 2: don't do something you love, do something that is going to be secure for your lifetime. If I did something I loved I would be a music teacher or something like that but I figured that being good at pharmacology would pay off in dividends. Now my student loan payments are through the roof, but I knew what I was getting in to.
When I was in my early 20's and art school didn't work out I went to cosmetology school. I had a day 1 job with my barber who trained me. I got destroyed by my friends.
Until they all started partying at my place, having me put them on VIP in the NYC clubs through all my hookups etc.
Then I used that money to go to computer school. I own my house at 41, no mortgage and work from home half the week.
I was killed on moving from the city to PA too, now all those same people have 25-30 years on their mortgage in their 40's...
Always have something you can fall back on to make some green.