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After next gen ends and is no longer supported, the Xbox One literally becomes a useless brick, as does all of your games. That's enough to prevent a purchase for me.


I cant even remember the last time my internet went down.

Plus even when it does go down you cant go do something else? Seriously?

Connecting once every 24 hours is hardly a big problem.

Lol. I have Verizon Fios and my connection dropped twice in the past two days. Its hardly a problem for you.

I think people are failing to see the bigger issues and implications that will arise with always on DRM. Especially for those who live in places were connections are more spotty. Or you know, say you move and don't have internet but want to play a game? OR their servers go down and can't verify your ownership. Or it just glitches and thinks you don't own the game. Its a fucking ugly situation.

I wish they would just treat it like PC. One time use code, you need the internet to verify it once, and no used games at all.


Used games stuff bleeds over in to the always on DRM which is what really bugs me, and should bug others. Should MS servers go down there is a good chance you will not be able to play your SP games. That is unacceptable to me. No used games is unfortunate, but I can take it. Needing a connection check up every 24 hours is something I really can't take.

And these things are all still under consideration and are not final.

Get off the jump to conclusions mat until details are actually released.

24 hours is too often, but I doubt it will just brick your console if it hasn't checked in.

I wish they would just treat it like PC. One time use code, you need the internet to verify it once, and no used games at all.

Wouldn't be surprised if it ends up more like this.
That brand loyalty I guess.

Most of my time online now is spent watching stuff over playing games. I've bought 2 games in the last 16 months so the DRM thing doesn't affect me at all.

If I wanted just a pure games machine I'd probably go Playstation. Im more interested in everything else entertainment wise, with games being on the side. All that Skype shit really appeals to me too. Have a lot of friends who have moved abroad so Id use that.

Plus I cant go back to that Sony controller.

Most of my real life friends have Xbox over PS too.

Also what Kyle touched on, all my "online" friends have Live and will be getting the new Xbox.

Just wanted to say you can do all the media shit on PS3 for free while you have to play for XBL to use it on XBox.

Also you could try being a leader and get your friends to buy a PS4 to play with you


Pachter of all people made this post:
The rumor mill on used games boils down to this:

Microsoft is requiring gamers to copy the files on the DVD to their Xbox One hard drives, so that access to games is instant. This is pretty routine for PC games, makes a lot of sense if they want the system to be truly "instant". However, it creates a problem if more than one game is installed, because, obviously, the user can't have the DVD in the disc drive. That creates the potential for the same game to be installed on more than one machine. The gaming press speculated initially (see MCV article over a month ago) that this meant sales of used games would be blocked altogether (rumor #1), and that was initially reinforced by Phil Harrison's interview with Kotaku. I think that the copy to the hard drive requires Microsoft to periodically validate that the same file doesn't work in two places at once; however, the "solution" to this "problem" could be as innocent as deactivating the first install when the disc is copied to the second hard drive. The conclusion that copying to the hard drive the first time will preclude a second copy isn't necessarily the only outcome, and deactivating the first install would serve the same purpose, allowing the resale and second install of the original disc.

At the Xbox One reveal, Microsoft said more than once that used games wouldn't be blocked. The rumor than morphed into a discussion of a transfer fee (rumor #2) imposed on the consumer. Microsoft equivocated, and sort of denied, then confirmed, then denied this. At the end, I think someone (maybe Major Nelson) used terms like "enabled" when talking about used games and "no present intention" when talking about transfer fees imposed on consumers.

Then the rumor mill got ridiculous.

Rumor #3 morphed the transfer fee from being imposed on the consumer to being imposed on the retailer, citing "retail sources" and a "retail employee", both apparently in the UK who each claimed that "key retailers" had been "briefed" by Microsoft about its plans to impose a transfer fee on them instead of consumers. I understand that the UK is an important market for Microsoft, but it is dwarfed by the U.S. The largest games retailer in the U.S. is GameStop; that company had an earnings conference call with analysts the day before rumor #3 surfaced in the UK. During its conference call, GameStop management repeatedly praised Microsoft as a valued partner, and said that any announcements about used game policy were Microsoft's to make, not GameStop's. My personal impression was that GameStop management was upbeat, and not downcast, about the potential for the Xbox One launch, so that is inconsistent with the view that rumor #3 is true.

