I agree with this, but it's also sort of funny that a couple months ago I thought Nintendo was dead in the water with the U, but now it seems like it accidentally has features that PS4 and Xbone lack. Such a weird moment in time for the industry.
I probably won't get either of the systems at launch, but I will likely get the Xbone once (if) a new Halo game hits. As much as I'd love to pretend I have principles/morales/common-sense about all the consumer rights issues and the killing Halo issues, I don't.
It's a big no-no to say (especially now), but I really have no big quarrels with the X1. I do respect and understand why people are against its policies though.
For me it bows down to games and how much time Im going with on them. I know that I put a lot of time into Halo games, like hundreds of hours even with the lesser games. While its nice that there is some diversity in exclusives on all consoles, I never really stick with those games very long. I do appreciate having a backburner game, which I play, analyze and move on (Mental exercise: think of the games you played and liked, but never really returned to).
Seeing as the market is moving in more shorter movie-like games, I never feel like Im missing out too much these days. Maybe its my nature to seek out more gameplay centric affairs, which people seem to shun more and more and well the industry itself too, and because of that Halo kind of still draws me back.
Im looking forward to the PS4 too btw. DriveClub looks really, really, really awesome.