Why isn't the hate warranted? Did they really say 'a billion times' that it was about the hardware and features not games? Because that's what they said after. Before, they dropped vague hints of the new generation revealed, told us it'll only be an hour long, to wait for the better reveal at E3. They never said before 'lol, let's get this television shit out of the way before E3'...
No. They said it before. They didn't say "Hey we'll prominently feature Television." Because they didn't say anything at all. It was all meant to be a surprise. They didn't want to hint or leak or talk about anything before the reveal.
Litterally, this is an exact quote from Aaron Greenburg:
"We have so much goodness that there's no way we could have packed it all into one event," Greenberg said.
"The best way I can describe it is: We're really going to tell one story across two events," he added. "So we're going to start on the 21st [of May]; and really that's about revealing the next Xbox platform and our vision for the future of games, the future of entertainment."
Aaron Greenberg said that his company will roll out its next-generation video game hardware in two steps first at a special event held tomorrow at the Redmond, Wash., Microsoft campus, and then at a more game-centric event during the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in June.
They DID what they said. Showed the Xbox One, showed it's features. Showed what it's capable of, and showed us a FEW games so we have a good idea of what's to come. E3 is ALL about the game.
You really are wrong, there is no reason you or anyone else should be upset that the Xbox Reveal wasn't about games. No one should call the reveal bad because it didn't feature games all throughout. It was expected, it was stated before. We were told about it before hand. You can't be frustrated about it, and you can not, at all, call it a disappointment or bad because of it. For any other reason, you can, but because it didn't feature as many games as gamers would like? You can't.
And even then, they failed because they didn't give us any concrete details. Half the information we have now, we got from half-assed interviews with execs after the reveal. What kinds of television features are these? Is it US only? Can someone speak in non-english and get the same kinect voice features? What does always online consist of? What kind of APU is it? How much RAM is provided to devs for games? For OS? What about used games and always connected? What does it mean?
We didn't get an concrete details because Microsoft themselves aren't sure. That sounds ridiculous, and I agree. At this point Microsoft should be 100% sure on what they're doing, but they're not, that's the reality. We got information that wasn't complete, that might not be correct. We're attacking Microsoft BECAUSE of this info, and we shouldn't be.
Television? It was to showcase what it can do, the details don't have to be 100% given, that isn't part of show casing the system and what it can do.
The Kinect part, you do know current Kinect works in languages that aren't English, right ;P You can probably infer that Kinect isn't English only.
APU and RAM? No one cares about that aside from gamers, let's be honest. Everyone was aware that the Xbox Reveal wasn't only for gamers, it was for every Xbox Fan. Casual and Hardcore, it's good Microsoft didn't waste times going in depth with the specs. All the majority of Xbox One buyers will want to know (if even this! I doubt anyone but hardcore gamers cares about specs) is the RAM amount (Just amount, not type) and the CPU Cores, and that's it.
Sure some questions are answered now, but you figure they'd be answered at the reveal. You've got sites like wired, IGN, and many others begging devs for an interview to clarify, you've got one person saying something, another person another. It was a pretty poor reveal.
Details aren't 100%, Microsoft is working on it, let's wait and see instead of wait and attack while waiting.
How did Microsoft win with its exclusives when you haven't even seen what they are? They could be some random kinectimals type games as well.
Faith? Crackdown 3 hint, Forza Motorsports 5, Mirrors Edge 2 maybe, thanks to a leak. Quantum Break, Obviously a Halo Game, and a Rare game being revived! Honestly, me being optimistic and hoping for the best is no more silly than users being pessimistic and saying "15 Kinect games"
So to counterpoint, I'll admit some Xbox One hate is unwarranted and we should wait for E3, but I'll also say that those who think that MS will easily have it in the bag at E3 could be mistaken as well.
Everyone is obviously biased right now. I'm clearly being really in favor for the Xbox One, I won't deny it. I just choose to be optimistic instead of neutral or pessimistic. At this point, I was sure I was buying an Xbox One the moment my favorite, and in my opinion, the best racing series ever, was confirmed for launch.