I would now like to offer both a business lesson and a history lesson: Facebook decided to charge a 30% fee on currency purchased for Facebook games only after Zynga had grown games to over a $1 billion annual business. Assuming that Facebook behaved rationally, they allowed Zynga to create a giant business without impediment, then, once it was large, they imposed the "Facebook tax". Zynga was powerless to object, as it depended on Facebook for the vast majority of its revenue.

I know pose this question: IF Microsoft intended to impose a transfer fee on retailers for sales of used Xbox One games, why would they brief key retailers on their intentions six months before the console launch, and 18 months before the Xbox One used games business became meaningful???

In my view, IF Microsoft intended to impose a transfer fee of any kind, it would wait until the installed base for Xbox One was large, until gamers and retail were "addicted" to the console and its software. They could pull a Facebook, and spring the new "tax" on retailers in 2015, and they would not have foregone much revenue at all. While I don't personally believe that Microsoft is Machiavellian at all, I think that from a business perspective, this makes much more sense than briefing retailers six months before launch so that retailers could decide to boycott the device or could attempt to influence consumers to buy the PS4 instead.

Just my two cents, but in my view, Rumor #3 is so idiotic as to deserve ridicule.
So those authentication servers will stay up until the end of time?
I never said that, but perhaps you should wait for more confirmed details to surface before making all these predictions like some sort of zealous analyst.

This is coming from someone that isn't so keen on the Xbox One either.
Just wanted to say you can do all the media shit on PS3 for free while you have to play for XBL to use it on XBox.

Also you could try being a leader and get your friends to buy a PS4 to play with you

Thats the thing, I don't want a Playstation. Had a PS3 for 6 months and ended up selling it because I never used it. Im looking forward to getting a new Xbox.

The gaming side screams blasphemy at MS focus on entertainment being equal to games, but honestly that suits me down to the ground

My coal powered modem better not go on the fritz.

My 50mb download speed and steady connection will be okay. God bless Tallaght!
Steam code Dear Esther for a HaloGAFfer:

Warning: Artsy "non-game", if that's not your thing. I liked it. And hey, it's free :p
Let me know if you redeem it.


Re: Xbox One

Even if the used games & verification controversies prove to be less awful than expected, Microsoft's attitude and publishing structure around Indie's is a turn off.
They need to allow self publishing. What made sense for the platform 7 years ago, does not make sense now.


I never said that, but perhaps you should wait for more confirmed details to surface before making all these predictions like some sort of zealous analyst.

This is coming from someone that isn't so keen on the Xbox One either.

I would assume nothing is totally concrete at this point, but come on; Harrison outright said that Xbox One must be connected to the internet at least once every ~24 hours. After that, you cannot play games until the system is reconnected. Games can't even be activated unless connected to Live.

Maybe it will end up being different, but it seems clear that this is the direction MS is taking their platform.

Does anyone here have a WiiU? If so, would you recommend it?

I don't have one, but I'd recommend waiting at the moment. The onslaught of games hasn't come quite yet, and it will only get cheaper between now and then.
Thats some narrow minded thinking. I have been without a connection for over 24 hours before. Now, I live in a suburb close to a big city, so thats rare, but those who are in less than ideal locations for internet have to deal with it more frequently.

It sets an ugly precedent. What happens when their servers go down? Hell, what happens if MS drops out of gaming? (lol, I know)
Will we even be able to play Xbox One games in 10 years?

Always on DRM is a fucking bad idea. Games like Diablo 3 can show one of the reasons why.

Only time I've been without an internet connection for that period of time because there was no power for that period of time.

The system is not always DRM, it just needs an authentication check once every 24 hours (which I'm sure authentication is always active if you are connected to the internet [why wouldn't you be?], so the chances of that happening on your or their end is absurdly rare). Now, developers can make a game require online if they want to offload processes to the cloud, and that is their choice. The updates to the Xbox Live infrastructure are pretty massive according to them as well.

You know as well as I that Xbox Live isn't going anywhere, we'll be playing games on this console in 10 years, same as people playing games on the 360 10 years after release.

Like I've said, I understand why people are upset and against some of this, but I really think in reality it will be an absolute non-issue. Also, no disc swapping is awesome for me.
and now we're buried in Page 2 :/

Well, page 1 now because of my post. Either way, depressing that what was once one of Gaming Communities most active OT, we get knocked into Off Topic Community and we drop from Page 1 regularly. :/

Are the mods considering bringing us back to Gaming side?