What if PS4 has free online multiplayer, no used games DRM, and costs the same as Xbox One?
Then PS4 has advantages over the Xbox One. That's awesome! Enjoy Sony fans, and me, because I am buying a PS4 at launch as well! Just because Sony's PS4 might be better than Microsoft's Xbox One doesn't mean anything. Both are game systems that'll have awesome exclusive, and I'll play both.
Edit: give me a break that you think lending your game to a friend or family member to play by themselves is stealing.
BRB guys, I borrowed my Dad's truck the other day, I'm a thief. Gonna turn myself in.
Cars and Video Games aren't even comparable. See, when you buy a Car, that car is now Legally yours and under your name. Games aren't like that. When you buy a game, you just bought the right to play the game.
And believe me, I don't think borrowing a game is theft, heck my Manger is letting me borrow MLB The Show tomorrow for the PS3! Awesome! Just by definition, it is theft. Even then, it's not serious theft that'll have the police crashing down your door with a warrant for your arrest in hand. Heck, some people don't even see it as theft. Just by definition, it is.
So since you don't have an issue with it, I can't?
For fucks sake, I can't even bring a game to a friend's place if they don't have an internet connection. LANning is gone forever. From what has been reported, split screen play now costs player 2 $59.99. If your internet connection goes out while you're out buying a game, you can't even play it until it's back up. The console itself becomes useless 24 hours off an internet connection. I brought this up before, but what will happen when next gen ends, and is no longer supported? Does your Xbox One become totally useless, and your game library is then lost?
As for the used games bit, why are you so willing to concede the right to used games? I don't get why you're so eager to pass up an avenue of acquiring games. Maybe you don't buy used or borrow, but there's a significant of consumers that do, myself included. I even started playing Halo with a used copy of CE and H2. I then went on to buy 3, Reach, and 4 at launch for full price.
I don't see why you're defending Microsoft at your own and others' expense. It's cool that these measures might not bother you, but they do affect so many others. To say that being against these measures is wrong...it makes no sense.
I'm not saying you can't have an issue with it. Feel free to. Protest it, stand up for your consumer rights that you may or may not have. Fight for what you believe in! Don't let companies boss you around like this! Just to me, giving up my "rights" to play Forza Motorsports 5, isn't an issue.
And no, it doesn't cost player 2 $59.99 to Split Screen. Again, the game is licensed to both your system, and your account. BAM! You're entire family can FREELY play your game for FREE, if they use the same Xbox! And the console doesn't become useless after 24 hours... it just can't play games lol

I have faith in my Internet. I have faith in the Google Fiber I will soon have. My Internet has never gone out for more than 24 hours, and I have faith it never will. Xbox One obviously has risks. Wither the risk is worth taking, is up to you. If you don't have confidence in your Internet being reliable, you should probably go PS4, no ones stopping you. Buy the system with better specs that better supports your life/internet/wants.
Also... you can't really LAN in real life if you only have one copy of the game ;P There's no difference. Want to LAN? You'll need to have one copy of the game per system. Only difference now is the game is digital. Where is difference? I don't see it?
Like I said, buy the system that better supports your style of gaming. I don't buy used, nor borrow games often/let people borrow my games. I still do those occasionally, but not often enough that it'll affect me. I'm willing to lose it in order to play Forza Motorsports 5, you may not, so don't take the risk and purchase the Xbox One.
Being against these "measures" isn't wrong, but I don't see why people would protest or complain when it's an optional, "luxury" item. No one is forcing you to buy the Xbox One. These changes are going to happen, thankfully you don't have to buy the Xbox One! Buy a PS4/Wii U/PC Gaming! If the Xbox One was a forced item you have to buy, I can see why the complaints (they're not even complaints, they're valid concerns) are flooding in, but since it's something no one has to buy... I don't understand it.