Does anyone here have a WiiU? If so, would you recommend it?
I have one. Just wait until games like SSBU, Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, 3D Mario come out first.

I'm getting Xbox because I have been with it for 5 years and I love Xbox Live and the arcade. Plus all of my online friends are there.


Chances are they would just remove the need to authenticate the games after the One runs its course. You guys can't be that dense.
and now we're buried in Page 2 :/

Well, page 1 now because of my post. Either way, depressing that what was once one of Gaming Communities most active OT, we get knocked into Off Topic Community and we drop from Page 1 regularly. :/

Are the mods considering bringing us back to Gaming side?

Use subscriptions like a sane person, don't know or care what page the thread is on.


Weird things you find on twitter.


I didn't even recognize Bravo.


This is how I imagine Elzar playing Infinite for the first time:


There is always a frog, named Elzar, a piggy and two old guys snarking.
Chances are they would just remove the need to authenticate the games after the One runs its course. You guys can't be that dense.

Yeah, Steam has had a built-in kill-switch which means that they can remotely strip DRM if they ever go out of business forever.

Its make sense that when Microsoft no longer see the console as a viable platform they would strip DRM and then collect whatever small profits they can get from left over systems.


So here's exactly why we got locked.

1. Too many complaints from posters about other posters. It resulted in stricter moderating and then ultimately what we have now, a locked thread.

2. General gaming news was being buried in HaloGAF rather than posted in Gaming Side first. General news was coming from the HaloGAF thread rather than HaloGAF posters in gaming side.

3. We're too self contained. It's like we're our own forum. That's not what GAF mods want



And so the slrple is complete. He who hath salted, now hast slrp'd. He who hath slrp'd, salted.

I'm still waiting for my apology card from Deadly Cyclone & Co, RE: Halo 4. I'm like those twins in Bioshock, I was, am, and will be right about Halo.

Frankie if you need to use HGS Consulting Inc please pm juices and we will tell you what's wrong with Halo 5.
And these things are all still under consideration and are not final.

Get off the jump to conclusions mat until details are actually released.

24 hours is too often, but I doubt it will just brick your console if it hasn't checked in.

Wouldn't be surprised if it ends up more like this.

I know these things are still under "consideration" (AKA Internet backlash has made them re-approach how final the strategy is), and Im not really jumping to conclusions. I'm just rolling with the information we have, and reacting to it and expressing my opinion. If people quietly wait until things are final then there really isn't a chance for change. I'm not saying people can change the Ones entire strategy, but they can make a dent to the anti consumer practices if they firmly share what they are and are not comfortable with.

Predicting the future after accusing someone of being narrow minded, huh?

Oh come on, you know that I'm not saying anything is guaranteed. I'm simply saying this paints an ugly picture that can easily screw over those who purchase the products.

Only time I've been without an internet connection for that period of time because there was no power for that period of time.

The system is not always DRM, it just needs an authentication check once every 24 hours (which I'm sure authentication is always active if you are connected to the internet [why wouldn't you be?], so the chances of that happening on your or their end is absurdly rare). Now, developers can make a game require online if they want to offload processes to the cloud, and that is their choice. The updates to the Xbox Live infrastructure are pretty massive according to them as well.

You know as well as I that Xbox Live isn't going anywhere, we'll be playing games on this console in 10 years, same as people playing games on the 360 10 years after release.

Like I've said, I understand why people are upset and against some of this, but I really think in reality it will be an absolute non-issue. Also, no disc swapping is awesome for me.

Sure, but thats for you, not everyone.

Now, say MS packs a cheap 3G chip into every One, and if you lose connection it can still verify your ownership.. I'd be OK. Not thrilled, but I would be a lot happier with the situation.

Time will tell, but I'm simply not comfortable with the presumable direction that things are heading.

Chances are they would just remove the need to authenticate the games after the One runs its course. You guys can't be that dense.


But its the precedent that I don't like. IF they don't flip the switch, or IF they do go under, etc, its gone. Its simply a ugly complication that can be avoided entirely if they do not go the route of always on DRM.


Oh Lord... Thank God Bravo got rid of that obnoxious haircut. Haha, I'd never be able to take him seriously if he still had that dome.
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